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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2024-02-16 17:35:10
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Shadow Ring is particularly appealing vs Tidal Guillotine, since it can both nullify the damage or actually resist the death effect.

Amusingly, resisting the death effect makes it 'miss'.
[00:10:58]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine, but misses Martel.
13% null chance, and 25% chance to just not die anyway. Pretty good.

Also, it can be absorbed.
[22:18:57]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Arduwyn recovers 49 HP.
But the proc rate on absorb items tends to only be 5%, and don't stack. Still, another layer of defense if you can work it in.

We stack SV Water Carol II + Shadow Ring + Empy bonus nullification bonus. It becomes extremely noticeable, especially in Xevioso where I frequently take 0 damage but still get the enmity reset and stat down effects.
Server: Asura
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user: iamaman
Posts: 961
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-02-16 20:15:04
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Shadow Ring in several of the v20-v25 fights has procced enough to save me and it's always nice seeing what would otherwise be taking me to red HP do 0 damage.

That said, I asked this question a few months ago when we were farming Ngai because it seems like I saw a few really random deaths that didn't make sense, like MNKs getting KOd with Mantra or Inner Strength up in defensive sets. The answer then was that it might have been due to his Magic Def down effect being applied, but I/we usually Panacea that off, so I'm not sure that explains it either unless the timing was just really bad. All my sets vs him are fairly defensive (Nyame, Mpaca, Empy+3 (less so)), I've yet to really figure out the one offs where he just KOs me despite my gear and high max HP. It doesn't happen a ton, but enough to make me wonder if something else is going on.

Do we know if the max HP calculation is impacted by HP up/down buffs/debuffs? If you got Cleavered then Tidaled before you could remove the HP down, would that effect the calculation? Does it calculate effects from Mantra or Inner Strength?
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-02-16 20:33:10
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Verve also gives him an unquantified MAB bonus, which should affect Tidal Guillotine(uncertain if Puncture is MAB modified). So if the deaths happened shortly after verve that could be a factor.
Posts: 1837
By Felgarr 2024-02-16 20:35:42
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Saying in case anyone doesn't know but Shadow Ring + Warder's Charm effects do stack, and it was just the thing I need to tank Arebati on v20 (when ML20 was cap).
Server: Shiva
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user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-02-17 08:40:51
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To be more precise they are two seperate effects that work differently but yes they do "stack". One has an annul chance, the other is an absorb chance.

But yeah we use soul voice carol 2's and shadow ring often in melee sets for these v25's. Combined is over 50% annul chance... it is very noticeable for anyone on front line. Further combine that with say RUN full empy, sachet and warders for a ~12% absorb, and approximately 52-53% annul, Tanking becomes far more efficient and easier.

+50% annul chance has saved my *** a number of times I imagine. 100% worth the loss of an STP or Subtle blow ring etc for DD's and obviously a staple for any Tank imo anyhow.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2024-02-17 14:30:17
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
Do we know if the max HP calculation is impacted by HP up/down buffs/debuffs? If you got Cleavered then Tidaled before you could remove the HP down, would that effect the calculation? Does it calculate effects from Mantra or Inner Strength?

They absolutely do, it's resulted in many deaths from people not paying attention and using a panacea at a bad time, or a frenzied Yagrush WHM tossing out erases between curaga's and getting someone killed.

Tidal is simple, if it's damage would bring the user below 50% of the current MaxHP, then death. If you are at 2400/2400 (1200 required to kill you) and an erase brings you up to 2400/3300 (750 required to kill you) then someone's about to die if they don't resist Tidal. The MAB up / MDB down effects just make this worse by increasing the likelihood of Ngai doing the required amount of damage. That is why MBD is so important to this fight, we have to bring down what the maximum unresisted damage would be.
Posts: 401
By Guyford 2024-02-17 20:59:48
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Just cleared Arebati V25 FINALLY, and thru atk down as 2nd aura.

Ki1, dnc war smn rng sch run

6 step pyrohelix bursts whenever rayke is up, sch 4 step into fusion to run reso and rng jishnu's

rng hovering whole fight alternating sidewinder jishnu and empyreal, dnc using climatic rudras as reverse/climatic recast allow. War mostly afked as an alt so had ifrit warcry instead of warcry/bloodrage.

