Primed For Adventure
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-11-11 22:38:03
I kinda agree with RMT for brains
I don't like the idea SE is promoting this tier of player.
Thin line between honest and toxic.
They're below average garbage tier players and pretending they aren't is insulting.
Sighseeker given every possible freebie and literally doesn't even wear +roll gear with a mythic and +2 neck. That's right, she has a +2 neck, rostam, and DP, and rolls in +0 gear. Okie has zero refresh gear.
This is terrible if it's even half true.
I don't watch the streams or any other players' streams for the matter. I do watch youtube videos on strategies on endgame content and read forum posts on updates and people's play styles to better mine while using dps spreadsheets to properly gear myself (thanks to all the players who work on keeping them up to date, You guys should the ones supported by SE - especially you windower team as many people would have quit if it wasn't for you - - Mind you there are many great players who don't use it and only use in-game macros to swap gear).
It's research for the most part which Id expect from players being paid to promote/play a game. FPS, Fighting games, Speedrunners, etc all get GREAT players that understand frame data to guns recoil, bullet spread, Memorizing the maps, Basic mechanics of the game, Etc.
Kinda embarrassing that these are the best players SE could get.
Guildwork Premium
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 227
By Asura.Icilies 2020-11-11 23:31:53
You all miss 100% of the point of the stream. It’s to remind of players the game is alive. And it just started this year.
Link your improvements to the stream on the official forums. Still waiting.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2020-11-11 23:33:58
People aren't going to post on the official forums cause we don't care enough.
I do agree though that people are missing the point of the stream
Guildwork Premium
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 227
By Asura.Icilies 2020-11-11 23:35:04
Trying to give the trolls a chance to redeem themselves.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2020-11-12 00:47:02
IMO their next stream should try to have a guest who is knowledgeable about the game and equip sets (we can't be talking about gear swap) and integrating equip sets with macros teaching them how to play.
I think that would be a positive both in hopefully getting their play level to an acceptable level and a good teaching moment for potential viewers. Equip sets I think are a bit more approachable for new or returning players than asking them to learn gear swap off the bat anyways.
By RadialArcana 2020-11-12 04:12:36
Demoted from trashbag, to full garbagecan whm
That's some toxic stuff, bro.
You think that will shift them from playing 14 more to 11?
The point is to keep some attention on the game. Let me know your link on the official forums that recommends some improvements to the stream.
If someone says something overly negative, and you engage with it all you're doing is making the entire conversation about that and highlighting it.
The point of these streams appears to be to try convince players they can group up who currently don't, this is one the biggest problems with FFXI. The army of players who are at 99, who gear up but are too nervous to ever actually join anything or make groups due to the party building system and elitism. This isn't a problem on other games due to party builders, on FFXI you have to actually talk to people and there is a great intimidation factor if you haven't done content before.
To get older of brand new players to return/play after watching isn't going to work because they don't properly promote the streams anywhere anyway and other players don't do it for them either. So they won't even know about it.
The problem with the community managers is they are honestly pretty off-handish with the community they are paid to interact with, maybe this is what they are told to do or maybe they just put most of their attention to 14?
I played another MMORPG for many years and the community manager was very very active. She talked in the games world chat channel across all servers a few times a week with her official red font, she appeared in the game in crowded areas and lots of people flocked around (remember 15 years ago when a GM would appear in lower jeuno just to talk or show off their armor and people would freak out?), she even did content now and then or made groups doing easier dungeon runs on things (not for streams, just because she was known and it caused a buzz), she posted on sub reddits, she posted on forums. She basically became well known by the entire playerbase and this drove people to her streams, she even used to post in the global channel when she was streaming and asking people to come watch. When she did many of these things she didn't talk about official things like patches, bots etc (because they are not allowed to do this, these have to be official vetted statements) she was just spreading positivity around and interacting with the comunity.
I don't know if the community managers are very involved in 14 or if they are the same there, I don't know if they are told to be like this but having seem community managers on other games they barely do anything but act like watchers taking notes, they don't interact at all or promote ffxi content very much either.
