Sacrificeme Says BLU Is OP

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Sacrificeme says BLU is OP
Server: Asura
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user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-04-12 10:42:11
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Better not get BLU nerfed. After I get SCH mythic and play with it, I'm gonna play BLU since it looks fun. Don't ruin it for me hoes.
By Draylo 2020-04-12 10:42:32
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DirectX said: »
What single DD killed schah in 30 seconds?

By 2020-04-12 11:36:54
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Server: Bismarck
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user: duo1666
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By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-12 14:42:20
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Blu is a versatile, self sufficient DD with high utility, similar to Dnc.

Just like Dnc, its damage falls off a cliff compared to other DDs when you start buffing them, as its self sufficiency becomes less important.

Add in the fact that Blu 2hrs suck at increasing its overall damage, and things like war, drk, monk etc. start really pulling away when buffed.

Blu's biggest advantage and relevance is being able to swap spells around to perform different roles as-needed.

A BiS Blu is going to be able to perform as well as a well geared war/drk etc though, but thats kinda the nature of BiS. Its supposed to be game breaking and balance breaking.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 69
By Asura.Vanixim 2020-04-12 19:12:59
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Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Blu is a versatile, self sufficient DD with high utility, similar to Dnc.

Just like Dnc, its damage falls off a cliff compared to other DDs when you start buffing them, as its self sufficiency becomes less important.

Add in the fact that Blu 2hrs suck at increasing its overall damage, and things like war, drk, monk etc. start really pulling away when buffed.

Blu's biggest advantage and relevance is being able to swap spells around to perform different roles as-needed.

A BiS Blu is going to be able to perform as well as a well geared war/drk etc though, but thats kinda the nature of BiS. Its supposed to be game breaking and balance breaking.

This is pretty accurate. BLU probably used to be the definitive solo class, but after more variations in Trusts, buffs to other classes like RDM, and being gear starved for the past few iterations of new content (minus malignance stuff),they are sufficient for mid-tier content but start losing steam for endgame.

They can do cool little things like aoe-HP heal, sleepga, dispelga before dispelga was a thing, aoe erase, etc. but where endgame content focuses on specific roles, the class’s potency is lost as they cannot do anything better than any class. The way BLU enfeeble spells work also needs work: there is no immunobreak, there is no way to make particular enfeebles stick, and the majority of their spells have not kept up with stat bloat and also have lost a lot of their utility as higher tiered content arrives.

Their job abilities are also nigh useless. MG being on a timer is old. CA/BA being on a 2:00 minute timer is lolz and is useless.

BLU needs some love.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-04-13 16:18:08
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Asura.Vanixim said: »
This is pretty accurate. BLU probably used to be the definitive solo class, but after more variations in Trusts, buffs to other classes like RDM, and being gear starved for the past few iterations of new content (minus malignance stuff),they are sufficient for mid-tier content but start losing steam for endgame.

I wouldnt say blu needs love. It could use some QoL to make their special spells actually worth using outside mg/verve/very niche uses, but a BiS blu will outparse most in endgame as-is, which is fine. Theyll always be relevant because they can adapt and fill pretty much any role that isnt a pure support.
Server: Asura
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user: tripletee
Posts: 152
By Asura.Blitzjr 2020-04-13 17:17:11
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Asura.Vanixim said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Blu is a versatile, self sufficient DD with high utility, similar to Dnc.

Just like Dnc, its damage falls off a cliff compared to other DDs when you start buffing them, as its self sufficiency becomes less important.

Add in the fact that Blu 2hrs suck at increasing its overall damage, and things like war, drk, monk etc. start really pulling away when buffed.

Blu's biggest advantage and relevance is being able to swap spells around to perform different roles as-needed.

A BiS Blu is going to be able to perform as well as a well geared war/drk etc though, but thats kinda the nature of BiS. Its supposed to be game breaking and balance breaking.

This is pretty accurate. BLU probably used to be the definitive solo class, but after more variations in Trusts, buffs to other classes like RDM, and being gear starved for the past few iterations of new content (minus malignance stuff),they are sufficient for mid-tier content but start losing steam for endgame.

