Current SIR Equipment & another question.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Xzerper 2020-12-16 08:17:13
Was looking for current known SIRD equipment, and what the overall best SIR-per-piece in each slot is.
I know a few of them, just can not find a compiled list on the BG wiki noting down any information about what pieces of equipment have spell interruption down on it.
Best one that comes to mind is the Assimilator's Shalwar +3 with a whopping 24% SIRD on it. - Current day and age, are SIRD merits worthwhile over what I am using now?(Crit Rate+ and Emnity Down)?
Thank you in advance.
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By Odin.Creaucent 2020-12-16 09:13:24
Staunch tathlum, 10% aug on Taeon gear, 10% on the Ambu Cape. Honestly though there are very few spells that you would want to cast in SIRD gear and the rest cast that quick anyway there is no point. If you are cleaving you should be /rdm and you should be using aquaveil for that.
I play tanks very often so I've got SIRD merited anyway as its less you actually need in gear.
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-12-16 09:54:38
Well, if you are cleaving, you should use verve first cause the aquaveil on that lasts forever. Your timers would be up by the time it wears in most cases.
By Pantafernando 2020-12-16 10:24:28
Reisen gear also can reach 10% and have better defensive stats than alluvion skirmish ones.
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By Odin.Creaucent 2020-12-16 11:30:19
Reisen gear also can reach 10% and have better defensive stats than alluvion skirmish ones.
Pretty sure that SIRD is only on mage reisen gear from normal stones which BLU cant use.
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-12-16 11:31:10
Reisen gear also can reach 10% and have better defensive stats than alluvion skirmish ones.
Pretty sure that SIRD is only on mage reisen gear from normal stones which BLU cant use. DM Augments.
Got to have that SIRD on SAM and WAR, right?
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Creaucent 2020-12-16 11:32:28
Reisen gear also can reach 10% and have better defensive stats than alluvion skirmish ones.
Pretty sure that SIRD is only on mage reisen gear from normal stones which BLU cant use. DM Augments.
Got to have that SIRD on SAM and WAR, right?
Thought so id rather just use DMs for phalanx+5 and hopefully take 0 damage.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-16 13:39:39
Well, if you are cleaving, you should use verve first cause the aquaveil on that lasts forever. Your timers would be up by the time it wears in most cases. Don't want to deny this, but it kinda depends on what you're cleaving, how many targets at once etc.
Aquaveil from /RDM is certainly weaker (even with Aquaveil+ gear) but the pro is that you can cast it and recast it and overwrite it whenever you want, thanks to /RDM.
Carcharian Verve is much stronger but this doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna resist 5 mins.
/RDM offers a lotsa more other pros for cleaving, if you ask me.
So it all boils down to what you're cleaving I guess.
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By Asura.Kusare 2020-12-16 13:58:29
i've never seen verve wear off before the timer is up, and that's all the sird you need.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-16 15:05:43
Oh it happened to me plenty of times when I'm soloing Omen, for instance.
Just sayin'
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By Asura.Kusare 2020-12-16 15:13:58
bg says you're right, 10 interruptions. guess i wasn't cleaving high enough level mobs to notice.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-16 19:09:47
It's exactely as I told before, it sorta depends on what you're pulling, how fast and so on.
In some situations Carcharian Verve will be more than enough.
In other situations, alas, it won't.
Regardless of that single question, /RDM is incredibly nice for cleaving for several other reasons.
I'll list a few:
1) /RDM allows you to cap fast cast with less FC needed in gear (can put DT or whatever in those slots).
2) Phalanx is different from Barrier Tusk. Better? Worse? Depends. It's a solid alternative and allows you to save one of the 20 BLU spells slots to equip something else.
3) Refresh is a valid alternative to Battery Charge. Again, allows you to save 1 spell
4) Stoneskin allows you to save the slot for Diamondskin
5) Aquaveil, as mentioned above, is nice and BLU has access to a lot of Aquaveil-enhancing gear, granting up to +6 interruption protection.
7) Self cures, allowing you to save the BLU spell slot that you normally reserve to your favourite self-healing spell
8) Convert, can be useful in situations of truly intense cleaving, especially in situations where you don't melee and don't have Tizona
So, overall, even outside of Aquaveil, /RDM is a truly excellent option. Allows you to equip more AoE spells, to get more MAB job trait tiers, and so on.
I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the best magic cleaving subjob, but it's definitely one solid option even outside of Aquaveil.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kusare 2020-12-16 19:48:04
not to mention a sird set is going to be fairly gimp as a nuke set, missing tons of mab. i guess something like dream flower could benefit without losing too much macc if you really need it.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-12-16 19:58:00
1) /RDM allows you to cap fast cast with less FC needed in gear (can put DT or whatever in those slots). I counter this with the fact that Erratic Flutter, a spell you should set regardless for the 30% haste, already has more FC than /RDM would. If you leave out Erratic Flutter, you are basically missing out on 30% haste (or 35% depending on how you read the trait on BG wiki) just for having it on full time.
