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Server: Siren
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user: Genome
Posts: 180
By Siren.Codegen 2020-07-23 14:17:13
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Pantafernando said: »
I supose its just possible to earn 1 MM from aurum coffer?

As i already got one, i supose now i can switch to NM killing given i wont be getting anything else from chests/coffers/aurum (obviously not considering hides).
If it was like Sheol A you could get a second one after 15 more Aurums, but things are already slightly different because I didn't get any mastery at >100 nostos kills and did not any mastery level between 6 and 13 unique NMs.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2020-07-23 14:48:04
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Ouch thats a long road ahead
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2020-07-23 23:53:50
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Sheol B:
Notos: 12
Chests: 62
Coffers: 5
Aurum Strongboxes: 1
Mog Mastery: 1
didn't get an upgrade for my first strongbox in B. I blame the fact I haven't actually done anything except pop chests.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6219
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2020-07-24 04:07:29
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381 nostos, 7 NMs, 135 chests, 7 coffers in B, MM IV

I ranked up to IV back when I hit 350 nostos kills (maybe 50 chests ago?)
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-24 04:25:18
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So, a level 1 thief cannot pick locks at all.

Gonna try again as a lv 15 thief, for science.

I have a theory I want to test that TH affects lockpicking. I would've expected at lv 1 for it to just fail, but instead nothing happened at all. Tried it with both living keys and skeleton keys.

If, at lv 15, I can start lockpicking and it starts working, I theorize TH level effects lockpicking success rates.

Its not unreasonable if that happens to consider it a possibility.

1. Lockpicking doesnt work at lv 1

2. If lockpicking starts working at lv 15 (TH1), it suggests a link between the two.

3. People have always reported at a much higher level of thief, mimics spawn much less often and success rate goes up. Might be linked to the fact you now have TH2.

4. We have basically zero knowledge on the details of lockpicking, since for most of the game it has been a, for the most part, useless thing that has only had a handful of applications here and there, and would have almost always been used by high level thieves. When has a <lv15 thief ever had the opportunity to pick coffers before?

Just to be safe, I am modifying my idle set (that I would lockpick in), to be TH8.

Its not really a big deal anyways, just makes me more susceptible to mimic stuns but if it boosts my lockpicking success rates, Ill take it.

Ill let you know tomorrow how it goes.
By 2020-07-24 06:37:32
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 07:22:40
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They probably limited lock picking to level 99 so that armies of mules can't endlessly enter and walk out with hundreds of keys.
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-07-24 07:23:31
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There are some treasure chests that sit in areas that are designed for characters lower than 15 (like Dangruf Wadi), so I assume that at least a few people have tried to pick chests without having TH.
Server: Odin
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user: Naytan
Posts: 38
By Odin.Naytan 2020-07-24 07:51:59
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soralin said: »
So, a level 1 thief cannot pick locks at all.

Gonna try again as a lv 15 thief, for science.

I have a theory I want to test that TH affects lockpicking. I would've expected at lv 1 for it to just fail, but instead nothing happened at all. Tried it with both living keys and skeleton keys.

If, at lv 15, I can start lockpicking and it starts working, I theorize TH level effects lockpicking success rates.

Its not unreasonable if that happens to consider it a possibility.

1. Lockpicking doesnt work at lv 1

2. If lockpicking starts working at lv 15 (TH1), it suggests a link between the two.

3. People have always reported at a much higher level of thief, mimics spawn much less often and success rate goes up. Might be linked to the fact you now have TH2.

4. We have basically zero knowledge on the details of lockpicking, since for most of the game it has been a, for the most part, useless thing that has only had a handful of applications here and there, and would have almost always been used by high level thieves. When has a <lv15 thief ever had the opportunity to pick coffers before?
Maybe someone can try again at level 1 with a Rarab Cap +1. If it works, then it would confirm requirement is having TH1, and not a minimum lvl 15. A failure wouldn't confirm that much, as it could still be TH required, but it has to be natively. But if TH is the requirement and gear can't enable you to access picking, then I doubt it would increase chance either.
Posts: 189
By waffle 2020-07-24 09:55:38
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Over on the jp wiki they have some old information about picking locks. From what they say, there's a base success rate (not taking key type into account) for picking chests and a lower base rate for coffers. And then there's a penalty to the rate if your thief is under the "level of the dungeon". It's possible that for every X levels under, you take a hit of - Y% to your base success rate. Depending on how much it is, you might be able to open a level 15 dungeon chest as a level 1 thief, but have a 0% rate on a level 99 dungeon.
By 2020-07-24 11:48:04
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Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-24 13:32:59
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Chimerawizard said: »
Sheol B:
Notos: 12
Chests: 62
Coffers: 5
Aurum Strongboxes: 1
Mog Mastery: 1
didn't get an upgrade for my first strongbox in B. I blame the fact I haven't actually done anything except pop chests.
I'm not convinced Moogle Mastery has a series of objective checkpoints, rather a standard XP system that happens to award large amounts of "moogle XP" for strongboxes and defeated mimics where level-ups coincide.