At 75% dnc kites pig downstairs while rest continue damage. As 3rd helix is applied dnc comes back and rng shadowbind for dnc to unleash with climatic rudras/grand pas spam. Got it to 59% with macc down aura. SMN mews every 40 seconds

2nd KI pld rdm cor brd geo bst tp supression

First aura was mdef down, 2nd aura was atk down, still won with over 1:30 left. RDM had prime dagger was a huge benefit as attempts with mandau were experiencing ws wall problems. Wild card i believe was a 3

Edit: DNC can stand just out of melee range but still in step/ws range for this fight to avoid engaging/disengaging nonsense
By Godfry 2024-02-17 23:55:01
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Guyford said: »
Just cleared Arebati V25 FINALLY, and thru atk down as 2nd aura.

Ki1, dnc war smn rng sch run

6 step pyrohelix bursts whenever rayke is up, sch 4 step into fusion to run reso and rng jishnu's

rng hovering whole fight alternating sidewinder jishnu and empyreal, dnc using climatic rudras as reverse/climatic recast allow. War mostly afked as an alt so had ifrit warcry instead of warcry/bloodrage.

At 75% dnc kites pig downstairs while rest continue damage. As 3rd helix is applied dnc comes back and rng shadowbind for dnc to unleash with climatic rudras/grand pas spam. Got it to 59% with macc down aura. SMN mews every 40 seconds

2nd KI pld rdm cor brd geo bst tp supression

First aura was mdef down, 2nd aura was atk down, still won with over 1:30 left. RDM had prime dagger was a huge benefit as attempts with mandau were experiencing ws wall problems. Wild card i believe was a 3

Edit: DNC can stand just out of melee range but still in step/ws range for this fight to avoid engaging/disengaging nonsense

Jesus Christ. What kind of *** strategy is that? Were you guys trying a new weed and underestimated the potency of the high?

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your strat!! Creative as hell!
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-02-18 06:13:28
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Guyford said: »
RDM had prime dagger was a huge benefit as attempts with mandau were experiencing ws wall problems.
Just because of WS frequency; not because BRD was also using Mandau, correct?
Posts: 401
By Guyford 2024-02-18 11:19:45
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Yea, BRD was doing mordant/rudras. Had geo melee a pig and use alternating ele wses on arebati as well as the pld who engaged arebati directly to alleviate the ws wall.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2024-02-18 11:31:09
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Guyford said: »
Yea, BRD was doing mordant/rudras. Had geo melee a pig and use alternating ele wses on arebati as well as the pld who engaged arebati directly to alleviate the ws wall.
From my latest testing ele ws dont help phy break the ws wall.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Senaki
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2024-02-18 11:38:13
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Does anyone else think Xevioso kinda looks like this?

By Godfry 2024-02-18 13:22:31
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Odin.Senaki said: »
Does anyone else think Xevioso kinda looks like this?

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: metaking
Posts: 50
By Asura.Zetaking 2024-02-18 16:01:09
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sadly her thorax is to small to be Xev.

Defiantly wont get Lenord's stamp of approval

By K123 2024-02-28 14:20:20
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Some questions:
1. Why isn't Kaustra abused for more than Bumba? Why would it not also work on other V25s that are manaburned like Marmorkrebs or Ongo?
2. With DPS increase from mlevels etc. could a single DD (WAR or MNK) down Ngai V20 with a PLD tanking it? Would this help with anything really if it is instant death that is basically the cause of loss every time anyway?
3. Anyone ever tried to stun Guillotine to avoid instant death?
4. With Dirge on RNG+COR and Sirvente on PLD, is Annihilator really needed to clear Arebati V20?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-28 14:44:14
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K123 said: »
Some questions:
1. Why isn't Kaustra abused for more than Bumba? Why would it not also work on other V25s that are manaburned like Marmorkrebs or Ongo?
2. With DPS increase from mlevels etc. could a single DD (WAR or MNK) down Ngai V20 with a PLD tanking it? Would this help with anything really if it is instant death that is basically the cause of loss every time anyway?
3. Anyone ever tried to stun Guillotine to avoid instant death?
4. With Dirge on RNG+COR and Sirvente on PLD, is Annihilator really needed to clear Arebati V20?