They can do cool little things like aoe-HP heal, sleepga, dispelga before dispelga was a thing, aoe erase, etc. but where endgame content focuses on specific roles, the class’s potency is lost as they cannot do anything better than any class. The way BLU enfeeble spells work also needs work: there is no immunobreak, there is no way to make particular enfeebles stick, and the majority of their spells have not kept up with stat bloat and also have lost a lot of their utility as higher tiered content arrives.

Their job abilities are also nigh useless. MG being on a timer is old. CA/BA being on a 2:00 minute timer is lolz and is useless.

BLU needs some love.

Umm what endgame do they lose steam in? Cause BLU is still very viable in endgame.
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2020-04-13 18:28:58
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I got to agree BLU is in a very good position right now and i would like some QoL changes like "Blue Magic Duration" gear. But when it comes to BLUS versatility. It's pretty nuts as a good BLU can adapt to most fights. They Can use Maxentius extremely well against blunt weak Mobs also.

I like to keep Spells like White Wind because you would be surprised just how many times that spell has probably prevented a wipe because something happens to the WHM, Maybe he got slept/silenced or w/e.

On top of all this BLU's Damage and survivable thanks to the likes of AM3 and Malignance is pretty nuts and top tier if you're maximizing gear.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 736
By Asura.Sirris 2020-04-14 13:10:04
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S-E touches on BLU:

Despite being strong solo, Blue Mage is getting left behind by other damage dealing jobs in group content. Any plans to update Blue Mage's damage capabilities?

Akihiko Matsui: Our design philosophy is to balance jobs so those which are capable of doing a wide variety of things, such as blue mage, are not also stronger at roles which other jobs are focused on in their playstyle.

Makes sense to me.
By Shichishito 2020-04-14 14:31:36
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and then RDM happaned.
Posts: 1347
By Mattelot 2020-04-30 12:29:48
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What is "sacrificeme?"
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2020-04-30 12:46:09
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I think Blu is okay at the moment. It's the only 1H DD that people consider outside of Mnk and falls into the niche of low buff situation.

The other jobs in real distress are Nin, Bst, Blm and Drg.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-30 13:17:45
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Shichishito said: »
and then RDM happaned.

I think the description of BLU also applies to a certain degree to RDM. The exception being RDM is the undisputed king of debuff support, and can also lend supportive aid as well in the form of some useful buffs. They made sure not to go too far and allow things like Haste/Haste2/Temper/Gain Spells to apply to Accession and such, as that would be entirely broken. True, RDM can do other things really well, but not greater than other jobs that the same as their sole function. RDM is versatile like BLU, but BLU should be able to pump out more damage than RDM, and has some other pretty unique tools that RDM wish it had.

Then again, SE also said the same thing "we cant have jobs with multiple roles being better than others with just one" when it came to why they weren't going to improve BST in ways people asked. It's their new go-to cop out.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-30 13:18:35
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Leviathan.Andret said: »
I think Blu is okay at the moment. It's the only 1H DD that people consider outside of Mnk and falls into the niche of low buff situation.

The other jobs in real distress are Nin, Bst, Blm and Drg.

How the hell is DRG in "distress", and do you even play it?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2020-04-30 13:47:10
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Yes, Drg is like this perfect job that nobody seems to be playing. I don't get why I don't even see Drg out side of the bots.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-30 14:07:15
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No, no, no...Don't deflect. What's wrong with DRG? Answer the question, I want to hear this one. You said it was in "distress", must be something wrong with it then. I would like to know what that is.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2020-04-30 14:10:51
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There is nothing wrong with Drg. People just don't seem to play it. Just like DNC. It's a question and since you are so knowledgeable, care to answer why?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-30 14:30:20
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Ok so there is nothing wrong with DRG. You didn't ask a question, you made a statement lol. There is also nothing wrong with DNC either (just picked up the job, its extremely useful and good for things). You're worried about people not playing a job and calling it "in distress" like it matters how many people are playing a job? You've been negatively affected by other people's bandwagon mindset, and you think that means there's something wrong with the job if people aren't playing it. Ya gotta stop thinking in that way because it's why so many players and groups limit which jobs they allow to come to their stuff. It's a bad way of generalizing

I have time. Here's why most people aren't playing un popular jobs (DNC, DRG):

Short answer: They are just bad players, period.

