Omen's entry dialogue is messed up, but in writing this I understand why it slipped through QA. It's a bit complicated to explain and the finer details probably didn't make it to the localization team.
Omen uses a ticketing system, so each person that registers is given a ticket with a number on it sequentially. You might see a similar system in a store or DMV where you take a number and wait instead of standing in line.
However, when you try to enter Omen, it says:
"You are currently number X in line, with Y in front of you."
In this case, if you accept the dialogue choice you will receive the number X+1, so X is the last ticket someone took. The next ticket called will always be Y+1, so Y is the last ticket that entered. That's very confusing, because if you imagine it saying:
"You are currently number 460 in line, with 456 in front of you." it sounds like you have a very long wait ahead of you but actually only 5 tickets need to be called (457, 458, 459, 460, 461).
In meat counter terminology, this should be something more like.
"Last ticket was X. Now serving Y."
I don't remember whether the same problem exists for Ambuscade, but it probably does