Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better!: RDM Guide
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-12-01 16:48:34
Hmm, maybe I was mistaken. I could have sworn I got +34 from Regen II with that set, but looking now I'm getting 33.
Regardless, I find it very helpful for soloing even as it is; I solo VD Shinryu a lot, and with max potency Phalanx (minus DM augments) and Regen, when it's fully enfeebled its attacks barely dent my HP until it uses Cataclysmic Vortex.
As a random aside, the cast time values for the Regen spells on BG Wiki are wrong. Regen III is listed as having a cast time of 5 seconds, but it's actually more like 3 seconds.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2021-12-01 19:10:23
I don't have the Bunzi feet but I use regen 2 all the time. Not having to heal yourself = more time doing what you actually want to be doing.
Part of the reason I asked about Excalibur offhands and blocking is the extra +30 regen tick AM + regen 2 is pretty luxurious.
By SimonSes 2021-12-02 03:16:50
I don't have the Bunzi feet but I use regen 2 all the time. Not having to heal yourself = more time doing what you actually want to be doing.
Part of the reason I asked about Excalibur offhands and blocking is the extra +30 regen tick AM + regen 2 is pretty luxurious.
Yep I think stacking Regen from AM and full potency regen II/III can be really interesting for survivability. Especially with strong phalanx.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2021-12-02 07:58:18
I used to abuse stoneskin during the abyssea era to live through big moves but damage is just so much faster now. Regen has a chance to keep you up at higher health when big moves come your way so you can live through them.
The self duration is really good and it counts as another buff for Naegling. It's easy to appreciate it once you've got some of the gear for it and the Telchine pieces have space for Waltz potency if you're into /DNC so they can at least be a little multipurpose.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 91
By Quetzalcoatl.Javarr 2021-12-15 00:32:56
So random question for ya'll. Was doing research and noticed that the Dyna-D Path C augment naturally bumps En-spell damage the augments and are only active in the main hand. Was looking at the Demersal degen +1 and noticed that it's noted that the 50% bonus only applies to the hits from it. Was talking with a few people and they mentioned that the Dyna-D augment effects ALL En-spell hits, both main and offhand.
So the question becomes, would the Demersal degen +1's bonus stack with the Dyna-D bonus for it's hits or not? I'm guessing not, but wanted to check just to make sure before I went and aug'd out the Degen to only be disappointed.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 316
By Ragnarok.Lowen 2021-12-15 01:05:03
Both only apply to hits with the weapon that has the augment on it. If you're main-handing Crocea and off-handing Demersal, your Crocea hits get the Crocea augment damage increase, and your Demersal hits will get the Demersal augment damage increase.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-12-15 03:58:42
Quetzalcoatl.Javarr said: »Was talking with a few people and they mentioned that the Dyna-D augment effects ALL En-spell hits, both main and offhand. And those people would be wrong, sadly. Enspell+ only counts on the hand it's listed on. So like the poster above already stated. You only get the bonus listed on that hand.
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-02-07 13:10:03
You can get more damage in the 0 tp enspell set if you switch legs to Viti. +3s if you have enspell damage merits. Then switch the feet to taeon boots with +3% haste augs so you're still capped haste and pick up 4 dual wield. It's not as sturdy as what was posted, BUT you pick up +30 spike damage to roll your eyes at. I do HP and acc for the other augs for the taeon boots.
The other places you can add more damage is switching the ambu cape for the ghostfire cape or twilight cape, if you have matching days/weather. At current time /NIN + suppa and taeon boots will get you 2 DW short from cap with full magical haste, but if we get enough mastery levels to hit 65 NIN sub then you don't need the suppa and can use a Lycopodium earring.
Lastly, the neck can be swapped for Quanpur neck for additional damage to enstone on earth day, or light and dark day since there is no matching enspell for RDM to benefit from. You can also use it for extra damage if the enspell of the day isn't ideal and enstone works better. The only thing I am not aware of is if the Zodiac Ring works the same as the Twilight cape for a weather/day swap. If anyone knows, please do tell. I'd love the motivation to do more missions.
Everything I am suggesting is chasing damage and ignoring defense and sometimes accuracy/macc, so it's not going to be universally a good idea. But it will make your Tenzen fights faster.
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Asura.Hortalizo 2022-10-14 07:13:24
Upgraded my empy feet to +3. Now i pass from haste 2 20:33 to 16:42.
Thank you SE!!!!!!
