Primed For Adventure
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-06-09 10:54:30
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »FFXI's biggest doses of serotonin come from the satisfying impact of a huge skillchain and the gratification that comes from overcoming challenging hurdles or months-long tasks.
"Months-long tasks": When I get all of my inventory organized, cleaned out, and streamlined.
By RadialArcana 2021-06-09 11:56:08
draylo, don't you post in every single thread that you'll be playing ffxi until the day you die regardless of the content released/etc?
i do not think you or anyone in this thread is the target audience of these streams. FFXI is an incredibly unfun game to watch. most of the popular ffxi streamers just have cult like followings, they aren't actually there to watch anything.
No MMO is fun to watch, the popular mmo streams are watched for the person streaming and not the game.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Ninja still streams FFXI sometimes now. progression raiding gets proportional views to game population. mmos are not the big games anymore. league of legends and FPS games have 30x the population of even WoW and ff14. (you could argue that this is because they are free but that's irrelevant..)
the people watching ejiins stream are a cult, ffxi retail generally will have 5 viewers if he is not online, you can't relate this to any other game. if doublelift for example is not streaming league of legends it still has over 100k viewers, if he's streaming it might have 105k.
ffxi is not fun to watch
No mmorpg is fun to watch because there is no skill involved in play. It's just knowledge.
These streams they are making are not for entertainment, they are informative.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2021-06-09 11:58:29
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »FFXI's biggest doses of serotonin come from the satisfying impact of a huge skillchain and the gratification that comes from overcoming challenging hurdles or months-long tasks.
"Months-long tasks": When I get all of my inventory organized, cleaned out, and streamlined.
and then it's *** within a week again.
By Mattelot 2021-06-09 12:14:58
No mmorpg is fun to watch because there is no skill involved in play. It's just knowledge.
These streams they are making are not for entertainment, they are informative.
There is more skill involved in MMOs where you control your character vs some 3rd party software doing it for you. :0)
By RadialArcana 2021-06-09 12:37:32
No mmorpg is fun to watch because there is no skill involved in play. It's just knowledge.
These streams they are making are not for entertainment, they are informative.
There is more skill involved in MMOs where you control your character vs some 3rd party software doing it for you. :0)
They are all boring regardless, and there is really very little skill involved no matter how you're playing them so they aren't fun to watch. One clear is pretty much the same as the last. People that watch mmorpg streamers are watching for the personality of the streamer and not the game.
I watch Asmongold sometimes, because he is funny and not for WoW. Lots of ff14 players also watch him, and they hate wow.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2021-06-09 12:41:14
No mmorpg is fun to watch because there is no skill involved in play. It's just knowledge.
These streams they are making are not for entertainment, they are informative.
There is more skill involved in MMOs where you control your character vs some 3rd party software doing it for you. :0)
They are all boring regardless, and there is really no skill involved no matter how you're playing them. One clear is pretty much the same as the last. People that watch mmorpg streamers are watching for the personality of the streamer and not the game.
I watch Asmongold sometimes, because he is funny and not for WoW. Lots of ff14 players also watch him, and they hate wow. I mean that's just streaming it has nothing to do with MMOs, watching boring people play games is not fun no matter what the game is. I enjoy MMO streams but only when its both an entertaining player and a knowledgeable player, which is just really rare especially in the FFXI section of Twitch.
By Mattelot 2021-06-09 12:56:57
I watch Asmongold sometimes
wtf.... you just lost most of your cool points.
I really do hope you're being sarcastic... :(
By Asura.Tsm 2021-06-09 12:57:19
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »wish we could downvote posts I like the current system. It allows you to agree with a post without having to occupy an entire post with "Agreed" or "That was really funny", yet requires you to elaborate on what it is you didn't like about another person's post if you disagreed with it.
