Destiny's Device - A New/Updated Rune Fencer Guide
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2020-05-23 15:10:17
Good job. Quit the game years ago and never had anyone approach to take over with updating the guide so it became outdated quick. Will add a link to this at the top of the old one in case anyone still has it bookmarked.
By Felgarr 2020-05-26 16:10:51
Asking for posterity:
Are the Magic Evasion-based and Magic Tanking sets switched? (Yamrang vs staunch tathlum and Eabana Earring vs. Etiolation, etc).
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 153
By Asura.Aldolol 2020-06-29 04:41:05
Picked up Rune Fencer and so far this guide has been really helpful, about to get my Epeo and notice the Dimi set is using Run Neck +2. Is there any reason why, none of the stats seems to help Dimi in anyway possible?
By Taint 2020-06-29 06:00:59
Picked up Rune Fencer and so far this guide has been really helpful, about to get my Epeo and notice the Dimi set is using Run Neck +2. Is there any reason why, none of the stats seems to help Dimi in anyway possible?
There are two sets. Use the first.
By Pixeldreams 2020-07-16 02:32:04
Great guide, I have a question that might seem obvious to others. What augments do you get on the moonshade earring for WS sets etc.?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Asura.Brennski 2020-07-16 02:34:14
Great guide, I have a question that might seem obvious to others. What augments do you get on the moonshade earring for WS sets etc.?
TP Bonus and Acc personally. TP Bonus is pretty much the best and then its personally choice between Acc and Attack
By Crossbones 2020-07-16 10:51:36
I always choose mab for my second augment. 4 acc / attack isn't much at this point in the game but the mab is always great for jobs that have tp scaling magical ws such as cor and rdm.
By Pixeldreams 2020-07-17 16:45:57
Both good shouts, ty for the help :D
By soralin 2020-07-19 03:21:14
Heyo, so two questions.
First off, how does Zantetsuken X compare to Montante +1?
I have Montante +1 and Aettir atm, and am working towards eventually getting epeoletry but that is a ways away.
Second: I got lucky and got an ashera harness off AMAN trove, and kind of just wanted to check in on this TPing hybrid set for peoples thoughts on it, duoing content with a Geo.
ItemSet 365991
Basically all I changed from the set listed here is swapping from Moonlight ring to Gelatinous ring to make up for the slightly lower DT on Ashera.
By Taint 2020-07-19 08:20:51
Moonlight rings actually have hybrid stats use them.
Those legs are turtle mode, nothing hybrid about them. Swap them.
Hands would be the last slot to change.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Asura.Crowned 2020-07-19 11:10:50
ItemSet 374485
This set puts you at 64% pdt with epeo. If I notice I'm taking a bit too much damage, I just swap to a turtle set with turms hands/feet. Otherwise, I like to use dps pieces in the hands/feet slot. Herc boots are DM with stp +10. Regarding your set, Taint nailed it on the head pretty much
By soralin 2020-07-19 19:01:36
And as for my other question, how does Zantetsuken X rank on the GS list?
By Crossbones 2020-07-19 19:14:18
I wouldn't use it over epeo, but then again I wouldn't even use lionheart over epeo 98% of the time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Asura.Crowned 2020-07-19 19:17:30
If your intentions are to dps and only dps, zantetsuken X probably isn't too bad. Higher base damage than montante and a nice helping of str and attack. Obviously it doesn't compete at all with r15 lionheart
By soralin 2020-07-20 09:29:15
Are there any other contenders for best non-REMA DPS GSword, or is it a safe bet that Zantetsuken X atm is the top non-REMA?
By Nariont 2020-07-20 09:53:07
itll be up there but keep in mind mont+1 is getting augs sometime soon and its already pretty close between the two
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-20 13:43:13
I wouldn't take it for granted that Montante+1 is getting augs btw.
I sure hope so, but wouldn't say it's a given.
By Nariont 2020-07-20 13:45:59
i dont see why it wouldnt? 135/145 is the last pool of unity nms and itd be strange to not cover those, itll probably be 2~ or more months til we see it but theyre not done with odyssey afaik
By Gambits 2020-07-20 14:03:51
Anyone have set for fell cleave & full break for RUN?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2020-07-20 14:15:16
Code sets.precast.WS['Full Break'] = { ammo="Yamarang",
head="Aya. Zucchetto +2",
body="Ayanmo Corazza +2",
hands="Aya. Manopolas +2",
legs="Aya. Cosciales +2",
feet="Aya. Gambieras +2",
neck="Erra Pendant",
waist="Eschan Stone",
ear1="Digni. Earring",
ear2="Gwati earring",
left_ring="Stikini Ring +1",
right_ring="Metamor. Ring +1",
back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','Mag. Acc.+10','"Fast Cast"+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},}
By Taint 2020-07-20 15:47:00
Code sets.precast.WS['Full Break'] = { ammo="Yamarang",
head="Aya. Zucchetto +2",
body="Ayanmo Corazza +2",
hands="Aya. Manopolas +2",
legs="Aya. Cosciales +2",
feet="Aya. Gambieras +2",
neck="Erra Pendant",
waist="Eschan Stone",
ear1="Digni. Earring",
ear2="Gwati earring",
left_ring="Stikini Ring +1",
right_ring="Metamor. Ring +1",
back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','Mag. Acc.+10','"Fast Cast"+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},}
Smart use of your FC cape! I’m going to steal that idea.
