Other REMAs in 2021
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kelg 2021-02-23 11:56:25
Is there any reason to build Almace or Sequence if you have Tizona?
I would like to get them eventually just for completion sake but I was wondering if there's any real use for them seeing as how good the Tiz/Thib combo is.
Just looking at them it seems like Almace is better off on RDM or PLD since Expiacion is so much better than CDC, but I could still see it being useful as an offhand if you need acc I guess. Does this beat out something like Zantetsuken though?
Sequence seems like it could be useful in some cases where you want to use azure lore and multistep skillchain to burn an enemy down, but even then I'm not sure how potent the ultimate skillchain is.
I could also see some cases where you would use Sequence if you need to use Requiescat mainly (enemies like Catauraes) though maybe Tiz is still better here.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 765
By Asura.Lunafreya 2021-02-23 12:15:26
RDM Almace can be quite good under the right circumstances. Sequence is kind of dead though :/
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 291
By Shiva.Kasaioni 2021-02-23 12:16:30
I use Sequence on BLU and it suuuuucks. The multi-step sc is fine? But I doubt it beats just a regular sc + burst by much. I also doubt it comes ahead by much for situations where you'd actually want to use requiescat.
By Viciouss 2021-02-23 12:27:11
If you have Tizona the answer is a hard no on Sequence, it's useless. Almace if you are bored and miss abyssea, you can build it slowly and cheaply. But it's glamour at this point. Tizona is so far out in front of both of those weapons.
By Nariont 2021-02-23 12:27:45
Almace CDC is pretty good, dont know if blu on gleti changes its standing vs tiz/naeg exp/savage spam but i figure it gave it a welcome boost.
Sequence far as i can tell has always been pretty meh though
By Taint 2021-02-23 12:47:29
Tizona is too good to pass up. (def a top R15 Weapon) Even if I'm spamming CDC for Light I'd rather Tizona/Almace with AM3.
I don't have Sequence and have zero interest in making one.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kelg 2021-02-23 12:58:24
Sucks to hear that Sequence is bad all around.
They should really let the TP bonus work in offhand, then maybe it would be useful.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-02-23 13:33:47
Sucks to hear that Sequence is bad all around. It's not. Tizona spamming Expiacion is only best if you can also cap acc and attack with TP Bonus offhand and for whatever reason you can't skillchain. If you can skillchain, Then Tizona/Almace combo or Almace/Zantesuken combo making CDC > CDC will win. Sequence works well for when you can't SC and you also can't cap with TP Bonus, or you are an SC partner using Savage. I use it in that situation when I am alongside a NIN, can do CDC > Shun > Savage > Shun for an easy radiance.
Also let's you break caturae shields without needing merit points.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kelg 2021-02-23 14:26:41
My CDC does 14~18k while expiacion does 33~45k(this against lilith easy when solo with trusts).
Admittedly my cdc gear could use some work, but I don't see it beating expiacion even with bis gear, and I think Req > expia will still beat cdc > cdc if you're using tizona/thib from my experience.
I mostly play solo/lowman on blu so acc usually isn't an issue for the content I do, but I can see thib not being viable for something like dyna-d, which in that case almace or zantetsuken would be the best offhand.
But when thibron isn't an option, would Almace actually be better as a main than Tizona? I suppose CDC with Almace might do more damage in that case but it's hard for me to say without testing it.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2021-02-23 14:34:02
How is Kikoku in the current meta? Considering making it for my NIN as my first REAM for it.
By fillerbunny9 2021-02-23 14:35:15
I would sooner put one merit into Requeiscat, than carry around another inventory piece, though. Sequence very much seems more like a "you can make it work" than "it's worth going out of your way to get" scenario.
By Shichishito 2021-02-23 15:09:14
almace makes a decent acc offhand for situations where you need it, however its already decent for that purpose at R0. not sure how a full augmented mimesis compares to it but it might be a cheap alternative that comes close.
can't comment on sequence but i don't see many ppl use it and those that got it tend to complain it's no good.
tizonas blessing is also it's curse for a melee mage as what ever a different weapon brings to the table has to be so overpowered that you are willing to sacrifice MP management.