Long answer:

DRG is an amazingly powerful job, and probably one of the more useful DDs in the game. It can deal arguably the top damage of any group. It has the ability to leverage their hate with High Jumps and Super Jump, and if necessary, can completely remove the enmity of a nearby party member of choice by using SP1. (Nobody ever mentions this part, but if DRG is smart, it can remove everyone in fight's hate by using SP1+2 and spamming Super Jump. Its an effective way to remove everyone else's hate in longer fights like wave3 boss). It has an unresistable -25% defense down, gets a bonus to piercing weak enemies, can avoid completely certain moves with Super Jump, gets a bonus to dragons, can even help giving emergency cures to party members once in a while (i wish this could be aoe as well), gets a native 10% JA haste with wyvern out, and it can wear the heaviest and strongest DD gear in the game. Probably the reason why people aren't playing it is because it does involve some balance between going full throttle DPS and keeping your wyvern alive. Which isn't that difficult, but a dead DRG (or wyvern) with no timers severely hinders the DPS of a DRG completely, and they are basically a warrior with a stick. That little job caveat likely scares some people away from playing the job, and would rather just click 3 macros on MNK and get the job done just as easily, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with DRG, or DNC.

I started playing DNC during this card campaign, with pretty much no JP and the gear i had on my THF, and I was able to parse within 1% of an Empyrean MNK during a recent dynamis run. Thats not really an indication of how "good" it is, but it does not fall behind in DPS nearly as much as people claim it does, because the time it takes with steps and JA, it gets back in stacked WS and SC damage. The main reason people are not playing DNC is because GEO + BRD exists, and you can cap haste and attack easily without having a DNC. But DNC also brings its own versatile amount of tools to the table (which I wont get into, but its absurdly good), and really shines when GEO is not a viable option for capping attack. DNC also suffers from being "too complicared" (too many JAs to manage), so people disregard it and assume its weak. Which is not true at all. People are just lazy, hence why everyone jumped on MNK and spammed smite rather than just prepping a huge 3 step SC on DNC for triple the damage. Easy Job > "Complicated" Job

Im sure as soon as Rua puts out a video of Dancer guide, everyone will rush to play it. But should stop using job popularity as a gauge of what is in a good place and what is not, because that has always been a bad way of determining it. BST is an example of a job in a bad place, but it still has useful tools. And I'm a big fan of NIN as well, and will tell you that NIN + BST are probably the two jobs that REALLY need a boost. The rest are really fine for the most part.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-30 14:38:31
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And for the record, I also don't think there's anything wrong with BLM as far as being the king of nuking. The problem is just nuking is lol, because magical WS like Trueflight and Leaden Salute exist. Anything you can nuke you can destroy from afar with Magic WS. Back before they got so powerful, nuking was the best and safest way to clear some content, but the meta has changed. If they start introducing fights where nuking becomes favorable again, BLM will be too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2020-04-30 17:19:50
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
nuking was the best and safest way to clear some content
Yes but it wasn't just that.
On some fights you simply weren't able to reach the accuracy required for melees to actually hit the targets, simple as that.

Since then we got at least TWO evasion nerf on mobs.
Then Madrigal Buffs
Then a ton of accuracy gear.
Then Honor March too.

Without all these things I mentioned even if it were safe (hint: it wasn't lol) you weren't able to reliably hit targets.
This only applied to some of them of course.

One more thing to say about nuking: you need magic bursts for them to be effective. Magic WSs do not, eh...
But yeah I agree the BLM problem is not within the job itself, it's about nuking in general just like you said.

