2021 Mog Bonanza

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2021 Mog Bonanza
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: appleboy
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2021-01-15 22:32:37
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Shichishito said: »
first you could get exited about a fusion WS for BLU, then you realise it's bonanza gated and probably only works main hand.

BLU is too dependant on tizonas MP generation to switch it for anything else.

Refresh, Ballad, Arcane Thingy, etc etc exist for a reason.
By Shichishito 2021-01-15 22:59:18
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Bismarck.Ringoko said: »
Refresh, Ballad, Arcane Thingy, etc etc exist for a reason.
every buff you change to a refresh one sets you and your party back somewhere else.
we know this player base and their habbit of going the path of least resistance, they'll not give up a offense buff to refresh their BLU. they'll simply invite a job with access to fusion without sacraficing anything.

trusts are unreliable with ballades/refresh and their potency isn't as great either so for solo play you depend even more on tizonas MP generation. it would end up beeing a fun toy but to be real option it would have to work offhand, even then FB II had to be decently strong cause you'd lose tp bonus.
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2021-01-15 23:36:43
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I'd take ice brand for blu anyway, thing sounds pretty sick
Posts: 9001
By SimonSes 2021-01-16 03:27:55
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Fusion WS is one thing, but it can also easily be the strongest WS on BLU (like 2 hits, 100%DEX WSC with transfered 4.0 fTP for example) or completely poo (like same as normal fast blade but with one more hit lol).

Shiva.Thorny said: »
I don't know why you interpret it that way, perhaps they had only designed about half of them so far and they still wanted to use them to spice up the bonanza and collect some additional sub $$$. It's perfectly possible that they are on track to finish the design sooner than next bonanza, to release them into a content.

I learnt to have low expectations to things like that, because disappointment here could be huge otherwise.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2021-01-16 03:35:31
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Shichishito said: »
Bismarck.Ringoko said: »
Refresh, Ballad, Arcane Thingy, etc etc exist for a reason.
every buff you change to a refresh one sets you and your party back somewhere else.
we know this player base and their habbit of going the path of least resistance, they'll not give up a offense buff to refresh their BLU. they'll simply invite a job with access to fusion without sacraficing anything.

trusts are unreliable with ballades/refresh and their potency isn't as great either so for solo play you depend even more on tizonas MP generation. it would end up beeing a fun toy but to be real option it would have to work offhand, even then FB II had to be decently strong cause you'd lose tp bonus.
I think that the WS INT 10% mod would offset at least partially the loss of the TP Bonus 1000, plus the perma en-ice effect for around 200 per hit, the added accuracy, the major boost to MAB, and the much higher damage on offhand would all equate out the WS damage loss you would have from the best options available now. At least for Ice Brand.

For Onion Sword III, I don’t think we will ever know. I highly doubt that SE would make Fast Blade II powerful on a “all jobs” weapon that most everyone can equip.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lioncourt
Posts: 11
By Asura.Lioncourt 2021-01-16 04:26:53
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
For Onion Sword III, I don’t think we will ever know. I highly doubt that SE would make Fast Blade II powerful on a “all jobs” weapon that most everyone can equip.

Well, the lesson learned from Naegling can go either way to be honest.
Posts: 9001
By SimonSes 2021-01-16 05:21:50
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I think that the WS INT 10% mod would offset at least partially the loss of the TP Bonus 1000, plus the perma en-ice effect for around 200 per hit, the added accuracy, the major boost to MAB, and the much higher damage on offhand would all equate out the WS damage loss you would have from the best options available now. At least for Ice Brand.

Its not even close tbh. 30INT and 10%INT on WS would be +10% damage to Expiacion. 1000TP even if you assume you big TP overflow (lets say avg 1500 with Moonshade) to make it less valuable is around +60% WS damage. Enspell was doing 180 on RDM, but we dont know if that wasnt with Composure (I also wonder if Crocea would boost it, since it gives enblizzard for both hands?). Because if base is really 180 without anything, then it would be the strongest enspell effect in the game, which I kinda doubt it is. Its also kinda slow for offhand (264 delay). Its still amazing weapon for BLU nukes and probably best ilvl offhand for Expiacion, but still far behind TP bonus.
Posts: 113
By Heck 2021-01-16 09:15:56
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The enblizzard only procs for the hand which Ice Brand is on. On BLU my enspell damage on Apex Toads were ~161-177 (100% proc rate). On Apex Jagils it was 216-237. I did the same test with sanguine blade and red lotus blade as my RDM and damage was the same as well which makes it look like the WS INT carries over to off hand.

As far as it beating Thibron it only really won on Apex Toads/Jagils if I had more than 2k TP. I killed about 15 Toads/Jagils with just Expiacion spam. I'm sure that if I had acc issues as well Ice Brand would be the better choice too. That said I don't have BLU mythic sword and only used Naegling so damage would probably be even better.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2021-01-16 09:22:10
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Well, yeah, over 2k (or 1750 TP actually).

Which is more often than one thinks, especially if you are trying to keep AM3 up at all times.

