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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DBrown67
Posts: 38
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2024-12-01 12:44:25
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I do this on thief in Sheol A just for scales.
Full clear entire floor (except top unless agon is there). I usually bring a UNM mat to pop something here too, but that's not going to give you izzat so you can skip. I then use izzat to pop chest->coffer then pick the aurum. If you pick the aurum, you save yourself 20 izzat. If you kill 7-8 full groups plus
Agon, you're at 24-26 izzat. Assuming you have discounts on chests but not coffer like your numbers above, it's: 5+13, so 18 izzat to potentially see an aurum. 6-8 remaining izzat.
If you have time, you can repeat on A3 and kill only the Halo group for 12 more. That'll give you another chance at an aurum if you repeat the above steps from Sheol A.

Picking an aurum isn't guaranteed to not bea mimic, but I'd still try it as mimic rate is very low and it saves you izzat and ultimately time.

Oh, and if you have time, run to the end and touch goal. 7-9 groups of 10 Nostos and 2 Halos is 350-450k gil and 2 scale boxes reward, with the trip (need about 4 minutes running from Transponder 5)

Gave this a try today. But I got screwed exactly as I expected to :p Spent the first 18 Izzat on popping the chest and coffer. But it didn't spawn a strongbox. Had no time after that to get back to 18 Izzat, though I get to the end. I can see this happening a lot.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-01 14:10:34
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That's going to happen from time to time since aurum isn't guaranteed. The good thing is it wasn't a mimic. In your case, since you dual box a white mage, you could have it sub BLM for tractor and then die to any mimics on your thf. This allows you to save time if you take Ann arise vs fighting and killing a mimic (which takes me over 5m on A1 with only trusts)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2,923
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-01 22:50:21
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I thought the goal was to lower the cost of aurums. If your goal is just to get as many segments/chests opened as possible, THF is naturally going to get much more, I think.

I could be wrong here since I don't pick, but THF picking chests doesn't count towards the cost reductions, right? So doing Chest -> Coffer -> pick aurum defeats the purpose, if it was to lower costs.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-01 23:47:36
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Lockpicking chests counts towards your total, the moogle apparently doesn't differentiate between naturally opened with izzat chests and picked chests.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DBrown67
Posts: 38
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2024-12-02 01:12:49
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
I thought the goal was to lower the cost of aurums. If your goal is just to get as many segments/chests opened as possible, THF is naturally going to get much more, I think.

I could be wrong here since I don't pick, but THF picking chests doesn't count towards the cost reductions, right? So doing Chest -> Coffer -> pick aurum defeats the purpose, if it was to lower costs.

My goal currently is to cap Moogle Mastery in Sheol A. So opening a strongbox with keys will save tons of time and Izzat. I'm not sure I can get 38 Izzat in 30 mins right now. I was just over 15 mins when I got to 18. I basically charge in using the Su4 dagger that gives TP on evasion. Was never really in any danger, but I did avoid skeles.
Posts: 3,646
By Taint 2024-12-02 09:54:06
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Chest -> Coffer -> pick aurum is the way.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DBrown67
Posts: 38
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2024-12-06 16:27:39
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Taint said: »
Chest -> Coffer -> pick aurum is the way.

Having done a few runs now, I have to totally agree with this advice. Get to a point when clearing 2x Agon gets you enough to open a chest >> coffer with Izzat, then pick lock on strongbox.

Getting the strongboxes to pop to begin with is the crux of the matter, not picking the lock. And that does take a few coffer opens. I'm 31+ coffers now and I've seen a marked improvement in that respect.

Picking locks seems to be quite successful at Mlvl 50. It's certainly less dependent on what you've opened already, compared to getting the next tier box to even pop. After 2x Agons I just go chest hunting and use keys. Got two strongboxes opened yesterday just picking through all with keys. So a nice bonus :)
Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2024-12-08 01:01:47
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Any pld tanking tips for V25 fights where the pld is expected to hold both adds?

