Destiny's Device - A New/Updated Rune Fencer Guide
By SimonSes 2021-03-16 11:34:22
And it was tested by Geriond in old thread and negative elemental resistance blocks you completely from resisting 2 stage debuff.
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-03-16 12:26:30
And it was tested by Geriond in old thread and negative elemental resistance blocks you completely from resisting 2 stage debuff. Ahh, yes, I see it in the PLD thread. Good test. I hadn't thought to try dispel.
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By Fenrir.Velner 2021-03-16 13:14:33
Given Martel's latest findings about the relation between Elemental Resistance and Meva, does this change anything in gearing for a RUN?
Most of the time, we're covered by our runes for single NM situations. However, I used a Carrier's Sash (+15 all elements) last night in Dynamis-Windurst because I'm basically fulltime Tenebrae runes for MP management. AF+3 body might be good, but that's another slot you can't use Nyame.
The sash is easy enough to get; it drops in legion and seems like an easy piece to swap out without compromising very much.
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By Odin.Creaucent 2021-03-16 13:28:07
Given Martel's latest findings about the relation between Elemental Resistance and Meva, does this change anything in gearing for a RUN?
Most of the time, we're covered by our runes for single NM situations. However, I used a Carrier's Sash (+15 all elements) last night in Dynamis-Windurst because I'm basically fulltime Tenebrae runes for MP management. AF+3 body might be good, but that's another slot you can't use Nyame.
The sash is easy enough to get; it drops in legion and seems like an easy piece to swap out without compromising very much.
RUN has no reason to use Carrier's sash when Engraved Belt is a thing. Sure you miss out on +20HP but you gain +8def, STR/INT/MND+7 fire/ice/wind/earth/water/thunder+5, light/dark+15 and ACC/ATT+10.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-03-16 16:15:45
Reason to use carrier's sash would be you don't have Engraved belt, but Engraved belt has been great for RUN since it came out so it's not a new thing.
Edit: Velner deleted a post.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Shiraj 2021-03-17 13:34:39
So just tested every element for Timber and tested what elemental alignment it is. Liement did not absorb Timber with any element.
Elemental Sforzo did absorb Timber though
This means Timber is non-elemental and only way to reduce its damage is through Elemental Sforzo or One for All.
It is not affected by DT in any way.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-03-17 14:24:29
So just tested every element for Timber and tested what elemental alignment it is. Liement did not absorb Timber with any element.
Elemental Sforzo did absorb Timber though
This means Timber is non-elemental and only way to reduce its damage is through Elemental Sforzo or One for All.
It is not affected by DT in any way. How the hell did you get Mboze's instant cast Timber to land during Liement's tiny window enough times to test 8 elements? Would take 3 successful Liements doing three different runes each try. Did you test this on some other Ygddreant NM?
Regarding reducing the damage, it's possible Rampart might work, considering it does apply to the DT-ignoring Wave 3 Mijin. But the uptime is.. poor. Would need a lot of luck to survive using that.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Shiraj 2021-03-17 14:35:31
Did you test this on some other Ygddreant NM? I tested on WKR/Delve variant as almost all nms seem the same nms just stronger. I also tested Yakshi and it lined up the same as WKR/Delve.
All moves seem the same. I highly doubt SE would make every nm the same except 1 move from 1 nm (by that I mean I doubt SE would change the elemental/physical alignment for 1 nm only). But yeah I tested 3 separate runes 3 times for every element and Liement never absorbed a single Timber. Once I get more segments and my own T1-3 clears, gonna do more testing on Mboze specifically, but for now, I'm inclined to think it's the same as previous Yggdreant mobs.
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By Asura.Geriond 2021-03-17 14:40:40
Did you happen to test MDB?
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-03-17 14:41:21
I tested on WKR/Delve variant as almost all nms seem the same nms just stronger. I also tested Yakshi and it lined up the same as WKR/Delve.