By Seraphpdh 2022-10-14 07:39:29
Upgraded my empy feet to +3. Now i pass from haste 2 20:33 to 16:42.
Thank you SE!!!!!! You looking at the actual buff duration under the icon, or at the value that the timers addon is telling you?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Asura.Hortalizo 2022-10-14 09:39:49
Upgraded my empy feet to +3. Now i pass from haste 2 20:33 to 16:42.
Thank you SE!!!!!! You looking at the actual buff duration under the icon, or at the value that the timers addon is telling you? Hmmmmm now that you said it, i’m looking the timers addon.
Gonna double check the duration.
Ok, it's the timers addon. Thanks for open my eyes.
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[188 days between previous and next post]
By Argisto 2023-04-20 21:11:26
Back to updating the guide after a year away from FFXI. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1871
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2023-04-21 11:03:49
Back to updating the guide after a year away from FFXI. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Best thing to start with would probably be Empy +3 armor. It's pretty much BIS for free nukes now, and Feet are easily best magic WS piece. It's all really good at what it does.
By Zarianna 2023-04-21 16:22:05
Baby come back :D
By Argisto 2023-04-21 21:06:20
I've been doing some reading and came across this post about Immunobreak and status resistances but couldn't find any discussion about it anywhere else. Is anyone else able to verify this info? It seems like a much more technical and in depth explanation of Immunobreak's mechanics than what is currently listed on BG.
/wave ( '-')/
By Seraphpdh 2023-04-21 21:11:34
Back to updating the guide after a year away from FFXI. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Empy +3 Set is the biggest change obviously (upgraded with currency points and item drops from Sortie):
+3 RDM feet are great for Enhancing Duration, (Magic) WSD, and Free Nuking
+3 RDM legs are great for Refresh Potency and Free Nuking / MBing
+3 RDM body is great for enfeebling, self refresh, and Free Nuking
+3 RDM hands are great for enfeebling (under Saboteur), and Free Nuking
+3 RDM hat is more or less just used for Composure (enhancing/enfeebling) and can also be used for Free Nuking.
The Empy +2 Earring is also great for enhancing duration, fast-cast (if required) and certain melee situations (super rare Sortie drop):
A small potential melee upgrade/sidegrade in the ammo slot for melee WSs (TVR mission reward):
A decent idle belt if elemental resists are not a factor (TVR mission reward):
Not too much else in the last year. Prime weapons are supposed to actually be upgrade-able next month (maybe even to something decent), so we shall see.
I've been doing some reading and came across this post about Immunobreak and status resistances but couldn't find any discussion about it anywhere else. Is anyone else able to verify this info? It seems like a much more technical and in depth explanation of Immunobreak's mechanics than what is currently listed on BG.
That post's details follows personal findings I've had from endgame content and certain enfeebles on certain HTBF mobs, but I have never extensively tested it.
Also, welcome back~
By Pantafernando 2023-04-22 03:58:45
Sup guys
So my new char isnt improving as fast as I wanted, so I need to make some strategic decisions here.
To do ambu this month, i leveled to 99 but have yet to invest the improvement of this char.
That said I would like to ask whats the bare minimum of gear/JP to attempt ambu VD this month (namely silencing the Don)?
Depending on how doable is it to improve that till the next update, I will need to put RDM on standby and work something else just to grab the points.
Thanks in advance.
By Argisto 2023-04-22 14:34:36
To do ambu this month, i leveled to 99 but have yet to invest the improvement of this char.
That said I would like to ask whats the bare minimum of gear/JP to attempt ambu VD this month (namely silencing the Don)?
There is no concrete answer for gear requirements as there are so many variables. You'll obviously have a more difficult time than a RDM with more time invested.
If you really want to know how you'll do I suggest you enter a VD ambu by yourself and see how easily you can land your spells and for how long.
By Dodik 2023-04-22 15:15:26
A new 99 Rdm can do E, on N bind doesn't last very long. Silence is not a problem I found.
By Argisto 2023-04-23 05:31:54
Added dSTAT graph to magic accuracy section, added a link to the technical explaination for Immunobreak, updated some gear sets.
Please let me know if you spot any mistakes
By LightningHelix 2023-05-17 03:13:21
Can someone tell me about Sroda Tathlum for Sanguine/Seraph Blade?