If we look at earlier Sheol A data, people who exclusively picked locks were getting rapid MM gains compared to others who focused on izzat farming and NMs. Chests award trivial amounts of XP, but through sheer numbers you would see a smattering of coffers and strongboxes. In the long run, reduced izzat costs and increased competence with the zone gave the advantage to izzat/NM farming since you would reliably see coffers/strongboxes while accruing XP from NMs every run.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-07-24 13:58:26
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I remember seeing the exact opposite, where people picking heaps of chests got a few upgrades early, but then further levels completely stopped unless they started killing NMs.
By 2020-07-24 14:30:10
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 14:40:26
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endxen said: »
MM upgrade is very heavily dependent on NM kills. Chests don't do much for it and certainly not for Shoel B. I'm only MMII in it, only been doing chests and nostos kills. No NM kills yet until I upgrade all my unity gear with hides.

MM is everything. You have to kill Nostos, and open chests/coffers/strongboxes, and kill NMs a certain amount of times. Not one thing is "heavily" influencing it. I bet if the only thing you ever did was kill NMs every single run, you would eventually hit the same wall lockpickers do. It's just faster to get the chest MM upgrades with keys than it is to kill 27 NMs multiple times.
Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-24 15:50:55
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
endxen said: »
MM upgrade is very heavily dependent on NM kills. Chests don't do much for it and certainly not for Shoel B. I'm only MMII in it, only been doing chests and nostos kills. No NM kills yet until I upgrade all my unity gear with hides.

MM is everything. You have to kill Nostos, and open chests/coffers/strongboxes, and kill NMs a certain amount of times. Not one thing is "heavily" influencing it. I bet if the only thing you ever did was kill NMs every single run, you would eventually hit the same wall lockpickers do. It's just faster to get the chest MM upgrades with keys than it is to kill 27 NMs multiple times.
Lockpickers hit a "wall" because they're earning the same amount of XP as when they began resulting in diminishing returns. The probability of seeing a successful chest/coffer/strongbox (or unsuccessful mimic) never changes from run to run.

On the other hand, when you're doing NMs, you learn which NMs pose what kind of threat so you can spawn them in the right order to maximize the number of NMs killed per run. When you're farming izzat, the cost reduction on chests actually matters and you're increasing the value of Nostos and Agon mobs - which leads you to kill more Nostos and Agon mobs, pop more chests, more coffers, more strongboxes and ultimately net you more XP. It's a positive feedback loop that doesn't exist when you're playing point-and-click adventures on THF and avoiding everything else.

To put it another way, lockpicking is worth less XP than everything else because you hit the maximum XP/min on your first day and have no way to improve.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 15:59:29
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I don't know what you mean when you say XP
Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-24 16:02:17
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Arbitrary term for the credit earned when you perform some task in Odyssey: open chest, kill nostos, etc. Cumulatively, all this XP earns you a Moogle Mastery level.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2020-07-24 16:02:38
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Im not an expert in odyssey as i started late, but i think MM tied to “objectives” seems more consistamt.

You are sure to get 1MM by opening chests, by killing a certain amount of foes, by opening coffers and finally by opening aurum.

Im currently im at 4, and the timing of my 4th lv makes obvious you gonna get a lv once you open your very first aurum.

And finally, supose the MM is based in a exp type of ranking.

You can enter as a party, and each member gonna have different individual progress. But suposelly the MM is the same for everyone of them, what dont comply with exp ranking model.

Its clearly tied to objectives achieved.
By 2020-07-24 16:05:08
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Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-24 16:11:52
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Pantafernando said: »
You can enter as a party, and each member gonna have different individual progress. But suposelly the MM is the same for everyone of them, what dont comply with exp ranking model.
I don't know anything about this since I've only gone solo. Can you elaborate? If XP is involved, why wouldn't they earn the same amount if they always went as a group?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 16:17:25
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alamihgo said: »
Arbitrary term for the credit earned when you perform some task in Odyssey: open chest, kill nostos, etc. Cumulatively, all this XP earns you a Moogle Mastery level.

So a point-based system. I would have been inclined to believe you, but what others have stated earlier in this thread seem to dispute this kind of system. If it truly were point based, then people would not be reaching MM increases at the exact same level of objectives finished. When I was trying to increase my MM in Sheol A, I followed the lists provided by the players in this thread and I increased my MM exactly the same as they did. Since we are all not doing Odyssey the exact same way, this wouldn't be possible if it were just points.