By zixxer 2020-11-12 04:53:46
I hope they invite me to their events once I can get back in my pc/game room so I can wreck ***for them. My mother in law is visiting from out of town and I don’t feel like moving the pc out of that room.
Watched a finished stream for the first time today thanks to this thread. Anything ffxi related puts a smile on my face while working.
Keep doing what you’re doing, and hopefully it brings more attention to this wonderful game. I’ll be dead inside when the servers ever end.
Huge fan.
By Creecreelo 2020-11-12 05:28:09
Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »IMO their next stream should try to have a guest who is knowledgeable about the game and equip sets (we can't be talking about gear swap) and integrating equip sets with macros teaching them how to play.
I think that would be a positive both in hopefully getting their play level to an acceptable level and a good teaching moment for potential viewers. Equip sets I think are a bit more approachable for new or returning players than asking them to learn gear swap off the bat anyways.
Totally agree with this. I really enjoy they're even streaming FFXI at all; Sicycre and Okieeomi have a nice, positive energy and great chemistry with each other. This is the first stream I've tuned into, and overall I thought its presentation was well done and flowed nicely. With that said though, it's truly unfortunate seeing such a lack of knowledge about some of the game's core mechanics, namely skillchains which was such an important focus of this last stream/ambuscade (and FFXI in general). As for equipsets, they are honestly more than enough to make players passable within this game too, so it's kind of crazy to me that they don't showcase them more, especially as they're basically a necessity for those playing FFXI vanilla.
But yeah, they unfortunately really need a modern-day, dedicated veteran of FFXI to help showcase the game. You can tell Oki has a good understanding of the game itself, but perhaps isn't super confident with current content. Sicycre appeared super rusty when it came to the Ambuscade (and it was a bit alarming to see she appeared to not be using any Roll+ gear? It wasn't in her Rogue's macro at least). This is probably attributed to how busy she is with work/other games; she went into this a bit on the Nudawn ls interview/podcast.
It was also mentioned in the interview that they do read FFXIah forums. I'm guessing/hoping they will be reading this thread for feedback, and I hope they don't take offense with any criticism as certainly none was meant. Ultimately, it's great to see FFXI being featured, but the game has so much depth when it comes to jobs, mechanics, strategy, and gearing; I hope they can help demonstrate some of this complexity with more precise know-how in the future.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2020-11-12 08:14:18
Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »IMO their next stream should try to have a guest who is knowledgeable about the game and equip sets (we can't be talking about gear swap) and integrating equip sets with macros teaching them how to play.
I think that would be a positive both in hopefully getting their play level to an acceptable level and a good teaching moment for potential viewers. Equip sets I think are a bit more approachable for new or returning players than asking them to learn gear swap off the bat anyways.
I wonder how many people who post on these forums actually playing with only vanilla client. The Windower client and associated tools like Gearswap have always been such a mainstream component to this game that you're essentially playing with a handicap if you play without those tools.
Not to say the players don't exist, but I imagine finding someone who plays XI Vanilla is significantly harder than finding someone who plays with 3rd party tools - let alone finding someone (or group of people) who plays vanilla who also actively participates and clears the highest end of content. I say "group of people who play vanilla" because someone would definitely argue the vanilla player is getting carried by the 3rd party tool players unless they can prove the entire group is using vanilla client.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2020-11-12 08:26:04
2 people in my shell play 100% vanilla, but only one of them posts here
By RadialArcana 2020-11-12 08:37:28
There are armies of JP players that play vanilla.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-11-12 08:42:36
This really has nothing to do with vanilla vs 3PP
The community streamers should be showcasing good equipset use and macro use. Knowledge, skillchains, proper buffs and heals etc. Instead they're not using food. And not using meds. That's pathetic.
At least oki isn't meleeing, so there's that.
Also, beyond inability to even cover the basics, they have no personality. No ability to hold a viewers attention. Next to zero chat interaction.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2020-11-12 09:13:19
Yup, sounds like the average streamer alright
By Hirameki 2020-11-12 09:24:52
There is a particular stupid troll in this thread and probably the whole FFXIAH forum.
