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Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-15 08:57:12
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Afaik all V25 NMs has some native attack bonus buff, that can't be overwritten by any attack down, including even Ooze from BST. Only def down works.
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-03-15 09:00:53
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I'm not 100% on that, I'd need to verify to be sure. Since slug doesn't give wear off messages I'd never know if the atk down landed or not. Easy enough thing to check, if Demoralizing Roar gives a no effect message then there it is
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-15 09:17:51
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With the WAR method we can usually kill before SV songs wear off, hate becomes the real enemy though. Tomahawk with 50% uptime is massive for everyone but especially the COR and BRD not walling each others Savage Blade.

PLD (or RUN)
GEO <== (this spot can be swapped around depending)

With a BLU over a WAR, not sure how much that'll impact total DPS.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10230
By Asura.Sechs 2024-03-15 09:38:39
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BLU would be over GEO using your setup.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-15 09:52:05
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Ok so you still have a WAR doing Calamity with Tomahawks / Warcry and the usual stuff? Then the BLU is primarily there for debuffs with some bonus DPS, though as Proth said landing defense down might be hard. What you can try to do is time your initial SV songs so that the moment they are finished, the bard can run up with the paladin and land Wind Threnody on the TRex while JA's are still up. That is what we did and I always opened the fight with Armor Break.
Server: Valefor
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user: Aspens
Posts: 44
By Valefor.Aspens 2024-03-15 11:16:03
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Haven't seen tomahawk reset ws wall during dynamis, is there source for WS walling benefits of tomahawk in ody? Or do you mean they are using non slashing ws?
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-15 11:31:12
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Valefor.Aspens said: »
Haven't seen tomahawk reset ws wall during dynamis, is there source for WS walling benefits of tomahawk in ody? Or do you mean they are using non slashing ws?

It doesn't reset WS wall, it reduces it by 30% (so from 10% reduction to 7%, from 25% to 17%). I wouldn't call that massive, but I heard worse exaggerations.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-15 14:16:46
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Valefor.Aspens said: »
Haven't seen tomahawk reset ws wall during dynamis, is there source for WS walling benefits of tomahawk in ody? Or do you mean they are using non slashing ws?

Tomahawk is identical to Rayke in reducing special resistances except it's for everything not just a specific element. In the case of Ody NM's, it reduces the effect of that wall and is very noticeable. "Reset" is probably the wrong word, it reduces the percentile reduction making the WS wall not as strong.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-15 14:51:10
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Valefor.Aspens said: »
Haven't seen tomahawk reset ws wall during dynamis, is there source for WS walling benefits of tomahawk in ody? Or do you mean they are using non slashing ws?

Tomahawk is identical to Rayke in reducing special resistances except it's for everything not just a specific element. In the case of Ody NM's, it reduces the effect of that wall and is very noticeable. "Reset" is probably the wrong word, it reduces the percentile reduction making the WS wall not as strong.

Again it reduces the wall by 30%, which i quite impactful on highest wall tier, taking it from -85% damage to -60%, which is +166% damage, but to reach that tier of wall, you would need to make same WS 6 times in a row, which is super rare even with 3ppl doing Savage and only one person doing other WS. Normally there is like 2 ppl doing same WS and 2ppl doing other WSs, so highest tier wall you gonna face is maybe tier II which is -25% and tomahawk will take it to -17%, which is +10% damage and most of the time you will face tier I wall in such scenario, which is -10% damage, which Tomahawk reduces to -7%, so +3.3% damage. I wouldn't call that very noticeable or massive, but it certainly helps.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10230
By Asura.Sechs 2024-03-15 17:18:16
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Used Scouring Spate a lot, but could never catch the message of the effect wearing off, not on Kalunga, not on the adds.
Which in itself doesn't necessarily mean anything, maybe I simply didn't catch the message.
Which leaves me a bit torn on it.
If it worked at least on the adds it would be real nice in reducing the damage taken when 2 adds are out, but I get this feeling that it doesn't.

Anybody has more accurate data on Spate vs Kalunga v25 and adds?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 31
By Asura.Psycosocial 2024-03-15 18:05:59
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Used Scouring Spate a lot, but could never catch the message of the effect wearing off, not on Kalunga, not on the adds.
Which in itself doesn't necessarily mean anything, maybe I simply didn't catch the message.
Which leaves me a bit torn on it.
If it worked at least on the adds it would be real nice in reducing the damage taken when 2 adds are out, but I get this feeling that it doesn't.

Anybody has more accurate data on Spate vs Kalunga v25 and adds?

