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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2020-07-24 18:09:47
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endxen said: »
For B I'm MMII with 250ish nostos kills, 130 chests, 8 coffers. I probably won't see an increase until I start killing NM's.

For A I'm MMXI, I just need more nm kills for certain ones and the strongbox. Nothing else will rank that up. I have capped chests (250), 43 coffer, 14 strongboxes and I have over 4000 nostos kills in A as well.

I have a feeling you gonna earn one MM when you reach 10 coffers
By 2020-07-24 18:35:16
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Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-24 19:41:42
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Asura.Geriond said: »
It's likely that MM requirements aren't simply exclusive objectives like Buukki's list, but rather sometimes are combinations.
Something like:

MM1: 10 Nostos OR 1 NM OR 1 chest (or whatever values)
MM14: 1000+ Nostos AND 10 NMs at 6+ kills AND 16 Aurum Strongboxes

At least for higher MMs, it seems to require a combination of advanced progression on multiple or all categories.
This is more plausible than a rote checklist and would account for some of the curveballs. However, it doesn't discount a point-based system with diminishing returns such that you can't merely grind away 10,000 Nostos or open 1,000 chests.

We already know diversifying your Odyssey portfolio is the best way to level MM; knowing whether it's point-based or objective-based wouldn't really change anything. The only thing at issue is the underlying mechanism that explains why a diverse portfolio works.

For a conclusive demonstration, you'd need total control over all the variables. Take three alts: alt A only picks chests (and only chests), alt B only kills Nostos and alt C alternates between chests and Nostos in equal measure. Document the point at which MM levels up for A, B and C. If C levels up MM before hitting the A/B threshold for Nostos or chests, a point-based system is more likely. If C levels up MM only upon reaching the A/B threshold for Nostos or chests, an objective-based system is more likely.
By 2020-07-24 20:13:18
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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Genome
Posts: 180
By Siren.Codegen 2020-07-24 21:27:08
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Note that the mastery level up thresholds in B are completely different than those in A. Also your first level of MM might be from chests instead of NMs etc, those are just independent points you can get in any order. But for my 14 levels in A they matched exactly the number of unique NMs killed 6x and number of chests and coffers and aurums thresholds. Not sure about nostos as that's harder to pay attention to, but even if there was a slight variation in those (say if halo guards or floor 6 mobs counted more than floor 1 ones just for the nostos goal, it really doesn't matter much in the long run, you still have to alternate between chests an NMs to get all the levels and can stop certain tasks after you got the ma level ups from that category.

Side note I found out that Hide doesn't work on Taurus mobs in B in the same amazing way it works for all other Odyssey mobs, normally, in odyssey only, you instantly lose hate from all the mobs you aggroed even as they are hitting you if you use it, and even without sneak you then have a couple of seconds to run out of range, but Taurus mobs don't ever stop in their track, not sure if it's just a result of true sight or what and this mechanic only works in odyssey so it's hard to compare or test.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 21:38:42
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It's definitely due to their true sight. Just like monsters that aggro low HP can't be removed with hide, unless you aggroed them via sight or sound first.
By Shichishito 2020-07-25 02:51:23
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did anyone test if some mobs lose hate over walking thru water or deodorize?
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2020-07-25 03:23:21
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Agon Halo do lose hate.

And overall yes, i myself managed to aggro a bunch of worms and just ran away. I still could use the teleport, meaning i wasnt on hate list anymore.

Btw, the otherday i was near the exit to get my rewards when i decided to grab few mobs around it to extra 12k gil.

But as i was running out of time, i decided to just check the exit to get my reward. Sad story, he wont give you anything while youre engaged so i throw away like 100k and a chest on all my chars because of 12k
By Shichishito 2020-07-25 06:16:03
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did anyone test how well Odin astral flow death effect lands on fodder with double darkness weather?
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2020-07-25 08:12:44
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Many mobs are dark resistant so i dont have my hopes high.

Also even cruel joke is resisted by many mobs, and way more practical than 1 houring
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Papesse
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2020-07-25 16:17:43
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Zantetsuken isn't dark based but rarely kill more than 2~4 nostos mobs in a group of 10.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2020-07-25 21:45:39
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You have to go back into range for worms to lose hate, I think.

I aggroed one today, ran away, tried to use the porter (fail). Cast S/I/D, tried to use the porter (fail), ran back to the worm and as soon as I got close my mule could use the porter.

Got my first Aurum Strongbox today. Large chest inside, but no Moogle Mastery for having opened it.

