Iron Giant Ambuscade V1

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Iron Giant Ambuscade V1
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Posts: 161
By Veydal1 2025-01-10 10:30:48
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He mentioned Earthen Armor as well to counter Manafont.
Posts: 296
By Mrxi 2025-01-10 16:12:01
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RUN/DRK 2 COR BRD WHM RDM /NIN Battuta and shadows stops dispel cast Utsusemi 1 time at start then get to 85. Mystic Boon if run out of mp from virus. 2 COR doing leaden the physical one goes down fast but might want to do savage at start since has more dt -.
Didn't do any debuffs sam chaos tact misers reset brd at moogle every time march 2 min mad aria, try to time valiance and one for all for manafont battuta before pull liement before get amnesia
Posts: 187
By Manque 2025-01-10 17:49:25
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Bahamut.Nishida said: »
Manque said: »
Alt strategy I found:

Iron Giants
★ Party Setup: DD, DRK, COR, RDM, BRD, SMN

You list this for setup, but then talk about RUN and SCH in the strat, and have no mention of SMN in the strat. Mistranslated?

Sorry. Phone editing is hard. Missed copying main section in the preamble. Updated.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-11 02:59:34
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Manque said: »
Frostnought (Blue Iron Giant)
• Uses Manafont and spams Blizzaga IV when its HP drops below a certain point.
• Deals massive damage; countered with Earthen Armor and Scherzo.
• Weak to physical damage.
Weak to Fire element.

Blazenought (Red Iron Giant)
• Uses Mighty Strikes when its HP drops below a certain point.
• High firepower with Flare, countered with Utsusemi.
• Weak to magical damage.
• Weak to Water element.
• Defeating one Giant causes the remaining one to enter a “head-only” phase, during which it resets enmity and unleashes powerful attacks. Use stuns to interrupt these abilities while quickly finishing it off.

I just took a group in to test a MB strat I was theorycrafting, and while the Blazenought (Red) is definitely weak to Water, I do not believe Frostnought (Blue) is weak to Fire. I was able to hit close to capped damage nuke as BLM on Blazenought after initial freeze period, but was never able to break like 15k Fire Burst to Frostnought, even with same buffs/malaise/subtle sorcery etc. I believe the above portion about Frostnought being weak to Fire is incorrect. Someone can verify.

Anyways, was opening Water for BLM on Blazenought and:

This got me thinking of a revised strategy to the original NIN method where the COR was closing Darkness with Leaden Salute. Instead, have one Ninja solo SC+MB with magical WS the Red Giant and everyone else Savage spam the Blue Giant. This will remove the issue I ran into where the COR using Leaden Salute would always pull hate from the NIN on Blazenought due to the huge SC damage, so it made the fight messy since the NIN couldn't get hate back.

Going to try this later, but putting my thoughts/notes here

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-12 00:55:38
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Added note: the GEO can contribute by nuking Water 5>4 during Reverberation to speed that part of Blazenought up.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-17 19:38:27
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Ambuscade is rough this month. My group doesn't have Ninja, and the melee strategy where folks just avoid everything requires a lot of reaction time that isn't going to be pulled off consistently. We have been doing Normal on RNG and COR, but it is slow and requires us often doing Super Jump to reset hate. D is possible with 1 hours. We're not an elite group with fully augmented Odyssey gear and stuff. Is there no easier way of doing this for a casual group without having to beg the server for Ninjas?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-17 20:24:30
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You say you dont have Ninjas and can't pull off running away from Turbine Cyclone. Any reason why the latter is a problem for your group? The move has around a 3-second windup and only a range of about 5'. Is this a PUG or a group of friends on Discord? If the latter, you should be able to communicate instantly on when to run away. Also, what's your definition of "slow"? 10min fight? 20min? In PUGs, It's taken about 8-10min consistently to clear VD using NIN method, including buff time. Could be faster with a group of friends, but I would say a 15-min VD fight isn't too bad, but if Normal "slow" means 15min, then it sounds like you have a dps check somewhere that needs to be met.

There's probably lots of ways to down this, but you should be creative and do what works best for your group. We have no idea what jobs are accessible to you. Ambu rundown: Red Giant takes magical damage, a lot of it. Especially weak to Water. Blue Giant takes physical damage. They alternate when separated beyond 15% health. Damage physical (blue) to 85% first, then work on red next.

