So, The New Gleti Equip. Lets Talk About It.

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So, the new Gleti Equip. Lets talk about it.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Xzerper 2021-02-10 00:33:27
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I do not know numbers too well, and this looks good on I getting my hopes up that Almace and CDC will be a 'worthwhile' backup weaponskill again with this set?

Feb. Update: Gleti Equipment

Server: Asura
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user: Bladework
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By Asura.Bladework 2021-02-13 14:30:20
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Seems like a significant boost to white damage and hopefully CDC.

I haven't made a Tizona yet so I'm always using r15 Almace on Blu. Obviously Adhemar pieces are going to TP faster but the defensive stats on this are too good to overlook. We'll still have zero issues chaining CDC's. Looking forward to having 5/5 so I can Idle, TP, and WS in it lol

Gonna have to make up the DW with Reiki Yotai and Suppa...

Should also make my Cape 10% MDT instead of PDT.

I'm not a scientist with this stuff so I'm excited to see numbers posted. May Almace be king once more!
By Shichishito 2021-02-13 15:27:17
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the 10% double attack on the armor is definitely not in tizonas favor. i count 30%ish crit rate but no crit damage, 35%ish physical damage limit which, if i'm not mistaken, only plays a role when attack is caped, luckily the set also comes with plenty of attack.

not a fan of the 35%- physical damage taken, they should have mixed in a bit of -damage taken so you aren't pants down vs magic damage (the surplus of magic defense helps there) but more importantly breath damage as i'm not sure if magic defense/meva and/or shell help anything against that.
10% defending, 5% ambu cape, maybe 3% odnowa R15 but most ppl probably favor their SU necks and aurgelmir's orb +1 over 6% loricate and 3$ staunch tathlum +1. then it gets kinda thin as you'll want to cap dual wield with the other ear and waist slot.

you also sacrifice quite a bit of meva and eva compared to malignance, sofar i have mixed feelings. even if R15 almace + gleti's whipes the floor with tizona the MP management always gets you by the balls and as fun as the brainless CDC spam was, let's face it, when it comes to pure DDing BLU can't compete with 2handers.

it also seems like this set doesn't 100$ replace a different one so it's again inventory -5 which is super disappointing.
Server: Shiva
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user: Osborn
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By Shiva.Osborn 2021-02-13 15:34:09
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I noticed that the combined gear haste for the whole set is only 20% - may restrict the belt to something like Sailfi. Maybe DW on cape?

I'm not dying to have this set atm but the Magic Defense Bonus is pretty insane, more than 2x Malignance armor, with lower MEVA.
Posts: 15102
By Pantafernando 2021-02-13 15:41:44
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How long would take someone to go from never done Odyssey to having the ability to purchase all gears?
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-02-13 15:50:24
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Pantafernando said: »
How long would take someone to go from never done Odyssey to having the ability to purchase all gears?

Kinda wondering that one too, I know you can't pop them until you've had 45 days and cleared ABC.

And you can't get moglophone II until you do that, but you can be merc'd into gear without fighting any t1 or t2 bosses

Absolute minimum is be created for 45 days, finished ABC and unlocked phone IIs

(the problem becomes, you get one boss killed and then have to earn 3k segments to be allowed into the second if you do them one by one, so you better pick the one you reallllllllly want if that's the plan)
By Shichishito 2021-02-13 15:54:01
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i smell a viable counter build for BLU:
bathy choker +1 R15 10%, gleti's mask 10$ from augs, 12% from trait (why not 14%? 1200 JP BLU usually always gets the first 3 tiers no?) orcish counter stance 10% (lol genmei shield 4% and earring 1%).
if there is no penalty to counter stance for /mnk BLU should be able to reach the 80% counter cap.
By 2021-02-15 01:22:08
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By Shichishito 2021-02-15 04:52:22
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you looking at a whoopin 12 regain, that's only ~83,33ish tics or 250 seconds (~4.16 minutes) from 0 to 1000 TP.
for BLU the answer is obvious, gleti fulltime hands down > everything. nothing's going to beat it standing on the sideline waiting for invites.
Server: Odin
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user: Creaucent
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By Odin.Creaucent 2021-02-15 05:00:29
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Pantafernando said: »
How long would take someone to go from never done Odyssey to having the ability to purchase all gears?