For those of you cleaving, how about Epeolatry RUN with Shockwave and a GEO mule nuking? This is my strategy for farming RUN cards in Omen and it is the fastest killspeed of any job I have ever used.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-25 22:24:28
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You would have to single nuke them, not sure that would be faster than just killing them with a DD. Additional targets take -90% DT from AOE after the main target, sane mechanic as dynamis.
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2020-07-26 03:53:25
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Odyssey was purposelly designed to prevent cleaving.

Only "cleaving" that seems to work is Cruel Joke, but then there is a list of mobs that can resist. Considering the 5 mins cooldown, you can still get like 50 kills this way, or more if you take risks.

Personally, even with epol RUN with defensive buffs, i think i still take too much dmg from fodders so that i wouldnt pull 2, 3 camps and run with them hitting on me.
Posts: 252
By Weeew 2020-07-26 08:46:18
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I don't know if anyone has already mentioned this but killing the main NM without the adds still gives you the kill on your status report. Also the NM drops the loot so if you are in a situation with 1 minute left like I was you can just zerg the NM and get kicked out.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Genome
Posts: 180
By Siren.Codegen 2020-07-26 15:41:26
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Got my first Aurum Strongbox today. Large chest inside, but no Moogle Mastery for having opened it.
was this in Sheol A or B?

I got my first Aurum Strongbox in B a couple of days ago and it was an instant moogle mastery level up matching exactly with the other reports in B.
So far I got 3 levels in B for a total moogle mastery of 17. One from killing 6 unique NMs. one from opening a strongbox, and one from opening between 15 and 20 chests (it happened on a chest but wasn't sure the exact number it happened on).
Threshold for more levels from NMs and nostos seems a lot higher and I have not reached it with 14 unique NMs and maybe 140 nostos, I solo it so it so I tend to avoid nostos to not waste time.

Side note I had reported earlier that I saw some weird level up animation, but it was just my King trust ding his usual weird level up thing, not related to Odyssey.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2020-07-26 15:59:39
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2020-07-26 16:48:44
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
This has to be some kind of record for shortest valid reply to another post ever. <,<
Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-26 16:57:31
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Is there a predicted Nostos objective for Sheol B? I'm avoiding 100 until I get my next level-up from another source to see if it's possible to score two levels in one run based on objectives.

Bes (hexeye NM) gets DEF up after SP. Used Hundred Fists SP early, ~80%. Easy kill on floor 2.

Apollinaris VII-II (antica NM) spams TP moves after Manafont. Regain buff? This is one of the easiest NMs to solo even on floor 3. Monberaux cancels Jamming Wave and a good MEVA set nullifies Sand Trap's petrify. Best to rush NM during his TP spree while adds stand there and cast their baby spells.

Oh, and this happened.

Before entering today:

Picked 17 chests, 1 mimic, 1 coffer.

New report:

Moogle math?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-26 18:31:56
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alamihgo said: »
Bes (hexeye NM) gets DEF up after SP. Used Hundred Fists early, ~80%. Easy kill on floor 2 but I cheesed HF with Perfect Dodge.

Are you sure it used HF and can you share a screenshot? I have Bes using Chainspell according to my records, as well as the BG wiki page saying the same.
Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-26 18:46:09
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I have no idea why I said Hundred Fists. PD helped though!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-07-26 19:26:20
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250 is the max amount of chests he tracks.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Genome
Posts: 180
By Siren.Codegen 2020-07-26 20:17:40
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yes 250 chests has been the max since the beginning, any chests opened above that don't make a difference or change the number. There might be similar limits for other categories, even nostos and repeated NM kills, but I don't think anybody hit them yet.
It's likely a way for SE to tell you that doing more has no etra level up benefit.

Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
that would be more helpful if you added stats of something else that might explain the difference.
in my case, I also got a "L. Lustress hide box" and 2 hides from it and a moogle mastery. At the time I had
119 nostos,
14 unique NMs,
75 chests
6 coffers

all from soloing on monk and thf, I got all teleports and the RoE, and killed halos with all the guards before.

Opening that first aurum strongbox gave MM3 in B and I had MM14 in A.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-26 23:46:24
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Whoever updated the buff list for Chelamma on BG wiki is incorrect. The buff is Defense Up, not Attack Up. My Blade: Shun went from 14k to 4200 and my tp rounds went from 2k crit to around 800 dmg/round crit as soon as he used Blood Weapon. Someone who knows how to edit that page please do the needful.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-27 05:31:10
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So a fun little set I put together to make it so I no longer needed to rely on any sources of self healing to handle blood aggro

ItemSet 374643

This set totals up to like -540 or so HP, give or take on what gloves you can use based on race.