I'm assuming you disagreed with something I said. Now I'm curious which part(s) and why. (This highlights what I meant above, too) there are no main stream games that were designed to be streamed, that's the dumbest take i've ever seen. there are games that are better suited from it. mobas and battle royals were around long before streaming was ever a thing.
every post you have is something like this white knighting ffxi in a really weird casual way.
should also be noted that the most popular section for quite some times is "just chatting". which adds some cadence to what radial is saying that people watch for personalities. i generally disagree though as whenever there is progression raiding by method or others going on in WoW they get a very good viewership. personalities are always going to have more because they have a larger following, but still.
By Mattelot 2021-06-09 13:01:48
I don't watch streamers. My personal opinion is that they're complete wastes of time. I've seen a couple just to see what the big deal was and I cringed.
If they're your thing, have fun.
Guildwork Premium
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 227
By Asura.Icilies 2021-06-09 14:09:54
A few serious questions as I try to get through this post.
1. Exactly what content would expect to be shown?
2. Intended Audience? Current? Old looking for nostalgia? Get New People?
3. If goal is to get new people; what could they do different?
4. How would you resolve the problem of organization that is needed to participate in current "end game" content?
5. Facing the reality that the host don't have time to completely invest themselves into FFXI and SE is not going to invest into additional resources for the NA community; How could the stream evolve to satisfy the requirements that a few on this thread are very passionate about? (Let's just take the "don't do the stream" out of the equation.)
I am genuinely interested in the above questions. I have a few thoughts but I'm pretty torn.
I personally would like to see some sort of "twitch drops" similar to other games like RUST etc. This could be a discount code for the game or some special in game item created. I think this gives incentives for people to pick up the game and try it or gives existing players a reason to tune in and engage in chat.
As much as I think it would be awesome to showcase end game content, I just don't see how it would be feasible; from an organization perspective. The only way I see this working is if they partnered before hand with the community.
Anyway. I'm interested in more thought around this.
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-09 14:20:00
Representatives of the community... organizing with the community. Blasphemy.
But no, really, it is that simple. let's pretend for 5 seconds that the community reps actually represented the community. By PLAYING THE *** GAME. By being in a linkshell and ACTUALLY doing stuff occasionally. Simply showcasing that would be significantly better than what they do.
They could do some cosmetic "drops" on stream too. Sure. That gets views. Watch for the code to get an extra marble for bonanza. A tidal talismen. A unique mount.
Also, is it that unreasonable to ask people claiming to represent the community to actually spend 5 minutes to take part in the community? I mean, I get that only a sociopath would want to take part in the community but they get paid to do just that.
Just for a start, have the smallest bit of actual knowledge about the game for christs sake. It is legit embarrassing to see them not know anything about literally anything. Danielle couldn't even make a god damn pull macro and she claims to have played for years. "she forgot" "an easy mistake" yeah, if you played the game more than an hour a month you might not forget the basics.
I mean, I don't even mind that they're literal trashcans, if they would just play the damned game. I mind that they're trashcans because they don't play the game.
By Shichishito 2021-06-09 15:18:27
recently picked a random mmo stream, watched a couple of minutes of intense crafting befor i scrolled down and read something about ocd. twitch is where it's at.
wish we could downvote posts some ppl would be kinda salty if they add a downvote button now. i like to think i myself have a couple of strong contenders for the top 10 most hated posts (politics section not included, that's too easy) on this board and while i know some of you would take the time to go back we all know the motivation isn't as high as when the hate spike hits.
FFXI has no pretty graphics and no fast paced gameplay and without significant investments and gameplay changes it will never even remotely be suitable for streaming to a audiance. i vividly remember a advertisement trailer that displayed at least a full party, maybe a alliance, storm down a hill in rollanberry fields towards a morbol in what i perceived as slow motion and later got to learn was regular movement speed. i think the first time i experienced something that somewhat resembles what was shown in that trailer was ~10 years later abyssea worm parties.