Do you have access to SMN, SCH, BLM, MNK, any Heavy DD? You could try Mana Burn Red one while a single DD downs the blue one. You only need one really good DD (like a SAM) for the blue one, if he can manage to keep his buffs. You could check if Mewing Lullaby works and have a single DD take down blue and then maybe use Magical BPs on red. PUPs are good tanks, might be able to fit them in somewhere. RUN can Rayke to increase your mage damage, also Ground Strike > Leaden Salute creates massive damage on Blue. You won't lose EXP for dying and trying again, so there is no penalty besides wasted time for figuring out a strat that works for your group.

This fight is like 3-4 years old, so having augmented Odyssey gear is not a requirement.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-17 20:39:18
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You can do the exact same strategy as the NIN one I posted above, just change NINs for SAM+RUN (or PLD even):

Songs: Ice Carol II, HM Min Min
Bubbles: GEO-Fraily, Indi-Fury (Frostnought) (first 15%), entrust Haste on SAM
Rolls: Chaos/Samurai

RUN/PLD tanks + holds Blazenought, SAM solo DPS Frostnought from 100%-->85%. Run out for Turbine Cyclone to preserve buffs, but if you lose them, just have the BRD put them back on.
When Frostnought freezes, have GEO change bubble to GEO-Malaise and throw it on Blazenought.
Do Ground Strike (or CDC) > Leaden Salute (Darkness), and have the GEO burst Water 5.
Rayke, Lunge/Swipe for extra dps
Red should freeze, blue will unfreeze

SAM provokes, can solo DD Blue until it freezes. WHM spam cures on him. Blue Freeze. Repeat process for red until one dies. You can start the fight on normal and then work your way up from there the more comfortable you get.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-17 21:16:17
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
You can do the exact same strategy as the NIN one I posted above, just change NINs for SAM+RUN (or PLD even):

Songs: Ice Carol II, HM Min Min
Bubbles: GEO-Fraily, Indi-Fury (Frostnought) (first 15%), entrust Haste on SAM
Rolls: Chaos/Samurai

RUN/PLD tanks + holds Blazenought, SAM solo DPS Frostnought from 100%-->85%. Run out for Turbine Cyclone to preserve buffs, but if you lose them, just have the BRD put them back on.
When Frostnought freezes, have GEO change bubble to GEO-Malaise and throw it on Blazenought.
Do Ground Strike (or CDC) > Leaden Salute (Darkness), and have the GEO burst Water 5.
Rayke, Lunge/Swipe for extra dps
Red should freeze, blue will unfreeze

SAM provokes, can solo DD Blue until it freezes. WHM spam cures on him. Blue Freeze. Repeat process for red until one dies. You can start the fight on normal and then work your way up from there the more comfortable you get.

This sounds like something we can do, although I would have to DRK and take on the Frost. I could probably handle that. Hopefully makes this a lot faster and gives us a chance of doing D without it taking all day. Thanks man.

And yes, it would be difficult to get some members to react quickly enough to avoid certain things, so it would not be consistent. I can do it, because my reaction time is pretty good, but coordinating everyone else to do that would take a lot of practice, and we have very limited time.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2025-01-17 21:52:23
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Tact roll for 1000tp > Chaos/Sam/Wizards/Warlocks. Typical Brd stuff, Geo stuff as noted. Smash blue as fast as possible(could opt for red, whatever you'll burn faster i suppose), try to maintain shadows for DD's. Then its literally swapping leaden spam on red (can rayke/gambit if you like), savage spam blue.

Creatively you can Leaden > <insert many sword/great sword ws's here> for distortion and extend with second leaden for darkness. RUN can even swipe/lunge MB if they want.

I like to valiance mid fight or so, in the event frosty decides to go nuts and spam blizzaja.

Defensively speaking its very safe and not that much slower than NINx2 if finding well geared ninjas is an issue.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: crazy00
Posts: 82
By Asura.Oraine 2025-01-21 01:38:25
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testing out Pld/Run, x2 Cor, x2 Geo, Whm
Posts: 161
By Veydal1 2025-01-21 02:02:29
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Any suggestions on how to speed up that first 15% specifically? After that doesn't seem terrible.

Definitely notice the increased damage after receiving "the magical energies dissipate" message. Wonder if there's any mechanic / reasoning behind it. HP threshold? Number of deactivations?

15 minute VD clears isn't very appealing, though with seals it isn't the end of the world.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayahuasca
Posts: 53
By Asura.Ayahuasca 2025-01-21 08:28:57
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After farming some VD on WHM:

- barblizzara / barsilencera will help with blizzaga spams and should also ease the tank job by reducing the occurence of silence debuff on it.