By SimonSes 2021-02-23 15:13:24
My CDC does 14~18k while expiacion does 33~45k(this against lilith easy when solo with trusts).
Admittedly my cdc gear could use some work, but I don't see it beating expiacion even with bis gear, and I think Req > expia will still beat cdc > cdc if you're using tizona/thib from my experience.
I mostly play solo/lowman on blu so acc usually isn't an issue for the content I do, but I can see thib not being viable for something like dyna-d, which in that case almace or zantetsuken would be the best offhand.
But when thibron isn't an option, would Almace actually be better as a main than Tizona? I suppose CDC with Almace might do more damage in that case but it's hard for me to say without testing it.
It's kinda hard to tell where are you with attack ratio with those numbers, because 45k Expiacion sounds like attack cap.
BIS gear CDC with R15Almace/Zan will be doing like around 30k at attack cap, but thats with 29%PDL, so even harder to actually cap attack. Tizona/Almace would be doing like 2k less.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 71
By Asura.Cordyfox 2021-02-23 15:23:13
not sure how a full augmented mimesis compares to it but it might be a cheap alternative that comes close.
Use Pellucids for a max acc Colada instead if you want a cheap option that isn't *** Mimesis. R15'ing a Tanmo is also a (more expensive) option.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-02-23 15:26:33
How is Kikoku in the current meta? Considering making it for my NIN as my first REAM for it.
It is good. Sufficient and supports what NIN does well: quick TP > Metsu WS spam @1k > Self SC (an easy 2-step light or darkness), and close with MB(x2), then repeat. Basically rhythm and groove dps weapon. The Attack base and bonus from AM on Kikoku is helpful, and the paralyze proc is very common, so it can save you from having to cast Jubaku (it's weaker in potency I think, though). The augment also has Ninjutsu cast time -20%, but that's kind of inconsequential in the grand scheme. It's a very easy and efficient weapon for Ninja DPS, it's actually what I have been using more recently over R15 Heishi Shorinken. Probably not the strongest, but neither is NIN the strongest DD either so that's not really important. The weapon is efficient and very good if you temper the expectations.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3352
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2021-02-23 16:15:52
How is Kikoku in the current meta? Considering making it for my NIN as my first REAM for it.
It is good. Sufficient and supports what NIN does well: quick TP > Metsu WS spam @1k > Self SC (an easy 2-step light or darkness), and close with MB(x2), then repeat. Basically rhythm and groove dps weapon. The Attack base and bonus from AM on Kikoku is helpful, and the paralyze proc is very common, so it can save you from having to cast Jubaku (it's weaker in potency I think, though). The augment also has Ninjutsu cast time -20%, but that's kind of inconsequential in the grand scheme. It's a very easy and efficient weapon for Ninja DPS, it's actually what I have been using more recently over R15 Heishi Shorinken. Probably not the strongest, but neither is NIN the strongest DD either so that's not really important. The weapon is efficient and very good if you temper the expectations.
I was looking at it, it could possibly be very good R15 with capped buffs/atk. I haven't been too impressed with Ten Numbers, and Shun is pretty static even with attack buffs honestly.
5FTP with an 80% DEX mod before any buffs/bonus isn't too shabby. The +10% Attack aftermath is also a nice touch.
I would of really liked the AM to be Subtle Blow II instead of SBI.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-02-23 16:20:37
I was talking about R15 of course. When you need attack, Shun tends to perform better, but for skillchains, personally I just like kikoku. It's simpler if a weapon for similar (better) DPS. The SB II was never going to be a thing since that would invalidate a need for path B Su5, but at least it helps to keep you capped out across most sets. Mostly unnecessary though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2021-02-23 16:28:18
Sequence is not THAT bad.
I think people exagerate the differences and turn a small difference into something.
It's still a decent option if you can't or don't want to use TPbonus OH to spam Savage Blade, or if you're soloing and multistepping.
It's also a pretty nice option if you don't have or don't plan to build a Tizona.
As for Almace I dunno, don't think it's where it used to be, but with the new Odyssey gearset it might be back at least for solo CDC spam with consequential storm of Light SCs.