On its face, in expectation it's worse:
Sroda: 10% for 25% = EV of 2.5%
Tathlum: 21 magic damage added to Crocea/Daybreak 217/241 respectively = ~4.58%
...but I'm fully prepared to be missing something obvious like "+magic damage is not linear above some point". I notice it's not in the pre-Nyame sets but is in the post-Nyame sets, but it's cheaper than Ghostly Tathlum +1 augmentation so it seems like it should either be in there at first or not at all. Which one's just got the raw numbers?
By SimonSes 2023-05-17 06:21:26
Tathlum: 21 magic damage added to Crocea/Daybreak 217/241 respectively = ~4.58%
This is not how it works. Magic damage is only small part of damage source for those WSs.
you can check calculations here
Generally relative impact of Magic Damage depends highly on fTP of the WS, because Magic Damage is not multiplied by fTP, while WSC is. Keep in mind that afaik Crocea C R25 effect is in fact 100% increase to WSCs, so it will further reduce relative effect of Magic Damage to final WS damage.
By LightningHelix 2023-05-17 06:47:44
Tathlum: 21 magic damage added to Crocea/Daybreak 217/241 respectively = ~4.58%
This is not how it works. Magic damage is only small part of damage source for those WSs.
you can check calculations here
Generally relative impact of Magic Damage depends highly on fTP of the WS, because Magic Damage is not multiplied by fTP, while WSC is. Keep in mind that afaik Crocea C R25 effect is in fact 100% increase to WSCs, so it will further reduce relative effect of Magic Damage to final WS damage. Oh wow, that's... one hell of an equation. Okay! I mean I was already Srodaing. But yeah, not linear in mdmg, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Kahraba 2023-05-17 08:14:43
Back to updating the guide after a year away from FFXI. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Empy +3 Set is the biggest change obviously (upgraded with currency points and item drops from Sortie):
+3 RDM feet are great for Enhancing Duration, (Magic) WSD, and Free Nuking
+3 RDM legs are great for Refresh Potency and Free Nuking / MBing
+3 RDM body is great for enfeebling, self refresh, and Free Nuking
+3 RDM hands are great for enfeebling (under Saboteur), and Free Nuking
+3 RDM hat is more or less just used for Composure (enhancing/enfeebling) and can also be used for Free Nuking.
The Empy +2 Earring is also great for enhancing duration, fast-cast (if required) and certain melee situations (super rare Sortie drop):
A small potential melee upgrade/sidegrade in the ammo slot for melee WSs (TVR mission reward):
A decent idle belt if elemental resists are not a factor (TVR mission reward):
Not too much else in the last year. Prime weapons are supposed to actually be upgrade-able next month (maybe even to something decent), so we shall see.
I've been doing some reading and came across this post about Immunobreak and status resistances but couldn't find any discussion about it anywhere else. Is anyone else able to verify this info? It seems like a much more technical and in depth explanation of Immunobreak's mechanics than what is currently listed on BG.
That post's details follows personal findings I've had from endgame content and certain enfeebles on certain HTBF mobs, but I have never extensively tested it.
Also, welcome back~
To be fair i think its the best of all empy's +3 lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Asura.Indridcold 2023-06-07 20:49:42
What VR ring is everyone taking?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 194
By Cerberus.Natsuhiko 2023-06-07 22:20:12
What VR ring is everyone taking?
I chose Cornelia's ring after some consideration.
Lehko's was looking nice for CDC and TP (and I might change to it if I get an Epa) but Cornelia's applies to more things.
By LightningHelix 2023-06-21 05:48:13
Real stupid question that I'm like 99% on but I want to be sure: Orpheus's Sash is just in the regular affinity number, right? Additive with Weatherspoon/Pixie/Archon, unrelated to Weather/Obi, and so on? It's not its own separate thing?
By SimonSes 2023-06-21 05:56:27
Real stupid question that I'm like 99% on but I want to be sure: Orpheus's Sash is just in the regular affinity number, right? Additive with Weatherspoon/Pixie/Archon, unrelated to Weather/Obi, and so on? It's not its own separate thing?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Ragnarok.Primex 2023-06-21 09:39:01
new RDM (well returning, might as well be a noob) question:
I'm told RDM stomps dps melee now.
Is this purely due to ambuscade sword or/and ML levels or are people exaggerating and this is more hyperbole by disgruntled RDMs who don't get to melee? it's RDM, since the days of valkrum dunes they have been claiming to "stomp". So forgive me if I am uninformed and they really are power houses now, but also forgive me for being doubtful.