Maiden Of The Dusk - Tips?

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Maiden of the Dusk - Tips?
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Sobius
Posts: 123
By Bahamut.Sobius 2020-07-24 14:42:06
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Hello Community,

Have done this now about 20 times on VE with about a 1/3 win ration on BLU. Basically, my Trusts get slaughtered in less than 60 seconds, then I get finished off, regardless of variations I have tried.

I have tried Melee'ing on the Gyves then WS on her, but it really doesn't seem to make a difference. Having to stand in the AoE Effect of the Gyves is hurting me.

Would appreciate any advice more experienced players could give.

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 3646
By Taint 2020-07-24 14:49:30
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Bahamut.Sobius said: »
Hello Community,

Have done this now about 20 times on VE with about a 1/3 win ration on BLU. Basically, my Trusts get slaughtered in less than 60 seconds, then I get finished off, regardless of variations I have tried.

I have tried Melee'ing on the Gyves then WS on her, but it really doesn't seem to make a difference. Having to stand in the AoE Effect of the Gyves is hurting me.

Would appreciate any advice more experienced players could give.

Thanks in advance.

Run past Lilith, then provoke, engage etc. Your trust are probably standing in the outer ring of Gyves that will AoE them dead. VE is very much just engage and mow down.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-24 14:54:48
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The trick I do is I run in and engage asap.

Then disengage after my trusts have voked her, walk past her to the middle (my trusts will follow), and re-engage now with better positioning.

I use the following, (and this is also the summon order you want, summon order matters for positioning trusts)

1. Amchuchu
2. Selheteus
3. Yoran Oran
4. Kupipi
5. Koru Moru
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-07-24 15:12:48
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Get TP then Savage Blade. Get TP again then Savage Blade again. Do this again 6 or 7 times.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shystie
Posts: 41
By Asura.Shystie 2020-07-24 15:59:12
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I go THF/DNC. I don't really have a need for /DNC, sometimes I haste samba, just depends if I feel like switching it up. I do have my alt on WHM/BLM. I use August, Sylvie, Ulmia, and Koru. I call them in that order, this way the tank is first in line (closest to me). I usually run past Lilith but less than 2 yalms away. Before engaging, I adjust my position so the tank is on one side of the mob and the rest is to the side or behind. Then I just use SA, TA, and Feint when they are up. I do not weapon skill at all. You can, of course. I am just trying to build treasure hunter because after being 3 out of 5 in 200ish runs, it clearly helps. /eyeroll

Good luck!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 16:04:47
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Bahamut.Sobius said: »
Having to stand in the AoE Effect of the Gyves is hurting me

What do you mean by this? The outer border or the Gyve that pops from Lilith? You can simply move away from the gyve after she pops it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 26
By Ragnarok.Hulkamania 2020-07-24 16:10:07
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If you go PUP instead it makes things 100 times easier, trust me.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Sobius
Posts: 123
By Bahamut.Sobius 2020-07-24 16:30:18
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Bahamut.Sobius said: »
Having to stand in the AoE Effect of the Gyves is hurting me

What do you mean by this? The outer border or the Gyve that pops from Lilith? You can simply move away from the gyve after she pops it.

That's part of the problem - I move, but the trusts all sit there in the middle of it. I try to disengage to pull them along, but usually while game waits for me to disengage she gets off a couple of attacks and destroys a Trust or 3.. :(
Posts: 55
By kasnuaku 2020-07-24 16:33:43
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I would recommend puppet master as well. :D just teamed up with a thief friend to help them out.

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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 16:54:19
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Bahamut.Sobius said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Bahamut.Sobius said: »
Having to stand in the AoE Effect of the Gyves is hurting me

What do you mean by this? The outer border or the Gyve that pops from Lilith? You can simply move away from the gyve after she pops it.

That's part of the problem - I move, but the trusts all sit there in the middle of it. I try to disengage to pull them along, but usually while game waits for me to disengage she gets off a couple of attacks and destroys a Trust or 3.. :(

If it helps, she only pops the Gyve on the person who has hate. So if you or the trust tank happen to be standing at a corner of the arena and have hate, you can dictate where you want her to pop the thing. Might help you a lil :3
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: mofat
Posts: 116
By Sylph.Ticktick 2020-07-24 18:00:31
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i've done gyve method on thf, dnc, and mnk on E and you don't need a tank trust, just /war. trusts are sylvie, selteus, ygnas, Ajido-Marujido, and KoH. at the start, run past her to the middle, provoke, and engage. move around as necessary so only you or only you and sylvie are in her front cone. TP and ws as normal until she drops a gyve, then switch targets to the gyve. TP on gyve, ws on her, whenever you get knocked back, quickly run back to where you were so she moves a little as possible. don't even need to reposition trusts away from the gyve b/c selteus uses regeneration & ajido and sylvie help w/ cures. The only dangers are dark thorn before she drops a gyve, and Subjugating Slash followed by impact. if she runs away before you can WS after Subjugating Slash, just use provoke and she'll come right back.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 765
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-07-24 18:56:54
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Depending on your positioning with Gyve method on E, the gaze charm attack can still hit you so just keep an eye out for that. Best to try to position yourself so she is kind of on your side and the Gyve is in front of you. Probably even better if you are directly in between her and a gyve so you just need to turn, WS, turn back.

