Mnk H2H choices
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-01-04 16:22:04
I mean, master mnk stock has 35, (+25) auspice is (over)cap, then the "standard" 25 II is standard. (Niq Sherida Moon+1)
But dispel! ...and?
By SimonSes 2021-01-04 16:26:51
If we don't care about a few % of DPS anymore, why not just tp in full malig for the meva?
Because full malignance doesn't have subtle blow. That was already explained. ItemSet 377440
This is capped SB, capped PDT (10% PDT cape), capped MDT (with any shell). Sure, it would output a tiny bit less damage, but it has 91 more MEva in Impetus set. inb4 "no impetus body is weak dmg" after just saying a bit of damage difference doesn't matter in FFXI anymore!
Have you even read this whole discussion that you are referencing or just last post? The target set was 50%DT (not 50%PDT or 50% MDT with Shell etc. 50%DT) and capped SB and as much HP as possible and if you can achieve it without Sagitta and what are the compromise and how it looks from DPS wise.
Your basically took the same set we are discussing for Sagitta, but switched ring and feet, except you for some reason missed that MNK can use Chirich.
By SimonSes 2021-01-04 16:28:18
Oh yeah, it is 15+5+5 for 25 sorry. So only ammo needs to be swapped and ring can be Gere. Auspice would do the rest if you have it.
What? XD With Auspice you are way overcapped without anything. You just need SBII at this point, but we are not discussing build with Auspice. You need real WHM for that. You wont always have one.
inb4 "no impetus body is weak dmg" after just saying a bit of damage difference doesn't matter in FFXI anymore!
Again, not sure if you read the discussion? Bhikku +1 has already been missing on most discussed TP impetus UP sets on last page.
By SimonSes 2021-01-04 16:40:53
I never had Chirich in there.
I know you didnt. Thats my point. You had some strange +5acc +8SB ring that I have never seen, instead of Chirich+1 which is acc+10 SB+10 stp+6.
Why are we pretending no shell? I must have missed the justification for this (it's 40%MDT anyone mum/maxxing like you guys are is using gearswap to switch to a set to take magic damage in anyway).
The point is that 50%DT actually also works for breath damage while pdt and mdt doesnt. You could argue breath damage is rare or something etc. but thats not the point. We were not discussing how much survivability you can ignore in this set, but we simply trying to discuss difference between Sagitta A and other weapons in context of very safe TP set.
By SimonSes 2021-01-04 17:27:31
Are we discussing real game playing or paper math? Oh, we're discussing paper math under random assumptions. Sorry.
No we are discussing specific set and weapon differences for this set. What you are trying to do is force discussion on how useful is that set. Its completely separate discussion that would actually require context like buffs/debuffs, target, Aoe moves etc. Now this specific set and weapon differences in it doesnt require any context to discuss it.
By SimonSes 2021-01-04 18:09:35
Can you please explain to me the logic of making equipment sets for playing in a vacuum? I am missing the point.
Assuming you will not have auspice is not very unrealistic, assuming you'll have no form of shell is, and pretending that anyone min/maxxing to the extent that you regularly suggest to isn't going to use hax to switch gear for breath attacks is getting a bit silly.
1. Its not in the vacuum. Thorny was/is using such set. He probably 6box, he might not want to change equip that often when he is busy with other chars.
2. You can swap equip for specific moves if you have time, but not everyone want to do it that frequently and not everyone want to risk not being fast enough. inb4 React. I never discuss anything with React being available. I dont mind people using it, but if you use it as an argument in discussion then you probably shouldnt discuss with me.
3. The main point was defensive difference between Sagitta A and other weapons. It doesnt even matter what exactly set you want to achieve (tho here we had a specific set in mind), but how much easier it is with SagittaA and if compromises you need to make with other weapons to catch up with SagittaA survivability are big enough to drops DPS under SagittaA build. Ultimately the point was if SagittaA is worth to get, because if you can notice the title of this topic is "Mnk H2H choices"
By SimonSes 2021-01-04 19:00:21
I don't see any sets with Godhands posted in the thread.
Set with Veret will look the same as with Godhands if we are talking about survivability being the main concern, so there is no point doing multiply.
why use Saggita when you can cap SB, have 50% DT as needed and use better DPS h2h?
Thats the point tho. Is it still better h2h when you can use better offensive gear with SagittaA. I wouldnt personally consider going from Malignance feet to Kenda feet as big meva drop. Its "just" 11 meva. Also you SB set still doesnt make sense, it's too much for set with Auspice and not enough without Auspice.
Sets on prior page were showing emp+2 during Impetus
Sets discussed on previous page were mostly 4/5 malignance + kenda feet and meva problem with bhikku+1 was mentioned by Thorny in his post too. If you have people blocked and cant see their post, its your problem really.