On paper Thibron is going to win, but in reality it's not going to win all the time. The time it takes to move between mobs, the time it takes to initially get AM3 up, the time it takes to get AM3 up when it is wearing, and other factors are all going to shorten the gap between Thibron and Ice Brand.

The gap is still going to be there, but I believe it's a short hop instead of a large jump.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2021-01-16 09:59:37
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Anyone try the Artemis Bow out yet?
By Shichishito 2021-01-16 19:55:36
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anyone tried to couple ice brand with a augmented pukulatmuj +1 or demersal degen +1? could be useful to ghetto RDM stuff like genmei during its invicinible spam.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2021-01-16 20:14:26
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The augments on those two swords only effect the enspell damage on attacks from that sword.
By Shichishito 2021-01-16 22:37:10
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Odin.Creaucent said: »
The augments on those two swords only effect the enspell damage on attacks from that sword.
damn, that's a bummer.
By 2021-01-16 23:45:55
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Posts: 9001
By SimonSes 2021-01-17 04:46:40
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endxen said: »
The weapons are trash. People I know that won rank 1 don't even want anything from it, they would rather have rank 2 prize instead.

Thats a good one lol

Ice Brand is bis for nukes, bis as ilvl offhand for physical WS/REMA, bis as offhand for Crocea.

Dagger is bis ilvl offhand for Twashar, Terpsi, Carn and is bis evasion too for THF.

H2H adding Distortion WS for MNK let him self SC darkness, which is his biggest weakness. Also occasionally double Kick Damage is almost as good as 50% deals double damage on punch, because that effect for punch on h2h is reduced to only one hit and if you use Af3 feet, damage of punch and kick is very similar. Rate of kicks is a little lower without using Relic+3 legs, but it could be good idea while using those h2h. Ofc during Footwork, this effect is much better then, since kick damage is much higher than punch. Also Dragon Blow can potentially be very good WS on its own.

Instrument is one of the best QoL improvement on BRD ever and great Soul Voice piece.

Reraise V on staff is unique and it can be niche, but when it works its great.

The most important thing about any of those weapons tho is that you can farm anything from rank 2, while those rank 1 weapons are unavailable. If someone would win rank 1 and would want to switch it to rank 2 on MAIN char, that would be a super FAIL.

It also makes this whole bonanza idea even more bitter for me, because people who dont even want those weapons and cant acknowledge their value, won them, but people who would love to have them and use them, cant get them in any way possible. It *** sucks.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 402
By Sylph.Reain 2021-01-17 07:35:43
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Everything in rank 2 is farmable.

Rank 1 the only item obtainable outside Bonanza is Ebisu Fishing Rod (and technically you could farm the stones the wailing belt gives).

I think Sage's Staff is a hard sell cause you could get the Mog Kupon AW-Kup and get the Kupo Rod (along with Kupo Suit, Kupo Masque, and Kupo Shield) and be able to remove weakness on all jobs. Unless there's more to the staff which we won't know unless someone picks it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2021-01-17 10:39:42
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They've both got pros and cons.

The Kupo Rod requires you to be without your weapon and weakened for 30 seconds and then get stuck in the item use animation for another 5-10 seconds before you can act. When you're in the middle of battle as the healer in situation dangerous enough to kill you, that can be mean the difference between wiping or saving the situation. In comparison, the Sage's Staff gets applied beforehand, so you're back up to full capabilities instantly.

On the other hand, the Kupo Rod can be used on all jobs, and it requires less prediction; if you use RRV when you don't end up dying and then need it later, or you forget to use it and you die, it doesn't help at all, while Kupo Rod can be used on reaction to dying.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2021-01-17 11:11:01
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Asura.Geriond said: »
The Kupo Rod requires you to be without your weapon and weakened for 30 seconds and then get stuck in the item use animation for another 5-10 seconds before you can act. When you're in the middle of battle as the healer in situation dangerous enough to kill you, that can be mean the difference between wiping or saving the situation. In comparison, the Sage's Staff gets applied beforehand, so you're back up to full capabilities instantly.
I don't think anyone would use it during a battle.

This is something more in line of Omen or Dyanmis where you are just about to get to the boss, some idiot (aka DD does DD things) decide to get themselves killed, and instead of waiting 3-5 minutes for weakness to go away, you just pop this on and get rid of weakness sooner.

While you are correct, Sage Staff would be applied beforehand. Only problem is both items have a 20 hour wait between uses.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10480
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-01-17 15:53:42
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SimonSes said: »
H2H adding Distortion WS for MNK let him self SC darkness, which is his biggest weakness. Also occasionally double Kick Damage is almost as good as 50% deals double damage on punch, because that effect for punch on h2h is reduced to only one hit and if you use Af3 feet, damage of punch and kick is very similar. Rate of kicks is a little lower without using Relic+3 legs, but it could be good idea while using those h2h. Ofc during Footwork, this effect is much better then, since kick damage is much higher than punch. Also Dragon Blow can potentially be very good WS on its own.
Distortion on it's own doesn't mean much with Asuran being the only gravitation MNK has, which sucks without Karambit, or using weak WS to make Gravitation. The WS would be great if paired with a second DD, though, even another MNK with Karambit, as long as it isn't complete crap. The double kick damage isn't that impressive either, really. Comparing just to Godhands spamming smite with footwork up in full damage gear:
7386.24 26512.88
0.35 0.65
1194 99
1178 99