I want to give support to the Sicycre and Okieeomi. They are likable and did a good job bringing interest to FFXI and give people glimpses of the contents. I dont think it should be up to them to show people how to play the game or master the game mechanics.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-11-12 09:28:40
167 people is a "good job"?
And yes, no, it's not their job to show people "how to" but they should have some modicum of capability in the thing they're showing, but don't. It just comes off as insulting. "I can give myself any gear I want but make no effort to even know what it does" is a *** move.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 387
By Asura.Tawhoya 2020-11-12 09:58:47
Being likable and bringing glimpses of content is fine if that's what they're looking for in their target audience, but I don't think they'll find much success that way. If they want to have the community actively tune in, then they'd do well to read these forums and find out what we actually want to watch. I rarely watch streams of any kind, but there are times when I definitely would. For example: if they did set to showcase the vanilla macros as intended in a real world experience, or how OP a BST with a shield is... since that seems to be the direction they want to go there.
By Thunderjet 2020-11-12 10:19:59
Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »IMO their next stream should try to have a guest who is knowledgeable about the game and equip sets (we can't be talking about gear swap) and integrating equip sets with macros teaching them how to play.
I think that would be a positive both in hopefully getting their play level to an acceptable level and a good teaching moment for potential viewers. Equip sets I think are a bit more approachable for new or returning players than asking them to learn gear swap off the bat anyways.
I can i can I dont use Gewarswaps only manual macros OK thanks bye
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33
By Leviathan.Loona 2020-11-12 11:31:31
The problems with these streams are legion:
* they take place in the Finalfantasyxi channel, which gets so little use it virtually has no audience outside the people keeping an eye on the FFXI site or Twitter (well, the announcements might get retweeted by the main SE account, but these things are so infrequent and the announcement so close to the actual event that it's very easy to miss - most of the audience I saw in the chat seemed to consist of people who already play, so it was basically preaching to the choir.
Also, IIRC the channel basically got created and is only ever used by Sisycre, and for all I know that's just another branch of apparent ambitions of being a pro streamer (I think she got partnered on her own personal channel a few years back?) - this seems to give more visibility to her than it does to the actual game.
If they want to give more visibility to XI, isn't there a main SE channel they could do it on?
Also, why not upload this stuff on the official XI YouTube channel?
Does Japan keep such a tight grip on it that they don't let foreign community reps upload to it?
* the "primed for adventure" font looks like it's from XIV - this is not helping
* Ambuscade is meaningless to people not already playing the game, it's a gear hunt activity only interesting in terms of mechanics and rewards to those already invested - and those people can likely find more compelling content on channels than stteam/upload more often while doing more difficult content
* the fact they they're supposedly trying to promote a Final Fantasy game takes absolutely no advantage or makes reference to the kinds of things people (want to) know about Final Fantasy games, like characters or stories - IIRC some prior stream may have covered some story tidbits, but the bulk of these things has consisted of Ambuscade, which again, means nothing to the wider FF audience - you know, the audience that when a XI character gets released for a crossover spinoff like Dissidia or Record Keeper simply goes "who?..." - they could try and help cover those gaps, synergizing with the dates of such releases in other games, instead of streams that aren't even monthly, and monthly Twitter quizzes about NMs which are also meaningless to people not already playing.
Basically, this sales funnel is so narrow it barely hits its own pre-existing audience, which is already kinda served by itself, accustomed as it is to being left to its own devices outside the translation of Japanese announcements.
And the sad thing is that most companies might kill for a game that's lasted as long as XI has, and SE could have realized by now that it's sitting on something special, and tying to emphasize, or at least understand, its strengths to present them to a broader public - not that they haven't gotten a bit better (the main SE Twitter has retweeted XI stuff in the recent past, but the reactions to those cases speak for themselves, with the frequent surprise at the game still being active).
