Voting Fraud

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Voting fraud
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-07-13 16:50:50
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So, to Vic a single conviction of voter fraud means only one vote was tampered with.

I mean, we all know how delusional he is, but damn, this bring it to a whole new level....
By volkom 2020-07-13 17:07:41
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Viciouss said: »
volkom said: »
Viciouss said: »
volkom said: »
apply that problem to the whole country where the election isn't only about president but state representatives, senators, local govt etc. Is every city, county and state prepared to keep the integrity of the votes being submitted if we're pushing for a primarily mail-in-ballot election?

Well based on California's results, yes? People just need to fill out their ballot correctly and mail it on time. That was their biggest issue by far, and it's easy to correct. It certainly didn't lend any credence to the fear mongering going on in regards to mail in voting.

If we're solely looking at california, new york or any state that traditionally votes democrat i don't think this will be a problem. but for swing states/districts this is a huge problem especially considering how tight the 2016 election was. Would be a shame if biden lost to trump cuz 100k+ votes per state weren't handled appropriately by all involved parties

Improperly handled ballots are of course unacceptable, but that's not what happened in Cali, the state doesn't appear to have done anything wrong. The errors were committed by the voters themselves, they didn't mail it in on time, they didn't sign it, they mailed in an empty envelope. As long as the states are doing their jobs correctly, which despite some shenanigans we have seen in Georgia and Wisconsin, I think they will, we will be fine.

i'm not saying the state is at fault. Its the problem with the mail in ballot system. There's too many people that will mess up the ballot. Either people don't pay enough attention or they miss a tiny detail which makes their vote invalid. Its a shame the ballots didn't get sent in on time but that's not always up to the person casting the ballot. That could also be any courier or the USPS's fault. If the trend continues I can see this being a major concern, especially for swing states.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2020-07-13 17:08:29
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Cruz Missive said: »
My objection to voter ID is purely philosophical; it's a *** poll tax. Even if the IDs were free, the time spent obtaining it is not. I don't get why it's phrased as a race issue when, as Eiryl points out, it's a class issue. It does affect minorities more, but that's because of the lower classes' demographics, not anything targeted at race.

The answer is, as always, vote by mail. It's the easiest to secure, there's no voting machine chicanery, and there's no undue burden on the voter (no long lines, no need to take time off work, anything). Just fill out the form and send it back.

Literally the only thing we lose is the horserace *** on Election Night, where <insert cable news network of your choice> gets to cosplay as SportsCenter for a night. Good riddance.

Sorry but we already have a mandatory ID card, we call it a drivers license / social security card. Valid ID is already required to do a ton of everyday stuff so the notion that it would be a "burden" is on the face absurd. Now I do agree that the government should be the ones funding a universal ID card, which is what we're really talking about.

Right now we have three basic "ID cards" handled by three different sets of people. The first is the Social Security Administration doing a Social Security Card which is used for tax and financial purposes. It's not very secure and people steal those all the time. The second is the state drivers license, fairly secure and the most common form of ID used. It's problem is that every state has their own ID system and places like California and New York have passed laws forcing DMV workers to issue licenses without validating the identity of the people they are issuing them to. The third form is a US Passport which is a universally recognized form of ID around the entire world. It's the most secure and universal but also the most difficult to get and maintain.

What we need is something universal across the country, like a US Passport, but not nearly as demanding to get. The Real ID act is doing some of that while also pissing California and New York off.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11590
By Garuda.Chanti 2020-07-13 17:41:39
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »

I'm calling it now, Vic will dismiss it because of the source.
Which proves what I have been saying for years.

1, The vast majority of voting fraud involves misappropriation of absentee ballots, not in person voting.

2, The numbers are tiny, the percentage minuscule.

Asura.Kingnobody said: »
There are also elections overturned due to voting fraud of less than 200 ballots....
That's Texas for you... /rolleyes
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-13 17:46:15
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
So, to Vic a single conviction of voter fraud means only one vote was tampered with.

I mean, we all know how delusional he is, but damn, this bring it to a whole new level....

Or no votes at all, the most likely scenario. Registration fraud, again the most common type, seldom involves the act of voting. And "seldom" is probably too strong of an adjective. But please, continue on with your conspiracies. Saevel there things California just lets people vote illegally because it doesn't affect their elections. He has made that claim several times, never posts evidence tho. Seems to be a theme.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11590
By Garuda.Chanti 2020-07-13 18:34:06
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volkom said: »
.. There's too many people that will mess up the ballot. Either people don't pay enough attention or they miss a tiny detail which makes their vote invalid.
Ballots come with instructions. I am the kind of weirdo who likes reading instructions. I understand there are those who feel reading, let alone reading instructions, is an imposition. I do not believe I can sympathize if their vote isn't counted.