I'm trying to have the pld hold both adds on Mboze while also playing the healer role. I imagine things like Sentinel and Rampart are no-go's since they may pull the big boss and cause the snapweeds to run wild on others. Will flash and cures be sufficient for keeping hate on the adds? Anything else to avoid or worth mentioning?
Posts: 581
By Kaffy 2024-12-08 06:21:41
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Anyone ever try mnk on low Veng Mboze for chi blast and mantra to survive timber? Crazy idea and I'm on V10 now, just curious if any obvious reason it wouldn't work.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10,204
By Asura.Sechs 2024-12-08 06:29:09
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What do you mean? Dealing 5% damage for RP or actually killing?

Timbeeer gets used only under a certain HP % if I recall, not from 100%.
Also I'm not sure the additional HP from Mantra would work.
I don't even remember if Timbeeer gets used at ranks lower than V15.

Last but not least, Mboze takes full damage from Slash, and much less damage from all other sources, so MNK's blunt would be at a great disadvantage there.
Without even counting the fact that to full time Mantra you would need 3 Monks, and 2 Monks to fulltime Penance from Chi Blast.
Posts: 581
By Kaffy 2024-12-08 06:45:21
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don't need the dps, just the hp to survive timber. at least that was the idea. cleared v10, he didn't even use it that run.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2,974
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-12-08 07:32:40
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Pretty sure his moves function as a percentage of your max HP, so MNK's extra HP doesn't matter. Not so sure if mantra would count differently since it's buff-based HP. Early V15 strategies used rampart with random deal to survive it, since the percentage based reduction made it less than fatal. It's also divided between targets, so weird things like poseidon's ring might be viable.
By Dodik 2024-12-08 09:50:53
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Sam's Yaegasumi will block Timber and can be used to zerg up to v10. Never tried v15, ymmv.

Pop it at 50% and do a 4 step to kill it quickly.
Posts: 171
By buttplug 2024-12-08 10:09:23
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Was on a break when Odyssey was released
Used 2/3 KI for V15/20
Would do the same thing for V25
Finished before some groups doing 1 KI

There's a player on Asura > Charmghost
They have been trying to clear V25 using 1 KI for an eternity now
If they did 2/3 KI bet they would have finished a long time ago
Posts: 336
By zixxer 2024-12-08 10:14:34
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Tathamet said: »
Any pld tanking tips for V25 fights where the pld is expected to hold both adds?

I'm trying to have the pld hold both adds on Mboze while also playing the healer role. I imagine things like Sentinel and Rampart are no-go's since they may pull the big boss and cause the snapweeds to run wild on others. Will flash and cures be sufficient for keeping hate on the adds? Anything else to avoid or worth mentioning?

As long as you're not highest on the hate list for the main nm, it's fine. Basically do a flash on main nm after heavy dds hold some hate. Then cures on the members and an occasional rotating flash on the adds.

Edit: use shield blocking to keep mobs at low tp feed, so they can't use anything nasty on you like buff wipes e.g.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-12-08 10:18:04
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I never understood the fixation on 1KI approaches. A win is a win, and if one gets that big "W" through 1,2 or 3 KI's before someone else cracks their skull from bashing it against a reinforced concrete wall to try and get through on a 1KI approach than that's an even bigger win in my books. No one cares how you get the win, people just want to win.
Posts: 581
By Kaffy 2024-12-08 10:21:35
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So the answer is no, Mantra just makes things worse. V5 and V15, but the difference is pretty clear. Brd was weak in V15 pic.