Dragon Fangs (50% KA Damage):
7498.13 24214.74
0.43 0.57
1227 99
1210 99

Dragon Fangs(No KA Damage):
6696.04 24210.91
0.36 0.64
1227 99
1210 99
Posts: 9001
By SimonSes 2021-01-17 16:19:37
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
SimonSes said: »
H2H adding Distortion WS for MNK let him self SC darkness, which is his biggest weakness. Also occasionally double Kick Damage is almost as good as 50% deals double damage on punch, because that effect for punch on h2h is reduced to only one hit and if you use Af3 feet, damage of punch and kick is very similar. Rate of kicks is a little lower without using Relic+3 legs, but it could be good idea while using those h2h. Ofc during Footwork, this effect is much better then, since kick damage is much higher than punch. Also Dragon Blow can potentially be very good WS on its own.
Distortion on it's own doesn't mean much with Asuran being the only gravitation MNK has, which sucks without Karambit, or using weak WS to make Gravitation. The WS would be great if paired with a second DD, though, even another MNK with Karambit, as long as it isn't complete crap. The double kick damage isn't that impressive either, really. Comparing just to Godhands spamming smite with footwork up in full damage gear:
7386.24 26512.88
0.35 0.65
1194 99
1178 99

Dragon Fangs (50% KA Damage):
7498.13 24214.74
0.43 0.57
1227 99
1210 99

Dragon Fangs(No KA Damage):
6696.04 24210.91
0.36 0.64
1227 99
1210 99

You can say its not impressive, but I havent said it is. I said "is almost as good as 50% deals double damage on punch". Check how much 50% ODD adds on SagittaA vs not having it.

Distortion on its own doesnt mean much, but you also cant assume Dragon Blow being weak. When you want to make Darkness, its because of utility or because mob is weak to dark/ice/water/earth, so it will do a lot of damage. If Dragon Blow is actually a good damage WS on its own, then Asuran being rather bad wouldnt matter that much as opening WS.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10480
By Ramuh.Austar 2021-01-17 16:30:17
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SimonSes said: »
You can say its not impressive, but I havent said it is
why do you want to turn it into an argument? I never said you did, I'm just pointing out that it isn't that great. The doubling kicks is the only thing keeping it remotely competitive until we know the WS's stats. And to be clear, doubling kicks is quite a bit better than doubling one punch.

I also never assumed the WS was crap, I said as long as it isn't, the weapon will be good, particularly paired with another DD with good gravitation options.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2021-01-17 18:11:35
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Very surprised we've gotten no data from the weapon skills yet.
Posts: 9001
By SimonSes 2021-01-17 19:22:10
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Ruaumoko said: »
Very surprised we've gotten no data from the weapon skills yet.

Really? Most people on mules probably wont take Onion Sword III or Dragon Fang over Miracle, Sage's Staff or Kupo Set. Unless they will specifically take it to test it for community. People who won on mains will probably take some more safe options like Ice Brand, Miracle, Dagger, Sage's Staff or Kupo set. How many people won? 100? 80% of them or more probably dont even write on any english forum. Most of the other 20% is probably in one of the groups I mentioned above.
Posts: 17
By LucentThePLD 2021-01-24 15:07:13
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My main got Rank 1. Haven't selected anything, yet. Open to suggestions. I know many people will want me to fall on the proverbial Onion Sword III on behalf of the community.

And I might...

Issue is, I'm not very good at "testing".

Looking forward to everyone's feedback.
Posts: 9001
By SimonSes 2021-01-24 15:32:50
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LucentThePLD said: »
My main got Rank 1. Haven't selected anything, yet. Open to suggestions. I know many people will want me to fall on the proverbial Onion Sword III on behalf of the community.

And I might...

Issue is, I'm not very good at "testing".

Looking forward to everyone's feedback.

Many people here including me will be more than happy to help you with testing part :)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1206
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2021-01-24 15:34:11
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Take the onion sword, and live forever in the hearts of all men
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-01-24 16:30:40
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LucentThePLD said: »
Issue is, I'm not very good at "testing".
Use Fast Blade. Then use Fast Blade II. Is Fast Blade II number good when next to Fast Blade number or is Fast Blade II number bad?

Half joking aside, just curious if it scales off of any particular attribute differently than regular Fast Blade and all that stuff. Did we ever get an in-game description of Fast Blade II? Is it still a single hit? Different skillchain property?
Posts: 2413
By Nariont 2021-01-24 16:32:31
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think all thats known is it was fusion, h2h ws was distortion
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2021-01-24 19:08:36
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According to the in-game text, Fast Blade II is a two-hit attack, with damage varies with TP. Exact same for Dragon Blow.
By Draylo 2021-01-25 00:13:42
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Won three rank 3, yay for vanity gear.
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