Also OP if you wanna build more swords for niche/collection don't forget Zomorrodnegar. The Subtle Blow II path can be nice if you wanna reduce TP spam off monsters when lowmanning things with BLU.
By drakefs 2021-02-23 16:36:59
but I can see thib not being viable for something like dyna-d
Specifically for BLU, even in wave 3, you will be buffed enough for acc that Tiz/Thib will be on top. The only time I have to drop thib is if my BRD and COR are not up to snuff.
Will have to wait for someone to crunch the numbers but I assume Almace is going to make up some ground when ATK capped with the Gleti set.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kelg 2021-02-23 17:59:13
It's kinda hard to tell where are you with attack ratio with those numbers, because 45k Expiacion sounds
like attack cap.
Not sure myself, most of the time I'm hitting around 39-40k, with spikes to 45k. /drk, dia IV, sweeping gouge, last resort, cor buffs, food, absorbs.
I would build an Almace if I could hit 30k CDC. 29% pdl is not difficult to achieve with /drk. Though my current CDC gear is pretty meh since I stopped gearing for it when I finished Tizona
I think people exagerate the differences and turn a small difference into something. Agreed. Just wanted to hear thoughts on Sequence from people who use it, but it seems the opinions are pretty negative.
Specifically for BLU, even in wave 3, you will be buffed enough for acc that Tiz/Thib will be on top. The only time I have to drop thib is if my BRD and COR are not up to snuff. Good to hear. Wasn't really sure if Thib could work-even with buffs- in endgame content since the acc penalty can be rough sometimes.
By Shichishito 2021-02-23 22:37:56
Also OP if you wanna build more swords for niche/collection don't forget Zomorrodnegar. The Subtle Blow II path can be nice if you wanna reduce TP spam off monsters when lowmanning things with BLU. every job has that same path available and if i'm not mistaken SU5 augments only work in mainhand.
mnk can reach 70% just with moonbowbelt +1, sherida earring and a mix of SB equip. maybe even cap it without relying on SU5? they get plague from one of their good weaponskills as additional effect and something similar
lets's be honest, if ppl want to go the subtle blow route they'll bring jobs like MNK, SMN, maybe NIN or try the RDM route and deny them TP altogether.
it might look different if BLUs -TP and plague spells were worth a damn. @ 50% SB vs odin and riding the timers of those spells as hard as possible i didn't come anywhere close to denying him TP attacks but my own dps came almost to a full halt, i could be wrong but i doubt those last 25% will make it viable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Asura.Kronikx 2021-02-23 23:40:07
How is Kikoku in the current meta? Considering making it for my NIN as my first REAM for it.
It is good. Sufficient and supports what NIN does well: quick TP > Metsu WS spam @1k > Self SC (an easy 2-step light or darkness), and close with MB(x2), then repeat. Basically rhythm and groove dps weapon. The Attack base and bonus from AM on Kikoku is helpful, and the paralyze proc is very common, so it can save you from having to cast Jubaku (it's weaker in potency I think, though). The augment also has Ninjutsu cast time -20%, but that's kind of inconsequential in the grand scheme. It's a very easy and efficient weapon for Ninja DPS, it's actually what I have been using more recently over R15 Heishi Shorinken. Probably not the strongest, but neither is NIN the strongest DD either so that's not really important. The weapon is efficient and very good if you temper the expectations.
I was looking at it, it could possibly be very good R15 with capped buffs/atk. I haven't been too impressed with Ten Numbers, and Shun is pretty static even with attack buffs honestly.
5FTP with an 80% DEX mod before any buffs/bonus isn't too shabby. The +10% Attack aftermath is also a nice touch.
I would of really liked the AM to be Subtle Blow II instead of SBI.
Kikoku is BiS when it comes to solo'ing in my opinion. Paralysis proc is quite common and the ATK/SB aftermath only helps solo situations even more. Not to mention that Blade: Metsu can do both Light and Darkness so you'll always be able to exploit a weakness in the mob.
By SimonSes 2021-02-24 02:02:07
I would build an Almace if I could hit 30k CDC. 29% pdl is not difficult to achieve with /drk. Though my current CDC gear is pretty meh since I stopped gearing for it when I finished Tizona
What you mean by /DRK?
