The Odyssey - || Strategy And Discussion ||

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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2020-07-19 13:02:54
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Not everything aggros sound, though lots of things had sound aggro added. For example, Wyverns are still sight only, but Buffalos are now both sight and sound.

Would it kill them to have some consistency?

...What am I saying, of course it would.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2020-07-19 13:13:56
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Agro mechanics are a huge mess in Odyssey. Like, none of the arcana mob in A would magic agro, but in B they do. Differing sight vs sound agro, etc(Compared to normal species agro. And other weirdness like Wamoura not being true sight in B.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xelltrix
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2020-07-19 13:27:10
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Wait, they aren't? I've just been avoiding them out of assumption lol. Didn't know about the Arcana either... No idea why they felt the need to change it up other than to throw us off I guess. That reminds me of Lizards in Omen and how they aggro sight instead of sound in there for some reason, not to mention the ridiculous aggro range.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-19 13:28:52
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They did it for no reason other than for the "gotcha" moments it would cause. Just like the SPs of every NM spawning two copies, and then the added buff when they are present. Just random gimmicks and mechanics
Posts: 126
By alamihgo 2020-07-19 15:04:33
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Pantafernando said: »
I think is an entire JP instead some amount of CP (or high enough CP to earn a JP).

Though i was expecting more than 1 JP because gil earned after fodders killed raised from 5k to 6k, so i was hoping it was 2JP per NM in Sheol B.

Not that would be anything relevant though. They could should make at least 5 JP to earn then it would be a relatively good idea bring non master mules just to leech while NM are being killed
Killing floor 1 NM awards exactly 3JP from the exit. Nostos and chests don't seem to factor in.

Also, while not specific to Sheol B, the increased number of staircases and corridors make this relevant: WHM trust AI is extra HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE in narrow spaces and they'll idle if they can't navigate a path 15' from the mob. Yoran and Ygnas both left me to rot for 30 seconds because the claustrophobia hit hard.
Posts: 15214
By Pantafernando 2020-07-19 15:17:13
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alamihgo said: »
Killing floor 1 NM awards exactly 3JP from the exit. Nostos and chests don't seem to factor in.

That was a direct hit to RMTs selling JP.

Nice play.
By 2020-07-19 17:05:20
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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Genome
Posts: 180
By Siren.Codegen 2020-07-19 17:18:42
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Dridian42 said: »
Has there been any reports on Moogle Mastery level increases Sheol (B? I currently have (A)MM13 as I'm close to killing the last few NMs 6 times each and getting the Aurum Stongbox at 16 but decided to start Sheol(B).

I've saw an increase with:
Nostos Mobs: 50
Chest: 10

Been doing NMs and only have been killing 2 right now with a combine kill of 8 times. Although, it's a low number to judge. I was wondering if anyone has put together a spreadsheet of their findings.
Assuming they are still based on independent condition thresholds rather than a point system, I think I got:
-from NMs: 1 MM level at 6 unique NMs (I am at 15 unique ones now and din't get a second one from them yet)
-from chests: 1 MM level somewhere between 15 and 20 chests
-from nostos: no MM levels yet at 98 nostos
Posts: 15214
By Pantafernando 2020-07-19 18:36:48
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i got 3 MM in B, around 200 mobs, 50+ chests and 8 coffers so far.

No NM killed so far, im not sure if there is any category to killing halos but i did beat some.
Posts: 15214
By Pantafernando 2020-07-19 18:41:44
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Whats a good setup to clear quickly those fodders and beastman?

I feel like they are quite sturdy, ive been taking from 3 to 4 WS to down a single fodder. Would like some benchmarking how you guys have been running with 6 chars.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-19 19:08:13
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If you have 6 characters I assume you would have a tank and buff jobs (BRD COR GEO), so 1 good DD should be able to take down fodder in like 1 ws easily if a tank is holding stuff. I go with a friend at times and he can hold a whole pack of nostos and beastmen with just trusts and majesty cures, so it should be no issue with real players.