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-08 10:26:15
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Mantra in one of those abilities you shouldn't use vs Ngai either because it makes surviving Tidal Guillotine harder.
By Shichishito 2024-12-08 11:32:07
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Shiva.Myamoto said: »
I never understood the fixation on 1KI approaches. A win is a win, and if one gets that big "W" through 1,2 or 3 KI's before someone else cracks their skull from bashing it against a reinforced concrete wall to try and get through on a 1KI approach than that's an even bigger win in my books. No one cares how you get the win, people just want to win.
I suppose with 1 KI wins you only need to max out 1 job and know how to play it rather than 3.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1,814
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-08 12:32:15
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The obsession is that you probably get to use COR, BRD, and GEO every fight so 3 people don't have to level anything else to get clears.

They already took the bullet playing support, they might not want to have to do more than that for every single fight. Even more so if they don't just level a 2nd job, but a 2nd different job for every T3.

WAR probably fits into this category as well.
Posts: 171
By buttplug 2024-12-08 14:07:47
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Tell the DRK main only retail players > GTFO
There's enough free storage spaces to do several jobs
Private servers are for that crap
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-08 14:09:41
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
They already took the bullet playing support

What exactly does this mean? I have heard this sentiment before by others, and I oftentimes wonder why people feel like this. Is playing a support job inherently demeaning or less honorable than playing Tank, Healer, or DPS? Seems like there's an underlying view that supporting the party with buffs for survival/kill speed vs dealing damage is somehow less dignified.

Especially in Odyssey, I would argue that playing a support job is braindead easy compared to what healer and tank are responsible for. Besides applying songs or throwing up bubbles, a support's role is incredibly limited due to not having access to a subjob to begin with (they can't heal and their damage is just OK, though necessary for a few T3 fights). I'd argue that most people playing support roles aren't doing much of anything after buffs are up, and when they are asked to do something simple like elegy adds or threnody to help the mage land silence or paralyze or use ambu staff and apply shell crusher as brd, their brain explodes because they have an additional task they didn't realize they should be assisting with. What do most BSTs have to do besides Killer Instinct/Corrosive-Purulent Ooze/TP Drainkiss and babysit their leech so it stays alive while the rest of the group basically does everything else? I actually pulled my weapon out on fights I was told to come BST in my initial clears, but when I suggest it to other people playing BST in, for example, Mboze V25, they are not confident to pull it off. They literally are invited only to TP Drainkiss. That's not "biting the bullet" at all.

Even in 2KI fights, support jobs like SMN don't necessarily do the heavy lifting in softening up the boss; that's usually still done by the DD like Subtle Blow DRK for Mboze 2KI strat. Something like BLU has tons of utility, but for many of the groups I have joined where they needed clears, the BLU rotated 2 spells and did nothing else. Wasn't applying Diamonhide to the group. Wasn't bothering to idle in Gleti's and throw out an Expiacion here and there. Didn't bother using Silent Storm for silence. Compare that to WHM who has to haste people, keep people alive, tank adds, apply silence/paralyze/Dia2, re-apply Auspice or Aquaveil, remove enfeebles etc. Or SCH who has a busy job in a fight like Ongo, keeping strats available while getting max helix, reapplying tank's Regen/Embrava, and spot nuking etc. Or a Tank who has to always pay attention to his buffs positioning, and not get one shot in bad sets due to wrong timing. Compare that to BLM who has to constantly be active in Ongo otherwise the group will not meet the damage check. The people playing these jobs are absolutely taking the bullet for the group.