If you know someone with access to the new NMs 3 days to clear A/B/C and hen you get 3 free KIs for the NMs. Only the party leader meeds to have cleared all the older NMs to take you into the new ones.
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2021-02-15 05:41:55
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Asura.Bluewarrior said: »
Considering a Tizona/Thibron 5/5 Malignance blu I was wondering if any of this new stuff would replace any of those malignance pieces for AM3 tp. Gleti gloves may be a replacement? Your losing 4 Store tp, 5 str and 5.5 accuracy and even some mp, evasion and magic evasion but you gain 2 regain and 3% physical damage limit along with the rest of the stuff on the gleti gloves.

Obviously we can drop the body for AM3 because of the DA but how would that regain on the 4 other pieces of gleti compare to the store tp on malignance? I don't know the maths for comparing these but was told that some amount of regain is comparable to some amount of store tp so.. correct me if I am wrong here.

Also if you switch out the malignance gloves for gleti you will lose 1% haste which you could get back from memento. 5/5 Malignance gives 26% haste which you need anyway to hit the 25% gear haste cap so but I was told that 26% haste isn't really a big deal as long as you atleast have 25% in gear.


This is not a set for Tizona AM3. Also Regain is not even close to store TP during TP phase. Assuming cap delay, 1store TP is worth around 3.6 regain, so that 2regain on hand is worth ~0.5 store TP. Regain is ok for idle, not TP phase.

Shichishito said: »
i smell a viable counter build for BLU:
bathy choker +1 R15 10%, gleti's mask 10$ from augs, 12% from trait (why not 14%? 1200 JP BLU usually always gets the first 3 tiers no?) orcish counter stance 10% (lol genmei shield 4% and earring 1%).
if there is no penalty to counter stance for /mnk BLU should be able to reach the 80% counter cap.
Shichishito said: »
i smell a viable counter build for BLU:
bathy choker +1 R15 10%, gleti's mask 10$ from augs, 12% from trait (why not 14%? 1200 JP BLU usually always gets the first 3 tiers no?) orcish counter stance 10% (lol genmei shield 4% and earring 1%).
if there is no penalty to counter stance for /mnk BLU should be able to reach the 80% counter cap.

That was already possible. You can get 10 counter on ambuscade back. Arguably its now possible without lolshield and earring tho. Also even without counterstance, shield and earring, you can get 42% now, which is very nice too and comes without -50% defense from Counterstance. Its 12% not 14%, because there is no Tier III for counter trait. Everything above 12% is MNK gifts, which are not counted as trait's tiers.
By Shichishito 2021-02-15 19:01:46
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30% gleti, 5% odr earring, 4% tanmogayi offhand, what ever almace dex main hand adds, 5% mirage stole +2 and dex, maybe 5% begrudging ring. 10$ ambu cape if you really want to.

then 12-24% ramuhs favor, 1-14% (?) rogue's roll.

ghetto mighty strikes anyone?

if you take bathy choker +1 over mirage stole you'd also have a counter set. orcish counter stance adds 50% dmg to counters, maybe produces respectable white damage?
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2021-02-15 19:08:25
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Shichishito said: »
30% gleti, 5% odr earring, 4% tanmogayi offhand, what ever almace dex main hand adds, 5% mirage stole +2 and dex, maybe 5% begrudging ring.

then 12-24% ramuhs favor, 1-14% (?) rogue's roll.

Ignoring amount of non standard buffs you expect..
What's the point? Farming Domain invasion? XD

Doing crits just to make crits is useless if you sacrifice everything for it. Also Mighty strikes is super strong because it works for WSs.

Shichishito said: »
if you take bathy choker +1 over mirage stole you'd also have a counter set. orcish counter stance adds 50% dmg to counters, maybe produces respectable white damage?

Sword has too low damage and mobs outside of Hundred Fists hits too slow to make counter damage significant. Counter is mostly a defensive tool.
By Shichishito 2021-02-15 19:16:53
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thinking out loud, trying to find a purpose for this set. crit also works for CDC, you maybe even can exchange some pieces for others with crit damage since CDC adds at least 15% crit. there are also niche scenarios for counter outside hundred fists, counter works good vs caitsith for example... although she practicaly HFs with haste buff.

due to the surplus of att maybe you can finally produce respectable numbers with requiescat? probably not...
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2021-02-15 19:30:37
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Shichishito said: »
thinking out loud, trying to find a purpose for this set. crit also works for CDC, you maybe even can exchange some pieces for others with crit damage since CDC adds at least 15% crit.

due to the surplus of att maybe you can finally produce respectable numbers with requiescat? probably not...