Your other points are valid, even though BLU has equal or better spells than /RDM would give, even with shitty enhancing magic skill, which takes into account the potency of some of these spells (Phalanx for example).
I guess it really depends on how you cleave.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-17 03:00:34
Enhaskill on BLU/RDM is really low, I dunno how much I could get it up to if I wanted, probably shy of 300.
The low Enha skill is partially compensated by Taeon (or Herc?) with Phalanx+ stat.
Now I wouldn't go as far as to make a set specifically for BLU lol, but if you already have a set from your RUN, for instance, then even Phalanx from /RDM becomes pretty... decent?
For low level monsters I'd argue it's better than Barrier Tusk.
For High level monsters probably not, I dunno.
As I said before they are two different but comparable options, regardless of their different pros and cons.
By Draylo 2020-12-17 03:33:16
ItemSet 373578
Was what I use for defensive spell mostly. Did it before they added some SIRD on certain unity gear, so can change some things for different stats.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Xzerper 2020-12-17 03:50:17
i've never seen verve wear off before the timer is up, and that's all the sird you need. Generally when I cleave, the only spells I'd use with SIRD gear is Whirl of Rage, and Dream Flower.
Anything I am cleaving, I am 99.9% not going to need too much Magical Acc gear outside what I have after SIRD is going to be equipped.
However, I highly prefer Mighty Guard over Verve simply because its way more useful to have my cooldowns on nukes like Floe, much much lower.
If I somehow run into trouble, instead of relying on a 5min cooldown timer for Verve, I'd rather have it into my Dream Flower set, so make sure I don't get a sleep interrupted for an untimely demise.
Quote: /RDM allows you to cap fast cast with less FC needed in gear (can put DT or whatever in those slots).
I've been using BLU for years, and only been two situations where I wasn't WAR or RUN subjob, and was /RDM. I think the only time I've ever had /NIN SJ was for this month's ambuscade, and even then I go COR to that anyways.
I'll never not have Erratic Flutter set. Not relying on someone to Haste you is a beacon because there is no way I am relying on someone to always keep my Haste 2 on, no matter the situation. Just as easy to just cast it myself.
I do plenty of damage for my cleaves, and having the option to be /WAR and melee DPS if needed is much more beneficial to me than /RDM could ever benefit me in most the content I do.
When things die in a single nuke, or a single nuke and one follow up Subduction, or even two subductions...the /RDM bonus' won't help me at all. This is when I have WAR SJ set. RDM would just be overkill. If I am tanking, I would be /RUN on some content.
Reisen? /WAR helps kill Ascended NMs easier as well. I'm not worried about the extra DT during a Fast Cast set, plus outside maybe Aquaveil and low level content for phalanx... I find that /RDM SJ is fairly useless otherwise. So many spells I can set that benefit me much more than anything /RDM could only hope to offer.
@Draylo that is 93% - Are you using SIRD Merits too?
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-17 05:22:39
Your way of reasoning makes absolutely sense.
As I said before my intention wasn't to impose /RDM as the ultimate option for magic damage cleaving.
I just wanted to remind people that it *is* a possible option and an often underestimated one at that.
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By Bismarck.Rwolf 2020-12-17 07:40:27
I agree Sechs. I use /RDM frequently for cleaving but I do use /WAR depending on what I'm doing.
To correct, the FC from Erratic Flutter + 1200 gift is the same as /RDM not higher. I would say instead you benefit by using Unbridled for something else other than Verve.
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-12-17 08:27:32
I guess it depends on the playstyle of the player.
If you spam anything other than Subduction for cleaving, well, /RDM may be better just for the fact that you get Aquaveil and Phalanx.
Personally speaking, I like to do /WAR and use both Cocoon and Defender with Verve (once every 20ish minutes, Mighty Guard when it's not wearing). But that's personally speaking.
You aren't going to use the MAB trait from /RDM, since you will more than likely have spells for the trait set anyway (DF plus Floe plus Stinking Gas gives you MAB IV with 1200 JP gift, and that's if you don't want to make it higher, which I try for MAB VI when cleaving anyway).
I never honestly have to worry about Aquaveil wearing cause I generally don't get hit that often (Occulation/Diamondhide) and Gravity II effect makes it easy to either spam or just sleep and recover if things go south.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-17 08:52:22
I guess it depends on the playstyle of the player. Absolutely, but more than that I think it sorta depends on the stuff you're cleaving.
I mostly cleave Omen solo to farm Detritus, applying TH4 with Dream Flower.
I started /RDM because back then
1) I wasn't capped on Job Points
2) I didn't have Carcharian Verve (I was like 0/9 on that spell, with AF+3 gloves!)
In other terms /RDM was something that for me was a second choice I was forced to make, not my primary one.
To my big surprise though I found out it actually works quite good! Which is exactely what I meant when I said it's an underestimated option.
