Destiny's Device - A New/Updated Rune Fencer Guide

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Destiny's Device - A New/Updated Rune Fencer Guide
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Server: Fenrir
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user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2021-05-28 03:43:00
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Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
What is the current dps tp and reso dim set? Without respect to tanking pure suicide dps.

Just go DRK...

I wanna use Lionheart sometimes...

That's what lockstyle is for *wink, wink*

Regardless is there a better TP set than adhemar and Samnuha Tights?
How current are these TP sets?

Spot on... until you get that Nyame Path A
Server: Sylph
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user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-05-28 06:14:42
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I mean, I was partially joking, but if Jinx had read the top line in Spicy's section which reads, "Last updated: -- Spicyryan (talk) 19:01, 27 April 2021 (EDT)" he'd have known the Community RUN guide is as up-to-date as it gets.

This thread (at least in my humble opinon) is more for discussing and presenting variations on the current builds, depending on personal playstyle.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-05-30 03:33:27
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Was wondering how Nyame Path B stacks up against current sets for reso and dimi. I saw the sets in the community guide but I was wondering how well 43WSD, +3DA, stacks up against -74 Str -8 TA. I only did the math on reso set vs 5/5 nyame path B, not quite familiar with wsd's function on big multi hit ws's. Thanks in advance!
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-05-30 10:32:08
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Wsd only applies to the first hit of a ws (barring some exceptions such as drg wsd trait or mythic augments) so it would not be good for reso. I will be using it for dimi however as it is amazing for that set, especially if you can self SC.
Posts: 274
By trinironnie 2021-06-19 16:10:46
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How do you guys TANK during SEG farms ? Need some tips on surviving big pulls / pulling correctly. Seems easy on PLD with shield but a little annoying on RUN.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-19 16:28:23
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trinironnie said: »
How do you guys TANK during SEG farms ? Need some tips on surviving big pulls / pulling correctly. Seems easy on PLD with shield but a little annoying on RUN.

Its definitely not as straightforward for RUN, in particular on pulls that include a Nostos Family plus an Agon halo/beastmen group. PLDs retain almost all their defensive tools even when unengaged, whereas our greatest tool (parrying), requires positioning and being engaged both. This means our most dangerous moments are during the pulling when hate isn't yet stable and we're not at our strongest.

I toyed with /PLD and turtling up to have Banishga as a tagging tool similar to /DRK's poisonga, as well as Sentinel for Halo pulls. With its recast timer at 5 minutes, its pretty expected to be back up for every floor. Honestly, it never felt natural on RUN to tank this way, but I do think it has some potential as I know others who make it work quite well.

Another RUN in my static is messing around with /BLU evasion builds and seems to be having more initial success than I did with trying to be a fake PLD. Still more playing around with it coming, so not sure of the ceiling on this method, but it does synergize with RUN's natural tools better in my opinion. We also adjust our buffs on the tank for concept by doing a BRD song setup for him of March x2, Mambo x2. DDs/BRD/COR maintain their typical damage-based songs, and rolls aren't messed with. MP hasn't been an issue for him without ballads by using Tenebrae mostly.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-06-20 04:14:27
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So I got moved into the group RUN for segment farming from COR and these are a few of the lessons I've learned. (RUN/BLU)

1 having a capped SIR set is pretty much mandatoey (New at aoe pulls and aoe enmity was using Shockwave as an opening tag and following up with big JA's for hate, Geist Wall with a good sir set with pdt works amazingly.

2 sometimes 50 pdt isn't really 50 pdt in the game. Making sure your effective dt values are correct is paramount, I saw a big decline (30-50 damage) from hard capped pdt vs my gear says 49 or 50 should be good enough.

3 phalanx is a huge boon. Getting a nice phalanx+ set can almost halve some of the damage from later floors per hit, more so with defensive buffs like cocoon or minne.

4 the more succinct your hate rotation is, the easier everyone's lives will be, if you gather everything up correctly and start initiating hate on everything asap, by the time your party gets close to dump your big enmity JA's on, you can have most if not all enmity held onto you with minimal danger to your group and 0 danger to your healer. (With Epeo and a 3 min CD on Liement, you have a big aoe CD every 3 min for establishing aggro which should be up pretty much every other pull at minimum)

5 while not always possible, if you can back into a corner you become 100% more effective for your group, parries get a little hit or miss with the big aoe pulls, so if you have time and it's in the direction of travel, getting yourself in a corner that forces the mobs in front of you will be much more enjoyable.