Equipping this set while weakened straight up just sets my HP to 1/1, which makes me perma full HP and therefore immune to blood aggro.

Unfortunately this approach means I cant use the Hide trick after my first death.

Then again I dunno if hide is very effective even without such a trick, with normal gear on but weakened.

So meh, with this set I can just go /dnc for the Spectral jig, which substantially speeds up my mobility.

Aside from that though, the REAL *** could come in if I ever get an Annoint. Kalasiris for my mule.

Sphere:RR would make this get really really silly very fast and probably let me cheese my way through the entire dungeon zombie style, and since Im perma full life by being 1/1, I can also ignore blood aggro.



On that note, if I am Sneak/Invis on Whm Mule, in same party as my thief, and the thief opens up a chest, what happens in the following 2 scenarios, assuming the whm takes no actions and just quietly stands there

1. Thf gets aggroed by a monster and it ganks the thf.

2. Thf pops a mimic and it ganks the thf

The mimics AoE stun will peel off the whm's Sneak/Invis, right? Will the Whm have hate and get drawn in after thief goes down?

I believe the sphere effect from annointed kalasiris is quite large, so I think the whm can stand significantly far away from the actual danger zone, since the thief is 5.9' away, and I think the whm can be 9.9' away iirc.

Which totals up to 14.8' away from aggro, which should be plenty in most cases, and even if the whm dies they just have RR themselves and can raise/tractor as an absolute worst case.

I ask all this because... I have annoint kalasiris on my main, but to do this strat Id have to lv my main whm up to 99 and my alt thf up to 99.

And Im comparing all of this *** together and weighing it against... just running odyssey twice a day with 2 thfs, once each, and thus getting twice the loot.
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2020-07-27 05:50:32
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ItemSet 374644
use the hairpin & 2x ring anyway, the neck can be thrown on a slip.

I have considered doing the same, however that would require me actually gearing both to survive long enough to get away from the mimics instead of just tractor x2, raise.

2x run that could end on the first chest, or one run very likely to open most of the chests in zone.
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2020-07-27 06:24:55
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Im not sure if the benefit of auto-rr is anything relevant neither is the blood aggro set is useful given just a few mobs should aggro by blood (undeads and weapons so far).

The thing is that any place you can raise and walk away, means also that you can just pick the chest when mobs facing to the other side. If you want to pick a chest like in the middle of a camp, then its unlikely you gonna have enough time to raise and move even a bit before new aggrop given the animation lock.

All that said, if youre into it, tractor should be your way to go to ignore all this pain.

But if you want to go with the silly highlander strategy, here is a way better approach:


PLD with Twilight set, plus he has access to raise meaning your party will never wipe. Plus, if you arent ashame to resort to highlanding, when you see a chest in the middle of a camp, take your PlD, grab the entire camp and get put there so the ThF can pick the chest safely.

Bonus point if you find a mimic, then maybe the PLD can hold it while the THF ran away, though i never tried this myself.

Also, my main concern with odyssey is my Play time instead highest amount of hides daily.

If your only purpose is the hides and you have enough time to play, i would split in 2 THF and just pick the easy chests, eventually coming back if i manage to reach all of them in a run. But that would mean 1h of odyssey daily instead of 30 mins, what im not doing.
Posts: 15211
By Pantafernando 2020-07-27 06:25:34
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Also, regardless of hate, mimic tp move is AoE and will hit anyone in range.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-27 09:52:27
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Pantafernando said: »

PLD with Twilight set, plus he has access to raise meaning your party will never wipe. Plus, if you arent ashame to resort to highlanding, when you see a chest in the middle of a camp, take your PlD, grab the entire camp and get put there so the ThF can pick the chest safely.

Bonus point if you find a mimic, then maybe the PLD can hold it while the THF ran away, though i never tried this myself.

Oh ***I forgot about the twilight set.

Thats brilliant, yeah I think that would work much much better without needing to rely on annoint kali.

Yeah thats a rock solid combo.

As for the blood set, you dont need to full time it. You can just setup gearswap to swap the set in on a command for when you need to run past undead.

I typically see at min 2~3 undead packs in a run so, not needing to get cured to full everytime I raise back up is nice.

Even surrounded by aggroing enemies with RR on, I can move a solid 5 feet or so before they smack me down, there's a small window where you havent aggroed yet, and server lag.

Twilight set would for sure be a lot more reliable and very achievable to farm up. I dig it.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: BattonBiz
Posts: 85
By Bismarck.Batton 2020-07-27 21:14:59
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This is a 1% situation, but I was able to pop a mimic and not get aggro due to line of sight being blocked by a pillar...
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