SE already knew back then that FFXI isn't entertaining to watch.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2021-06-09 16:17:23
I volunteer to takeover their stream as I mastery rank grind and do things like trade 10000 gysahl greens to the same npc
Strange how that's the part of the game I enjoy vs the rest
By Shichishito 2021-06-09 16:32:13
I volunteer to takeover their stream as I mastery rank grind and do things like trade 10000 gysahl greens to the same npc do you happen to have ocd and stream on twitch?
By Manque 2021-06-09 19:58:19
An interesting counterpoint to the Primed for Adventure stream is the streams with Emiri Kato. They started off as official streams with the FFXI team and even Fujito and Matsui joined to play with her.
People find where they are and follow them around and they hold mini events. A way more interactive audience. They played a game of tag where you had buy arrows from bazaars and after they took a group photo.
By Asura.Tsm 2021-06-09 21:18:48
probably the best case scenario if they do something like that honestly.
expecting them to do endgame is lulz
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-09 21:25:11
probably the best case scenario if they do something like that honestly.
expecting them to do endgame is lulz
I half agree. The first statement, yup.
The second statement. The current reps, yeah, that's lulz. BUT. I would expect for an actual "representative of the community" to be capable. The bar is so incredibly low. You can give a 5 year old controller with a perfect maxed war in 5/5 sakpata r20 and tell them, just hit L2 and X a dozen times. Everyone will go apeshit and think you're a champion.
That's where we are. The community reps are incapable of creating and hitting a macro. That's the bar.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-06-09 21:45:20
Just stop thinking of them as "Community Representatives" and start thinking of them more as "Goodwill Ambassadors". They project the goodwill SquareEnix wants to show to the English speaking players.
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-09 21:46:29
It's literally their title
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-06-09 22:05:05
I was going to delete this post because I'm kind of took the bait here a bit, but figured I'd just spoiler it since it amuses me, but not everybody likes it when I post memes.
Well, it's a poor title / job description and you don't like them as players. You've made your feelings incredibly clear in your last... that many posts. (I only went back to page 4 of 7, but got the point across).

By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-09 22:07:43
I mean. I approve of the last one they did.
Considering the options.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-06-09 23:45:42
probably the best case scenario if they do something like that honestly.
expecting them to do endgame is lulz
There's a twitch streamer on my server (who I don't really know, just recognize seeing her running around) who does stuff like videos that show relatively low impact daily stuff: DI dragon, Odyssey farm, some UNMs/high tiers, Mog Garden... Sometimes using trusts, sometimes with some other players. Nothing that requires crazy endgame coordination, but actually useful to show people who haven't played for a while what a modern daily gameplay loop looks like. Link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1007978665
Something like THAT would be a FAR better use of stream time with a couple community reps chatting and showing what players could actually expect as a realistic experience in the game in 2021. Even those who may not be geared to the teeth and into much group endgame stuff.
By Matic 2021-06-10 10:02:01
I watch Asmongold sometimes
wtf.... you just lost most of your cool points.
I really do hope you're being sarcastic... :(
Agree. The handful of times that I watched him pander to his fleet of mouthbreathers....just ugh. puke.
his idea of a funny joke is saying '*** weebs' when anyone mentions FFXIV. Worst part is, he doesn't even necessarily mean it(or most of the ignorant ***that comes out of the gaping,hairy, toothy maw he calls a mouth), he is just saying it b/c he knows it will make his cult members salivate.
Like, watch his actual physical reactions to XIV stuff. He likes it. He just can't admit it b/c he is a *** tool of epic proportions.
By Deridjian 2021-06-10 10:02:45
Man by now I've had a few really good laughs reading this thread, <Thank you!> <everyone>
An interesting counterpoint to the Primed for Adventure stream is the streams with Emiri Kato. They started off as official streams with the FFXI team and even Fujito and Matsui joined to play with her.
People find where they are and follow them around and they hold mini events. A way more interactive audience. They played a game of tag where you had buy arrows from bazaars and after they took a group photo.