I got every single one of the drops from E as THF/war using that method.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-24 22:17:15
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Bismarck.Firedemon said: »

Get TP then Savage Blade. Get TP again then Savage Blade again. Do this again 6 or 7 times.

Interesting comp!

You arent finding Arciela is just dying to AoE, since she melees?

Also, how do you find AAEV performs compared to Amchuchu?

I definitely would like to drop using Amchuchu, because her en-weapon effect has the same sound/animation as TH proccing D:

Edit: Damnit AAEV has Enlight which /also/ sounds the same as TH procs. FFFfff
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-07-24 22:34:06
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soralin said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »

Get TP then Savage Blade. Get TP again then Savage Blade again. Do this again 6 or 7 times.

Interesting comp!

You arent finding Arciela is just dying to AoE, since she melees?

Also, how do you find AAEV performs compared to Amchuchu?

I definitely would like to drop using Amchuchu, because her en-weapon effect has the same sound/animation as TH proccing D:

Edit: Damnit AAEV has Enlight which /also/ sounds the same as TH procs. FFFfff

I found Arciels was more helpful with AoE cures and the MBD, and quite often she'd end up being the last one standing if ***hit the fan. Anytime I used Amchuchu, she'd die early on, so I stuck with AAEV. If I decided to 2-box and bring a THF, I'd drop Selh'teus.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Zubuis
Posts: 74
By Bismarck.Zubuis 2020-07-24 22:42:39
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Its an easy fight on mnk. You dont need a tank. Can use multiple healers if needed. Use trusts that dont feed her TP. Use a trust like Ajido-Marujido for dispel.
By Shichishito 2020-07-24 23:22:50
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not sure if there is a trust that is on top of erase game on tank trusts but imho its better to just ditch tank trust as they tend to die eventually.

if you use a solid -dt set you probably don't even need brygid, the only real threat at VE/E are her dread spikes, charm gaze and -mdef move, especially if it comes together with impact cause of several layers of debuffs that need to be erased, if you survive it. -mdef needs to be removed asap as all her moves are magic based (means its perfectly safe to use Berserk and pretty useless to cast cocoon) and some of her attacks can potentially oneshot when the debuff is active.

i've used Ygnas,any unity healer(preferably yoran),Ulmia,Qultada,Selh'teus. don't think you need ygnas, selh'teus is your MP battery, unity healer is also important but maybe sylvie works just fine. ygnas, ulmia and qualtada can be exchanged depending on your jobs needs.
you'll primarily want to cap haste and have a trust with high priority on erase and one on healing duty like king of hearts + unity healer. qualtada is just for more damage from rolls but could be replaced if you need more haste or want a dispeler in case lilith puts up dread spikes befor she places the first gyve (or if you are too afraid of dread spikes just bring low damage weapons and macro them in to feed her tp till she pops a gyve?).

as others already discribed, engage from distance then run in, provoke and melee/ws like you normally would, just watch for dread spikes. if you find your trusts dieing in outer circle drag her to the middle of the circle after provoke and land your first hit/trust engage there.

once the gyve spawns switch target to gyve for tp gain and position in a way to have the gyve infront and lilith on your back to avoid the gaze charm. use a ws macro with <stnpc> and toggle lock on button as needed. if you time it right you can WS and turn befor animation lock of the WS kicks in to minimize risk of getting charmed without the use of ja0wait cheat addon. after switching targets its way quicker to turn by straving left/right than walking forward/backward for some reason.

you can walk back wards each time she attacks to reduce pushback and prevent her from repositioning too much. reduces distance knocked back gear helps to ease the annoyance, if you just started farming her and you can easily get your hands on all 3 knock back pieces (one of the backs [repulse mantle is easy to get}, vocane ring and dashing subligar) i recommend doing so.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 126
By Lakshmi.Kingofbastok 2020-07-25 00:30:02
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If you're on blu, set Magic Barrier to help eat the dmg that she does on you and that the outside gyves can do to you. The amount of dmg it will eat is whatever your blue skill is when you cast it, so if you can get 600-700 blue skill, it can last at least a few hits. I used to solo E as blu and there were a lot of things that could mess you up on E, but she's a lot less annoying on VE than she is on E (I don't think she can charm, dispel, or use Impact on VE).

Winds of Promy. is also helpful in the fight to erase the hp, mp, and tp down and also to maybe get some hate if it hits your trusts. If you can do decent dmg with Savage Blade and you voke at start, she should mainly just focus on you for most of the fight, assuming you don't use a trust tank.

I'm still only 3/5 on armor, but I'm probably 1/25 on VE solo and sometimes with a friend who comes THF, while I'm like 2/150+ on E with and without my friend's help. I also probably failed like 10-20% of the time on E because of being too slow on Panacea after moonlight veil or I wouldn't notice charm going off.
Posts: 71
By Ravenlokk 2020-07-25 00:36:39
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Go THF, Engage her- TH etc keep hate so she WS u. in DT Gear its easy to tank her on THF w/ trusts.