I'd also argue that people prefer 1KI over 2KI, not because it's "easier", but because (I'm gonna go here again), they are lazy. 2 KIs clears require job diversity, and many players probably don't have multiple jobs buttoned up to where it should be. So if they see a shout for a clear and they only need to do one thing, they feel that's a better deal for them to get in and get a clear, as opposed to playing multiple jobs well. 2KI strats are significantly easier than 1 KI, it's not even a question. People just don't want to play PUP, BLU, RDM, BST, NIN, SMN etc. either because they don't have a really good one or they are looking for the fastest path to victory (which I still think is not 1KI). That's the thing about the less-prominent jobs: if you haven't invested time into a really good one, it will absolutely suck and underperform on V25s, whereas if you have a "Good enough" COR/BRD/GEO, you may be able to squeeze by and nobody will bat at eye. I can't tell you how many times I joined a group for 2KI and it was not only a nightmare finding people who had the actual jobs needed to where they didn't clash with SPs etc, but had the jobs geared well enough to make the 1st KI worthwhile. Y'know, you kind of have to have a decent nuking set on NIN for it to be any use in 2KI Ongo. And SMN needs to do more than just throw up hastega2 and sit there idle (Mewing Lullaby is the only other necessary component of that strat, if you bother with it at all). Reading someone else's notes on how 2KI is done using a set of off-meta jobs is far different than you actually making a meaningful contribution with the same jobs in that strat. I honestly think most players are scared to try 2KIs because they don't have confidence in their ability to play multiple different jobs at a high level. They probably think "If all I have to do is sing or roll and Savage Blade or Black Halo, I don't mind doing this 2-3 times until we get it. And if we don't get it, it's the healer's/tank's/DD/SCH+BLM/proc team's fault". Almost nobody ever blames the GEO COR BRD when they lose a T3.
Posts: 2,720
By Nariont 2024-12-08 14:12:26
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Means you dont got to plan for a 2nd encounter, which requires you to consider your (potential) pug players additional jobs, their quality/skill, capped jp/what mlvl etc, less thought the better even if it means that the window to win is now much narrower and prone to instant failure if something goes wrong, it was that guys fault, or the aura, so on
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1,814
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-08 14:51:15
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$$$. That's the bullet. Fully geared COR is the most expensive job in the game. BRD is directly behind it and the minimums that people want so that it's a solid gain compared to another job is absurdly high as an entry point.

There is no honor discussion. Only money.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
2KI strats are significantly easier than 1 KI, it's not even a question.
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
People just don't want to play PUP, BLU, RDM, BST, NIN, SMN etc. either because they don't have a really good one or they are looking for the fastest path to victory (which I still think is not 1KI). That's the thing about the less-prominent jobs: if you haven't invested time into a really good one, it will absolutely suck and underperform on V25s, whereas if you have a "Good enough" COR/BRD/GEO, you may be able to squeeze by and nobody will bat at eye.

Again yup. All the hybrid jobs you listed take money, time, and wardrobe space, which is why if you already built a COR/BRD/GEO you aren't going to jump at the chance to blow even more resources unless they are one of the jobs you like. Those jobs aren't going to get you into parties like COR/BRD/GEO. You already have your ticket for that. It was expensive and lots of people don't enjoy playing them but they get you gear for jobs you do like playing. And the reality is that you will have a lot easier time finding a new group than a regular DD.

I'm pretty sure you just said you retired your BRD because people wanted a mythic out of you and you were unwilling. Not willing to bite the bullet as I'm describing. Unwilling to spend on the success of others. And that's completely understandable. It's a game and you should be playing it for fun. But I can just as easily say that I think it's lazy of you not to get a mythic for your BRD just like you can say it is lazy for other people to not gear an entire other jobs. I don't think you're lazy, btw, it's just not how you want to spend your time. Again, Completely understandable.
Posts: 171
By buttplug 2024-12-08 15:02:13
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Think you can kill the ADDS now
Can't remember which NM we used 3 KI on
At the time couldn't kill the ADDS

1st Party > Once ADD pops switch to ADD

2nd Party > Take the ADD to low HP

3rd Party > Finish ADD

Turned V20 into a V15 fight with 75% HP
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-08 15:42:34
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I'm pretty sure you just said you retired your BRD because people wanted a mythic out of you and you were unwilling. Not willing to bite the bullet as I'm describing

No. I'm not unwilling because I've already spent a lot of money on other jobs, including BRD,RUN, GEO, RDM etc so that's not an issue. I willingly offer BRD and have no problem playing it, but because of everyone else's expectations for the job and what is needed, I disclose I don't have a mythic, so I'll need to reapply songs a bit sooner. I could just not say anything ant nobody would even notice. People flip out if you don't have every single item available and they use that as a crutch for whatever failure ensues. I said I retired it because other players have a exaggerated views of what is actually needed for things, and it's kind of annoying when that's the least important element in those Gaol fights.