Just going to throw this in since I am your tank. Damage is really manageable and you would be better putting the points in something offense oriented. P. Embrace I wouldn't expect full uptime on everyone, but I want it on the WAR. Nothing ultra mega fancy on this fight. Just keep fishing for no Lahar/debilitating spout shenanigans.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Aspens
Posts: 44
By Valefor.Aspens 2024-03-15 21:08:46
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SimonSes said: »
Again it reduces the wall by 30%, which i quite impactful on highest wall tier, taking it from -85% damage to -60%, which is +166% damage, but to reach that tier of wall, you would need to make same WS 6 times in a row, which is super rare even with 3ppl doing Savage and only one person doing other WS. Normally there is like 2 ppl doing same WS and 2ppl doing other WSs, so highest tier wall you gonna face is maybe tier II which is -25% and tomahawk will take it to -17%, which is +10% damage and most of the time you will face tier I wall in such scenario, which is -10% damage, which Tomahawk reduces to -7%, so +3.3% damage. I wouldn't call that very noticeable or massive, but it certainly helps.

thanks for explaining, makes sense to me

for kalunga I did use plenilune if it was >10% potency and it helps a lot to put on war during first aura attack down, but you're still kinda in trouble with 2nd aura attack down and it's helpful to drop on the war during mighty strikes, but it's definitely not a make or break. On good diffusion resets I would just aoe nat. meditation for everyone

edit: also never did I ever see scouring spate land on kalunga and I dropped it. also tried tickle/reaving wind, plague, counterstance and dropped them all. Bottom line you just have to kill it- a few white winds can save a run but you can't do the WHM's job, at the end of the day you have to kill it, tank has to tank it, and whm has to heal through it. the better your damage is through each phase, the more time you can afford having people turn away during the last 25% when he starts spamming more abilities. generally you can survive each ability but when he starts hitting you with two in a row is when the run starts failing
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-16 02:13:00
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For Kalunga we had PLD tank both adds and main heal everyone and I was helping with cures on BLU (white wind on me, DRK, COR and BRD and emergency magic fruit on RUN if required). The only problem we faced was RUN being one shot with combination of dispel > serration back to back. Other than that it was pretty simple. On our winning run we even had magic defense down aura from 40% and still survived.

We also ate food with fire res to have positive fire res all the time. It was either shrimp or pork.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-03-16 07:18:17
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We got our v25 Kalunga win with PLD,WAR,BLU,COR,BRD,WHM. Had reasonable time to spare... I think 3+ minutes ish? Took a few different set ups to figure out what was best for us but the above won with time to spare and felt easy. Enmity was our biggest woe, eventually WAR would cap enmity and kalunga would start bouncing and when back line got dispelled it was game over. Once we came up with our solution for the WAR enmity we won the very next round when we tried it. Calamity,Expac,Savage are all super strong and pair well with warcry resets. Tomahawk is a nice bonus as well. Blu imo fits in nicely for the set up because as the WAR I didn't fumble around with armor break post 40 just at start, then went ham with MS warcrys and tomahawks, BLU did tourbillion 40%, was able to maintain MG full fight and suppress tp on adds a couple times so that they didn't RNGesus dispel back line.
By K123 2024-03-16 07:28:47
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What is the idea behind Calamity? Why is it the best to use? Sc with SB?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-03-16 07:36:09
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Calamity is very strong, scales well with tp, especially on WAR with no subjob, warcry and fencer tp bonus are your best native tools to make use of and no native JA haste. It is your best option to not wall the savage blade train. Same idea with expac on blu, super strong, scales well with tp and doesn't wal the savagerrrssss. Skillchain for proc when needed was Expac > Ruinator... this repeats indefinitely making it very simple.

Its all about the wall.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31
By Asura.Psycosocial 2024-03-16 07:39:32
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K123 said: »
What is the idea behind Calamity? Why is it the best to use? Sc with SB?

fTP/Stat modifiers are really nice. Main take away is abusing the TP bonus/Fencer effects for WAR 1H (Ikenga Axe is nutty RP'd). Ideally you want to Calamity...Mistral Axe if no one is WSing in-between.

edit: What above said
By K123 2024-03-16 10:30:37
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Shiva.Myamoto said: »
Skillchain for proc when needed was Expac > Ruinator... this repeats indefinitely making it very simple.
This is what I wanted to know, cool stuff. I have R25 axe so could WAR Kalunga V25 other char, really don't want to WHM it again.
Posts: 6
By Krog 2024-03-16 11:42:50
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So what actually was the solution to hate cap that made the win easy?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2987
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-03-16 11:59:10
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If I had to guess, based on that job setup, I'd say changing a song to dirge on the DD. But they can confirm.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-03-16 12:13:54
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Oh sorry, nope Dirge was not enough, eventually would cap enmity regardless. Our defeats were never due to actual deaths caused by fire/magic damage. We replaced Fire Carol II specifically only on WAR with a SV Ballad III, ran entrust refresh from lobby, and I drank Kitron juices when I could remember, more so when entrust bubble was gone. The result was completely maximizing enmity reduction from full time Schere earring for the whole fight. My mp refresh was like 25-30/tic if I recall. Otherwise my schere earring reduction was pretty much negligible with only viles/devotion, mp would be gone most of the fight resulting in hardly any additional enmity reduction. SV ballad III resolved that issue, entrust refresh and juices were just extra really.