6 being able to toss out damage while tanking is what sets us apart from pld, they can toss cures, we can throw damage, if you're able to and your ws set won't really mess with your dt too much, throw out some damage and help the party move through faster,

7 Try to reduce downtime between pulls by refreshing your phalanx on the last 1-2 mobs of a pull before moving on, if you've established hate well enough you can stop throwing out foil on the last mob and start replacing necessary buffs or replenishing mp with tenebrae without causing too much problem, sitting for 6 seconds before a pull to cast 2 spells might not seem like a lot but it adds up, be proactive about buffs.

In closing, again, I'm by no means a career RUN, I thoroughly enjoy the job and have learned quite a bit from this thread and others, these are just a few of the things my failures have taught me in the last few weeks in sheol c. Most of these things everyone already may know but I wanted to share anyways.

Bonus point: I'm sure my group would also appreciate me telling you, make sure Epeo is equipped and that your weapon isn't locked on something else before pulling.
Posts: 39
By Rive016 2021-06-20 08:47:04
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^ great info! like to add on Halos also if you end up killing the mobs around it b3fore going for the halos make sure to save one mob you can parry the mobs while they are invis if you engage on one of the targetable mobs and save your healer a lot of trouble ;P
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bladework
Posts: 31
By Asura.Bladework 2021-06-20 09:55:05
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Tried going RUN/SAM last night that seemed effective until we hit a snaffoo with some bhoots lol. Spamming 30-50k Resolutions felt nice and as soon as everything was slept I would go switch into a hybrid set for even faster TP. I think r15 Epeo with AM3 is Rune’s best dps in this situation but I will try switching to Lionheart when I finish it.

Normally we don’t run with a tank which requires some luck with Halos and slowing down when we get to them. I think me going RUN instead of War or Sam could be the key to getting more consistent 8-9k runs.

I do have a question for some tank veterans though as I’m still kinda new to tanking. If I run through the pack and pop a JA with just sight/sound aggro does that JA build enmity on the mobs? And if not is my best option to quickly engage and shockwave before popping JA’s and a foil or two?

Still working through the best way to do this since I feel like things need more finesse without cocoon and the blu aoe spells.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 61
By Sylph.Padisharcreel 2021-06-20 12:09:00
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Just aggroing stuff won't get you on the hate list for self target enmity stuff to register.

For agon pulls I supertank until the Halo dies, then sheep song > foil so the brd can horde lullaby the trash mobs without getting wrecked by the beastmen. Poisonga or Shockwave would work if you're /drk or /sam.

For pulls without agon, I just gather them up > brd horde lullaby > act on brd > foil... same way you'd act on a tank to register hate on a group of mobs as geo. I usually /blu in Odyssey and use wild carrot on the brd, but you could use regen as /drk or /sam. Healing breeze has saved us from disaster a few times as well after sleepga.

Extra damage from the tank is great but my group has had better success with having the run go gather stuff up and bring it to the DDs. Cocoon + emboldened phalanx makes you nearly invincible on the 1st couple of floors.
Posts: 1449
By fillerbunny9 2021-06-20 14:53:28
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Rive016 said: »
^ great info! like to add on Halos also if you end up killing the mobs around it b3fore going for the halos make sure to save one mob you can parry the mobs while they are invis if you engage on one of the targetable mobs and save your healer a lot of trouble ;P
you could just engage on the fetter itself and face the invisible enemies
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bladework
Posts: 31
By Asura.Bladework 2021-06-22 13:08:37
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Has anyone tried Swipe/Lunge on Ongo with a near BiS set? I guess it depends how much damage you’re taking if you wanna dump your runes but I’m wondering if it’s worth making a set for it or not. An extra 50-100k damage in that fight would go a long way.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-06-22 13:19:41
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Asura.Bladework said: »
Has anyone tried Swipe/Lunge on Ongo with a near BiS set? I guess it depends how much damage you’re taking if you wanna dump your runes but I’m wondering if it’s worth making a set for it or not. An extra 50-100k damage in that fight would go a long way.