Also gearwise I don't think mages got such an insane amount of new nuking options.
In some slots, for some jobs, sure, but it's just a few options.
Melee got a wiiiiide amount of new gear which is MUCH more powerful than the options that were available before, heh!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2020-04-30 17:47:00
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Asura.Sechs said: »
BLU mage was OP, compared to other jobs, like 1-2 years ago, but now?
Every other job has improved, BLU barely did, I think BLU is perfectly fine, and an awesome DD job for lowmen.

I don't think BLU needs to be nerfed or buffed.
Some things that they could and SHOULD do though is QoL for BLU. Like doubling the base duration of all or most buffs.
Having to recast Nature's Meditation every 90 seconds is super annoying.
Make it double, or give us some gear that increase BLU spells duration gdi, whatever but do something SE!

BLU was never really OP, bards just sucked for while and BLU's didn't need them. Instead you could fit another GEO into the mix for some really silly stuff back during the end of SoA stuff.




Everyone else needed a bard or the second GEO to gimp everyone with Indi-Haste.

Then Honor March happened, and then the Bard update happened where Bard Songs actually scaled up and the masses rejoiced. Bard being good again meant non-BLU's could perform really well. Then gear and other stuff happened that further enhanced everyone except BLU. So now it's kinda balanced itself out.
Posts: 1804
By Felgarr 2020-04-30 18:00:59
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Ok so there is nothing wrong with DRG. You didn't ask a question, you made a statement lol. There is also nothing wrong with DNC either (just picked up the job, its extremely useful and good for things). You're worried about people not playing a job and calling it "in distress" like it matters how many people are playing a job? You've been negatively affected by other people's bandwagon mindset, and you think that means there's something wrong with the job if people aren't playing it. Ya gotta stop thinking in that way because it's why so many players and groups limit which jobs they allow to come to their stuff. It's a bad way of generalizing

I have time. Here's why most people aren't playing un popular jobs (DNC, DRG):

Short answer: They are just bad players, period.

Long answer:

DRG is an amazingly powerful job, and probably one of the more useful DDs in the game. It can deal arguably the top damage of any group. It has the ability to leverage their hate with High Jumps and Super Jump, and if necessary, can completely remove the enmity of a nearby party member of choice by using SP1. (Nobody ever mentions this part, but if DRG is smart, it can remove everyone in fight's hate by using SP1+2 and spamming Super Jump. Its an effective way to remove everyone else's hate in longer fights like wave3 boss). It has an unresistable -25% defense down, gets a bonus to piercing weak enemies, can avoid completely certain moves with Super Jump, gets a bonus to dragons, can even help giving emergency cures to party members once in a while (i wish this could be aoe as well), gets a native 10% JA haste with wyvern out, and it can wear the heaviest and strongest DD gear in the game. Probably the reason why people aren't playing it is because it does involve some balance between going full throttle DPS and keeping your wyvern alive. Which isn't that difficult, but a dead DRG (or wyvern) with no timers severely hinders the DPS of a DRG completely, and they are basically a warrior with a stick. That little job caveat likely scares some people away from playing the job, and would rather just click 3 macros on MNK and get the job done just as easily, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with DRG, or DNC.

I started playing DNC during this card campaign, with pretty much no JP and the gear i had on my THF, and I was able to parse within 1% of an Empyrean MNK during a recent dynamis run. Thats not really an indication of how "good" it is, but it does not fall behind in DPS nearly as much as people claim it does, because the time it takes with steps and JA, it gets back in stacked WS and SC damage. The main reason people are not playing DNC is because GEO + BRD exists, and you can cap haste and attack easily without having a DNC. But DNC also brings its own versatile amount of tools to the table (which I wont get into, but its absurdly good), and really shines when GEO is not a viable option for capping attack. DNC also suffers from being "too complicared" (too many JAs to manage), so people disregard it and assume its weak. Which is not true at all. People are just lazy, hence why everyone jumped on MNK and spammed smite rather than just prepping a huge 3 step SC on DNC for triple the damage. Easy Job > "Complicated" Job

Im sure as soon as Rua puts out a video of Dancer guide, everyone will rush to play it. But should stop using job popularity as a gauge of what is in a good place and what is not, because that has always been a bad way of determining it. BST is an example of a job in a bad place, but it still has useful tools. And I'm a big fan of NIN as well, and will tell you that NIN + BST are probably the two jobs that REALLY need a boost. The rest are really fine for the most part.