Spells I use when I cleave /WAR <slot01>delta thrust</slot01>
<slot02>barbed crescent</slot02>
<slot03>glutinous dart</slot03>
<slot04>barrier tusk</slot04>
<slot05>memento mori</slot05>
<slot06>dream flower</slot06>
<slot07>magic hammer</slot07>
<slot08>sound blast</slot08>
<slot11>spectral floe</slot11>
<slot12>anvil lightning</slot12>
<slot14>magic fruit</slot14>
<slot17>battery charge</slot17>
<slot18>zephyr mantle</slot18>
<slot19>water bomb</slot19>
<slot20>erratic flutter</slot20>
Spells I use when I cleave /RDM <slot01>entomb</slot01>
<slot02>delta thrust</slot02>
<slot03>anvil lightning</slot03>
<slot04>barbed crescent</slot04>
<slot05>magic hammer</slot05>
<slot06>glutinous dart</slot06>
<slot07>spectral floe</slot07>
<slot10>cursed sphere</slot10>
<slot11>dream flower</slot11>
<slot12>erratic flutter</slot12>
<slot13>memento mori</slot13>
<slot14>barrier tusk</slot14>
<slot15>sound blast</slot15>
<slot17>eyes on me</slot17>
<slot18>tenebral crush</slot18>
<slot19>sudden lunge</slot19>
When you pull two groups at a time yes, you can get interrupted aplenty and stuff like Occultation and SS will get eaten by monsters hitting you during the pull.
I dualwield Maxentius and Kaja Club and my record (no Tizona!) on doing a full clear is something like >12mins, was it 12,5?
Completely solo, just trusts.
That's my record btw, not my average.
I'm sure people with better gear and/or Tizona can get even better timers.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-12-17 08:55:44
I dualwield Maxentius and Kaja Club and my record (no Tizona!) on doing a full clear is something like >12mins, was it 12,5?
Completely solo, just trusts.
That's my record btw, not my average.
I'm sure people with better gear and/or Tizona can get even better timers. If you are cleaving, you wouldn't want to equip Tizona anyway.
Tizona shines the most when you are spamming spells on groups of mobs then whacking the boss at the end. Einherjar and Nyzul Isle are primary examples of that.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-17 09:02:25
If you are cleaving, you wouldn't want to equip Tizona anyway. Oh no, but some of the Transcended Mobs stay alive even after you've killed everything else, and I usually engage to finish them.
Engaging with Tizona means repleneshing your MP.
Despite me developing very cool strats with conserving/recovering my MP to reduce the amount of time lost, things would be faster with a Tizona to engage those Trans as you finish them with the last HP % left.
But then again I feel with Monberaux and his elixirs (which recover your MP as well) things have changed.
Back when I was still doing this though Monberaux wasn't out yet!
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-12-17 09:08:44
Oh, I haven't done Omen solo on BLU yet.
I should do that...but I'm in a somewhat reliant static for bosses/Ou.
By SimonSes 2020-12-17 09:21:48
I dualwield Maxentius and Kaja Club and my record (no Tizona!) on doing a full clear is something like >12mins, was it 12,5?
With Pixies and undeads? I usually can do first 2 floors and half of 3rd in like 10-12 min on THF, but pixies, undead, porxies and ladybugs takes like 6-7 more minutes, since I usually dont AoE those. My avg time is around 18 and best around 16+. I have never really tried to be super optimal for record tho, so probably could ideally go below 15 min maybe.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-12-17 09:26:03
AFAIK there aren't undead if you go the smaller light route.
Undead happens when you go specific boss routes.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-17 09:26:49
When I started on BLU, before I slowly optimized things run after run through the months (and after a plethora of runs where I was just failing) I was above 20 minutes per run.
Which are the undead on the last floor btw? Didn't know any of those families of mobs classified as undead.
Floor1+2 takes me around 5 mins, less if I'm fast/lucky.
I mean 5 mins for both floors of course, not each.
By SimonSes 2020-12-17 09:30:47
Undead happens when you go specific boss routes. Which are the undead on the last floor btw? Didn't know any of those families of mobs classified as undead.
Sorry I keep confusing Corpselights with Panopts
Floor1+2 takes me around 5 mins, less if I'm fast/lucky.
I mean 5 mins for both floors of course, not each.
This is pretty much the same on THF for me, except I lose some time to force KoH to put phalanx and haste 2 on me. Otherwise it would take like 3 min or less. If going for record I would probably just switch to /rdm and put arciela up for insta haste 2.
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-12-17 10:35:49
That's very nice Simon!!
Altough why are we talking about THF in a BLU thread? °-°
By SimonSes 2020-12-17 10:37:35
That's very nice Simon!!
Altough why are we talking about THF in a BLU thread? °-°
I was just wondering how much time I lose doing it on THF instead of BLU, while prioritizing TH8 over TH4 :P
Was looking for current known SIRD equipment, and what the overall best SIR-per-piece in each slot is.
I know a few of them, just can not find a compiled list on the BG wiki noting down any information about what pieces of equipment have spell interruption down on it.
Best one that comes to mind is the Assimilator's Shalwar +3 with a whopping 24% SIRD on it. - Current day and age, are SIRD merits worthwhile over what I am using now?(Crit Rate+ and Emnity Down)?
Thank you in advance.