That conflicts with JP wiki, which says Yggdreant magical moves are Earth or light based
Uproot, Firefly Fandango - Light
Canopierce, Potted Plant, Timber (says Teen bar) - Earth
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Shiraj 2021-03-17 14:59:30
That conflicts with JP wiki, which says Yggdreant magical moves are Earth or light based
Uproot, Firefly Fandango - Light
Canopierce, Potted Plant, Timber (says Teen bar) - Earth
I am mistaken, Buukki, you are right. I found out my error in what went wrong and It's pretty embarrassing lol. Checked the logger addon to see what went wrong. My dumbass can't read what runes were used. I'm shamed to admit I used Tellus for absorbing Earth. Done that twice instead of using a Flabra. I'm getting rusty with RUN it seems.
When I read what runes I use it really helps.
So yes, correction: it is 100% earth based.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-03-17 15:02:40
I tested on WKR/Delve variant as almost all nms seem the same nms just stronger. I also tested Yakshi and it lined up the same as WKR/Delve.
That conflicts with JP wiki, which says Yggdreant magical moves are Earth or light based
Uproot, Firefly Fandango - Light
Canopierce, Potted Plant, Timber (says Teen bar) - Earth
Then someone tell the JP's to correct it. :P
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2021-03-17 15:03:42
Then someone tell the JP's to correct it. :P Nah dude I was the one who messed up. I put wrong rune up and never noticed till now. Made a rookie mistake of not checking
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-03-17 15:30:21
That conflicts with JP wiki, which says Yggdreant magical moves are Earth or light based
Uproot, Firefly Fandango - Light
Canopierce, Potted Plant, Timber (says Teen bar) - Earth
I am mistaken, Buukki, you are right. I found out my error in what went wrong and It's pretty embarrassing lol. Checked the logger addon to see what went wrong. My dumbass can't read what runes were used. I'm shamed to admit I used Tellus for absorbing Earth. Done that twice instead of using a Flabra. I'm getting rusty with RUN it seems.
When I read what runes I use it really helps.
So yes, correction: it is 100% earth based.
 The interesting take way for this, to me, is that this suggests that Mboze's Timber even ignores valiance's dmg reduction. Which is not standard MDT(considering it works on breath dmg too) and is multiplicative with regular MDT.
I used Flabra x3 Valiance and ate a timber with it up, and it still killed everyone. Considering the post nerf timber seems to hit each target a bit over their max HP, I'd think val, if actually applied would easily ensure survival.. but nope.
Makes me wonder if Rampart has nay chance of working... But I'll still try it on Mboze when I can.
Come to think of it, I had one for all up too, and and everyone but me still died, makes me uncertain if One for All is applying.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-03-17 15:37:00
All jokes aside...
Pre-nerf (and pre-Lag Gate) I confirmed that Liement didn't absorb Tiimbeeer.
I had double checked my log for Mboze's Tiimbeeer post-fight and Liement was indeed up when Mboze used Tiimbeer and it still one-shot me.
By SimonSes 2021-03-17 15:41:47
I wonder about Magic Barrier from BLU too. I guess if Rampart wont work, Magic Barrier wont work too.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2021-03-17 15:47:45
All jokes aside...
Pre-nerf (and pre-Lag Gate) I confirmed that Liement didn't absorb Tiimbeeer.
I had double checked my log for Mboze's Tiimbeeer post-fight and Liement was indeed up when Mboze used Tiimbeer and it still one-shot me. All elements were tested? Just to be clear
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-03-17 15:50:25
I wonder about Magic Barrier from BLU too. I guess if Rampart wont work, Magic Barrier wont work too. Well, we don't know if Rampart will or not yet. Keep in mind that Wave 3 Mijin ignores DT as well, but Rampart works on that.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-03-17 16:02:18
All jokes aside...
Pre-nerf (and pre-Lag Gate) I confirmed that Liement didn't absorb Tiimbeeer.