I agree with your assessment to a point. Without legitimate feedback from other players, about what works well for a given job, you're left to just trial and error. Shoot, who wants grind their gears like it's 2005 to figure out that SAM/DRG with Pentatrust is OP? No one, not in 2020.....and I blame the game more than the player. There is no in-game performance feedback loop (leaderboards or whatever you) so we're forced to come here and read posts and watch videos.

SE kind of burned their own player base out with exploratory nonsense. I like that this game doesn't hold your hand, but it doesn't exactly give you direction either. Top it off with occasionally player toxicity, and you get trolls who share bad advice to watch other people struggle.

I'm always willing to try new things in game, but the level of obscurity around certain game mechanics is ridiculous. It's SE's fault, hate the game, not the player.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-30 18:17:13
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Feedback from other players can be a useful. I have no disagreement with that statement at all. The problem is inexperienced (lazy) players base entire decisions and what you all say on the forums as to what "works", or works "well". The thought of any other possible option isn't conceivable in their minds because of it, and then you are left with jobs entirely ignored, not by design, but completely from job bias. Then you will have people who just assume a job that isn't played is trash, because "why aren't People playing it???" Then they will point to something irrelevant like "there's 200 Monk's playing right now but I only see 10 dancers and 5 dragoon, those jobs must suck....".

Just had a month of omen card farm shouts where people went out of their way to not invite certain jobs because it didn't "fit" what they assumed would work. Dancers can't Help heal. No other jobs besides Sam can 6 step, or 15k/30k nuke, only two jobs can tank these trash sweetwaters. The end result is people close their minds off to other options primarily because of player feedback. The good players and linkshells by extension find ways to make any combination of jobs work if possible.

Player feedback has a limit, and after a certain point in ffxi you shouldn't care what anybody else says about a job you are interested in. And if you're only interested in playing a job because it's suddenly good or has a fun trick you can exploit, here's a secret
Posts: 1804
By Felgarr 2020-04-30 18:57:20
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Feedback from other players can be a useful. I have no disagreement with that statement at all. The problem is inexperienced (lazy) players base entire decisions and what you all say on the forums as to what "works", or works "well". The thought of any other possible option isn't conceivable in their minds because of it, and then you are left with jobs entirely ignored, not by design, but completely from job bias. Then you will have people who just assume a job that isn't played is trash, because "why aren't People playing it???" Then they will point to something irrelevant like "there's 200 Monk's playing right now but I only see 10 dancers and 5 dragoon, those jobs must suck....".

Just had a month of omen card farm shouts where people went out of their way to not invite certain jobs because it didn't "fit" what they assumed would work. Dancers can't Help heal. No other jobs besides Sam can 6 step, or 15k/30k nuke, only two jobs can tank these trash sweetwaters. The end result is people close their minds off to other options primarily because of player feedback. The good players and linkshells by extension find ways to make any combination of jobs work if possible.

Player feedback has a limit, and after a certain point in ffxi you shouldn't care what anybody else says about a job you are interested in. And if you're only interested in playing a job because it's suddenly good or has a fun trick you can exploit, here's a secret

Again, I agree with you, too a point...but I play 13 jobs and just don't have the inventory space to be super creative with certain jobs.

...but as far as changing player bias, how do we fix it? (For starters, maybe share what jobs you know can complete those objectives?) :)
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-04-30 19:00:08
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Step 1: Create a video on youtube stating / showing that a job is OP. Doesn't even have to be accurate.

That's it. No more steps.
Posts: 9323
By Afania 2020-04-30 20:02:43
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Felgarr said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Feedback from other players can be a useful. I have no disagreement with that statement at all. The problem is inexperienced (lazy) players base entire decisions and what you all say on the forums as to what "works", or works "well". The thought of any other possible option isn't conceivable in their minds because of it, and then you are left with jobs entirely ignored, not by design, but completely from job bias. Then you will have people who just assume a job that isn't played is trash, because "why aren't People playing it???" Then they will point to something irrelevant like "there's 200 Monk's playing right now but I only see 10 dancers and 5 dragoon, those jobs must suck....".