Edit: If I recall songs for everyone were HM,Minuet,Minuet,Dirge,Carol II, Sirvente for PLD obviously and then yeah as mentioned for WAR Ballad III instead of Carol II

And perhaps calling the fight "easy" was incorrect by me. We tried several different approaches and failed many times. However consistently, enmity cap seemed to be our biggest enemy and always resulted in our failure regardless of composition. This change resolved that issue for us and resulted in a win on our first try with it implemented.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-16 13:20:24
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K123 said: »
What is the idea behind Calamity? Why is it the best to use? Sc with SB?

The COR and BRD are doing Savage Blade so the WAR needs to use something else, an Axe WS. Of the Axe WS's two have good fTP scaling, Mistral Axe and Calamity. While Mistral has better fTP, it's WSC is only 50% STR while Calamity has 50% both STR and 50% VIT, making it stronger in todays iLevel / ML stat everywhere world. The BLU would usually be using Expiation with a TP Bonus offhand.

For songs we found the following really solid.

Fire Carol II
Minuet IV (or Victory March if keeping Haste / MG is too hard)
Minuet V
Honor March

Add in Barfira and Shadow Ring for over 60% chance to take 0 damage on magic attacks.

The real issue is going to be those adds hitting hard, some folks might want to switch out Minuet IV for Minne V and so forth. We had a GEO who did Indi-Barrier / Geo-Fury to slow down the damage. The WAR going full-tilt is going to pull hate, they need to slow down from 75~40% and let the COR/BRD or BLU take up the slack. Then under 40% you start ability rotations again with RD/WC/RD MS Warcry silliness.

Oh I see someone mentioned Tomahawk, that info isn't exactly correct. It will reduce SDT by 30% multiplicative, -50% becomes -35%, -100% becomes -70% and so forth. Its effect on the WS wall seems to be like Rayke's, additively. Meaning -60% WS wall becomes -30%, and -30% becomes -0%. It seems the "WS Wall" was done similarly to how the "Nuke Wall" is done, a separate stacking reduction term added to the damage formula, and Tomahawk reduces that term directly. It's quite noticeable if you are used to fighting without it. Shortly after V25 came out, we were doing Kalunga as our typical setup, and the COR and BRD were spamming Savage Blade while I was using Empy Axe. For giggles I hit Tomahawk then Cloudsplitter for 5~6K on a magic immune boss. Immediately afterward our BRD said "wtf just happened my Savages almost doubled in damage".
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-16 14:09:40
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Nice anecdote, but I would like to see proofs, because Aspens anecdote is exactly in opposition to yours.
Posts: 3646
By Taint 2024-03-16 14:22:22
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Wouldn't Farsha be better than Ikenga Axe? Seems like a lot of that 500tp bonus is wasted with Fencer and warcry.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-16 14:41:53
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Taint said: »
Wouldn't Farsha be better than Ikenga Axe? Seems like a lot of that 500tp bonus is wasted with Fencer and warcry.

Yeah with Warcry, Moonshade and Empy legs, you are at minimum 2910 effective TP. On the other hand Ikenga's has 5%WSD, 6 more damage, 40 more attack, 10% crit rate and 55 more accuracy, so Ikenga's would probably slightly win for WS damage even with whole TP bonus wasted. Farsha would probably still pull ahead in overall dps with AM3 up, but AM3 requires to first sacrifice 2+ WSs worth of damage, because instead of over 2 1000TP WSs, you would need to make one 3000TP Cloudsplitter doing almost no damage, so I think it wouldn't be exactly great.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-16 15:16:44
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Taint said: »
Wouldn't Farsha be better than Ikenga Axe? Seems like a lot of that 500tp bonus is wasted with Fencer and warcry.

If you have it sure, most don't and Ikenga is the next best. Without any RP it's still bonus STR, Atk, Acc, Crit and WSD. The TP Bonus doesn't show up until past R20 and most people attempting this might only have Rank 15~20.
By K123 2024-03-16 17:25:41
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Asura.Saevel said: »
most people attempting this might only have Rank 15~20.
Xevioso V20 isn't hard if you have a DNC. I'd expect anyone trying V25 would be R25 on the axe.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-16 18:11:12
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K123 said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
most people attempting this might only have Rank 15~20.
Xevioso V20 isn't hard if you have a DNC. I'd expect anyone trying V25 would be R25 on the axe.

Most go in the other direction. V25 Kalunga -> V25 Xevioso -> V25 Ngai, then the rest. They may or may not have time to actually upgrade the Axe after getting an easy V0/V1 clear.
By K123 2024-03-18 07:13:25
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If you do Arebati V20 as RUN PLD RNG COR BRD SCH, how does the PLD stay above hate of the RNG to the point that they can drag the pet away?
Posts: 8
By Shadoni 2024-03-18 07:24:57
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Everyone except RUN can run away, then SCH can caper emissarius the PLD
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