Its a shame the ballots didn't get sent in on time but that's not always up to the person casting the ballot. That could also be any courier or the USPS's fault. If the trend continues I can see this being a major concern, especially for swing states.
This has some validity.

I can drop mail off at the local post office for the afternoon pickup but that truck makes a lot of stops at tiny little post offices and then goes to a mail facility over 90 miles from me. Will it get postmarked that day? Who knows.

Then again we get our ballots 10 days early. In cities they have postal workers curbside at the big processing centers waiting for last minuet ballots. They do it for taxes too.

Then again my state has been doing all mail in for over a decade so we are used to it.
By volkom 2020-07-13 21:50:53
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
volkom said: »
.. There's too many people that will mess up the ballot. Either people don't pay enough attention or they miss a tiny detail which makes their vote invalid.
Ballots come with instructions. I am the kind of weirdo who likes reading instructions. I understand there are those who feel reading, let alone reading instructions, is an imposition. I do not believe I can sympathize if their vote isn't counted.
glad you're a weirdo but lets not forget the reading comprehension in the states is also extremely low. any party would want as many votes as possible regardless if the person voting can/not read or know who they're voting for beyond a name

Garuda.Chanti said: »
This has some validity.
I can drop mail off at the local post office for the afternoon pickup but that truck makes a lot of stops at tiny little post offices and then goes to a mail facility over 90 miles from me. Will it get postmarked that day? Who knows.

submission of the ballot via the mail isn't the only concern either. Another concern is will the post office even send the ballot in a timely manner? and to the right location?
few month old article but there's many more examples like it.

In the last decade, 30 million mail ballots were sent to the wrong addresses and/or went missing entirely, according to election officials.

These are concerns in just getting and submitting the ballot, let alone someone from the right trying to tamper with it or someone from the left using a deceased person's name to cast one. States like oregon are cool cuz they've been practicing the system for a while but its not going to work for the entire country all at once. Not every state is prepared to manage the mass mail in voting system that is being proposed. If given more time for future elections, sure ~ maybe.

A simple solution to this would just have the voting booths outside. Apparently people gathering in mass with masks doesn't spread the disease so just do everything outside.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-07-13 22:19:14
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I'm pretty confident based on the previous three years of Orange Man Bad insanity that any significant voter fraud discovered will be in the favor of Democrats, such as that county Voting Commissioner nutcase in Florida who did it two elections in a row (and somehow kept her job).

The real concern is how our media will make it go away once discovered in a week or so and after a few months, will have the Democrat base so brainwashed to think it never happened the way it did, they'll be on forums like this telling anyone who brings it up is just, "fear mongering."
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-13 22:20:39
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Well considering the only significant case in 2018 benefited the Republicans, and there were zero significant cases in 2016, I wouldn't be too worried about it.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-07-13 23:08:34
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Viciouss said: »
Well considering the only significant case in 2018 benefited the Republicans, and there were zero significant cases in 2016, I wouldn't be too worried about it.

You forget about Jill Green's Michigan recount that showed the only discrepancies favored Hillary Clinton?

Or the Broward County (FL) Elections supervisor burning ballots in a dumpster?

I mean, can't blame you if you forgot those, the media made them disappear with the Russia collusion hoax.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-07-13 23:10:30
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This one is neat, too. And recent!
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-13 23:45:04
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Prong said: »
Viciouss said: »
Well considering the only significant case in 2018 benefited the Republicans, and there were zero significant cases in 2016, I wouldn't be too worried about it.

You forget about Jill Green's Michigan recount that showed the only discrepancies favored Hillary Clinton?

Or the Broward County (FL) Elections supervisor burning ballots in a dumpster?

I mean, can't blame you if you forgot those, the media made them disappear with the Russia collusion hoax.

Are you trying to reference Jill Stein? Her recount efforts in Michigan were stopped by the courts, there was no recount, so it couldn't have favored Clinton. Nothing happened in 2016 that helps your voter fraud conspiracies.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-07-14 00:48:21
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Viciouss said: »
Prong said: »
Viciouss said: »
Well considering the only significant case in 2018 benefited the Republicans, and there were zero significant cases in 2016, I wouldn't be too worried about it.