Just had a month of omen card farm shouts where people went out of their way to not invite certain jobs because it didn't "fit" what they assumed would work. Dancers can't Help heal. No other jobs besides Sam can 6 step, or 15k/30k nuke, only two jobs can tank these trash sweetwaters. The end result is people close their minds off to other options primarily because of player feedback. The good players and linkshells by extension find ways to make any combination of jobs work if possible.

Player feedback has a limit, and after a certain point in ffxi you shouldn't care what anybody else says about a job you are interested in. And if you're only interested in playing a job because it's suddenly good or has a fun trick you can exploit, here's a secret

Again, I agree with you, too a point...but I play 13 jobs and just don't have the inventory space to be super creative with certain jobs.

...but as far as changing player bias, how do we fix it? (For starters, maybe share what jobs you know can complete those objectives?) :)

Well then.....don't play 13 jobs :p

Honestly gearing a job to absolute max potential is EXTREMELY time consuming these days. There are just too many situational gears to collect, gears locked behind time gate or super expensive REMA/crafted gears. If a job is missing some of these sets then it's performance will drop when situations need it. At that point it became more efficient to play a "meta" job, even if that's geared at 50-60% of its max potential.

Take Qutrub ambuscade for example. At that time the community bandwagoned NIN hard because of endeath. However I was able to get several fast VD wins without one single NIN nor RDM in pt.

At that time people tried to argue endlessly that "NIN is must have because they have more shadows" "3 shadows aren't enough". So I decided to make random party without NIN nor RDM just to prove that none NIN DDs without slow2 could work.

That being said, when I looked for a COR I did made 60%-65% FC a requirement because I knew how hard it was to keep shadows up. I have 74%ish FC on Cor so I can ichi->ichi and tank things forever. Anything lower it got a lot more risky. So 60% was the absolute lowest standard I could have to minimize the risk for that NM.

And guess what? Despite I already lowered the standard by a lot NONE of the random COR that I've found has FC set beyond 30-40%. Like, none. I've seen people who spend hundred millions on a REMA but refuse to get simple sets that's as basic/cheap as a FC set.

Needless to say, without sets like this it's much easier to go with NIN tanking, the "meta".

My point is that, if you push a jobs potential to the max, it can Do a lot more than people think. This means keep collecting gears, keep experimenting.

Very frequently the idea of a new set came from the advantage of the other job while wanting to get the goal done. For example when people bandwagoned MNK or PUP to solo Lilith E, I read that "MNK is effective because it can reduce TP moves". Then I proceed to create a 75 subtle blow shooting set for COR. Since then I haven't fail one single E solo. Most of the times it's just adjusting playstyle to solve one particular issue.

I don't think having too many jobs is a good idea at all. It's maybe useful for learning it's mechanics and get inspired. But just gearing ONE job is very time consuming these days, gearing 2 is absolutely overwhelming. Ultimately I think the difference is that a good player will push a jobs potential to 90% to 95% and others just stop at 60% then move on to the next REMA.

Then these people ended up having to bandwagon jobs to get mechanics solved.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-30 20:26:12
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Well, I have 13 jobs mastered, and probably another 5 that can be easily close to endgame ready. But at any given time, I only keep out 5 jobs' gear for whatever I am working on: RDM GEO BLU RUN and whatever adhoc DD I am improving or need active (right now its DNC and THF, because of Odyssey chest farming). BLU covers random dailies and aoe spam activities like omen or einherjar/nni, geo/run puts me in any content I need at the time. RDM is a hybrid that can do various things, but it has so much gear I don't bother storing it. I specifically don't play SCH (yet) or WHM (will not ever, im not good enough) because I can't really get as gear intensive as I want, but I still try.

All DDs ca be rolled into one bucket and there has rarely been a scenario where someone will tell you to come DRG over DRK or WAR or MNK, as they are all functionally the same role. So all of my DPS jobs have been stored into slips and I will pull them out only when there is an ambu month where I can use its potential (like RNG during Imp month).