But if these reps only take 1 day in the whole month to do anything with XI, dedicating the rest to XIV (which I'm sure can be a handful, but they have multiple people anyway), it's hard to expect efforts to be effective or any feedback to be taken into account (the official forums don't have much of a history for providing satisfying responses, and they have said on stream that they read places like this and Reddit, so the burden is on them to do right, we're already paying the sub and trying to pitch in in our own ways to keep the game and its community afloat).
Guildwork Premium
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 227
By Asura.Icilies 2020-11-12 11:56:38
The problems with these streams are legion:
* they take place the Finalfantasyxi that gets so little use it virtually has no audience outside the people keeping an eye on the FFXI site or Twitter (well, the announcements might get retweeted by the main SE account, but these things are so infrequent and the announcement so close to the actual event that it's very easy to miss - most of the audience I saw in the chat seemed to consist of people who already play, so it was basically preaching to the choir.
Also, IIRC the channel basically got created and is only ever used by Sisycre, and for all I know that's just another branch of apparent ambitions of being a pro streamer (I think she got partnered on her own personal channel a few years back?) - this seems to give more visibility to her than it does to the actual game.
If they want to give more visibility Lilith to XI, isn't there a main SE channel they could do it on?
Also, why not upload this stuff on the official XI YouTube channel?
Dies Japan keep such a tight grip on it that they don't let foreign community reps upload to it?
* the "primed for adventure" font looks like it's from XIV - this is not helping
* Ambuscade is mean I guess to people not already playing the game, it's a gear hint activity only interesting in terms of mechanics and rewards to those already invested - and those people can likely find more compelling content on channels than stteam/upload more often while doing more difficult content
* the fact they they're supposedly trying to promote a Final Fantasy game takes absolutely no advantage or makes reference to the kinds of things people (want to) k ow about Final Fantasy games, like characters or stories - IIRC some prior stream may have covered some story tidbits, it the bulk of these things has CO sister of Ambuscade, who h again, means nothing to the wider FF audience - you know, the audience that when a XI character gets released for a crossover spinoff like Dissidia or Record Keeper simply goes "who?..." - they could try and help cover those gaps, synergizing with the dates of such releases in other games, instead of streams that aren't even monthly and monthly Twitter quizzes about NMs which are also meaningless to people not already playing.
Basically, this sales funnel is so narrow it barely hits its own pre-existing audience, which is already kinda served by itself, accustomed as it is to being left to its own devices outside the translation of Japanese announcements.
And the sad thing is that most companies might kill for a game that's lasted as long as XI has, and SE could have realized by now that it's sitting on something special and frying to emphasize, or at least understand, its strengths to present them to a broader public - not that they haven't gotten a bit better (the main SE Twitter has retweeted XI stuff in the recent past, but the reactions to those cases speak for themselves, with the frequent surprise at the game still being active).
But if these rep o my take 1 day in the whole month do do anything with XI, dedicating the rest to XIV (which I'm sure can be a handful, but they have multiple people anyway), it's hard to expect efforts to be effective or any feedback to be taken into account (the official forums don't have much of a history for providing sat8sfying responses, and they have said on stream that they read places like this and Reddit, so the burden is on them to do right, we're already paying the sub and trying to pitch in in our own ways to keep the game and it's community afloat).
Top Show Op
Going to post this in the feedback thread I made
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2020-11-12 12:23:22
Some food for thought as I imagine we will never get officially answered:
Do the CMs even get time to "setup" these stream characters they are given? I assuming CMs don't have the same power GMs have in "making" and "kitting" characters on the fly so it's entirely possible they were given login credentials of a new character two hours prior to stream with a list of gear they wanted and told "go nuts".
And the reason I ask this question is - can anyone really set up all their macrosets and macros necessary to be a fully functional character in those X hours before a stream? While doing stream setup, etc.?
I just make this comment as more of a feedback thing - if they are going to use pre-constructed characters that are given to them from the GM team, they should be given the time needed to fully macro and macroset those characters too so they seem more prepared for future streams.