I had double checked my log for Mboze's Tiimbeeer post-fight and Liement was indeed up when Mboze used Tiimbeer and it still one-shot me. All elements were tested? Just to be clear
No. I had 3 different runes up, but the main point was that I had Liement active with a Flabra rune, along side two other elements. If that discredits my claim, just means someone is going to have to test all 8 runes to double confirm.
My stance hasn't changed that I think Mboze's Tiimbeeer was changed to Non-Elemental Damage.
By SimonSes 2021-03-17 16:05:31
I wonder about Magic Barrier from BLU too. I guess if Rampart wont work, Magic Barrier wont work too. Well, we don't know if Rampart will or not yet. Keep in mind that Wave 3 Mijin ignores DT as well, but Rampart works on that.
Well rampart suppose to be SDT, which is completely different that OFA, Magic Barrier, etc. and since Tiiimbeeer has element, then Rampart should work. It would be kinda tricky to work with Rampart tho. 1min of zerg, than 1:40min of everyone go away and hope that PLD not get destroyed? :D
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-03-17 16:41:36
I wonder about Magic Barrier from BLU too. I guess if Rampart wont work, Magic Barrier wont work too. Well, we don't know if Rampart will or not yet. Keep in mind that Wave 3 Mijin ignores DT as well, but Rampart works on that.
Well rampart suppose to be SDT, which is completely different that OFA, Magic Barrier, etc. and since Tiiimbeeer has element, then Rampart should work. It would be kinda tricky to work with Rampart tho. 1min of zerg, than 1:40min of everyone go away and hope that PLD not get destroyed? :D I definitely agree on the awkward timing aspect.
I guess.. could bring a cor, and random deal Rampart back up. Then wildcard, then random deal again... 4 minutes of 'Rampart' zerg? Assuming it even works.
Just go tell SE I need fulltimable rampart. <,<;
By Wyrmnax 2021-03-20 13:17:46
I see that Nyame - even unaugmented - has changed quite a bit of our standard tank set, replacing legs and head and probably body too.
Does the (unaugmented) gear from odyssey changes anything from our WS sets? or the standard hybrid sets? I figure Nyame will be BiS for WSD weaponskills if you go that route, but thats *far* away.
By SimonSes 2021-03-20 13:58:57
I wonder about Magic Barrier from BLU too. I guess if Rampart wont work, Magic Barrier wont work too. Well, we don't know if Rampart will or not yet. Keep in mind that Wave 3 Mijin ignores DT as well, but Rampart works on that.
Well rampart suppose to be SDT, which is completely different that OFA, Magic Barrier, etc. and since Tiiimbeeer has element, then Rampart should work. It would be kinda tricky to work with Rampart tho. 1min of zerg, than 1:40min of everyone go away and hope that PLD not get destroyed? :D I definitely agree on the awkward timing aspect.
I guess.. could bring a cor, and random deal Rampart back up. Then wildcard, then random deal again... 4 minutes of 'Rampart' zerg? Assuming it even works.
Just go tell SE I need fulltimable rampart. <,<;
It works, Xolla used exactly that in their video. DRK sp2 at 50%, then when that ends Rampart>RD>Rampart>WC>Rampart (not sure if it lived till WC). They zerged with DRK and COR from 50%. 7targets + Rampart made Tiiimbeeer pretty "weak" and rampart helps a lot with other TP moves/spells too.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 79
By Asura.Alseyn 2021-03-25 06:19:04
Thanks a lot for making the guide, Shiraj. I've found it really useful.
There's one thing that the recent conversation about Engraved Belt etc. reminded me of, which is that the "Resist Set" listed under "Top End Tank Sets" has an Audumbla Sash in the waist slot. Is this supposed to be something else? When I read the guide earlier, I thought it might be supposed to be Engraved, as it seemed odd to have Audumbla there for PDT when you have Flume in other sets.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-03-30 05:22:53
I'm pondering some changes in my sets, I'd love to hear more opinions about them, but let's get in order.
