Carbuncle.Maletaru said:
»Status ailment resistance is a separate stat, it provides a % chance to evade a status ailment and applies to all (except stun? There are a couple minor exceptions, maybe terror also) status ailments.
There are.. a
lot of exceptions. It does work on stun though.
In general, you can expect it to work on anything that there's a job trait for, and almost anything that has "Resist <statusname>" gear. For example, resist curse is not a job trait, but there is gear for it and resist all does work.
A good example of things it does
not work on is effects like stat downs. attributes/acc/atk down, HP/MP/TP down, etc. Elemental DoTs like burn and such. And likely any really niche or weird debuffs.
Terror, as mentioned, is a good example of an exception to the general rule, because there is "resistance against Terror" gear. But resist all doesn't work on terror.
Btw, Tenacity pretty much works just like Resist all gear, and on the same things.
This is a good reference for what works and doesn't. Though it is not a complete listing.
Also worth noting that the effectiveness of status resist gear/traits is halved vs NMs. And caps at 90%. You can still cap vs NMs though, it just takes 180 in traits/gear to do. The cap seems to apply after the NM nerf.