When Gyre spawns, TP ON THE GYRE, WS Lilith. If you're superstitious you can switch back to her at low HP and its a trivial 3 minute fight.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-25 03:04:02
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Arciela seems awful, she heals Lillith on hit quite a fair bit.

Slowed the fight down tremendously.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2020-07-25 07:09:08
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Amchuchu is awesome because he doesn't have any dark-based SC properties as all. If SA or TA is up, use Rudra's Storm, if not use Evisceration. Always follow each Rudra's or Evisceration with an Exenerator to avoid accidental self-SC Darkness.

If you pull hate near the end don't worry about it, she hits like a wet paper bag. Just zerg her down and win. She melts in like three minutes with this strategy.
Posts: 9323
By Afania 2020-07-25 07:47:14
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Nobody recommend ajido, really? You don't need to TP on gyve with ajido which really speed up the run.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Meansa
Posts: 36
By Odin.Meansa 2020-07-25 08:04:26
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Usually when doing this fight I go as Summoner. Trusts are Amchuchu, Ygnas,Koru-moru, and whatever else. If you go on E things are fine as long as you position trusts so that the healers are not in the front. Occasionally throw out stoneskin. Sometimes when I bring a thief I let them cast trusts and have them cast Sylvie. The thief is strictly there for treasure hunter to avoid charm mishaps. Also I might add that if trusts do die, it is soloable....just don't do anything risky. Slow and steady. So far Iv'e gotten about 3-4 full sets for myself and a few others.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-25 18:44:34
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Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »

I have found Kupipi performs better than Cherukiki.

Primarily because Kupipi prioritizes removing off that Mdef Down effect on Amchuchu, which is clutch in the last 10% leg of the fight to keep things from getting squirrely.

Cherukiki often will be busy doing other dumb ***and as a result peeps start dropping near the end with her, I find.
Posts: 1503
By Chimerawizard 2020-07-25 19:06:36
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Ravenlokk said: »
Go THF, Engage her- TH etc keep hate so she WS u. in DT Gear its easy to tank her on THF w/ trusts.

When Gyre spawns, TP ON THE GYRE, WS Lilith. If you're superstitious you can switch back to her at low HP and its a trivial 3 minute fight.
or any other job with some TH gear.
use 3rd party features to backturn the charm & avoid knockback. google them, not sharing.
trust tanks just can't keep hate. all support & healer trusts.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-25 20:03:56
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Anyone else have serious issues though with Lillith going apeshit on her last 15% and trusts just dropping like flies?

It seems so hot and cold too. Some runs its fine and everything goes smoothly.

But then other runs suddenly everyone is in the red and cant get out of it, and then they start dropping and her last 1~3% is just me solo trying to rush her down before I die.

Very frustrating how unpredictable that is, not sure whats happening.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-07-25 20:07:24
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I've had a few runs where my trusts get demolished as soon as I engage. I've seen AAEV die before I could even get my first Torcleaver off.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-25 20:09:10
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Nah I havent had that issue, its more the very very end of the fight, it seems she starts using the AoE *** moves more and more as the fight drags on.
By Shichishito 2020-07-25 20:11:39
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Chimerawizard said: »
use 3rd party features to backturn the charm & avoid knockback. google them, not sharing.

soralin said: »
Anyone else have serious issues though with Lillith going apeshit on her last 15% and trusts just dropping like flies?

It seems so hot and cold too. Some runs its fine and everything goes smoothly.

But then other runs suddenly everyone is in the red and cant get out of it, and then they start dropping and her last 1~3% is just me solo trying to rush her down before I die.

Very frustrating how unpredictable that is, not sure whats happening.
i've noticed that too and i believe she either starts favoring her more lethal attacks like -mdef down below certain % of HP or its just bad random number generator. maybe your trusts drop cause they got hit with -mdef and your trust selection only erases you and not your trusts.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-25 20:16:32
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One thing Ive found that smooths it out quite a lot is saving bully for when she hits 15%, and popping it then.

Bully helps choke off her "go apeshit mode" thing at 15% and definitely boosts my survivabilty.

Doing this, rather than ending the fight solo, I'm ending it with all 6 trusts still alive.
Posts: 15102
By Pantafernando 2020-07-25 20:20:19
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soralin said: »
Anyone else have serious issues though with Lillith going apeshit on her last 15% and trusts just dropping like flies?

It seems so hot and cold too. Some runs its fine and everything goes smoothly.

But then other runs suddenly everyone is in the red and cant get out of it, and then they start dropping and her last 1~3% is just me solo trying to rush her down before I die.

Very frustrating how unpredictable that is, not sure whats happening.

Its a common behaviour overall that mobs increase their frequency of tp moves once you get close to the end.

Also, do notice lilith have a couple of status debilitating moves, that in the end, that can add and quickly destroy anyone. best to have someone that can quickly erase
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