99% of content and decisions are handled by Japanese higher-ups at SquareEnix; with think-tank / focus-group input and cost/profit analysis. The key word in that was "Japanese".
Having an English-speaking stream once every 3/6 months of random content for 2 hours is just them trying to make a gesture towards the English speakers; much like in the monthly videos how they will use English phrases for like a sentence or two at the start.
As far as "trash reps" digs at the community reps goes, calm down. Not everyone is 1337 hardc0re playurz that min/max every single piece of equipment; especially on characters that are just cookie-cutter generics with quests/items flagged for content and not these player's actual characters. Their hands are also bound by what SquareEnix allows them to do; which likely limits them from doing anything of interest. I'm sure they have directives handed down from higher-ups that they can't even get into publicly.
The directives likely look like:
1. Focus on ___ content this time.
2. Invite random players.
3. Always cover up the Asura chat log.
4. Don't get into anything specific about your job.
5. Be vague.
6. Be friendly.
7. Don't take the troll bait.
8. Ask for suggestions from the community about what type of content to do, but ignore it as we will let you know what we want you to focus on.
9. Push the official Twitter account and the official forums.
Would it be nice if there was hardcore players that min/max every piece and make hand-holding walkthrough streams of all content? Sure. Will it happen? Not likely from official sources.
Primed for Adventure is much like the Assist Channel. Something that sounds good on paper, was created with good intentions, isn't really useful due to limitations, and should have been implemented 18 years ago.