Iron Giant Ambuscade V1

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Iron Giant Ambuscade V1
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Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-02-13 10:08:19
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Asura.Neojuggernautx said: »
Just been doing this with PLD (Aegis/Burt), Rng (Gastra), Cor (Fomal), Geo (idris), Brd (REA), Whm.

It's pretty slow but totally mindless once set up. Just put Cor on the physical giant, and spam away with Last Stand. Other Ironclad, put Rng on it and spam TF. Geo is doing indi-fury/geo-acumen and flurry the DDs. Cor rolls wizard's roll and samurai roll. Brd doin HM, Minuet, Prelude x2 (another Minuet if using CC). Kill speed is about 17 mins. Not terrible and the PLD can just hold these all day long and probably grab an Arnold Palmer at the same time.

The ironclads are killed at same pace. Only way I can think of speeding this up is swapping WHM with RDM for flurry II

As mentioned in the post above me, Shouldn't need that much racc. Try it in steps- drop the weaker Prelude for Quick Etude (AGI) as that will benefit ranged acc, white damage, and both magical and physical ranged weaponskills. If Racc is still fine, try dropping the other for a Minuet to assist the COR.

Another thing to try is that COR is naturally lower in ranged attack than RNG, so maybe have the RNG do the physical part and the COR do the magical.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 142
By Asura.Neojuggernautx 2021-02-13 10:08:44
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I was thinking of swapping out to Etudes. I'll give it a go. Trying to keep damage similar between the shooters and more minuet just gonna send the Cor too far ahead
Server: Asura
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Posts: 142
By Asura.Neojuggernautx 2021-02-13 10:09:35
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Asura.Neojuggernautx said: »
Just been doing this with PLD (Aegis/Burt), Rng (Gastra), Cor (Fomal), Geo (idris), Brd (REA), Whm.

It's pretty slow but totally mindless once set up. Just put Cor on the physical giant, and spam away with Last Stand. Other Ironclad, put Rng on it and spam TF. Geo is doing indi-fury/geo-acumen and flurry the DDs. Cor rolls wizard's roll and samurai roll. Brd doin HM, Minuet, Prelude x2 (another Minuet if using CC). Kill speed is about 17 mins. Not terrible and the PLD can just hold these all day long and probably grab an Arnold Palmer at the same time.

The ironclads are killed at same pace. Only way I can think of speeding this up is swapping WHM with RDM for flurry II

As mentioned in the post above me, Shouldn't need that much racc. Try it in steps- drop the weaker Prelude for Quick Etude (AGI) as that will benefit ranged acc, white damage, and both magical and physical ranged weaponskills. If Racc is still fine, try dropping the other for a Minuet to assist the COR.

Another thing to try is that COR is naturally lower in ranged attack than RNG, so maybe have the RNG do the physical part and the COR do the magical.

I'll try that too, not got DP for the Cor but Fomal LS is still decent
Posts: 55
By kasnuaku 2021-02-13 11:26:43
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Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2021-02-14 01:25:21
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PLD/DRK, COR x4, BRD/whm, 6min run including buff time(VD)

-We had one Death penatly, 3 Fomals in this group
-SV/CC Honor, Agi etude x2, Minuet x2

Wildcard the brd forever. When u don't have CC up it's like 30secs longer, and u can add an 8th roll.

You can add all kinds of jobs tbh and 3 RA. SCH did well, RNG does well, GEO does well, even had a lolBLM healer at one point. These runs ranged from 7-10mins.

-disclaimer: all these chars are Stupidly geared, and very highly skilled. But the 4 RA, BRD healer PLD/drk was the fastest setup we could do.

-lots of edits, it's late >.>

(Celebrindal msut be loving this month) :D
Posts: 1349
By Thunderjet 2021-02-14 01:31:24
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pretty easy on nin was pulling 12-17k hi's when it full crits
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-02-14 03:12:47
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Asura.Neojuggernautx said: »
Just been doing this with PLD (Aegis/Burt), Rng (Gastra), Cor (Fomal), Geo (idris), Brd (REA), Whm.

It's pretty slow but totally mindless once set up. Just put Cor on the physical giant, and spam away with Last Stand. Other Ironclad, put Rng on it and spam TF. Geo is doing indi-fury/geo-acumen and flurry the DDs. Cor rolls wizard's roll and samurai roll. Brd doin HM, Minuet, Prelude x2 (another Minuet if using CC). Kill speed is about 17 mins. Not terrible and the PLD can just hold these all day long and probably grab an Arnold Palmer at the same time.