Just some food for thought. I don't know how the internal process is, but if "preparation time" is a concern, it is something that should be addressed.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33
By Leviathan.Loona 2020-11-12 13:23:33
Going to post this in the feedback thread I made
I noticed how much typing this on my phone and autocorrect messed up the post - feel free to replace the version you posted there with the corrected version.
Anyway, I think I've already said stuff like this in Reddit, Twitter and other places, and if they didn't read or act on it then despite claiming they do, who knows what difference it can possibly make...
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-11-12 14:17:44
Ragnarok.Ghishlain said: »Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »IMO their next stream should try to have a guest who is knowledgeable about the game and equip sets (we can't be talking about gear swap) and integrating equip sets with macros teaching them how to play.
I think that would be a positive both in hopefully getting their play level to an acceptable level and a good teaching moment for potential viewers. Equip sets I think are a bit more approachable for new or returning players than asking them to learn gear swap off the bat anyways.
I wonder how many people who post on these forums actually playing with only vanilla client. The Windower client and associated tools like Gearswap have always been such a mainstream component to this game that you're essentially playing with a handicap if you play without those tools.
Not to say the players don't exist, but I imagine finding someone who plays XI Vanilla is significantly harder than finding someone who plays with 3rd party tools - let alone finding someone (or group of people) who plays vanilla who also actively participates and clears the highest end of content. I say "group of people who play vanilla" because someone would definitely argue the vanilla player is getting carried by the 3rd party tool players unless they can prove the entire group is using vanilla client.
I do and I've cleared highest content. But it's dismissive to say a vanilla player is being carried by others who openly use third party tools.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1081
By Ragnarok.Ghishlain 2020-11-12 17:28:23
Ragnarok.Ghishlain said: »Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »IMO their next stream should try to have a guest who is knowledgeable about the game and equip sets (we can't be talking about gear swap) and integrating equip sets with macros teaching them how to play.
I think that would be a positive both in hopefully getting their play level to an acceptable level and a good teaching moment for potential viewers. Equip sets I think are a bit more approachable for new or returning players than asking them to learn gear swap off the bat anyways.
I wonder how many people who post on these forums actually playing with only vanilla client. The Windower client and associated tools like Gearswap have always been such a mainstream component to this game that you're essentially playing with a handicap if you play without those tools.
Not to say the players don't exist, but I imagine finding someone who plays XI Vanilla is significantly harder than finding someone who plays with 3rd party tools - let alone finding someone (or group of people) who plays vanilla who also actively participates and clears the highest end of content. I say "group of people who play vanilla" because someone would definitely argue the vanilla player is getting carried by the 3rd party tool players unless they can prove the entire group is using vanilla client.
I do and I've cleared highest content. But it's dismissive to say a vanilla player is being carried by others who openly use third party tools.
Oh, it is a very dismissive comment and not something I would do - but I know there would be someone out there who would strawman that particular train of thought.
Congrats to you for smashing all the stuff with the default client :)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Sylph.Ticktick 2020-11-12 17:40:43
yall forgetting that rostam path C has +8 corsair rolls so you don't really need any swaps. yeah some af/relic swaps are still useful but rostam covers the bulk of the work.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-11-12 17:46:43
She either did not have it augmented, or took it off. Only showed equip for a second, but did not land on the rostam (or I missed it)
Evoker's roll was giving 1 fresh. That's +zero phantom roll.
Again, she doesn't have a clue how to play, so it would come as no surprise to have it with path A.
(not a debate about how good pathA is... for HER specifically to be using in that way)
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-11-12 18:37:22
Gross. I went back and watched the vod. I *** knew it. Path A.

Yes, she was shooting so it was "appropriate" point is, rolling in it. No +7 neck. No +5 ring.
By Thunderjet 2020-11-12 20:33:54
that explains why she was doing 1k damage with dagger Autos
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-06-01 07:58:32
I was so wrong! This is gonna be the best Primed for Adventure ever!
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-04 14:48:00
Light the dumpster on fire, about two hours an hour till the shitshow begins.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-06-04 16:53:18
Oh boy they're on fresh lvl 11 characters who's ready for some dune parties