Investigation into Battlefield/Carnage Elegy's relationship with Immunobreak and negative status resistance ranks.
Some time ago,
it was pointed out that Elegy is affected by Immunobreaks when using Slow. This is typically a characteristic of spells that use separate negative status resistance ranks. After doing some research, however, I found some conflicting information.
This section of the Resistance page on JPwiki claims that Elegy uses Earth elemental resistance ranks, not negative status ranks.
The Threnody page of JP wiki curiously states that it is unclear which resistance ranks Elegy uses.
There is also
testing done which I have referenced before using trusts that found Joachim's Elegy AI is affected by Threnody, Rayke and Skillchains. This is characteristic of magic that uses elemental resistance ranks. I wanted to see if I could recreate some of this testing in some way so I went to Sih Gates as a BRD with my buddy Joachim.
I grabbed a lvl 127 Apex Leech (enemy level verified by setting accuracy to 955 and selecting one that checked High Evasion from the options of Low Evasion, No evasion message, High Evasion) and observed Joachim's AI while engaged (ilvl 119 + Memory Gem key item). After 15 minutes of not seeing an Elegy from him, I used Earth Threnody II while equipped with songs +7 (-195 Earth magic evasion down) on the leech. Immediately after landing Threnody, Joachim began to cast and landed Carnage Elegy. I let Threnody wear off and waited some more, but didn't see any further Elegy casts from Joachim until I landed Threnody once again. After repeating this a few times I found this behavior very consistent.

Screenshot of Earth Threnody II>right after, Joachim casts and fails to land Carnage Elegy>immediately follows up with Battlefield Elegy.
Then, I went to Ru'Aun Gardens as RDM and observed Joachim some more. After engaging an Earth Elemental I watched him throw pebbles at it for 10 minutes. Not once did he cast an Elegy. After triggering a Slow Immunobreak with Chironic Hose equipped Joachim still refused to cast Elegy. The same behavior continued with a Saboteur + Frazzle III added to the mix. After this testing I was confident that the cited testing above was correct in asserting Joachim's Elegy uses elemental resistance ranks. I changed to BRD/WHM and re-verified that player cast Elegy would easily land after the Earth Elementa's Slow resistance rank had been lowered by 2 ranks with Immunobreak. Elegy lasted for full duration when it landed.
This left me wondering: Does Elegy cast by the player rely on elemental resistance ranks? Is it possible it uses both somehow even though it's affected by Immunobreaks? These questions led me to the testing below.
The target: Lvl 125 Apex Chapuli in Sih Gates. Earth rank E(70%), CHR-210. Monster stats found
The test: Repeatedly cast Elegy on the Chapuli and record the results. Afterwards, repeatedly cast Elegy with Earth Threnody II applied as done with the Joachim test above and record the results. Since I was unsure if Carnage Elegy had any innate magic accuracy bonuses due to being a higher tier, I decided to start with Battlefield Elegy. According to
this magic accuracy table, 828 magic accuracy is needed to reach 95% hit rate. With the specified magic accuracy listed below hit rate should be between 60%-70%. No testing done on Earthsday/Windsday or during windy weather. Enemy level verified by setting accuracy to 955 and selecting one that checked Low Evasion from the options of Low Evasion, No evasion message, High Evasion.
Relevant Stats:
Lvl 99 BRD/WHM with 362 total job points
394 Singing Skill
Job point gifts-Magic Accuracy +13
Job point category-Song Magic Accuracy +3
Main: Tauret-Magic Accuracy Skill +250, Magic Accuracy +40
Head: Halitus Helm
Neck: Sanctity Necklace-Magic Accuracy +10
Left Ear: Dignitary's Earring-Magic Accuracy +10
Right Ear: Crepuscular Earring-Magic Accuracy +10
Body: Telchine Chasuble (No relevant augments)
Hands: Shrieker's Cuffs
Ring 1: Stikini Ring +1-Magic Accuracy +11, All Magic Skills +8
Ring 2: Stikini Ring +1-Magic Accuracy +11, All Magic Skills +8
Back: Aurist's Cape +1 R15 (1st place Unity)-Magic Accuracy +33
Legs: Volte Tights
Feet: Telchine Pigaches (No relevant augments)
All other slots empty
Total CHR: 106+104=210, 0 dCHR Magic Accuracy Bonus
Total Magic Accuracy: 801
Battlefield Elegy:
Full Duration: 67 (67%)
Partial Resist: 20 (20%)
Full Resist: 13 (13%)
The above results will be used as our baseline. If Threnody has no effect then hit rate will stay the same. If Threnody affects Elegy's magic accuracy, hit rate should be at 95%.