By SimonSes 2021-01-04 19:32:05
I don't see any sets with vere, and I don't have anyone blocked. It shows white boxes in Austar's gearsets.
What is still better h2h? Are you saying SagittaA is pointless right? I wasn't just switching the feet, like I said. It was compared to Thorny's set. I am not planning for Auspice and I have changed it a couple of times, need to check it again.
The whole discussion on previous page is about sagitta sets vs Veret sets, but Veret sets aren't posted, but described how they would be different and dps numbers for them are compared to Sagitta. That's why I was asking you several times, have you read it? Because it kinda looks like you scrolled through "pics".
I'm arguing that SagittaA seems pointless, because Veret even with dps sacrifices to match 10%DT on Sagitta, still pulls ahead in DPS. Imo if you make Sagitta path C is better choice, because it can be used when survivability is a total priority. Ofc I wouldn't make that Sagitta before Veret or Godhands.
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2021-01-05 00:00:17
Sagitta A gives me about 7700 with both rings available.
I lowered stp on samurai roll to 60. I switched off Boost-STR and switched to Apex crab (had Apex Eruca before and thats a huge difference in dps because crab in my sheet has 350 vit, while Eruca only 228). With those changes SagittaA with above sets is at 7900 DPS.
But with those changes and without gere for TP and Niq for WS I have Veret at 8456 DPS with 38454 avg Vsmite. So the question now is, why you have Veret so high? Seeing how big DPS jump you get from changing ODD to ODT on SagittaA, Im thinking that maybe you have Veret ODT on whole hand, instead of just one hit of the attack round? EDIT: When I switched ODD to ODT on SagittaA, DPS only jumped to 8142 from 7900. What sets are you using and what mob stats?
By SimonSes 2021-01-05 02:57:05
Sagitta A gives me about 7700 with both rings available.
I lowered stp on samurai roll to 60. I switched off Boost-STR and switched to Apex crab (had Apex Eruca before and thats a huge difference in dps because crab in my sheet has 350 vit, while Eruca only 228). With those changes SagittaA with above sets is at 7900 DPS.
But with those changes and without gere for TP and Niq for WS I have Veret at 8456 DPS with 38454 avg Vsmite. So the question now is, why you have Veret so high? Seeing how big DPS jump you get from changing ODD to ODT on SagittaA, Im thinking that maybe you have Veret ODT on whole hand, instead of just one hit of the attack round? EDIT: When I switched ODD to ODT on SagittaA, DPS only jumped to 8142 from 7900. What sets are you using and what mob stats?
Well I changed sets to what you posted to avoid differences. Mob is 130lv Apex crab with 250AGI and 350VIT. Def and evasion doesnt matter since both are overcapped from frailty/fury/chaos/honor/madrigal.
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By Shiva.Thorny 2021-01-05 08:19:55
1. Its not in the vacuum. Thorny was/is using such set. He probably 6box, he might not want to change equip that often when he is busy with other chars.
Tbh, it's more of two other factors. If I'm at my pc doing content, I don't mind changing equip but I also don't use react or any automation past what is required to succeed, as I want to be actively doing something the entire time I'm playing.
However, I like to automate content, and the goal in that case is to achieve as close to 100% success rate as possible while entirely afk. If you're looking at anything from that perspective, the kill time becomes even more irrelevant than it already is. Perfect healer reactions are no problem, my stuff is much better than public heal bots. But, perfect reaction times don't account for instance lag or dropped packets, and anyone who's played FFXI endgame knows those are common issues.
Additionally, the last thing I was doing when I played was 3/4char-ing w2 bosses with MNK BRD RDM (cor). Dyna boss tp moves are instant and I assume any new and difficult content probably follows the trend, since they know react is commonplace. (Would also guess that MNK/NIN gives sagitta a bit of edge, since with utsu reducing active melee time a larger percent of it goes to AM, but may be negligible.)
2. You can swap equip for specific moves if you have time, but not everyone want to do it that frequently and not everyone want to risk not being fast enough. inb4 React. I never discuss anything with React being available. I dont mind people using it, but if you use it as an argument in discussion then you probably shouldnt discuss with me. Yea, using react as a default gameplay element is ridiculous. If you've got react set up for every tp move and spell that might hit you, surely you can draw your own conclusion that this sort of set is not as important to you. Obviously keep in mind the handful of tp moves that can't be swapped fast enough, but duh.
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2021-01-05 14:16:15
Sagitta A gives me about 7700 with both rings available.