I'm not RUN for Ongo but all of the atonement NMs have some serious resist potential, VS umbril I was ranging from 60k - 30k on lunge, the problem with lunging vs Ongo is you chance messing up a random deal rayke reset so at most you probably get 2-3 lunges and I would guess even with a perfect set you're looking at like 20k each, if I ever RUN for Ongo I'd give it a shot before the WC Reset and then after you burn the second random deal if you get a chance on the next rayke/gambit, also a chance to get a third lunge on natural reset if you're fast at the start of the fight. Just a lot going on during the fight tbh.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bladework
Posts: 31
By Asura.Bladework 2021-06-22 13:46:59
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Vaerix said: »
Asura.Bladework said: »
Has anyone tried Swipe/Lunge on Ongo with a near BiS set? I guess it depends how much damage you’re taking if you wanna dump your runes but I’m wondering if it’s worth making a set for it or not. An extra 50-100k damage in that fight would go a long way.

I'm not RUN for Ongo but all of the atonement NMs have some serious resist potential, VS umbril I was ranging from 60k - 30k on lunge, the problem with lunging vs Ongo is you chance messing up a random deal rayke reset so at most you probably get 2-3 lunges and I would guess even with a perfect set you're looking at like 20k each, if I ever RUN for Ongo I'd give it a shot before the WC Reset and then after you burn the second random deal if you get a chance on the next rayke/gambit, also a chance to get a third lunge on natural reset if you're fast at the start of the fight. Just a lot going on during the fight tbh.

Didn’t think about it screwing with Random Deal resets. I have no doubts that rayke and gambit increase party dps more than my measly lunges would.

We finally cleared V10 last night with our setup being RUN, SCH, COR, BRD, NIN, BLM. Only had about 1 minute left so I’m not sure we’re gonna be able to down the V15 without finding some extra damage somehow. We timed out about a dozen times on the V10 before clearing it.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-06-22 14:50:20
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Asura.Bladework said: »
Vaerix said: »
Asura.Bladework said: »
Has anyone tried Swipe/Lunge on Ongo with a near BiS set? I guess it depends how much damage you’re taking if you wanna dump your runes but I’m wondering if it’s worth making a set for it or not. An extra 50-100k damage in that fight would go a long way.

I'm not RUN for Ongo but all of the atonement NMs have some serious resist potential, VS umbril I was ranging from 60k - 30k on lunge, the problem with lunging vs Ongo is you chance messing up a random deal rayke reset so at most you probably get 2-3 lunges and I would guess even with a perfect set you're looking at like 20k each, if I ever RUN for Ongo I'd give it a shot before the WC Reset and then after you burn the second random deal if you get a chance on the next rayke/gambit, also a chance to get a third lunge on natural reset if you're fast at the start of the fight. Just a lot going on during the fight tbh.

We finally cleared V10 last night with our setup being RUN, SCH, COR, BRD, NIN, BLM. Only had about 1 minute left so I’m not sure we’re gonna be able to down the V15 without finding some extra damage somehow. We timed out about a dozen times on the V10 before clearing it.

If your nin can geo burst that would probably be more solid dps than nin. Our comp is the same with geo over nin, having 3 bursts is important but getting good resets for rayke is more important.

I'm assuming your nin is nuking only though, as long as you can get consistent skill chains and keep buffs going blm sch (really good nin or geo bursts) you should be able to kill in time without too many issues, if damage is a problem maybe work together on getting your third burster or all of your busters some upgrades for equipment. It's a rough fight if your sc's are not consistent or bad luck on RD/WC resets for RUN
Posts: 274
By trinironnie 2021-06-22 17:16:49
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Vaerix said: »
So I got moved into the group RUN for segment farming from COR and these are a few of the lessons I've learned. (RUN/BLU)

1 having a capped SIR set is pretty much mandatoey (New at aoe pulls and aoe enmity was using Shockwave as an opening tag and following up with big JA's for hate, Geist Wall with a good sir set with pdt works amazingly.

2 sometimes 50 pdt isn't really 50 pdt in the game. Making sure your effective dt values are correct is paramount, I saw a big decline (30-50 damage) from hard capped pdt vs my gear says 49 or 50 should be good enough.

3 phalanx is a huge boon. Getting a nice phalanx+ set can almost halve some of the damage from later floors per hit, more so with defensive buffs like cocoon or minne.

4 the more succinct your hate rotation is, the easier everyone's lives will be, if you gather everything up correctly and start initiating hate on everything asap, by the time your party gets close to dump your big enmity JA's on, you can have most if not all enmity held onto you with minimal danger to your group and 0 danger to your healer. (With Epeo and a 3 min CD on Liement, you have a big aoe CD every 3 min for establishing aggro which should be up pretty much every other pull at minimum)

5 while not always possible, if you can back into a corner you become 100% more effective for your group, parries get a little hit or miss with the big aoe pulls, so if you have time and it's in the direction of travel, getting yourself in a corner that forces the mobs in front of you will be much more enjoyable.

