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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10228
By Asura.Sechs 2024-03-18 07:29:55
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Of course the RUN can run away. I'd be surprised if a RUN coulnd't run!
By K123 2024-03-18 07:49:33
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Shadoni said: »
Everyone except RUN can run away, then SCH can caper emissarius the PLD
Right but in the moment it pops it's going to run for the RNG right? So SCH has to be fast then the PLD has to get it out of range quick. Any decent PLD should survive with Regen 5 and Embrava right? Tried it once and the PLD was taking a lot of damage, but not with SCH there.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2939
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-03-18 08:22:05
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K123 said: »
If you do Arebati V20 as RUN PLD RNG COR BRD SCH, how does the PLD stay above hate of the RNG to the point that they can drag the pet away?

Caating Flash, using cures, using JAs, standard tanking stuff. You only need to be ahead for the first 25%. Honestly the bigger problem is probably not accidently getting ahead of the RUN's hate. Especially if RNG is using Annihilator, he will have very little hate. As far as DD goes, the COR will likely be much higher on threat list, but also no problem for the PLD in the first 25%.

K123 said: »
Shadoni said: »
Everyone except RUN can run away, then SCH can caper emissarius the PLD
Right but in the moment it pops it's going to run for the RNG right? So SCH has to be fast then the PLD has to get it out of range quick. Any decent PLD should survive with Regen 5 and Embrava right? Tried it once and the PLD was taking a lot of damage, but not with SCH there.

He was making a pun. PLD should have no problem curing themselves, PLD in V25 are curing themself + the RUN for the entire fight, on a higher difficulty, with no SCH. This is a skill/gear/person issue, not a job issue.
By K123 2024-03-18 09:29:06
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
the bigger problem is probably not accidently getting ahead of the RUN's hate.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about.

Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
PLD should have no problem curing themselves, PLD in V25 are curing themself + the RUN for the entire fight, on a higher difficulty, with no SCH. This is a skill/gear/person issue, not a job issue.
Ok but how is this working? PLD is standing on the tail at 20 yalms from the RUN so never gets hit by the fetters but keeps hate on the pet by staying above the COR and RNG? Not taking it down the stairs at all? This is what I don't get, how the PLD keeps hate on the pet in range if the COR and RNG need to meet the high dps check.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2939
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-03-18 09:39:00
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The pet and the boss have separate hate tables.

The pet might come out with some representation of the boss's enmity when it spawns (not clear) but after that, it handles its own enmity. You can't pull hate on the pig by hitting Arebati.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Aspens
Posts: 44
By Valefor.Aspens 2024-03-18 09:42:37
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If you are bringing scholar, then sch sp2 (caper) to reset everyone's enmity within range, pld can just run away while you caper the run with everyone else in range. Sch brd cor rng will have 0 enmity, run and pld enmity remain unchanged

Then when the adds spawn they have their own hate list so pld can start flashing them to build hate specifically on the add while rng stops gaining hate because it's not attacking the add.

The challenge is do you save caper for add 1 or add 2 and how do you meet the dps check without a geo

You can also do the same thing to dump onto bard, just run out of caper range
By K123 2024-03-18 09:47:40
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
The pet and the boss have separate hate tables.

The pet might come out with some representation of the boss's enmity when it spawns (not clear) but after that, it handles its own enmity. You can't pull hate on the pig by hitting Arebati.
I get that, but some people claim the pig always goes for whoever is 2nd on hate list of the main boss regardless of enmity towards the pet itself. I always thought this was dubious, so glad to hear it is bs. Only UPON SPAWN does it go for whoever is second on hate right?
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-18 09:48:12
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Tbh Caper isn't for PLD to get hate, it's for RNG with gun other than Annihilator to not reach enmity cap before Arebati reach 0%HP and pull hate off RUN.
Just forget SCH and use GEO and use Annihilator.
Also you should shadowbind the add, so it's easier for PLD to get hate on it (can use flash few times before it's unbound).
By K123 2024-03-18 09:48:20
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Valefor.Aspens said: »
The challenge is do you save caper for add 1 or add 2 and how do you meet the dps check without a geo
V25 isn't on my radar any time soon.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-18 09:53:22
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K123 said: »
Only UPON SPAWN does it go for whoever is second on hate right?

Yes, it shares hate only upon spawn and will go for 2nd person on the hate list.
The only interaction between boss and add AFTER it spawns, is add's hate will be completely reset on anyone who will get aggro from boss. So if PLD by mistake take hate on Arebati itself and have pig on him, then pig's hate toward PLD will reset and it will go for anyone next on the hate list, so PLD can't take hate on Arebati, even for split second. This is why you should avoid any high enmity self target abilities and only build hate on pig with single target tools like Flash, Shield Bash etc.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-18 10:23:19
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K123 said: »
If you do Arebati V20 as RUN PLD RNG COR BRD SCH, how does the PLD stay above hate of the RNG to the point that they can drag the pet away?