For comparison, I can kill most fodder in 2 WS (or one SC) on BLU with Trust buffs on basically all floors, minus, the ones that have special resistances (skeletons, slimes etc). My NIN kills a lot slower than other jobs but it comes with other perks to save time. The beastmen are significantly stronger than Sheol A, but even on floors 1-3 they aren't that bad. They do have a ton of HP and defensive stats, and they can destroy trusts pretty easily. But real players would have zero problems clearing them.

DD COR Tank Healer should be easy enough for most stuff.
Posts: 254
By Mrgrim 2020-07-20 04:29:15
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The way I been farming Odyssey lately has been with MNK COR WHM BRD GEO and THF. On floor 1-3 we kill the Halos and then key everything and pray we pop some mimics, on the first 3 floors the mimic takes 2-4mins to kill with Mnk solo 3step skillchainin. If you open a mimic on last floor it will take roughly 6-8mins to kill chest so we use Izzats obtained from haloes and fodder on lower floor, and open chests on upper floors instead and avoid wasting time on an unwanted mimic. We aim for 2-3 mimics and 2-3 halos per run. Best way to counter mimic's stun and poison has been entrusting attune along barthunder/poison.

The mimic's Hell Spin (Death Trap) seems to remove 1/2 of your current tp everytime it goes off. It also inflicts the usual stun/poison, but what makes it dangerous is that it also hate resets and frequently makes a beeline for the white mage, so whm must be on a MEVA/PDT set to avoid getting stunned and stay alive, otherwise its quite probable the mimic will kill the white mage if he/she gets stunned. For anyone aiming to kill mimics I would just recommend bringing a job with high subtle blow and solo it while others give support buffs. On some of my 1st runs I went RUN and had everyone engage it, and it just spammed stun move which took like 12minutes to kill on 3rd floor. I cant imagine how long it would of taken if I popped one on last floor with that setup.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2020-07-20 05:49:44
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Agro mechanics are a huge mess in Odyssey. Like, none of the arcana mob in A would magic agro, but in B they do. Differing sight vs sound agro, etc(Compared to normal species agro. And other weirdness like Wamoura not being true sight in B.

The Evil Weapon mobs in A do aggro magic ive had my alt WHM, who was far enough away not to aggro by sound or sight, aggro them casting tractor.
Posts: 15214
By Pantafernando 2020-07-20 07:34:48
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Mrgrim said: »
The way I been farming Odyssey lately has been with MNK COR WHM BRD GEO and THF. On floor 1-3 we kill the Halos and then key everything and pray we pop some mimics, on the first 3 floors the mimic takes 2-4mins to kill with Mnk solo 3step skillchainin. If you open a mimic on last floor it will take roughly 6-8mins to kill chest so we use Izzats obtained from haloes and fodder on lower floor, and open chests on upper floors instead and avoid wasting time on an unwanted mimic. We aim for 2-3 mimics and 2-3 halos per run. Best way to counter mimic's stun and poison has been entrusting attune along barthunder/poison.

The mimic's Hell Spin (Death Trap) seems to remove 1/2 of your current tp everytime it goes off. It also inflicts the usual stun/poison, but what makes it dangerous is that it also hate resets and frequently makes a beeline for the white mage, so whm must be on a MEVA/PDT set to avoid getting stunned and stay alive, otherwise its quite probable the mimic will kill the white mage if he/she gets stunned. For anyone aiming to kill mimics I would just recommend bringing a job with high subtle blow and solo it while others give support buffs. On some of my 1st runs I went RUN and had everyone engage it, and it just spammed stun move which took like 12minutes to kill on 3rd floor. I cant imagine how long it would of taken if I popped one on last floor with that setup.

Thats cool, gonna try going MNK as it seems just few camps actually are susceptible to cruel joke (currently, bats, hecteyes, pots, leeches, tauri all had the fail to take effect message) and my BLU has nothing special interms of dps so its kinda lame.