6 being able to toss out damage while tanking is what sets us apart from pld, they can toss cures, we can throw damage, if you're able to and your ws set won't really mess with your dt too much, throw out some damage and help the party move through faster,

7 Try to reduce downtime between pulls by refreshing your phalanx on the last 1-2 mobs of a pull before moving on, if you've established hate well enough you can stop throwing out foil on the last mob and start replacing necessary buffs or replenishing mp with tenebrae without causing too much problem, sitting for 6 seconds before a pull to cast 2 spells might not seem like a lot but it adds up, be proactive about buffs.

In closing, again, I'm by no means a career RUN, I thoroughly enjoy the job and have learned quite a bit from this thread and others, these are just a few of the things my failures have taught me in the last few weeks in sheol c. Most of these things everyone already may know but I wanted to share anyways.

Bonus point: I'm sure my group would also appreciate me telling you, make sure Epeo is equipped and that your weapon isn't locked on something else before pulling.
THank you !
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2021-06-23 12:31:57
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trinironnie said: »
How do you guys TANK during SEG farms ? Need some tips on surviving big pulls / pulling correctly. Seems easy on PLD with shield but a little annoying on RUN.

Hi friend. I play RUN/DRK and can share a few tips.

I prefer to sub DRK. Poisonga can be cast from 20 yalms out, has a large AoE range, and casts very quickly. It is amazing for tagging large groups safely.

100% SIR Poisonga set is an absolute must. In the event you're attempting to tag monsters that have aggroed or otherwise been pulled, you cannot foul up or you risk your WHM's life. This is especially true when your group has aggroed a Beastman that cannot be attacked directly.

When pulling, try to pull as much as you can *without* aggro. I used to gather up entire groups and then tag. This risks your WHM's life. Target a mob that will pull in as many as you can and tag with Poisonga. Pop a Foil or a JA to establish hate and then pull the rest. You'll have hate established before they even get to your group.

Continuing off the last point, if you're having trouble surviving, don't pull entire groups at once. With Poisonga's range, you can afford to pull a chunk of a group, wait for Sleep, and then pull another chunk.

Keep an eye on your critical buffs: Aquaveil, Phalanx, and Crusade. Get into the habit of checking all three before you pull a group. And if you're about to take on a group that hits particularly hard, use Embolden on Phalanx.

When pulling a Halo, pull out as many of the regular monsters as you can. If you're /DRK you will have Flash, Stun, and Absorb spells so you can pull without interruption 20 yalms out.

The popped NMs do a hate reset when they 2hour. Watch your log closely and when you see the 2hour pop an ability to immediately reestablish hate. This is especially important for the NMs that use Hundred Fists.

Battuta is amazing. Have it 5/5 for segment runs. Try make sure you have it up for Halos, as Beastmen don't sleep, but also when you have a group nicely positioned, pop Battuta and slip into your TP gear, use Last Resort & Swordplay and do some damage.

Hope this helps.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-06-23 17:26:49
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
When pulling, try to pull as much as you can *without* aggro. I used to gather up entire groups and then tag. This risks your WHM's life. Target a mob that will pull in as many as you can and tag with Poisonga. Pop a Foil or a JA to establish hate and then pull the rest. You'll have hate established before they even get to your group.
There's another good reason to handle things like this.

I think it's reasonably well known that there is a 200 CE enmity bonus for pulling a mob. But what I think is less well known is that you only get this bonus if the mob is pulled from idle. Meaning that if the mob is already agro'd, you don't get the tag bonus.

Also, the tag/pull bonus CE is subject to enmity+ modifiers, so you can pump that 200 CE up to a not insignificant chunk of enmity right off the bat. Helps keep your support alive if they have to cast on you before you have time to build more hate.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2021-06-23 17:56:30
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trinironnie said: »
How do you guys TANK during SEG farms ? Need some tips on surviving big pulls / pulling correctly. Seems easy on PLD with shield but a little annoying on RUN.

Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere, but Sheol mobs don't really have substantial accuracy.

Have seen a NIN tank Sheol C multiple times, and hold hate like a champ, and the group would net 10-12k+ segments.

Granted, this person is one of the best players I have ever seen, however he has proved it's possible.