Easily, at the start they flash Arribati once for every three hate moves the Run use's. Run would do Flash -> Foil -> Flash -> PLD Flash -> repeat. The point is that the PLD needs to be above everyone else so that the moment the adds pop, they instantly go towards the PLD.

The Gaol Boss targeting someone instantly wipes them from the add's hate list.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-18 10:41:31
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Easily, at the start they flash Arribati once for every three hate moves the Run use's. Run would do Flash -> Foil -> Flash -> PLD Flash -> repeat. The point is that the PLD needs to be above everyone else so that the moment the adds pop, they instantly go towards the PLD.

You really don't need to be 2nd on the list. Shadowbind gives a lot of time to take hate off RNG (or COR if RNG uses Anni like it should :P) Not sure why I respond though, he can't see my posts XD
By Godfry 2024-03-18 13:55:05
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Easily, at the start they flash Arribati once for every three hate moves the Run use's. Run would do Flash -> Foil -> Flash -> PLD Flash -> repeat. The point is that the PLD needs to be above everyone else so that the moment the adds pop, they instantly go towards the PLD.

You really don't need to be 2nd on the list. Shadowbind gives a lot of time to take hate off RNG (or COR if RNG uses Anni like it should :P) Not sure why I respond though, he can't see my posts XD

The backline if that shadowbind doesn't hit in time...

Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-18 14:39:30
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It would be like that for sure, if adds would spawn at random moment, but you know exactly when they spawn, so it's really easy for RNG to be prepared. You can even run to PLD and let him use the cover on you. This will actually give PLD hate for every covered hit and will reduce your CE by 10% with each hit, making hate switch to PLD very easy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-18 14:54:04
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Godfry said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Easily, at the start they flash Arribati once for every three hate moves the Run use's. Run would do Flash -> Foil -> Flash -> PLD Flash -> repeat. The point is that the PLD needs to be above everyone else so that the moment the adds pop, they instantly go towards the PLD.

You really don't need to be 2nd on the list. Shadowbind gives a lot of time to take hate off RNG (or COR if RNG uses Anni like it should :P) Not sure why I respond though, he can't see my posts XD

The backline if that shadowbind doesn't hit in time...

Yeah relying on shadowbind just seems dumb when the alternate is super easy. Just have the Paladin use flash for every 2~3 moves the RUN does. When the adds pops it'll make a bee line for the PLD immediately.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-03-18 15:59:41
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I know in that specific instance SCH isn't present, but other times, don't forget about Libra. Its a great tool to use for stuff like that.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-18 16:57:28
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Yeah relying on shadowbind just seems dumb when the alternate is super easy. Just have the Paladin use flash for every 2~3 moves the RUN does. When the adds pops it'll make a bee line for the PLD immediately.

Dumb is trying to fit between RUN and RNG/COR on the hate list and risk getting hate on Arebati, when Shadowbind is 100% bound effect that lasts for ages and it's super easy to hide behind PLD for cover too. You have both of this tools to use exactly in scenario like this, instead of trying to keep yourself ahead of RNG, but not ahead of RUN relying solely on guessing.
Posts: 8
By Shadoni 2024-03-18 17:18:31
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PLD can also intervene the add, which floors its accuracy. This lasts long enough to figure out the hate situation.
By K123 2024-03-18 17:24:19
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Well at V20 even with Master level 40+ on the RNG+COR I can say for sure that RUN PLD SCH BRD COR RNG doesn't work as I hoped it would. You definitely need a GEO.

I'll have to try RUN PLD GEO BRD COR RNG but need to find a good PLD which has been hard with pug
Posts: 13
By Afrohatch 2024-03-18 17:50:09
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I don't think either of you are wrong, if it works for your group then go with it, good paladins can stay in that sweet spot, and shadowbind is great at buying time, you can do both really lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-18 18:43:23
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Put it this way, if the RUN can't keep hate at the ceiling, then your dead anyway halfway through the fight. All the Paladin needs to do is be under the RUN and I already gave the method to do that precisely. RNG's won't be realistically getting near the cap until you gear around 15~25% remaining HP.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-03-18 21:01:51
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Afrohatch said: »
I don't think either of you are wrong, if it works for your group then go with it, good paladins can stay in that sweet spot, and shadowbind is great at buying time, you can do both really lol

Yeah. I've used Shadowbind and due to latency/weird pathing, the pig got bound right on top of us and I died, lost buffs, run over. I learned and got it right on future attempts. I've also done runs where I stood next to the PLD, and bound it, but it wasn't necessary because he had enough hate to where the pig was targeting him out the gate. By the time the PLD got comfortable enough, he told me to stop using Shadowbind altogether, and he never once didn't have hate from pig on subsequent fights.

Tldr You can mess up both methods, neither are infallible. You can also employ either method successfully, even together. Neither is dumb, if it works for you, etc.
By Godfry 2024-03-19 00:14:45
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Yeah relying on shadowbind just seems dumb when the alternate is super easy. Just have the Paladin use flash for every 2~3 moves the RUN does. When the adds pops it'll make a bee line for the PLD immediately.