You forget about Jill Green's Michigan recount that showed the only discrepancies favored Hillary Clinton?

Or the Broward County (FL) Elections supervisor burning ballots in a dumpster?

I mean, can't blame you if you forgot those, the media made them disappear with the Russia collusion hoax.

Are you trying to reference Jill Stein? Her recount efforts in Michigan were stopped by the courts, there was no recount, so it couldn't have favored Clinton. Nothing happened in 2016 that helps your voter fraud conspiracies.

Ah yes, Jill Stein, GREEN Party, they start to all blend together. And yes, I see they were stopped, but she continued to claim it showed flaws in voting system, must have been were the confusion came from.
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-07-14 00:49:09
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Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-07-14 00:51:37
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I knew I wasn't just making it up.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-07-14 10:57:25
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my opinion on this:

1. The data suggests that Uneducated, minorities, and young people are several times more likely to have their votes discarded when using a vote by mail system.
2. the current vote by mail (absentee ballot) has about a 1~2% rejection rate. The test runs of vote by mail (covid ballots), is at an insane 20-30% in recent elections
3. Vote by mail is too insecure for any kind of massive application. it is too hard to accurately do, and removes the accountability of the voter to not cast an illegal ballot. E.G. i could swipe every ballot in a neighborhood, fill them out for John cena, then drop them in PO boxes all over the city to prevent any kind of pattern being recognized, or any 'bundling' law issues. nobody would be the wiser.

TL/DR: Our election process for vote by mail is the least secure of all methods, and it is trying to be applied to probably the most controversial (and by way of, important) election since the election of 1860.

this election has to be Rock solid in its security ever since the dumb *** democrats decided they wanted to convince the world that our election system was 'hacked', despite zero evidence, or proof. they opened the door to the argument of fraudulent elections in 2016 - now that door is wide open for the results of 2020 to be contested regardless of the victor.

both sides can now say their side won. it will be like that time butigeig gave a victory speech before they even finished counting, and everyone else rushed the stage declaring victory as well. it will be chaos, and the perfect storm for a hot civil war.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-07-14 11:01:16
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
it is trying to be applied to probably the most controversial (and by way of, important) election since the election of 1860.
Isn't every election being considered as the "most important election of our generation" anyway?
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-14 11:18:51
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Oh great, the resident conspiracy theorist has returned.

Cerberus.Hideka said: »
my opinion on this:

1. The data suggests that Uneducated, minorities, and young people are several times more likely to have their votes discarded when using a vote by mail system.
2. the current vote by mail (absentee ballot) has about a 1~2% rejection rate. The test runs of vote by mail (covid ballots), is at an insane 20-30% in recent elections
3. Vote by mail is too insecure for any kind of massive application. it is too hard to accurately do, and removes the accountability of the voter to not cast an illegal ballot. E.G. i could swipe every ballot in a neighborhood, fill them out for John cena, then drop them in PO boxes all over the city to prevent any kind of pattern being recognized, or any 'bundling' law issues. nobody would be the wiser.

Uh, source? Volkom just shared an article that said California just rejected 1.5% of the 7 million vote my mail ballots in their latest primary, 70% of which were simply mailed too late, the remaining had signature issues. Those are the two most common problems.

Not sure where your "20-30%" number is coming from, but if I were to guess, Twitter or your mind would top the list.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-07-14 11:26:36
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Viciouss said: »
Oh great, the resident conspiracy theorist has returned.

Cerberus.Hideka said: »
my opinion on this:

1. The data suggests that Uneducated, minorities, and young people are several times more likely to have their votes discarded when using a vote by mail system.
2. the current vote by mail (absentee ballot) has about a 1~2% rejection rate. The test runs of vote by mail (covid ballots), is at an insane 20-30% in recent elections
3. Vote by mail is too insecure for any kind of massive application. it is too hard to accurately do, and removes the accountability of the voter to not cast an illegal ballot. E.G. i could swipe every ballot in a neighborhood, fill them out for John cena, then drop them in PO boxes all over the city to prevent any kind of pattern being recognized, or any 'bundling' law issues. nobody would be the wiser.

Uh, source? Volkom just shared an article that said California just rejected 1.5% of the 7 million vote my mail ballots in their latest primary, 70% of which were simply mailed too late, the remaining had signature issues. Those are the two most common problems.