By Asura.Byrne 2020-07-21 22:46:10
Carbuncle.Beirmos said: »Looks like Sir AgE breaking his own rule DONT's Try flex Epeen by creating a guide that is not complete & pushes your own ego brahraji! Already getting shredded apart on forums
I mean if you can complete a full guide while learning a new writing format, be my guest. I made some mistakes missing some stuff out. Doesn't meant anything. Spent 40+ hours on this to help people, why would I do that for "ego" get a grip.
A narcissist literally can't process non-self-egrandizing motives. They don't compute to them. That's why he thought that.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2020-07-22 08:07:29
So, some interesting but disappointing info about Pflug and AF feet...
According to the rather detailed testing in this JP blog post from October 2018... The effects of the Pflug+ on Runeist feet are checked not on JA activation, but on being enfeebled. Meaning to get the extra resist+ on Pflug, you have to be wearing the AF feet when an enfeeble is attempted. Which sucks.
As a side note, the feet can removed and re-equipped, or equipped after JA activation, and you'll still get the Pflug+... while the feet are equipped. Think of it as, a latent effect on the feet. Pflug active: Pflug+x.
The post also provides some info on Pflug potency.
Quote: Probably the effect of Flug itself
(Default 15% [10% when supporting) + Meripo effect + AF foot effect) × It
seems to be like the number of runes when activated. If we clean up the googlese, then I think this is,
(Base 15%[10% /RUN] + Merits +AF feet) * number of runes at activation.
So this suggests that the base value for pflug is +15% on RUN main, rather than the 10% we have listed. But 10% for /run. Even JP wiki still states 10% as the base, so it may be wise to verify this value before updating anything. Normally I'd think they were just counting merits, but merits are specifically stated in the formula already....
It's also interesting that it would specifically set the rune multiplier at the activation time, but actively update the pflug+ from the feet.
And just to add a final bit of ouch, this bit at the end..
Quote: The flugue itself has quite good performance, but it's a bit disappointing that it falls sharply with NM correction This pretty much explicitly states that Pflug is subject to the NM nerf on status resist just like gear resist+.
The test method used in this post was really clever and should be noted for later use. They used RUN/BLM casting poisonga on groups of Colibri in Bhaflau. So mass reflectga each cast, and you have perfect control over when they cast on you, preventing any enfeebles landing outside of pflug's duration. I will try to keep this method in mind next time I want to test anything involving a mob casting things on me...
Server: Asura
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Posts: 252
By Asura.Friedrik 2020-07-22 10:00:43
Whelp, that frees up a wardrobe slot
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-23 03:33:31
Such a shame.
Truly explains why most of the time Pflug seems to be making a much smaller difference than it should though.
Martel I did a small update on the BG-wiki page (some things had already been added, but not the new base value and the new formula).
Something still makes me wonder though.
If the additional bonus granted by feet is added dynamically when the feet are equipped and not on JA activation, shouldn't this bonus be somewhere else, and not inside those brackets?
I think the formula is probably more something like
(Base value + merits) * runes + (AF feet bonus * runes)
Doesn't it make more sense like this?
Or am I missing something?
By SimonSes 2020-07-23 06:15:34
(Base value + merits) * runes + (AF feet bonus * runes)
Doesn't it make more sense like this?
Or am I missing something?
For clarity maybe. From the mathematical pov it's the same.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10266
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-23 06:40:16
Yeah but with the first formula it would mean that the game engine would have to re-do the entire calculation from start on each resist check, whereas I don't think that's how it works.
With the second formula the first part is calculated only once (on JA use) and stay static, whereas the second part is "dynamic" and gets added to the result of the first part only situationally (if feet are equipped) and only during the resist check.
I dunno, I was thinking maybe it would be worth to put the second formula on BG-Wiki, me thinks, but waiting for more comments before I go and do that.
By SimonSes 2020-07-27 07:13:59
Yeah but with the first formula it would mean that the game engine would have to re-do the entire calculation from start on each resist check, whereas I don't think that's how it works.
With the second formula the first part is calculated only once (on JA use) and stay static, whereas the second part is "dynamic" and gets added to the result of the first part only situationally (if feet are equipped) and only during the resist check.
I dunno, I was thinking maybe it would be worth to put the second formula on BG-Wiki, me thinks, but waiting for more comments before I go and do that.
I mean, in game code it might be even in several places rounded down few times and who know what else with this spaghetti code. It doesnt matter lol. The formula is only to understand what is important on player side.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 291
By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2020-07-28 18:49:12
Had a question about improvements my Reso set. I don't have any other set for capped attack etc.
ItemSet 374672
The hands are 15 STR 24 attack 19 acc 1 WSD (aug #3304)
feet are AGI 10, acc 40 att 37 TA 3.
I assume I need to replace regal w/ Gere ring but otherwise I've just been messing around plugging in stuff to a spreadsheet
Things to come: Include Cloud of Darkness items once ffxiah updates.