Resist Set Do you guys still use resist sets? I.e. sets that focus on capping DT, getting as much Meva as possible but use "Resist all ailments +" when possible.
Atm the main slots where we can get that specific stat are:
Ammo: Staunch Tathlum +1
Hands: Erilaz Gauntlets +1
Legs: Runeist's Trousers +3
Cape: JSE cape aug
Imho atm it's not worth it, things might change with empy+3 but honestly I think it's never gonna be worth it. Cape and Ammo being the best trade-offs atm.
I've been having this set for the longest time, never use it. Think I'm just gonna retire it and gain some inv space.
Engaged Set I'm talking about a tanking-focused set, not a DD or a hybrid one.
This is what I used so far:
ItemSet 379050
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+30, PDT-10
Total xDT: 51%
I'm thinking to go for this set:
ItemSet 379052
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+30, Parry+5%
Not sure on 2nd earring, Ethereal or Sanare probably?
Total xDT: 51%
Basically the difference in the Head/Body/Waist/Cape slots is gonna be: -79 hp
+71 mp
+62 def
+59 meva
-19 All Elements
-1 mdb
-25 Acc
+1 VIT
+5% Parry Biggest difference being HP, can compensate by using an HP+ Earring I guess.
Is it gonna be worth it? I wonder...
I guess in all reality I should be using Nyame Legs in place of Erilaz, until Empy+3 come out. But losing that Enmity and Inquartata really annoys me =/
Disengaged sets So far I've been using the following set:
ItemSet 379051
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+30, PDT-10
Total xDT: 53% (need ~51% for "real" cap, been conflicted for ages about Staunch+1 vs Yamarang in this set)
I was wondering about these two sets, one with movement speed, the other when you're standing still
ItemSet 379053ItemSet 379057
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+45
xDT: is 55% on the first set, 54% on the second set.
Could also just go 5/5 Nyame on the "standing still" version, not sure. I like the additional HP and Refresh+3 on AF3, but then again Nyame has more def, eva, meva, dt etc.
I'm still not entirely happy with rings/earrings selection.
I like Ethereal mostly for the conversion, rest is icing on the cake. But then again I fear I would barely notice the difference if I were to remove it.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-03-30 08:26:25
I'm pondering some changes in my sets, I'd love to hear more opinions about them, but let's get in order.
Resist Set Do you guys still use resist sets? I.e. sets that focus on capping DT, getting as much Meva as possible but use "Resist all ailments +" when possible.
Atm the main slots where we can get that specific stat are:
Ammo: Staunch Tathlum +1
Hands: Erilaz Gauntlets +1
Legs: Runeist's Trousers +3
Cape: JSE cape aug
Imho atm it's not worth it, things might change with empy+3 but honestly I think it's never gonna be worth it. Cape and Ammo being the best trade-offs atm.
I've been having this set for the longest time, never use it. Think I'm just gonna retire it and gain some inv space.
Engaged Set I'm talking about a tanking-focused set, not a DD or a hybrid one.
This is what I used so far:
ItemSet 379050
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+30, PDT-10
Total xDT: 51%
I'm thinking to go for this set:
ItemSet 379052
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+30, Parry+5%
Not sure on 2nd earring, Ethereal or Sanare probably?
Total xDT: 51%
Basically the difference in the Head/Body/Waist/Cape slots is gonna be: -79 hp
+71 mp
+62 def
+59 meva
-19 All Elements
-1 mdb
-25 Acc
+1 VIT
+5% Parry Biggest difference being HP, can compensate by using an HP+ Earring I guess.
Is it gonna be worth it? I wonder...