1.) Not sure about Marmorkrebs, but Ongo takes little/no damage from non-Stone spells. Kaustra is dark-based, so it does like...300 damage to Ongo. Might be the same for Marmor et al, since they normally take (primarily) damage from a single element.
2.) Maybe, but he also does hate resets, so you can't rely on a PLD (or any tank) actually holding Ngai for an entire fight. If the DD is then going to have to tank for some % of the fight, might as well have them tank the whole thing and have a faster fight
3.) Never tried it, but I think he's probably immune to stun
4.) Been a while since V20, but I remember our RNG pulling hate on Arebati by the end of the fight when using only Arma. Anni isn't for the -enmity on the AM, it's for the fact that the WS gives fixed enmity, regardless how much damage it does. Change your WS from 3k enmity to 320 (sample numbers) helps a lot in fights where RNG is doing 60-70% of Arebati's HP.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-02-28 14:48:48
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3: Ngai's Tidal Guillotine doesn't have a charge time. Not sure if Ngai can even be stunned anyway. But there's definitely not time to see it readying and then try to stun.
[22:39:33]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:39:33]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 0 points of damage.
[22:40:38]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:40:38]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 0 points of damage.
[22:41:03]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:41:03]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 0 points of damage.
[22:43:23]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:43:23]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Recycling takes 156 points of damage.
[22:43:31]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:43:31]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 44 points of damage.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-02-28 15:14:49
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Unless I'm misremembering, Hover Shot applies an enmity down effect that stacks with each shot until the effect caps at -50. Dirge does not stack with Hover Shot's enmity reduction either, so using it on RNG does nothing if the ranger is using Hover Shot. You can use it on the Corsair and give the RNG something else like an Etude. And don't worry about losing your stacked -enmity and pulling hate if you reset Hover Shot because you'll also reset your damage bonus, which will cause you to pull less hate over time anyways.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2024-02-28 15:36:34
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Unless I'm misremembering, Hover Shot applies an enmity down effect that stacks with each shot until the effect caps at -50. Dirge does not stack with Hover Shot's enmity reduction either, so using it on RNG does nothing if the ranger is using Hover Shot. You can use it on the Corsair and give the RNG something else like an Etude. And don't worry about losing your stacked -enmity and pulling hate if you reset Hover Shot because you'll also reset your damage bonus, which will cause you to pull less hate over time anyways.

Let's start with the fact that RNG will have over 30 enmity- (almost 40 and can easily have more) in TP and almost the same with WS set by default. If you use Annihilator for majority of the fight, you get -25 enmity from Aftermath, so you are capped at -50 without a single Hover stack.
By K123 2024-02-28 15:38:32
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
3: Ngai's Tidal Guillotine doesn't have a charge time. Not sure if Ngai can even be stunned anyway. But there's definitely not time to see it readying and then try to stun.
[22:39:33]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:39:33]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 0 points of damage.
[22:40:38]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:40:38]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 0 points of damage.
[22:41:03]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:41:03]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 0 points of damage.
[22:43:23]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:43:23]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Recycling takes 156 points of damage.
[22:43:31]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:43:31]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 44 points of damage.
I thought this might be the case tbh, they probably did it to remove any possibility of stunning to be ***.
By K123 2024-02-28 15:40:54
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Ongo takes little/no damage from non-Stone spells. Kaustra is dark-based, so it does like...300 damage to Ongo. Might be the same for Marmor et al, since they normally take (primarily) damage from a single element.
Oh yeah, definitely true about Ongo. Not sure about Sgili/Marmorkrebs/Raskovniche only taking one element though.

Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
2.) Maybe, but he also does hate resets, so you can't rely on a PLD (or any tank) actually holding Ngai for an entire fight. If the DD is then going to have to tank for some % of the fight, might as well have them tank the whole thing and have a faster fight
That's what I thought, but it doesn't say on wiki which move is hate reset so I thought I was imagining it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-28 15:46:23
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K123 said: »
That's what I thought, but it doesn't say on wiki which move is hate reset so I thought I was imagining it.

Protolithic Puncture
By K123 2024-02-28 15:48:41
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
K123 said: »
That's what I thought, but it doesn't say on wiki which move is hate reset so I thought I was imagining it.

Protolithic Puncture
Oh yeah, wonder if that can be stunned if it can be stunned. I hate Ngai so much, such a bs fight.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2024-02-28 15:54:34
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All of Ngai's WS are instant.
[22:54:55]Ngai readies Aquatic Lance.
[22:54:55]Ngai uses Aquatic Lance.Guarded! Rejiin takes 218 points of damage.
[22:55:30]Ngai readies Carcharian Verve.
[22:55:30]Ngai uses Carcharian Verve.Ngai gains the effect of Magic Atk. Boost.
[22:52:50]Ngai readies Pelagic Cleaver.
[22:52:50]Ngai uses Pelagic Cleaver.Rejiin takes 1121 points of damage.
[22:37:01]Ngai readies Protolithic Puncture.
[22:37:01]Ngai uses Protolithic Puncture.Martel takes 1498 points of damage.
[22:37:47]Ngai readies Marine Mayhem.
[22:37:47]Ngai uses Marine Mayhem.Martel takes 0 points of damage.
[22:38:17]Ngai readies Tidal Guillotine.
[22:38:17]Ngai uses Tidal Guillotine.Martel takes 16 points of damage.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2024-02-28 16:00:21
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K123 said: »
4. With Dirge on RNG+COR and Sirvente on PLD, is Annihilator really needed to clear Arebati V20?

