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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Siren
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user: Genome
Posts: 180
By Siren.Codegen 2020-03-22 23:28:11
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FaeQueenCory said: »
Siren.Codegen said: »
I got Moogle Mastery VI (6) at 500 nostos, 15 NM and 3 chest total.
I have only IV with 506 Nostos 6 NM (upgraded on the 6th NM's death, only have 5 distinct NMs having popped one 2x).
So your 15 NM with VI is rather interesting, as it indicates there's 2 levels in there somewhere between 7 and 15. Probably @9&12. But could be somewhere else.

Did you pay attention to the battle message to see the notification when the NM died?

(We can see from above that chests and coffers are irrelevant for MM.)
I think someone mentioned they got a mastery up message from opening a chest too, and I got messages both from killing NMs and killing normal mobs before, so I really think it's a kind of point system where possibly NMs are worth a decent amount. I am aiming at killing each unique NM at least once, I only have 3 unique left and 13 unique done with some repeats, leaving slime more toward the end as it's the most likely to kill my trusts
Posts: 247
By Weeew 2020-03-23 00:21:52
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15 NMs (13 unique nm's)
500 Nostos
3 chests
Moogle Mastery VI

8 NMs (4 unique nm's)
1040 Nostos
20 chests
2 coffer
Moogle Mastery V

Me: (updated)
9 NMs (5 unique nm's)
1140 Nostos
23 chests
2 coffer
Moogle Mastery VI

Seeing as we have confirmed that killing normal mobs and opening chests both contribute to Moogle Mastery as we have seen the level up message after performing these acts means the weight on killing NM's is very high.

It also seems that the reduction in izzat cost of opening chests is only related to every 10 chests opened.
Posts: 109
By devasbismarck 2020-03-23 02:19:43
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devasbismarck said: »
Mastery went to III upon killing 2nd NM (izzat popped)

395 mobs
6 chests
3 unique NM (1 izzat popped, 2 item popped

Also i dont know if ppl have noticed but you cannot use items on a junction that pops after an agon + fetter camp, it seems to be 10 izzat only. You must use one of the already existing junctions to use items.

Has anyone tested being able to pop a lvl 75-99 or 125 unity NM?

Mastery IV upon killing 5th NM

416 mobs
6 chests 0 coffers
5 unique NM (2 izzat popped, 3 item popped)

Can the guys who are getting coffers confirm if they are called coffers in the target or are still called chests but are gold trimmed? Also have you ever come across one that hasnt been replaced by picking a chest? I would hope its not exclusive to thf's.
Posts: 432
By Autocast 2020-03-23 03:33:03
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Mimic kills is not a method for solo THF. Its a method for farming in groups. With full buffs mimic takes like 1-2 to kill. You kill 2-3 of them and run to finish to get 2-3 large boxes as personal loot.

so killing mimics makes the end portal give you Large scale boxes in personal loot? instead of the normal scale boxes you get from clearing halo/beastmen?
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-03-23 04:08:05
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devasbismarck said: »
Can the guys who are getting coffers confirm if they are called coffers in the target or are still called chests but are gold trimmed? Also have you ever come across one that hasnt been replaced by picking a chest? I would hope its not exclusive to thf's.

I dont think coffer can spawn just like that, but imo its not exclusive to THFs neither. It pops when you successfully open the chest, so it probably can pop also after opening with Izzat. Weeew has 2 coffers opened and he go solo COR, so I think that confirms it. Also coffer on top of looking slightly different is also called "Coffer" and there is another tier which looks like little gold chest from abyssea. I got it once but failed to open (got mimic) with THF and also forgot to check how many Izzat it needs. Getting a mimic probably doesnt count as opening, so nothing about it in Report.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-03-23 04:55:47
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Autocast said: »
Mimic kills is not a method for solo THF. Its a method for farming in groups. With full buffs mimic takes like 1-2 to kill. You kill 2-3 of them and run to finish to get 2-3 large boxes as personal loot.

so killing mimics makes the end portal give you Large scale boxes in personal loot? instead of the normal scale boxes you get from clearing halo/beastmen?

Yes and you can obviously mix this up too and kill mimics and halos to get both type of chests at the end.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10232
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-23 05:42:44
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The Page on BG-wiki brings to this thread for reference on how to obtain higher tiers of Moogle Mastery but doesn't explain what it does.

Is it just a matter of the higher the mastery the lower the cost to open chests or pop NMs? (Ixat)
Nothing more than this?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bayonette 2020-03-23 06:31:08
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Asura.Sechs said: »
The Page on BG-wiki brings to this thread for reference on how to obtain higher tiers of Moogle Mastery but doesn't explain what it does.