Battlefield Elegy + Earth Threnody II:
Full Duration: 66 (66%)
Partial Resist: 23 (23%)
Full Resist: 11 (11%)
As can be seen in the data above, there was no real change in hit rate indicating Earth Threnody has no effect on player cast Battlefield Elegy. Now, let's do the same test but with Carnage Elegy.
Carnage Elegy:
Full Duration: 65 (65%)
Partial Resist: 24 (24%)
Full Resist: 11 (11%)
Our baseline for Carnage Elegy. If Threnody has no effect then hit rate will stay the same. If Threnody affects Elegy's magic accuracy, hit rate should be at 95%.
Carnage Elegy + Earth Threnody II:
Full Duration: 64 (64%)
Partial Resist: 23 (23%)
Full Resist: 13 (13%)
No real change in hit rate observed. Player cast Carnage Elegy is also unaffected by Threnody.
To further beat this into the ground, I went out and did some testing as RUN/BRD. Similar to the above testing, I cast Battlefield Elegy on the aforementioned monster and recorded the results for a baseline.
Relevant Stats:
M lvl 25 RUN/BRD
177 Singing Skill
Job Point Gifts-Magic Accuracy +36
Main: Epeolatry-Magic Accuracy Skill +242, Magic Accuracy +30
Sub: Mephitis Grip-Magic Accuracy +5
Ammo: Yamarang-Magic Accuracy +15
Head: Futhark Bandeau +3-Magic Accuracy +37
Neck: Erra Pendant-Magic Accuracy +17
Left Ear: Crepuscular Earring-Magic Accuracy +10
Right Ear: Erilaz Earring +1-Magic Accuracy +15
Body: Ayanmo Corazza +2-Magic Accuracy +46
Hands: Ayanmo Manopolas +2-Magic Accuracy +43
Ring 1: Stikini Ring +1-Magic Accuracy +11, All Magic Skills +8
Ring 2: Stikini Ring +1-Magic Accuracy +11, All Magic Skills +8
Back: Ogma's Cape-Magic Accuracy +30
Waist: Acuity Belt +1 R15 (first place unity)-Magic Accuracy +15
Legs: Nyame Flanchard-Magic Accuracy +40
All other slots empty
Total CHR: 122+88=210, 0 dCHR Magic Accuracy Bonus
Total Magic Accuracy: 796
RUN/BRD Battlefield Elegy:
Full Duration: 64 (64%)
Partial Resist: 20 (20%)
Full Resist: 16 (16%)
Afterwards, I cast Elegy while the monster is under the effects of Rayke with three Tellus runes. If Rayke has any effect after lowering the monster's Earth elemental resistance rank to H(115%) then hit rate should be capped at 95% according to the magic accuracy table linked above.
RUN/BRD Battlefield Elegy + Rayke (Tellus x3):
Full Duration: 63 (63%)
Partial Resist: 22 (22%)
Full Resist: 15 (15%)
No change. I think this is enough evidence to conclude that, while Joachim's Elegy relies completely on Earth elemental resistance ranks, player cast Elegy relies solely on a monster's Slow resistance rank.
In conclusion, it seems to me that whether a spell/song/blood pact relies on elemental or negative status ranks is entirely arbitrary and likely done for reasons only the developers would know. The same goes for which spells/songs/blood pacts are affected by Resist! traits or not (looking at you Addle).
Edit: forgot to include monster stat link