As far as Omen Objectives, they are all very easy and maybe 2-3 might be challenging on a few jobs:

And I wasn't insulting anybody over the omen objectives, I was putting more focus on the mindset of a lot of players. Even if you explain to them another method something can be done, you will suffer from job bias. So they might end up picking a trash player who can't really contribute but is playing the "right" job over a really good player who CAN contribute playing the unpopular job. That's a horrible way of forming effective groups, especially for events that are fairly entry level and might not have the best players to begin with. And it all comes from a job bias of not being the top job.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: tripletee
Posts: 152
By Asura.Blitzjr 2020-04-30 20:38:28
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BLU is op as ***!
By Draylo 2020-04-30 22:11:56
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Asura.Blitzjr said: »
BLU is op as ***!

*throws tomato*
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2020-05-01 01:11:53
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Ok so there is nothing wrong with DRG. You didn't ask a question, you made a statement lol. There is also nothing wrong with DNC either (just picked up the job, its extremely useful and good for things). You're worried about people not playing a job and calling it "in distress" like it matters how many people are playing a job? You've been negatively affected by other people's bandwagon mindset, and you think that means there's something wrong with the job if people aren't playing it. Ya gotta stop thinking in that way because it's why so many players and groups limit which jobs they allow to come to their stuff. It's a bad way of generalizing

I have time. Here's why most people aren't playing un popular jobs (DNC, DRG):

DRG is an amazingly powerful job, and probably one of the more useful DDs in the game. It can deal arguably the top damage of any group. It has the ability to leverage their hate with High Jumps and Super Jump, and if necessary, can completely remove the enmity of a nearby party member of choice by using SP1. (Nobody ever mentions this part, but if DRG is smart, it can remove everyone in fight's hate by using SP1+2 and spamming Super Jump. Its an effective way to remove everyone else's hate in longer fights like wave3 boss). It has an unresistable -25% defense down, gets a bonus to piercing weak enemies, can avoid completely certain moves with Super Jump, gets a bonus to dragons, can even help giving emergency cures to party members once in a while (i wish this could be aoe as well), gets a native 10% JA haste with wyvern out, and it can wear the heaviest and strongest DD gear in the game. Probably the reason why people aren't playing it is because it does involve some balance between going full throttle DPS and keeping your wyvern alive. Which isn't that difficult, but a dead DRG (or wyvern) with no timers severely hinders the DPS of a DRG completely, and they are basically a warrior with a stick. That little job caveat likely scares some people away from playing the job, and would rather just click 3 macros on MNK and get the job done just as easily, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with DRG, or DNC

Good example on drg here. Only thing i wanna mention is its one glaring flaw compared go other dds. Is that it lacks a good meva/dd gearset option. Doesnt get volte windy. Volte jueno has amazing meva but no offensive prowesss for tping in. The kendatsuba is the eastern themed jobs only. And malagnince is light armor jobs mainly.

All its main options for meva (except like bastok volte feet i think it was cannot remember specific piece); are all really just full meva gear pieces which dont even have dt or pdt. (Been on break for a month or so pls refresh me if in wrong on this.)

So often you will get hit with debuffs your other dps are avoiding due to their malignance or volte windy sets or you have to give up tp speed by a margin to keep good meva levels while you have blu mnks sams and wars going ham cuz they get amazing meva while also maintaining good multihit/tp.

Which is something I wish square would fix and give drg a good meva tp set like the other dps have.

For most content though the jobs lovely and is still my favorite job personally. Just wanted to add this in as a possibility as why some people probably don't touch it.

Also while the wyvern dying sucks bad since the timers 20 minutes long and it severly gimps you. I think keeping it up is fairly easy the hard part is if the master dies. So i also wish they would reduce the timer on that some as well. But i do not think that the timer is as bad as the gear thing listed above due to good whms/tanks/support being able to keep their teams alive.

This is all my thoughts and i just wanted to add in input about a job i love.