The ironclads are killed at same pace. Only way I can think of speeding this up is swapping WHM with RDM for flurry II

As mentioned in the post above me, Shouldn't need that much racc. Try it in steps- drop the weaker Prelude for Quick Etude (AGI) as that will benefit ranged acc, white damage, and both magical and physical ranged weaponskills. If Racc is still fine, try dropping the other for a Minuet to assist the COR.

Another thing to try is that COR is naturally lower in ranged attack than RNG, so maybe have the RNG do the physical part and the COR do the magical.
Should need about ~1385 accuracy after food and buffs on VD. Assuming no evasion reducing debuffs.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-02-14 10:46:44
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Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
(Celebrindal msut be loving this month) :D

Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2021-02-14 11:13:19
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kasnuaku said: »
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18mins on D...

Posts: 55
By kasnuaku 2021-02-14 13:11:58
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-02-14 13:23:23
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I'm sorry this is rude of me, but if you're gonna post in a discussion thread and only post a video, at least let it be on VD and do something new. Otherwise it's only coming across as poor bragging.

I get when a new strat is tried and works well, or a first strat, that videos are important- but the people seeking to help include notes on what's going on. This habit developing in the past months of dropping a video with no discussion just reeks of dickswinging.

And a video of D doesn't speak well for that dickswinging.
Posts: 55
By kasnuaku 2021-02-14 13:24:55
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By Shichishito 2021-02-14 15:10:05
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
why stop now?

i'd post a vid of my strat but LFP for a couple of hours and eventually calling it a day without seeing legion from the inside isn't very entertaining.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-14 15:27:32
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It would be quite similar to the live vanafeed, apparently they seem to think people would indeed enjoy that as a video.
By Draylo 2021-02-14 16:02:56
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I did as a kid before I got the game lol.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2021-02-14 16:45:02
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VD set up we used for this:

Cor, Rng, Geo, Brd, Pld, Sch

Gimmick: Blue/frost you physical dmg, red/flame you magic dmg; keep them close in HP (<15% difference?); will dispel anyone in melee range - ranged damage pretty much required.

Sch is nice to voidstorm or aurorastorm 2 the cor/rng and heal the tank. Brd does minuets+prelude, can also shellcrusher the blue one. Can use another Cor over the Rng if needed.

Tanking is pretty trivial - only real danger is the blizzaja spam (seems to be around 70%) but aegis makes it pretty safe. I advise disabling gs as you will just get stuck in your enmity and fast cast sets with the stun lol.

12-13m kill, could see it being 10m with optimization/1h job abilities.

Same set up can be used for D, will just be faster kill speed.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Demhar
Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2021-02-14 17:11:27
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Easiest way to keep dmg equal between two shooters is having the parse up and keeping ~3% differences between. At some point the blue giant uses Invincible. The shooter on the red giant simply holds until its off to keep the dmg balanced. This fight is not about who can do the most dmg. It’s keeping the balance between magic and physical dmg.

From the tanks perspective, pretty much flash, provoke, shield bash sentinel rampart...Full time Aegis or swapping it for Chainspell also works. Don’t need fancy gear to tank this on VD. Tip: stand under the side railing to avoid getting tossed against the wall. Unless you enjoy first person view...
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2021-02-14 17:24:08
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Can RUN be used just as effectively to replace the PLD?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Yukisoba
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Yukisoba 2021-02-14 17:32:26
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Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Can RUN be used just as effectively to replace the PLD?
RUN needs someone semi-dedicated to keep them alive, the benefit of PLD is they are just about almost self sufficient outside of manafont.
Server: Sylph
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user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2021-02-14 17:36:13
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RUN can tank it but the Manafont is rough. I've just been using Elemental Sforzo for most of the Manafont. Tenebrae+Rayke (and Gambit) on the Blazenought is good for Leaden damage. Ignis for Manafont, it only casts ice spells. Outside of Manafont it's pretty trivial, but the the constant dispel spam is pretty miserable.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Yukisoba
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Yukisoba 2021-02-14 17:56:39
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The tank is relatively interchangeable for sure, I've tanked with both. I just think PLD slightly edges out for this month simply because you can ride Ochain outside of Manafont, and you can basically just spam Cure 4 on yourself between being stunned. RUN doesn't really have a good way to keep himself up on his own as reliably as that. On the runs I tanked on PLD we swapped out the RDM with another COR or a RNG, but I don't think I would be ballsy enough to have just a BRD healing a RUN the whole time, I think. Maybe one day I'll try it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cordyfox
Posts: 71
By Asura.Cordyfox 2021-02-14 19:24:00
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In my experience thus far, PUP >>> Aegis PLD > RUN as far as tanks go. BLUne might even outdo RUN here as it's a better self-sustainer and can quickly throw Saline Coat back up, etc.
Posts: 122
By Korgull 2021-02-14 21:09:22
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Asura.Cordyfox said: »
In my experience thus far, PUP >>> Aegis PLD > RUN as far as tanks go. BLUne might even outdo RUN here as it's a better self-sustainer and can quickly throw Saline Coat back up, etc.