I guess in all reality I should be using Nyame Legs in place of Erilaz, until Empy+3 come out. But losing that Enmity and Inquartata really annoys me =/
Disengaged sets So far I've been using the following set:
ItemSet 379051
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+30, PDT-10
Total xDT: 53% (need ~51% for "real" cap, been conflicted for ages about Staunch+1 vs Yamarang in this set)
I was wondering about these two sets, one with movement speed, the other when you're standing still
ItemSet 379053ItemSet 379057
Cape is: HP+60, Enmity+10, Eva+20, Meva+45
xDT: is 55% on the first set, 54% on the second set.
Could also just go 5/5 Nyame on the "standing still" version, not sure. I like the additional HP and Refresh+3 on AF3, but then again Nyame has more def, eva, meva, dt etc.
I'm still not entirely happy with rings/earrings selection.
I like Ethereal mostly for the conversion, rest is icing on the cake. But then again I fear I would barely notice the difference if I were to remove it.
I'm sure others will chime in, but here's my two cents:
Resist Set: I dismantled my Resist Set a few months back. Had a similar line of thinking that I don't use it so it's just unnecessary.
Engaged Set: I'm already using the second set currently. I use Etiolation / Odnowa+1 in the earring slots. I keep a "Convert's DMG to MP" set if I'm in dire enough straits that I need the MP that badly.
Disengaged: I just wear my engaged set. The Regen from Turms is typically fine. I keep an "Idle Regen/Refresh Set" if the situation calls for it but that's rare enough as it is.
By Crossbones 2021-03-30 09:49:35
Probably not gonna change any of my sets until / if I get this new gear augmented.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10269
By Asura.Sechs 2021-03-30 10:20:45
Aside from the accuracy difference (if you go Path A of course the "accuracy loss" you might get moving from one set to another, like in my example above) you don't really need any of the augmented Paths for Nyame to be extremely useful for Idle or Tanking.
Especially for jobs who have no access to Malignance, such is the case with RUN.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1092
By Asura.Bippin 2021-03-30 11:23:35
Mostly using these two sets for engaged Code sets.engaged.EpeolatryDT.TankMEVA = { ammo="Yamarang",
head="Nyame Helm",
body="Nyame Mail",
hands="Turms Mittens +1",
legs="Nyame Flanchard",
feet="Nyame Sollerets",
neck={ name="Futhark Torque +2", augments={'Path: A',}},
waist="Engraved Belt",
left_ear="Flashward Earring",
right_ear={ name="Odnowa Earring +1", priority=1},
left_ring="Defending Ring",
right_ring={ name="Gelatinous Ring +1", priority=1},
back={ name="Ogma's Cape", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','Mag. Evasion+10','Enmity+10','Parrying rate+5%',}},
head="Nyame Helm",
body="Nyame Mail",
hands="Turms Mittens +1",
legs="Eri. Leg Guards +1",
feet="Turms Leggings +1",
neck="Futhark Torque +2",
waist="Engraved Belt",
ear1={ name="Tuisto Earring", priority=1},
ear2={ name="Odnowa Earring +1", priority=1},
left_ring="Defending ring",
right_ring={ name="Gelatinous Ring +1", priority=1},
back={ name="Ogma's cape", augments={'HP+60','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','Mag. Evasion+10','Enmity+10','Parrying rate+5%',}}}
and for idle Code sets.idle.Tank = { ammo="Yamarang",
head="Nyame Helm",
body="Nyame Mail",
hands="Nyame Gauntlets",
legs="Nyame Flanchard",
feet="Nyame Sollerets",
neck={ name="Futhark Torque +2", augments={'Path: A',}},
waist="Engraved Belt",
left_ear="Tuisto Earring",
right_ear={ name="Odnowa Earring +1", augments={'Path: A',}},
left_ring="Purity Ring",
right_ring={ name="Gelatinous Ring +1", priority=1},
back={ name="Ogma's Cape", augments={'VIT+20','Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20','Enmity+10','DEF+50',}},
Things to come: Include Cloud of Darkness items once ffxiah updates.