Not sure where your "20-30%" number is coming from, but if I were to guess, Twitter or your mind would top the list.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-07-14 11:30:04
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You should know by now that Vic will deny any source that counters his version of reality due to the fact that it runs counter to his version of reality.
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-14 11:30:23
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I figured you would try to reference New Jersey, but I didn't think you would cherry pick it down to one county. Why not share the results of the entire state?
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-14 11:33:48
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
You should know by now that Vic will deny any source that counters his version of reality due to the fact that it runs counter to his version of reality.

Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-07-14 11:37:48
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Viciouss said: »
I figured you would try to reference New Jersey, but I didn't think you would cherry pick it down to one county. Why not share the results of the entire state?

ok ok, so if i show you more evidence, that further backs up my claim. will you agree to , without any argument or trying to wheedle your way out of it, admit i am right, and apologize?
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-07-14 11:40:26
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I wonder if Vic will realize that if 4 people can alter 20% of the votes in one election easily, wouldn't a hundred people alter the majority of votes around the country, even when ballot harvesting is the democrats newest play in the playbook?

I wonder how many of those ballots were legal?

Hell, the act itself is illegal.

But let's see Vic deny this.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-07-14 11:41:43
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
Viciouss said: »
I figured you would try to reference New Jersey, but I didn't think you would cherry pick it down to one county. Why not share the results of the entire state?

ok ok, so if i show you more evidence, that further backs up my claim. will you agree to , without any argument or trying to wheedle your way out of it, admit i am right, and apologize?
No, you should know he would deny it, or demand you show every election having 20%+ inconsistencies through mail-in ballots, and only accept those where the inconsistencies make the Republicans look bad.
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-14 11:45:45
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If you want to talk about ballot harvesting, as I have already referenced, North Carolina is the place to go, where they had to redo an election
Cerberus.Hideka said: »
Viciouss said: »
I figured you would try to reference New Jersey, but I didn't think you would cherry pick it down to one county. Why not share the results of the entire state?

ok ok, so if i show you more evidence, that further backs up my claim. will you agree to , without any argument or trying to wheedle your way out of it, admit i am right, and apologize?

I actually know the exact number of rejected ballots in New Jersey in the May elections, and its nowhere near "20-30%" of the total ballots. We know exactly what happened, so I'm not worried about your "evidence," given how you just tried to skew it to match your fictional narrative. No "wheedling" has ever been required to debunk your conspiracies.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-07-14 11:46:14
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Cerberus.Hideka said: »
it is trying to be applied to probably the most controversial (and by way of, important) election since the election of 1860.
Isn't every election being considered as the "most important election of our generation" anyway?

i believe it's the first one since lincoln that i believe had the potential to result in a hot war. thats what i consider the most important election criteria.
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-14 11:46:18
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Wow the site merged my posts wtf >.> ROOKS!
Posts: 17970
By Viciouss 2020-07-14 11:48:00
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I wonder if Vic will realize that if 4 people can alter 20% of the votes in one election easily, wouldn't a hundred people alter the majority of votes around the country, even when ballot harvesting is the democrats newest play in the playbook?

I wonder how many of those ballots were legal?

Hell, the act itself is illegal.

But let's see Vic deny this.

You know that Cali changed its rules to legalize ballot harvesting right? Its legal there. Where its not legal is North Carolina, where a GOP operative got caught cheating and the election was invalidated.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-07-14 11:49:12
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Viciouss said: »
If you want to talk about ballot harvesting, as I have already referenced, North Carolina is the place to go, where they had to redo an election
Cerberus.Hideka said: »
Viciouss said: »
I figured you would try to reference New Jersey, but I didn't think you would cherry pick it down to one county. Why not share the results of the entire state?

ok ok, so if i show you more evidence, that further backs up my claim. will you agree to , without any argument or trying to wheedle your way out of it, admit i am right, and apologize?

I actually know the exact number of rejected ballots in New Jersey in the May elections, and its nowhere near "20-30%" of the total ballots. We know exactly what happened, so I'm not worried about your "evidence," given how you just tried to skew it to match your fictional narrative. No "wheedling" has ever been required to debunk your conspiracies.

thats what i thought, you dont have a spine and arent worth even talking to anymore. if i cant convince you that you are wrong, even when i mollywhop you with a gigantic load of evidence, why even bother? you are the blindman who willingly gouges out his own eyes.