Is it just a matter of the higher the mastery the lower the cost to open chests or pop NMs? (Ixat)
Nothing more than this?

It makes your trusts stronger.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10232
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-23 06:34:54
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"stronger" how? Raises their "level"?
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-03-23 07:10:13
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Asura.Sechs said: »
The Page on BG-wiki brings to this thread for reference on how to obtain higher tiers of Moogle Mastery but doesn't explain what it does.

Is it just a matter of the higher the mastery the lower the cost to open chests or pop NMs? (Ixat)
Nothing more than this?

MM level doesnt affect cost to open chests, like we find out in last few pages. Number of opened chests lowers the cost. MM makes trusts stronger in unknow way. I only noticed higher damage on Tenzen but details are unknown and probably will be for a while. The only easy to test thing I guess is to check trusts hp inside and outside of odyssey.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10232
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-23 07:19:44
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So it's "just" trust.
Wonder why the *** they had to go as far as to make a system-specific boost for Trust that only works in Odyssey, permanently.

I'm really confused but I guess everything will be clear in a few more months lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bayonette 2020-03-23 08:20:38
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Asura.Sechs said: »
So it's "just" trust.
Wonder why the *** they had to go as far as to make a system-specific boost for Trust that only works in Odyssey, permanently.

I'm really confused but I guess everything will be clear in a few more months lol.

I think it’s to encourage players to actually do Odyssey instead of buying scales. By playing you can boost your trusts and lower chest cost, making your runs have more efficient returns.

Also, our status report has us select “Sheol A”, and shows the report for only that zone. I believe we will have to rebuild moogle mastery in subsequent zones.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2020-03-23 09:07:41
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Asura.Bayonette said: »
By playing you can boost your trusts and lower chest cost, making your runs have more efficient returns.
Or you could be like me and link everything at the same time and just die so your runs are even faster
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-03-23 09:11:31
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Lakshmi.Avereith said: »
Asura.Bayonette said: »
By playing you can boost your trusts and lower chest cost, making your runs have more efficient returns.
Or you could be like me and link everything at the same time and just die so your runs are even faster

Or mimic on first chest on mule :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10232
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-23 09:30:42
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I haven't done many runs. Acc requirements are low, mobs die fast but they hit hard. I mean, from the perspective of an average casual player who wants to solo with trusts, how do you handle sleeps? Sure you can pull mobs one by one most of the time but what about the fetters? How do you handle all those untargetable mobs hitting you until the fetter is dead without a tank?

I dunno. With a structure like this I sorta fail to see the necessity or efficiency to boost soloing capabilities of casual players. If anything I would've created something to motivate people to group together rather than promoting solo play with trusts. Won't that just make the zone overloaded and laggier?

Maybe I'm missing something I dunno.
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-03-23 09:46:02
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I haven't done many runs. Acc requirements are low, mobs die fast but they hit hard. I mean, from the perspective of an average casual player who wants to solo with trusts, how do you handle sleeps? Sure you can pull mobs one by one most of the time but what about the fetters? How do you handle all those untargetable mobs hitting you until the fetter is dead without a tank?

I dunno. With a structure like this I sorta fail to see the necessity or efficiency to boost soloing capabilities of casual players. If anything I would've created something to motivate people to group together rather than promoting solo play with trusts. Won't that just make the zone overloaded and laggier?

Maybe I'm missing something I dunno.

They encourage both. You can solo or group. Both ways are efficient if done well.

You can simply wait when there is no transparent mob close to Halo and zerg it in that window.
Pulling one by one or keep linking/aggroing one by one is very effective, since AoE damage doesnt work anyway.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2020-03-23 09:49:14
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The point is that solo players want to follow different a strategy than group players. If you're solo you obviously won't be killing fetters and dealing with the invisible beastmen. But you also won't have to share your loot with a group so you get to keep all the scales for yourself. It's probably assumed that a non multi box group, IE a "normal" 6 man group is going to split scales evenly after a run (excluding personal box), so the strategy would involve killing mimics to maximize the personal boxes, beastmen fetters and whatever else maximizes returns, and mostly ignore the trash mobs because they waste too much time. A soloer on the other hand would probably focus on those trash mobs, and if you're a thief like me try to open some chests on the lower levels with skeleton keys. A normal scale box is worth roughly an entire camp's of trash mobs, so if you can open 3 or 4 boxes without a mimic spawn you can get similar returns as that 6 man did.