Im calculating all those sets for 5 days now. It takes a long time, because I need to update a lot of sheets with PDL or make my own. Gleti's has many uses, including on BLU. I want to make videos about it, but im bad at it + RL being RL, but hopefully I will do it finally XD

EDIT: We also need a confirmation that R30 is really a thing in game. So far Ejin did V15 Tier III Kalunga and had no option for V20. Its possible that you need all Tier III V15 to unlock V20 options, but it would be kinda strange that system of unlocking higher V changes after V15, so maybe highest rank is actually R20 and R30 is just place holder for some future that might never happen.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-02-15 23:26:52
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I just don't want to manually add gear even when it's only 5 pieces, so waiting on AH to update its database. I can have a full simulation made Wednesday, though and manually add gear if it isn't by then.
Server: Asura
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user: metaking
Posts: 50
By Asura.Zetaking 2021-02-19 16:09:28
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random thought mpacas set is 62 mdef+ saline coats 50mdef + a single mdef trait which is 14, blu would have 126 mdef, a blm mob has 40 matt, 140/226= .6, or about -40% magic dmg taken vrs the worse possible target with no back up, add a whm(+29 mdef) and vrs a say i don't know a rdm mob and the formula looks like 128/255 = .5, or roughly half there magic dmg, now if you add a geo and apply any other family, yea..... and this is all before mdef but before resist rates have a pop at it

vrs blm with best possible set up would be 255+ 60(idris geo)= 315 mdef and 140 matt - 60(idris geo again)= 80 just noticed I typed all this, and forgot about mighty guards +15 mdef...., so ok 315+15=330

80/330 = .24242424, or your roughly reducing magic dmg by 75~76%, let mdt at that, and your only taking 12.5% magic dmg... from a blm, god forbid the geo use some job abilities, or the mob is any family other than blm

to bad se tends to also give magic heavy mobs tons of status effects as well, but still something to think about

ps, yes i know blu can get up to magic def 5, but noone is going to blow the points on that, and i did not calculate accessory slots because those are going to be being used make up the 14%pdt 12%mdt (mind you dring does most of that)and the 10% dw,+ as much multi attack you can get in there
By 2021-02-19 16:13:13
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By Draylo 2021-02-19 16:36:18
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Shichishito said: »
i smell a viable counter build for BLU:
bathy choker +1 R15 10%, gleti's mask 10$ from augs, 12% from trait (why not 14%? 1200 JP BLU usually always gets the first 3 tiers no?) orcish counter stance 10% (lol genmei shield 4% and earring 1%).
if there is no penalty to counter stance for /mnk BLU should be able to reach the 80% counter cap.

Has been done/talked about before. I've used it personally for a Cait Sith solo on D, but not much else yet lol.
Posts: 9180
By SimonSes 2021-02-19 16:47:39
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Asura.Zetaking said: »
random thought mpacas set is 62 mdef+ saline coats 50mdef + a single mdef trait which is 14, blu would have 126 mdef, a blm mob has 40 matt, 140/226= .6, or about -40% magic dmg taken vrs the worse possible target with no back up, add a whm(+29 mdef) and vrs a say i don't know a rdm mob and the formula looks like 128/255 = .5, or roughly half there magic dmg, now if you add a geo and apply any other family, yea..... and this is all before mdef but before resist rates have a pop at it

vrs blm with best possible set up would be 255+ 60(idris geo)= 315 mdef and 140 matt - 60(idris geo again)= 80 just noticed I typed all this, and forgot about mighty guards +15 mdef...., so ok 315+15=330

80/330 = .24242424, or your roughly reducing magic dmg by 75~76%, let mdt at that, and your only taking 12.5% magic dmg... from a blm, god forbid the geo use some job abilities, or the mob is any family other than blm

to bad se tends to also give magic heavy mobs tons of status effects as well, but still something to think about

ps, yes i know blu can get up to magic def 5, but noone is going to blow the points on that, and i did not calculate accessory slots because those are going to be being used make up the 14%pdt 12%mdt (mind you dring does most of that)and the 10% dw,+ as much multi attack you can get in there

I would rather use Malignance. You would take 13.7% damage instead of 12%, but you would have 177 meva more...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: metaking
Posts: 50
By Asura.Zetaking 2021-02-19 17:55:30
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true, but some people are extremally unlucky on Lilith, i mean i been averaging a new piece per 70iah runs. also se (thankfully not recently mind you) has more than a few times sliped in moves you cant resist, you can only reduce.

ps this set would also be good for farming lilith for her gear >.>/, and as a weaponskill set, makes you far less likely to go splat while weapon skilling
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Server: Bismarck
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user: drakelth
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By Bismarck.Drakelth 2021-05-09 22:56:08
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With some time passed anyone notice if Gleti has changed anything on blue or replaced any other gear?