The thing with PLD is that you can tank both, instead with 2 PUPs.

You can use that extra slot for 1 more RNG/COR/Buffer. The problem with this ambu is that is boring and time consuming...

Btw, i just did VD with a pug, PLD SCH BLM SMN BLU WHM; SCH + BLM took care of magic damage, BLU phys damage with /nin, and SMN alternated between magic/phys bps. Took a while (24 mins) but its a doable setup in case your linkshell doesnt have RNG/CORs.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-02-15 03:23:14
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VD 8min runs w/ no 2hrs-


PLD same as all the above posts- Aegis thru at least Manafont, otherwise hold on tight and don't expect buffs.

NIN was a Kikoku NIN, worked exclusively on Frostnought. Fomalhaut COR chaining with that NIN using Last Stand.

Death Penalty COR + Gastra RNG on Blazenought chaining Leaden Salute>Trueflight.

When Frostnought Manafonts, NIN runs out and damage stops- just wait it out and PLD holds on with healing help from BRD. As mentioned multiple earlier times, match damage rate between the two Iron Giants and it will avoid the majority of problems. Losing 1 minute of DPS to Manafont time isn't fun, but its just simpler to have the two balanced within 5% at that point and cease all damage, rather than try and "catch" up if the magical damage gets too much of a lead once the Invulnerability wears off.


WIZ/rogue (capital rolls Crooked)
If possible, save Random Deals for Double/Triple Shot resets

-shooter songs: Honor March, Archer's Prelude, Minuet 5, Swift Etude
-overwrote Swift Etude with Minuet 4 for NIN
-Flurry shooters
-Dark Threnody Blazenought does help balance TF vs Leaden damage, and that was with both at R15 and top gear. COR/DRG, RNG/DNC since RNG was closing for extra SCdmg.

This does require a very heads up NIN- if they lose their shadows and get hit with a Turbine Cyclone, things can grind to a halt on Frost (or worse) quickly. Again, regular runs winning at 8 mins including buff time. This time was matched with a 4 shooter setup of COR x3 plus RNG instead of a NIN. Much safer and simpler- 2 CORs work as the physical damage chaining Last Stands on Frost, RNG+COR doing magical remains the same on Blaze.
Time dropped to 7minutes with Clarion/Soul Voice.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 386
By Bahamut.Suph 2021-02-15 03:31:11
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Celebrindal should come to Bahamut for a vacation
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2021-02-15 08:20:14
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New to tanking in general, and tanked this month as my very first VD Ambuscade, I held hate mostly fine on PLD. I've got to say this month is really annoying to tank. I was stun/knockback/Amnesia'd the whole fight non-stop.

And if that wasn't enough I had to do it with no buffs since they constantly were dispelling me. The game is making me work for my hallmarks this month!!

Breaking me into tanking the hard way!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2021-02-15 08:40:19
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Kaggra just posted 2-man 12:30 VD.

Crocea C RDM/NIN whittling blaze down w/ enspells and self-dark + water MBs.

NIN on Frost w/ Blade Shun. NIN kites during Manafont.

Seems repeatable and doesn't look overly luck-based.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-15 08:58:23
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Before I watch this, how does the nin get away. The frost *** hax. His blizzaga has 30 yalm range. it is quite impossible to run from the first cast and it does more than enough to kill you.

Migawari? It cast, It landed, but looked like a zero inflicted damage. (2:52 ish)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2021-02-15 09:02:40
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Migawari? It cast, It landed, but looked like a zero inflicted damage. (2:52 ish)

Most likely.

Also, didn't see Kaggra do this, but probably could (Stymie) Addle II on Frost and it might give you enough time to get beyond 30'.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-02-16 12:08:07
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VD solo on RDM

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