I lowered stp on samurai roll to 60. I switched off Boost-STR and switched to Apex crab (had Apex Eruca before and thats a huge difference in dps because crab in my sheet has 350 vit, while Eruca only 228). With those changes SagittaA with above sets is at 7900 DPS.
But with those changes and without gere for TP and Niq for WS I have Veret at 8456 DPS with 38454 avg Vsmite. So the question now is, why you have Veret so high? Seeing how big DPS jump you get from changing ODD to ODT on SagittaA, Im thinking that maybe you have Veret ODT on whole hand, instead of just one hit of the attack round? EDIT: When I switched ODD to ODT on SagittaA, DPS only jumped to 8142 from 7900. What sets are you using and what mob stats?
Well I changed sets to what you posted to avoid differences. Mob is 130lv Apex crab with 250AGI and 350VIT. Def and evasion doesnt matter since both are overcapped from frailty/fury/chaos/honor/madrigal. Can you just post it so I can see for sure? Something is obviously different. Are you using bhikku cyclas for sagitta? That also gets me around the same values you get.
You also seem to be using different buffs
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2021-01-11 21:16:05
Does making Godhands after Verethragna really help that much while Impetus is down or hard to use? Just how much do you use it if you have both weapons?
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Watusa 2021-01-11 22:13:52
Ragnarok.Blindphleb said: »Does making Godhands after Verethragna really help that much while Impetus is down or hard to use? Just how much do you use it if you have both weapons?
If you already have R15 Vere, I honestly wouldn't even bother. Most content today is wham bam thank you ma'am.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-01-11 22:37:42
Ragnarok.Blindphleb said: »Does making Godhands after Verethragna really help that much while Impetus is down or hard to use? Just how much do you use it if you have both weapons?
If you already have R15 Vere, I honestly wouldn't even bother. Most content today is wham bam thank you ma'am.
I don't bother swapping into Godhands when Impetus is down with Verethragna, though I could. Just never cared to optimize to that degree before. My Godhands isn't R15 either, but kind of hard for me to justify using it only as a swap for when my primary buff is down. I don't think it's a necessary thing, just a way of upkeep on highest dps possible.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2021-01-12 15:12:06
Looking over the dps numbers Simon posted in March of 2019 because I didn't see any more up to date numbers it looks like Godhands are a big let down for current owners of Verethragna. Even more so if they rank 15 the Veret and keep the Godhands at rank 0 like I imagine many do. While it's true based on these numbers that Godhands out performs Veret while impetus is down it's not enough to matter over 5min.
Impetus dps advantage was multiplied by 0.6, Impetus down/Footwork up dps advantage was multiplied by 0.2, Impetus down/Footwork down dps advantage was multiplied by 0.2, then they were all added together. I'm not sure if this is the proper way to do this. If I'm wrong please offer a better way to sum the dps advantage of each weapon over 5min.
With both R0 I have Veret winning by 379.8dps-471.8dps based on buffs. That's without taking into consideration skillchains.
If both are R15, Veret wins by 811.6dps-830.8dps.
That difference would be even wider if we compared R15 Veret to R0 Godhands. Comparing R15 Veret to R0 Godhands the empyrean beat the aeonic by 1186.4dps-1350.4dps.
I've often heard that it is required to R15 Veret, but these numbers look like Godhands also need R15 to compete well with Veret.
I did notice one possible typo in Simon's post. R0 Godhands had the same dps under two different buff conditions. That seems unlikely. But I don't think it alters the story much. I've decided to stick to Verethragna unless I don't have any other Aeonic I want to make.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 456
By Asura.Karppa 2021-01-12 17:21:30
U suck all..nevertheless which weapon u have...real monks uses Destroyers
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By Slowforever 2021-11-06 11:50:38
Spharai is a solid choice. Most bis monk gear doesn't have ta/da on it and counter is OP. In a parse war between all the choices it won't be at the top but in terms of all around effectiveness it is #1. I'm building one for my duo box team (rema brd + monk)
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-11-06 11:54:37
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-11-06 12:01:46
Most bis monk gear doesn't have ta/da on it What?
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By Bahamut.Negan 2021-11-06 12:03:40
HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I was just looking for something to post like this
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-11-06 12:05:55
Most bis monk gear doesn't have ta/da on it wat
Quote: and counter is OP. WAT
Quote: in terms of all around effectiveness it is #1. WAAAAAAT
Are you serious or is that just a funny way to troll or something? Can't tell lol
I am very new to mnk and honestly I threw a bunch of Gil at the job to get it ready so I have some gaps. When it comes to remas godhands vs verth is r15 a major game changer for either of thoes weapons performance wise. I under stand the damage is just better at r15, but it’s also my understanding that weapon skills are not where most of mnk damage comes from. Please advise.