There's an added benefit to using Annihilator in that fight for at least a heavy portion of it that doesn't get mentioned nearly enough- Annihilator's Aftermath of "Ranged Attack +10%". In a fight where getting buffed to the max isn't always possible due to personnel needed for other tasks and/or defensive buffs with a rabid pig going psycho on the backline (most v20 Arebatis I've done don't use a PLD as the healer to also "hold" the add, that's something I see on v25), getting a free 300+ RATK from aftermath is extremely noticeable.

As Simon points out, maxxing -enmity on RNG isn't a hard task; its a lot more about how a Ranger deals damage than how much. If you can ride stable damage its often easier for the tank to fight back and keep the mob on them than weak TP phase damage paired with massive WS's. There are exceptions, of course...but I do also notice a lot of RNGs aren't actively paying attention to when their tank gets Terror'd/Stunned/have to rebuff and get off their hate tool cycling, and then suddenly the RNG drops a WS>Barrage>WS combo on a tank that's been Terrored for the past 10secs and hasn't done a single hate move. We have a tendency to go into tunnel vision mode during Hover Shot, not gonna lie^^
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1871
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-02-28 16:13:51
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Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
K123 said: »
4. With Dirge on RNG+COR and Sirvente on PLD, is Annihilator really needed to clear Arebati V20?

There's an added benefit to using Annihilator in that fight for at least a heavy portion of it that doesn't get mentioned nearly enough- Annihilator's Aftermath of "Ranged Attack +10%". In a fight where getting buffed to the max isn't always possible due to personnel needed for other tasks and/or defensive buffs with a rabid pig going psycho on the backline (most v20 Arebatis I've done don't use a PLD as the healer to also "hold" the add, that's something I see on v25), getting a free 300+ RATK from aftermath is extremely noticeable.

As Simon points out, maxxing -enmity on RNG isn't a hard task; its a lot more about how a Ranger deals damage than how much. If you can ride stable damage its often easier for the tank to fight back and keep the mob on them than weak TP phase damage paired with massive WS's. There are exceptions, of course...but I do also notice a lot of RNGs aren't actively paying attention to when their tank gets Terror'd/Stunned/have to rebuff and get off their hate tool cycling, and then suddenly the RNG drops a WS>Barrage>WS combo on a tank that's been Terrored for the past 10secs and hasn't done a single hate move. We have a tendency to go into tunnel vision mode during Hover Shot, not gonna lie^^

Part of the reason, that hasn't been mentioned yet, is that Coronach is a static Enmity WS. The amount of damage it does doesn't matter. That value can't be overstated.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2024-02-28 16:37:53
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I hope everyone who uses Coronach at Ongo v25 would be aware of Coronach being a static hate WS, but maybe I am being too optimistic. Enmity- is still important with Annihilator, because it can drop bombs from regular shots and barrage too and those are not fixed hate. It's not Armageddon, but still. You will also sometimes need to make Slug Shot to avoid self SC with Coronach. It would still be probably safe to not have any enmity- with Annihilator, assuming you would use it whole fight, but if you plan to switch to some powerhouse like Prime gun/bow, then you want to accumulate the lowest hate possible using Annihilator.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1871
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-03-02 12:02:35
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SimonSes said: »
I hope everyone who uses Coronach at Ongo v25 would be aware of Coronach being a static hate WS, but maybe I am being too optimistic. Enmity- is still important with Annihilator, because it can drop bombs from regular shots and barrage too and those are not fixed hate. It's not Armageddon, but still. You will also sometimes need to make Slug Shot to avoid self SC with Coronach. It would still be probably safe to not have any enmity- with Annihilator, assuming you would use it whole fight, but if you plan to switch to some powerhouse like Prime gun/bow, then you want to accumulate the lowest hate possible using Annihilator.

I only said it because the OP didn't seem to know why Annihilator was the goto generally in the first place.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2024-03-02 15:11:57
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