- can pop Sacrosanctity whenever the icy giant starts spamming -aga etc

- can't rely on Asylum but once in a while you can use it to speed up the zerg phase by avoiding the dispels.

- once it's full attack time, have the DDs or anyone that will need to stay in melee range stack (possibly facing the starting corner with their backs) to avoid spreading during knockbacks for Curagas and most importantly, to AoE Erase the Max HP down debuff.

- between the forced weakness debuffs and the HP down debuff, you really want your team not to spread too much, if someone gets out of range for Erase and Curagas, they will be in serious danger. Cureskins spam helps during forced weakness (don't forget Accession>Cure IV or V+ works to apply AoE huge cureskins)

- I noticed that people using glass cannon sets would often get debuffed compared to ppl with decent dt/m.eva hybrid tp sets.

- Even if things go horribly wrong, it's still quite possible to recover as long as you can hold/kite them while the team gets unweakened

- Always expect tank to get dispelled, so be ready to reapply protect/shell/haste/regen iv as necessary, if you're brave enough you can run in right after a tp move to reapply barspells etc on the frontlines. (Yagrush will help a lot in this fight, without it, might be worth it to use Su4+ Esuna in Misery stance if your party ends up with slow+max hp down, but i didn't try cause i got mythic)

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-21 11:48:43
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Veydal1 said: »
Any suggestions on how to speed up that first 15% specifically?

I don't know what your setup is, but the Giants take around 20% of normal damage before one Giant deactivates, and around +150% or so after the deactivation occurs. Using the NIN method above, we use GEO-Frailty, Indi-Fury (stand on Ninja), Dia 2, Light Shot, Chaos/Sam and 2 Minuets, and then Savage Blade the Blue Giant until he's at 85% or so. Takes around 2 minutes. The COR can Triple Shot + Detonator/Last Stand if he wants to speed it up a little bit, but doing so from range to preserve his buffs. He could also Savage Blade (the BRD too) and run out for Turbine Cyclone to save their buffs, but I have found absolutely nobody through PUGs who was capable of pulling this off successfully, so I abandoned this when setting up groups. Seasoned groups should have no trouble just zerging this in and out and taking the blue giant down.
Posts: 161
By Veydal1 2025-01-21 15:40:40
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Great, appreciate the tips. I'm open to whatever setups. I was mainly wondering if there was any unknown (or well kept secret) mechanic. But it seems SE just wanted to slow things down a bit.

I do like the NIN tank since they can safely deal dmg in range, while still allowing for others to WS between Cyclones like you mentioned. And like it was said before, this is NIN's time to shine, let's not take it away from them lol.
Posts: 187
By buttplug 2025-01-21 16:37:57
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DRK probably a good DD this month

Arcane Crest
Arcane Circle

Stun > Cyclone Turbine
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-23 21:02:24
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I hate this fight. It is so incredibly awkward. Beat it a few times on Normal, but it is long and painful. Never lost to it, but have tried many different things and just couldn't find anything consistent to speed it up. I know some will say I suck, or I need a better group, find some Ninjas, or whatever, but it is what it is. Looking forward to something less frustrating next month.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-01-24 23:24:49
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The biggest challenge I have found is explaining this fight to people who aren't aware of what to do. I've done over 100k HMs entirely with PUGs, and I spend at least 10 minutes prior to entering explaining every single person's role, positioning, buffs, SC, everything. Ask if anyone has questions, and crickets. Get into the fight, and there's usually 2 people who are completely clueless. Then frustration sets in, and a person or two leaves. Then I have to explain the fight over again to the replacements. Then we start rolling and getting a few wins, and people have to leave, making me have to start the process all over again.

I don't think this is a particularly hard month to be honest, but I agree it is "incredibly awkward" if people just don't know what to do. Pople are so used to ambu months where you can just "buff and kill the thing", but struggle heavily when there is any kind of progressive strategy involved. Was the same problem a few months back with Qutrub Ambuscade; people gave up early due to irregular win rates and frustration.

The good thing is, there's no exp loss in ambu, and there's no line this month (because people hate this ambu), so you can go right back in and try again, but people are reluctant to try different strategies and find something that works because of the frustration of losing a few times.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2025-01-25 00:17:41
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If I can't savage blade spam the ambuscade month I'm skipping and saying the month sucks.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-25 00:24:26
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
The biggest challenge I have found is explaining this fight to people who aren't aware of what to do. I've done over 100k HMs entirely with PUGs, and I spend at least 10 minutes prior to entering explaining every single person's role, positioning, buffs, SC, everything. Ask if anyone has questions, and crickets. Get into the fight, and there's usually 2 people who are completely clueless. Then frustration sets in, and a person or two leaves. Then I have to explain the fight over again to the replacements. Then we start rolling and getting a few wins, and people have to leave, making me have to start the process all over again.

