Soloing Kin

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Soloing Kin
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: aerandir
Posts: 82
By Cerberus.Aerandir 2021-03-19 17:52:59
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My setup for doing this as Thief was Sylvie, Ygnas, Monbereaux, Joachim and Koru-Moru, in that order. However, occasionally Koru would die during the last 25% when I was running in behind Monbereaux to get his Cover to break Target, even during the Trust Campaign.

I have tanked this a few times as BLU and it is substantially easier than as Thief. I remember making good use of Diamondhide and White Wind, and I do not think that would have been possible without Tizona's MP recovery, especially considering the fact that Aspir would almost always drain my MP. Some Vile Elixirs might be useful in this situation (Is using meds/food considered solo still...?) but I don't remember ever being in serious danger of dying aside from the rare "Interference > Impact > Interference" combo.

There were quite a few attempts where I timed out though... It didn't take many accidental heals to break my focus, but the biggest problem I faced was losing more than 1 trust, especially early on in the fight.
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2021-03-19 18:07:33
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Cerberus.Aerandir said: »
(Is using meds/food considered solo still...?)

Why wouldn't it be lol
By Shichishito 2021-03-19 18:30:52
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sucks that the trust campaign is barely ever active, guess they can't have solo players get stuff done, got to sell more multiboxes.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-03-19 18:31:25
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It was just active last set of campaigns I believe? IDK is pretty regularly imo.
By Shichishito 2021-03-19 18:40:26
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the enhanced HP+ reviving after first death one?
there was one recently where you could pick up trust cipher you didn't have yet with currencies, are they the same?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kelg
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kelg 2021-03-19 18:43:23
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I think the trust sale is part of the same campaign
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2282
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2021-03-19 20:32:16
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SilentKing said: »
I know semantics. Using trusts isn't soloing.

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-03-19 21:22:08
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Shichishito said: »
the enhanced HP+ reviving after first death one?
there was one recently where you could pick up trust cipher you didn't have yet with currencies, are they the same?

There's 2 campaigns. Alter Ego Expo is +50% HP+MP, enhanced status ailment resistance. Alter Ego Expo PLUS gives you the 1 time RR on non-Iroha 1 trusts. The last one was in February and just ended at the beginning of this month. They run them all the time, pretty sure there was another one like a month or two before the last one
By Shichishito 2021-03-19 22:29:20
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damn, then my trusts simply like to die a lot.
By Draylo 2021-03-20 00:03:30
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Saying meds and trust isn't a true solo... jeeze
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2021-03-20 03:31:02
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I mean I'm pretty sure SilentKing is just a fanboy of pets jobs and he is just biased. He thinks only pet jobs can "summon help" and count it as solo. Trusts are just a violation of his feeling that pet jobs should be the one that solo with "pet".
By Draylo 2021-03-20 03:39:24
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The meds thing was a thing before trusts came around, people claimed it was not a "true" solo, yet in any FF game in low level runs or single character challenges they heavily rely on meds/items. Trusts are considered magic in this game and I don't see why you can't consider something a solo if they are used, seems silly as its one PC.