Btw you mentioned three stepping on MNK.but in sheol A mimics had very high magic defense or just MDT. Are you pulling good numbers with skillchain? And which combo are you using on MNK?
Posts: 254
By Mrgrim 2020-07-20 15:25:09
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Hmm didn't noticed how much dmg mimics took from SCs, but I am aware that they have some high overall DT, b/c at most my victory smites do 25k dmg with Vere/impetus spooled up. Also I've never fought sheol A mimics and compared to sheol B mimics. I heard that a good thf can solo the mimics on A, but on B I'm sure it's gonna be a tough battle/waste of time for solo thf. I'll let you know on how much damage they take from SCs, if they dont take much I might switch to godhands and spam howling fists and see if they die faster that way.

Edit: yea they only take like 2-3k from light SC, so I just spam VS while impetus up and Raging/Howling with GH while impetus down.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-21 21:34:20
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Shara - Magic Absorption
Nerites - Regen

Someone update the wiki for me if you can, I can't log in
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Genome
Posts: 180
By Siren.Codegen 2020-07-22 02:49:33
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Not sure if anybody mentioned it, but you can get 3 hide boxes from a single coffer in Sheol B. I had a lucky run where I opened all chests except 2, no mimics, and on the last floor especially I got 2 coffers each with 3 boxes, with one chest with just 3 regular hides but another chest with 2 boxes and 1 hide. Total in that solo run was 19 hide boxes and 32 loose hides.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: gaira
Posts: 190
By Asura.Kusare 2020-07-22 02:52:16
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that's a good run, my best so far was 13 boxes
Posts: 15214
By Pantafernando 2020-07-22 03:25:06
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Thats about awesome as this should net over 300 hides or 9M in most servers.

BTW you can get 3 boxes in a chest too. Once i got it from a 6th floor chest and wondered if they had higher chances on higher lv floor. But the next chest gave me 3 hides so i just discarded that stupid idea.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-07-22 05:04:36
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You can also get 3 single hides from coffer, so it will balance itself in the end.
Posts: 15214
By Pantafernando 2020-07-22 17:35:41
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Instant Mog Mastery level up after opening one aurum coffer (that poped by luck from a keyed coffer).
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-07-22 17:42:38
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Pantafernando said: »
BTW you can get 3 boxes in a chest too.

Thx, you put a charm on my two mules with this post. Got 3x box from chest on each of them :D
Posts: 15214
By Pantafernando 2020-07-22 17:43:52
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IBF4 next 10 chests will be single hides.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-07-22 18:00:57
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Pantafernando said: »
IBF4 next 10 chests will be single hides.

By 2020-07-22 18:06:03
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Posts: 3652
By Taint 2020-07-22 18:10:53
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endxen said: »
The mimic rate in B seems to be double that of A. Last run I got a mimic on every single floor with living keys. Average 3 mimics a run out of 12 chest average. In A I'd see maybe 1 mimic a run, 2 at most.

It’s all chance. Gamblers fallacy.

I did an entire B run without a Mimic. But on average it seems to be identical.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2020-07-22 18:38:32
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I'm somewhere in the 1/10 ~ 1/15 range with mimics in Sheol B with Skeleton Keys. I get coffers about as often as mimics. with ~70 chests <10 coffers opened.
Posts: 693
By soralin 2020-07-22 20:18:46
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Is there a guide written up somewhere detailing the specifics for the lockpicking approach?

Im specifically curious about how many living keys and skeleton keys I can expect to consume per run

Also: If I have a second party member who doesnt have thf, but does have raise, are there any clever tricks I can do to make handling mimics much safer and cleaner?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-22 20:52:20
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There's literally nothing to keying. Trade them and it's entirely random. I usually bring about 6+ stacks of living keys just because some can be stubborn (I've actually gone thru all six stacks in a run and ran out of keys with plenty left remaining). If you're bringing white mage, sub BLM for tractor. Then you can continue the run from there. You only need to be tactical with keying if you're solo
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