I don't think this is a particularly hard month to be honest, but I agree it is "incredibly awkward" if people just don't know what to do. Pople are so used to ambu months where you can just "buff and kill the thing", but struggle heavily when there is any kind of progressive strategy involved. Was the same problem a few months back with Qutrub Ambuscade; people gave up early due to irregular win rates and frustration.

The good thing is, there's no exp loss in ambu, and there's no line this month (because people hate this ambu), so you can go right back in and try again, but people are reluctant to try different strategies and find something that works because of the frustration of losing a few times.

I agree. With my group it's more about limited time than giving up. We only do Ambuscade twice a month for 2-3 hours at a time. We're certainly not spending anymore time than that, lol. The qutrub was annoying as well, although we found a solid setup the first week and farmed it better on the second.

We tried 4 or 5 different methods and nothing clicked for this fight. The fastest kill had myself on DRK handling Frost, but Blaze was slow and I could do nothing about it. Was mostly about the magic setup, so had I switched to COR (DP) and someone else to DD for Frost, maybe it would have gone better. Or maybe not. We don't farm repeatedly, so that's how it goes. Last month's was fine as it merely needed me to be good on RDM, lol. Oh well, moving on.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2025-01-25 09:15:53
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Yeah it's certainly deterring a lot of players.

I still find consistently RUN,COR,COR,BRD,GEO,SCH(or WHM) works really well.

Tact roll at start for 1000tp > Chaos/Sam/Wizards/Warlocks, If using SCH, voidstorm II and Klimaform for leadens. Can burst helix/water if skillchaining, or just ebullience helix and focus on healing.

Geo swap between Fury/frailty and Malaise/Acumen/Focus depending on requirements. Can use BogEA to initially push harder.

Can try burning blaze first with rayke/gambit on and cors just pew from afar for tp/leadens. RUN with tp from tact roll should be able to Leaden > Sickle > Leaden > Lunge/Helix/Burst combo. This may be enough to avoid dispels on everyone aside from RUN and get it down decently at start as SCH,GEO and RUN can all potentially burst. RUN/DRK can still provide a little boost to damage with Arcane Circle pre pull.

Good luck!
By Shichishito 2025-02-10 08:44:45
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Stupid question: If the main gimmick of this ambu is dispel spam why does everyone keep throwing COR and BRD supports in their setup?
Posts: 4871
By RadialArcana 2025-02-10 09:06:09
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The good thing is, there's no exp loss in ambu

Wait, what? where is it listed where you do and do not lose exemplar points?
Server: Phoenix
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user: Rizzspeed
Posts: 120
By Phoenix.Rizzspeed 2025-02-10 09:14:55
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Some time ago, they introduced EP into ambu. Then ppl started losing lots and lots of EP, so they complained and SE removed it.
By Shichishito 2025-02-10 09:19:23
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RadialArcana said: »
Wait, what? where is it listed where you do and do not lose exemplar points?
I think only other case is trove.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-02-10 09:25:35
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Shichishito said: »
Stupid question: If the main gimmick of this ambu is dispel spam why does everyone keep throwing COR and BRD supports in their setup?

Utsu avoids dispel, if you go that strat and it doesn't use dispel if you do the other strat.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-10 09:27:55
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Shichishito said: »
Stupid question: If the main gimmick of this ambu is dispel spam why does everyone keep throwing COR and BRD supports in their setup?
1-You can run away from Turbine Cyclone.
2-Its only the first 15%. Once you take one of them down to 85% and it deactivates, Turbine Cyclone essentially goes away. You can rebuff without worry of losing them, unless you kill really slow.
By Shichishito 2025-02-10 10:28:19
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yeah, but recasting utsu over and over or running away sounds like it takes just as much of a hit to DPS than simply leaving out dispel able buffs and throw more GEOs at it?
Seems like GEO is considered so bottom tier that people avoid it even if the mobs behaviour plays into it's strengths.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4548
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-02-10 11:12:30
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If you want to throw GEO's at it and not bother avoiding the buff removal part of the fight, go for it.

Most groups dont have two extra GEO's on standby though.
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