Capping evasion is not particularly hard for "evasive' jobs in Sheol areas. A RUN can reach 95% evasion without many issues with 2 mambos and available equipment. I rarely tank on RUN (prefer PLD) in Sheol, and don't have a dedicated evasion set for this, but it's pretty cool just evade ***. It's likely easier and more efficient to tank Sheol this way (at least on RUN) than just blood/DT tanking
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-06-23 18:23:10
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Evasion caps at 80% iirc. Might have mixed it up with acc cap.
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2021-10-13 01:26:57
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My group is coming up on bumba farm now and I was wondering where you guys think the augments on nyame should go. I don't have Ashera harness so I was thinking of doing the body STP and the rest wsd for my DD tank set my other jobs are Blu rdm cor DNC drg. Basically I'm wondering if you guys think it's worth the loss of the wsd body or if I can put together a decent dd\tank set w.o Ashera or STP nyame. Thanks for any input
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2021-10-13 03:46:22
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Asura.Trickflo said: »
My group is coming up on bumba farm now and I was wondering where you guys think the augments on nyame should go. I don't have Ashera harness so I was thinking of doing the body STP and the rest wsd for my DD tank set my other jobs are Blu rdm cor DNC drg. Basically I'm wondering if you guys think it's worth the loss of the wsd body or if I can put together a decent dd\tank set w.o Ashera or STP nyame. Thanks for any input

I went full path B, it is nice watching dimidation chunk enemies with proper buffs, very satisfying 10/5 stars would recommend to everyone twice.
Server: Odin
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user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2021-10-13 04:48:21
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Asura.Trickflo said: »
My group is coming up on bumba farm now and I was wondering where you guys think the augments on nyame should go. I don't have Ashera harness so I was thinking of doing the body STP and the rest wsd for my DD tank set my other jobs are Blu rdm cor DNC drg. Basically I'm wondering if you guys think it's worth the loss of the wsd body or if I can put together a decent dd\tank set w.o Ashera or STP nyame. Thanks for any input

Turms body has STP you just need to find the DT in other slots is all.

Edit: Turms body also has pretty decent meva. Ayanmo can also be used if you need the DT- on the body but it lacks meva and if you have AM3 up the DA can be a dps loss. Both are good options if you don't have Ashera.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-10-13 09:34:23
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5/5 path B all day every day. Set has great hp so you don't dip down as hard during ws, in addition to all the other stuff that's on it (SC dmg when your ws SC with itself, defensive stats, etc).
Posts: 2748
By Nariont 2021-10-13 11:56:34
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Like stated, turms has STP, ashera's just a nice all in one but theres plenty of good alternatives depending on your needs between relic +3, AF+3 and turms +1. Whereas depending on your jobs a 10% WSD body is tough to replace, specially one that also has a ton of defensive utility to boot
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2021-10-13 12:36:28
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Asura.Trickflo said: »
My group is coming up on bumba farm now and I was wondering where you guys think the augments on nyame should go. I don't have Ashera harness so I was thinking of doing the body STP and the rest wsd for my DD tank set my other jobs are Blu rdm cor DNC drg. Basically I'm wondering if you guys think it's worth the loss of the wsd body or if I can put together a decent dd\tank set w.o Ashera or STP nyame. Thanks for any input

I've found that with 5/5 Path B Nyame on full time I can still TP relatively quickly by stacking my accessories with offensive traits. And when you WS you stay in it so you're almost always safe. It's so good.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2021-10-13 13:44:00
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Thanks I felt like that was the smart play but was struggling getting good dt and having enough STP for 5 hit but I think I can make it work if I get another moonlight ring.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-10-13 14:33:00
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I would really not worry about x hit builds too much. Personally, I recommend always having turms hands and feet on for tp anyways (unless going full glass cannon but then why even bring a rune), plus you never know what sam roll you're gonna have, lots of times you get hit and are fed tp anyways, and there's also tactical parry, it's really not worth focusing on. HQ moon rings are 100% worth it for sure either way. My hybrid tp set is incredibly safe and now thanks to nyame so is my ws set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Efan
Posts: 34
By Asura.Trickflo 2021-10-13 17:22:18
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This is my current turtle engaged defense set hp/meva/parry on the cape
ItemSet 382188

and this is my hybrid setup acc/dex/stp/pdt on the cape
ItemSet 382189

I'd welcome suggestions I generally have full buffs when I'm on run if that changes things signifigantly. I could swap the hands/feet for turms but then theres not much diff between full tank and hybrid set.
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