 Wow, that Japanese gathering stream shows why I'm still able to play this game in 2021, they are able to actually have FUN together. Thanks for communicating this. Please don't hate me for thinking this: It must be really hard to cater to an international audience when you are coming from such a distinct cultural background as it is Japan. I just can't see such a gathering on 9pm PST without drama lol
Awesome thread though!
By Matic 2021-06-10 10:26:53
Actually, having now watched portions of some of the Primed streams, my reaction is one of immediate discomfort.
I can't really comment on how knowledgeable the hosts are about the game, because frankly, I couldn't get past how uncomfortable they both seem.
Like...you gotta be able to hold a room, and they just can't. Especially if you're the one on camera, you need to be relaxed or at least seem comfortable onscreen, so the audience can be relaxed and comfortable.
Maybe if they were actually excited about the game they were playing, that energy would make up for their seeming lack of streaming experience/showmanship/stage presence. As it is, the forced enthusiasm shows and the cringe is everywhere.
they both seem super nice so I hate to hate on them, but really, it just doesn't work. And I want it to work, because I would actually watch.
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-06-10 10:53:32
Actually, having now watched portions of some of the Primed streams, my reaction is one of immediate discomfort.
I can't really comment on how knowledgeable the hosts are about the game, because frankly, I couldn't get past how uncomfortable they both seem.
Like...you gotta be able to hold a room, and they just can't. Especially if you're the one on camera, you need to be relaxed or at least seem comfortable onscreen, so the audience can be relaxed and comfortable.
Maybe if they were actually excited about the game they were playing, that energy would make up for their seeming lack of streaming experience/showmanship/stage presence. As it is, the forced enthusiasm shows and the cringe is everywhere.
they both seem super nice so I hate to hate on them, but really, it just doesn't work. And I want it to work, because I would actually watch.
I mean... to be quite honest here and boil it down to practically the simplest point:
The Community Reps are two girls playing a video game, only one of whom is visible on the streamer's camera. There is a certain draw to that in and of itself...
But I do have to agree that their personalities don't carry the stream well. And of course the fact that they don't play FFXI enough (by their own admission) to perform at a reasonable level is a pretty big detriment on top of that.
I am kind of curious about the third Community Rep that they've mentioned that does the supposed English-to-Japanese translations (and visa versa) to HQ, if they would be any better if added to the mix (if they even play FFXI lol).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2021-06-10 11:09:36
I am kind of curious about the third Community Rep that they've mentioned that does the supposed English-to-Japanese (and visa versa) to HQ, if they would be any better if added to the mix (if they even play FFXI lol).
Me too, as that was Camate's role, and he was good at XI.
By RadialArcana 2021-06-10 11:25:17
his idea of a funny joke is saying '*** weebs' when anyone mentions FFXIV. Worst part is, he doesn't even necessarily mean it(or most of the ignorant ***that comes out of the gaping,hairy, toothy maw he calls a mouth), he is just saying it b/c he knows it will make his cult members salivate.
It's just a game bro.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-06-10 11:58:29
One thing I will add is I think the point is to just get some eyes on the game from either old players or new. I have done ambu on stream a few times with them and everytime I get messages from old friends who see it randomly. My point being people do see it. Some of them have resubbed after seeing it.
Could is be better sure, but its something.
Edit: It also has changed up and the stream is now doing something different then what I saw last year. I wonder if that was after feedback etc.
By Matic 2021-06-10 12:33:10
his idea of a funny joke is saying '*** weebs' when anyone mentions FFXIV. Worst part is, he doesn't even necessarily mean it(or most of the ignorant ***that comes out of the gaping,hairy, toothy maw he calls a mouth), he is just saying it b/c he knows it will make his cult members salivate.
It's just a game bro.
your comment doesn't really make sense. what is just a game, bro?
because I wasn't talking about a game, I was talking about a human on a twitch stream saying stupid ***lol
idc that you like him, it's not a personal attack at you.
also, if you mean FFXI or FFXIV, it's demonstrably not 'just a game'