I am trying to envision that this is almost identical to Omen Objectives that are hidden from the player. You increase every time you hit the objective. So say the objectives are something like this (I am making these up to illustrate a point):

Kill 100 Nostos
Kill 6 unique NMs
*Kill 12 unique NMs
**Kill all unique NMs
***Kill all unique NMs 6x
Open 10 chests
*Open 10 coffers
*Open 1 Aurum Strongbox
**Open 16 Aurum Strongboxes

Each of these objectives above can be done in any order (with the exception of the ones with *, which need the first tier completed obviously). So some players could theoretically get MM4(?) from just doing boxes and hitting the chest objectives, while a player who does kills could get MM4 from killing 100 Nostos and doing NM kills, up to the third tier. But neither player would be able to surpass their current MM rank unless they went on to doing the other objectives. So the order which you complete objectives in is irrelevant; nothing gates progress to the next unless there's no more objectives in that category to do anymore. So the only way to increase MM is to do the other things in the zone you haven't, yet.

This is all just my understanding of it. It doesn't line up with a "point-based system" per se. But I could be understanding it incorrectly.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2020-07-24 16:18:39
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Its not actual XP. What was being discuessed is a model how MM rank up works.

One model brought was that they could work like exp and levels, with each objective rewarding some amount of progress and when you hit some "TNL", you gonna rank up.

But this model isnt consistent as it implies that you could reach MM15 simply doing one type of objective (like killing millions of nostos, resulting at some point MM15).

But i dont remember anyone mentioning 2 MM from Nostos kills. That said, supposelly you never gonna even reach MM2 if all you do is kill fodders.

On the other side, the first moment you hit a chest, coffer and aurum, suposelly you gonna earn a MM of each of them despite how much nostos you killed before.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 16:26:12
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Pantafernando said: »
On the other side, the first moment you hit a chest, coffer and aurum, suposelly you gonna earn a MM of each of them despite how much nostos you killed before.

Yeah but Chimera just said this:

Chimerawizard said: »
Sheol B:
Notos: 12
Chests: 62
Coffers: 5
Aurum Strongboxes: 1
Mog Mastery: 1
didn't get an upgrade for my first strongbox in B. I blame the fact I haven't actually done anything except pop chests.

So what the hell is really going on here?

Now it *could* be that something blocks progress to another objective in some way. Or, that the latter tier objectives require the lower tier objectives to be completed first before the game will award you the MM increase for the higher tier.

i.e. You manage to do nothing but chests like Chimera posted above, but the game won't give you anything for Strongbox or Coffers. You need to go back and kill at least 6 NMs and 100 Nostos (or some combination of a minimum between the two) before the game acknowledges you can earn your MM for Aurum Strongbox etc. (again, this is conjecture.). This sounds like it could be points-based, but it could be some form of gating so that a naked thf mule couldn't simply grind MM15 by doing nothing but chests all day for life.
Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-24 16:40:54
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
alamihgo said: »
Arbitrary term for the credit earned when you perform some task in Odyssey: open chest, kill nostos, etc. Cumulatively, all this XP earns you a Moogle Mastery level.
This is all just my understanding of it. It doesn't line up with a "point-based system" per se. But I could be understanding it incorrectly.
Fair enough. For the sake of argument, we'll call it point-based and objective-based.

The most persuasive evidence for an objective-based system would be teeing up Objective A -1 and Objective B -1 and completing both A and B in succession. If each awards a separate MM level one after the other, there's no way around it - objectives are key.

Otherwise, evidence for one is evidence for the other. It's obvious in a point-based system that you would see a level up after defeating X number of NMs because you didn't spend your valuable moglophone ONLY killing NMs. You killed nostos, agon, popped chests in addition to killing the requisite number of NMs to hit the "X NM objective." All of this activity accrued points.
Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-24 16:43:07
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
i.e. You manage to do nothing but chests like Chimera posted above, but the game won't give you anything for Strongbox or Coffers. You need to go back and kill at least 6 NMs and 100 Nostos (or some combination of a minimum between the two) before the game acknowledges you can earn your MM for Aurum Strongbox etc. (again, this is conjecture.). This sounds like it could be points-based, but it could be some form of gating so that a naked thf mule couldn't simply grind MM15 by doing nothing but chests all day for life.
You could grind IEP mobs to 99 if you really wanted to!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-24 16:51:27
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I'll use an actual example this time.

Geriond posted his MM levels a few pages back, and in Sheol A, he posted having over 8k Nostos kills. By comparison, I had about 1800 Nostos kills in the same zone. And we are only 1 MM level apart, and that is because he got the Aurum Strongbox MM increase at 16 and I did not. So, if your example of how this is points based is that "you could grind IEP mobs to 99" as a way to say 'you can grind MM by doing the same objective, it just takes a really long time', then how come Geriond didn't get another MM increase in Sheol A from just Nostos when he has 6k+ kills than I do? That would have been the perfect category to test if you really could just rank up doing one thing over and over.
By 2020-07-24 17:36:38
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-07-24 17:44:32
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It's likely that MM requirements aren't simply exclusive objectives like Buukki's list, but rather sometimes are combinations.
Something like:

MM1: 10 Nostos OR 1 NM OR 1 chest (or whatever values)
MM14: 1000+ Nostos AND 10 NMs at 6+ kills AND 16 Aurum Strongboxes

At least for higher MMs, it seems to require a combination of advanced progression on multiple or all categories.
By 2020-07-24 17:52:35
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