Dumb is trying to fit between RUN and RNG/COR on the hate list and risk getting hate on Arebati, when Shadowbind is 100% bound effect that lasts for ages and it's super easy to hide behind PLD for cover too. You have both of this tools to use exactly in scenario like this, instead of trying to keep yourself ahead of RNG, but not ahead of RUN relying solely on guessing.

I'd disagree with you on this. It's pretty easy for the paladin to keep himself as second on the hate list. Also not super easy to hide behind paladin for cover. You are speaking of situations where everything goes right, including the pets trajectory, which is highly unpredictable. There is no way the pld will get hate from run after sforzo, and spamming flash foil and jas.

The ranger should indeed be ready to shadowbind it if it doesn't go straight to paladin, but as last resort, not as a main strategy.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-19 01:18:31
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Like Buukki said it's the best to just do both. Also I'm sorry to say that, but Shadowbind simply can't be messed outside of player skill and it's pretty easy to learn. You simply stop attacking at 1-2% above threshold and move away from entire backline for a 5 seconds and push that 2% from the safe spot and Shadowbind the add. If it goes straight to PLD, then fine, if it's not then it's bound. It doesn't make sense not to apply it just in case.

Also I don't really think PLD trying to be 2nd on the list is dumb, but I was pissed that Saevel (like always) is downplaying everything else, that he doesn't approve (he called shadowbinding dumb first).
By Godfry 2024-03-19 04:50:50
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Also agree. The rng should be ready to shadowbind it immediately in case pld doesn't actually have it. We actually had to do that a couple of times until the pld had a better sense of how to keep himself second on the hatelist.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-03-19 07:11:01
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SimonSes said: »
Like Buukki said it's the best to just do both. Also I'm sorry to say that, but Shadowbind simply can't be messed outside of player skill and it's pretty easy to learn. You simply stop attacking at 1-2% above threshold and move away from entire backline for a 5 seconds and push that 2% from the safe spot and Shadowbind the add. If it goes straight to PLD, then fine, if it's not then it's bound. It doesn't make sense not to apply it just in case.

I mean to be technical about it, the exact same thing can be said about PLD not being able to remain second on hate list. Both methods can be messed up due to lack of player skill or inexperience. That's the point of these fights at V20/25. They are highly stressful and complicated battles, players make mistakes, they are not all sure things that you "can't mess up" and everything goes right, especially for less experienced groups. I'll even go on to say that the Shadowbind method is safer and easier to apply for newer, less experienced players, but it's also not necessary to use for more skilled players/groups who understand the hate mechanics after a few runs. Your statement about it "not making sense not to apply [Shadowbind]" is just your opinion/preference.

Like I said above, the group I did Arebati started with Shadowbinding the add as I mentioned, but as we got better at the fights, it was no longer necessary. We lost several dozen Arebati v25 runs, so we had LOTS of practice. Once we got more of a feel for the fight we adjusted certain parts and the Shadowbind part was left out due to the PLDs preference of wanting the pig to be pointed a certain way, as someone Shadowbind would force him to reposition in a spot he didn't like. He felt comfortable enough with how fights were going to drop that part and just have us focus on DPS fulltime.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2978
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-03-19 07:25:01
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Pretty much anything 'cant be messed outside of player skill', if you want to be technical about it. Do what makes you most comfortable. I think PLD second on hate list is easier and shadowbind is unnecessary, but that also assumes a baseline level of competence. Since the person asking is using PUGs, they may not be able to assume that.
By K123 2024-03-19 07:47:51
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I have a RUN that held solid hate when rng cor had dirge and RUN had sirvente. As long as I can find a good PLD I think I'll be fine with RUN PLD RNG COR BRD GEO.

I feel so useless on BRD outside of reapplying songs to RUN though, I could definitely kite pig but can't imagine how it would be better than using PLD.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-03-19 07:58:36
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Some initial V20 strategiee did involve bard kiting the add using a enmity build to get it's attention then bringing it away from the group. I think there's also a method where you could bring SCH and everyone run down/upstairs except the tank and then caper the pig onto the Bard, and then you'll never have it leave your side. But it's an annoying way to do it. PLD is so much easier imo.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2939
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-03-19 08:14:40
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For every V20 clear I've been a part of, we had the SCH caper the pig on the BRD and then BRD kited it for the rest of the run. I've done it a bunch of times. If you can get Mazurka on yourself it's stupid easy, even without that it's still possible to kite it indefinitely.

If the PLD is just there to hold the pig, it's probably better to have a SCH instead.

That said, the caper period can be a bit stressful and the pig can *** people up in the mean time.

Ultimately your problem is: these fights are difficult and require people to do their jobs, and you're dealing with people you've never met before with who-knows-what kind of gear, skill, and experience. There isn't much that can be done about that. You could play the job with what you view as the biggest failure point?

Nobody's going to be able to give you a strategy for most V20+ T3+ fights that doesn't involve a half dozen or more points of failure, and no matter what strategy you pick, a rando *** up his job can cause you to lose and every one of them will have some kind of excuse for why it's not their fault.
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