/DRK gives you +0.2 pdl from traits, but that only raise pdif cap and doesn't help you to reach it. I was talking about 29% pdl from 4 pieces of Gleti's. Normally you have 3.25-3.45 attack ratio cap (depends on sub). So if mob has 1000def, you need 3250-3450attack to cap. Now with 29%pdl ratio cap raises to 4.19-4.45, so with same target, you will need 4190-4450 attack to cap.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2021-02-24 02:54:12
Agreed. Just wanted to hear thoughts on Sequence from people who use it, but it seems the opinions are pretty negative. I dunno man, I've read some relevant positive comments and lotsa out-of-context exxagerations.
Again: I'm not sure if someone with Tizona should bother with Sequence, I don't think I would honestly, but this doesn't mean Sequence is an absolutely shitty weapon in itself. It's still a pretty decent option.
Good to hear. Wasn't really sure if Thib could work-even with buffs- in endgame content since the acc penalty can be rough sometimes. BLU is one of the jobs with the least Acc issues, when properly geared and configured (BLU spells set etc).
This doesn't mean you will never run into situations or scenarios where you can't afford to use Thibron, but then again I wouldn't dare to say that Mainhanding Sequence would be a solution for those situations because, clearly, I don't think it would!
every job has that same path available and if i'm not mistaken SU5 augments only work in mainhand. Yes you're correct. All jobs have that path available and it only works mh.
Not sure why we're talking about other jobs or MNK though, given how this is a discussion in the BLU forum °-°
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2021-02-24 02:57:04
I would build an Almace if I could hit 30k CDC. 29% pdl is not difficult to achieve with /drk. Though my current CDC gear is pretty meh since I stopped gearing for it when I finished Tizona
What you mean by /DRK? I think he meant Attack Bonus trait and Smite trait.
The former I'm not sure how relevant it's gonna be for BLU and the second, well, he probably forgot it doesn't work on 1H weapons xD
By SimonSes 2021-02-24 03:07:58
I would build an Almace if I could hit 30k CDC. 29% pdl is not difficult to achieve with /drk. Though my current CDC gear is pretty meh since I stopped gearing for it when I finished Tizona
What you mean by /DRK? I think he meant Attack Bonus trait and Smite trait.
The former I'm not sure how relevant it's gonna be for BLU and the second, well, he probably forgot it doesn't work on 1H weapons xD
None is relevant, because you get higher attack trait on blu anyway and it doesn't stack with trait from /drk.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2021-02-24 05:31:26
Yes Simon, that was exactly the point of my sarcasm ^-^
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kelg 2021-02-24 08:51:56
Idk, I just use /drk in lilith fight. Wasn't aware of new pdt from gear, and wasnt sure where you would get 29% pdl elsewhere.
/drk seems to give me the highest damage numbers from the many runs I've done vs lilith. She must have a really low defense stat I would guess since my atk only reaches high 2000s with trusts, & I'm only using sweeping gouge and King's dia for debuffs.
I'm not saying its the best or anything, just saying what im using. lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2021-02-24 09:19:08
/DRK has PDL 2 which is +0.2 to the pDiff cap, /WAR has PDL 1 which is +0.1 to the same pDiff cap. PDL from traits is a flat number, PDL from gear is a percentage. Both LR and Berserk give +25% attack / -25% defense though /WAR does have +10% DA for what that is worth, and no it doesn't hurt Mythic AM3. So maybe the extra attack cap was enough on a fight with such low defense?
Is there any reason to build Almace or Sequence if you have Tizona?
I would like to get them eventually just for completion sake but I was wondering if there's any real use for them seeing as how good the Tiz/Thib combo is.
Just looking at them it seems like Almace is better off on RDM or PLD since Expiacion is so much better than CDC, but I could still see it being useful as an offhand if you need acc I guess. Does this beat out something like Zantetsuken though?
Sequence seems like it could be useful in some cases where you want to use azure lore and multistep skillchain to burn an enemy down, but even then I'm not sure how potent the ultimate skillchain is.
I could also see some cases where you would use Sequence if you need to use Requiescat mainly (enemies like Catauraes) though maybe Tiz is still better here.