In Odyssey Gaol fights, playing an "expensive job" by player standards isn't a flex at all. Playing a hard job is. You're not taking one for the team by playing an easier job that you paid a lot to gear up a long time ago, likely because it meant getting instant invites. Throw a rock and every single person has support jobs. Can't ever seen to find tanks and healers though
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1,814
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-08 16:14:42
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Throw a rock and every single person has support jobs. Can't ever seen to find tanks and healers though

We live in very different worlds. Lots of tanks and healers over here.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
In Odyssey Gaol fights, playing an "expensive job" by player standards isn't a flex at all.

Yes, playing a BRD/COR/GEO isn't a flex at all. In fact people don't enjoy playing them so having to shell out a ton of money to not have fun and have people minimize your contribution isn't really selling the idea that you can't understand the idea that playing one is biting the bullet in good faith.

Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
You're not taking one for the team by playing an easier job that you paid a lot to gear up a long time ago, likely because it meant getting instant invites.

I mean you were just saying that people don't do multiple KIs because they don't have the jobs. If you didn't have a support before and now you have to push one out, that's not going to be you paying a lot for gear a long time ago. It's going to be now. Biting a bullet. Spending all your time and money on a job you don't like when other people don't have to. No flex, no glory, no epeen atttached. Just pay up and do the job so other people can play the game and maybe you can get some clears.

Such a generous proposition. IDK where merc culture could have come from...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-08 16:56:32
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If you don't enjoy playing a support job, just don't play it? Why do something you don't want to do, "bite the bullet", spend hundreds of millions of gil vs just play jobs you want for less money/more enjoyment? What reasons would drive a person to do that? Do you mean that if a person decides to go through all of that, they don't HAVE to level other jobs because they built the "pricy" and desirable ones (biting the bullet) so that should be good enough to get them into 1KI fights? The question is why people don't do 2ki over 1ki. And it's a fact that 2ki fights are easier than 1ki. So If the goal is to clear the content in the most efficient way possible, why in the world would a player go through all of the stress and time of building a very strong support job that they don't want to play only to have a lower success rate at clearing these fights? Wouldn't the smart thing be to level and gear multiple other needed jobs that they like in preparation to be used for multiple KI fights? That would be far less stressful imo.

And idk anything about minimizing a support jobs contribution. They are extremely necessary for all of the fights, so there wasn't any of that from me. What I did say was that playing those jobs does require less out of the player particularly in Gaol. And I wasn't necessarily talking only about GEO/BRD/COR, as I mentioned several other jobs where their contribution to the group is treated less than the other jobs. I did say people don't play other jobs, but that includes all of the other ones as well.

Again, if people want a higher success rate on clearing these fights, 2ki makes way more sense than 1ki. The only way in see people convincing themselves that 1ki is better is if they don't have the job diversity needed to pull it off, which is where most pugs struggle. Buttplug mentioned a player in his earlier post who has been trying forever to clear a boss in 1ki. Seeing aside the player and his perceived reputation for now, that player would have been cleared the specific boss months ago had they simply went into 2KIs vs 1
By Shichishito 2024-12-08 17:35:46
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If someone picked up a job they don't like, invested time and gil since everyone told them it would get them into events and then find themselfs back at square one just because SE decides you now need to play 3 jobs you don't like...

Considering how much time job points and a mid master level take if you do it legit and how much gil you have to sinky into some jobs these days I can understand if people start passing.
By Dodik 2024-12-08 17:37:30
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Well the option for a person that doesn't want to gear the job(s) needed for Odyssey is.. don't do Odyssey.

If you want to do the content, prepare for it appropriately or don't do it. Don't see what the issue is.
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