Skillchains, magic bursts and negative status ranks.
In this entry I wanted to share some testing regarding a skillchain's interactions with negative status resistance ranks using hit rate testing. To do so, it is necessary to determine how much magic accuracy a magic burst grants a spell. I was unable to find any testing regarding the magic accuracy bonus granted to spells during a magic burst, and the
magic burst page on BG only lists a theorized +100 magic accuracy bonus. Testing this requires a fairly high level target with a negative status rank that is high enough to easily distinguish between the next lowest rank, but not high enough to trigger Immunobreaks. Luckily, a previous test subject seemed to be a perfect fit with a dataset ready to go.
The target: level 139 Disheveled Naraka in Ra'Kaznar Inner Court. Paralysis rank C(40%).
Monster stats found here. MND determined to be 294 during
previous testing.
The test: Create a darkness skillchain on the Naraka (Requiescat>CDC) and cast Paralyze within the magic burst window with a specified amount of magic accuracy and record the results. No testing on Firesday/Iceday. Ice Magic Accuracy merits were removed for this testing. Enemy level verified by casting Fire and finding the ones that took the least amount of damage. The results of my previous testing with the Naraka will be used as a baseline. The difference in magic accuracy needed to achieve a similar hit rate will be used to determine how much magic accuracy is granted to a spell during a magic burst and also if skillchains affect negative status ranks. I will spare everyone some of the brute forcing I did and just post the final data set.
*Note* While writing this I realized that I forgot to include Paralyze's -10 magic accuracy penalty
(tested via automaton scanner method) under the magic accuracy totals in my previous test because I am dumb. For this monster, an estimated 1387 magic accuracy is needed to reach 95% hit rate at rank C(40%). This means that the real magic accuracy total was 1359. 1387-1359=28 which is the difference in magic accuracy. 1 magic accuracy=1% magic hit rate above 50% hit rate so--> 95-28=67% magic hit rate which is relatively close to the results previously obtained. I will edit my previous post to accurately reflect this total.
Relevant Stats:
M lvl 34 RDM/NIN
510 Enfeebling Magic Skill
Job Point Gifts: Magic Accuracy +70
Job Points: Magic Accuracy +20
5/5 Magic Accuracy Merits: Magic Accuracy +25
Paralyze Equipment:
Main: Murgleis R15-Magic Accuracy Skill +255, Magic Accuracy +70
Sub: Crocea Mors-Magic Accuracy +50
Range: Ullr-Magic Accuracy +40
Head: Ayanmo Zucchetto +2-Magic Accuracy +44
Left Ear: Dignitary's Earring-Magic Accuracy +10
Right Ear: Crepuscular Earring-Magic Accuracy +10
Body: Vitiation Tabard +3-Magic Accuracy +40
Hands: Malignance Gloves-Magic Accuracy +50
Left Ring: Crepuscular Ring-Magic Accuracy +10
Right Ring: Kishar Ring-Magic Accuracy +5
Waist: Acuity Belt +1 R15 (first place unity)-Magic Accuracy +15
Legs: Ayanmo Cosciales +2-Magic Accuracy +45
Feet: Malignance Boots-Magic Accuracy +50
All other slots empty
MND:133+161=294 (no Gain-MND used), Target MND=294, 294-294=0 dMND magic accuracy bonus
Paralyze Magic Accuracy Penalty= -10
Total Magic Accuracy:1309
Baseline Test Data w/ 1359 Magic Accuracy:
Full Duration: 99 (61.875%)
Partial Resist: 45 (28.125)
Full Resist: 16 (10%)
Magic Bursted Paralyze Data w/ 1309 Magic Accuracy:
Full Duration: 100 (62.5%)
Partial Resist: 41 (25.625%)
Full Resist: 19 (11.875%)
As can be seen in the data above, a similar hit rate was achieved with -50 magic accuracy during magic burst. Referencing this
magic accuracy table, if skillchains affected negative status ranks then we would only need 1295 magic accuracy to reach 95% hit rate at rank C-(50%). The above result indicates a few things:
1. Skillchains do not affect negative status ranks. If they did, hit rate would be at 95% with 1309 magic accuracy.
2. The hit rates documented above seem to corroborate automaton scanner testing of a magic accuracy penalty when casting Paralyze.
3. While the above sample size is too small to give an exact value, it is estimated that the magic accuracy bonus granted to spells relying on negative status ranks during a magic burst is around +50.

I used Sequence in the main hand for some extra Store TP along with a standard TP set for making skillchains.
During this testing I found an interesting detail. Whenever Paralyze would land for full duration it would always be accompanied by the "Magic Burst!" message in the log. Whenever Paralyze was partially resisted the log would always display just the normal spell landing message. This made it possible to determine spell duration at the time of cast. It seems like only spells that land for full duration get tagged with the "Magic Burst!" log message for whatever reason.