Also if your trusts become strong enough it may become more feasible to kill a mimic solo. I don't know how high their stats go, but if you could theoretically kill a mimic or two solo with max level moogle mastery and the right trust selection then teleport to floor 5 and flee to the exit it would easily make the returns worthwhile.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-03-23 10:03:02
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(@Sechs)You're missing the part where you should just go out and try the content for yourself :). It's not extremely challenging starting up, and it has multiple goals you can prioritize (which they warned during the digest to not "try to do everything because you'll run out of time"), so you should be able to dive right into it without any real experience. Between killing "Trash mobs", opening chests (solo or mimics in groups), clearing beastmen/halos, or popping Junction NMs for boxes, the content is pretty self-explanatory and can be done in small groups or solo. So you're not left out entirely if you're not sure what to do. The only thing this content gives atm is the ability to upgrade UNM up to 122, scales, and Moogle Mastery. The 20-hour lockout is also deliberate.

As far as the Moogle Mastery goes, Bayonette hit the nail on the head. They are trying to give you a bonus to your exploration by improving your trusts gradually through repeatedly doing the content. It could be additional defense or meva or whatever (don't know exactly what atm), as the higher up you go, the stronger the monsters are. But they also are tying hidden bonuses into other things as well (like killing large numbers of Nostos, opening certain amounts of chests lowers izzat cost etc), so you have cumulative bonuses to your progress every time you do the content. It's worth keeping up with it now rather than later on.

IMO, by not doing it and just buying the scales, you are just opening up the possibility of them doing something stupid later on like requiring 1000 Nostos killed/50 NM clears/50 Chests opened before you can upgrade 125/135 etc gear. Or requires MM10 before you can pop certain NMs. They link content strangely like that sometimes. They are already forcing you to do it daily with the lockout, so I don't put it past SE to also bottleneck players by having requirements for upgrading further gears (must have cleared Sheo'l A before advancing etc).
By 2020-03-23 10:19:15
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By 2020-03-23 12:06:51
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Xurion
Posts: 694
By Bismarck.Xurion 2020-03-23 12:49:35
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I never used skeleton keys or thf tools in the past. I'm assuming, given the price difference, skele keys have a higher chance to unlock?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Akaden 2020-03-23 12:55:52
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Bismarck.Xurion said: »
I never used skeleton keys or thf tools in the past. I'm assuming, given the price difference, skele keys have a higher chance to unlock?
Price difference is likely because bat fangs aren't easily purchased. Every other component can be bought at NPC.
Technically if you're going for a mimic, you want the key to fail. Supposedly Thief's tools have a better chance to fail based on the conversation earlier.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2020-03-23 12:57:24
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I never used skeleton keys or thf tools in the past. I'm assuming, given the price difference, skele keys have a higher chance to unlock?

Speaking from years of experience here, skeleton keys are the best tool you can use if you want to succeed in picking a lock. I used to pick my own artifact coffers and ran around looking for chests back in the 75 era. I picked every chest with a map in it to unlock all the maps long before they could be NPC purchased. Skeleton keys are much better than thief's tools.

On a personal note, I picked 4 chests on a solo odyssey run with skeleton keys last night. Spawned a mimic on my 5th. They don't prevent failures, but they do increase successes.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2020-03-23 13:00:09
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Bismarck.Xurion said: »
I'm assuming, given the price difference, skele keys have a higher chance to unlock?
Correct. Skeleton Keys have a better unlock chance.
I don't remember which has the best unlock rate between Skeleton and Living... but I want to say it's Skeleton with the best?
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2020-03-23 13:01:15
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Im trying to make some guide for Odyssey but I have 0 experience with adobe premiere and last time I spoke in english was like year ago, so it will take few days probably.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2020-03-23 13:30:51
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Siren.Codegen said: »
I think someone mentioned they got a mastery up message from opening a chest too, and I got messages both from killing NMs and killing normal mobs before, so I really think it's a kind of point system where possibly NMs are worth a decent amount. I am aiming at killing each unique NM at least once, I only have 3 unique left and 13 unique done with some repeats, leaving slime more toward the end as it's the most likely to kill my trusts
A point system could be viable... However:
SimonSes said: »
Weeew said: »
Weird... was there an update? Or maybe it was triggered by the amount of chests opened in total?

0 NMs
0 Nostos
32 chests
2 coffer
Moogle Mastery I
7 Izzat to open the chest

I would guess -1 every 10 chests?
32 chests and 2 coffers should clearly be enough to at least add +1. (Plus if any accounts of getting the message while opening a chest could be tainted if it was with more than 1 person. e.g. getting the message in response to a kill from someone else when you are opening a chest.)
So I am skeptical without a screenshot or seeing it firsthand. (plus the splitting rewards makes sense: chests reduce izzat cost, murder boosts Trusts.)

Weeew said: »
15 NMs (13 unique nm's)
500 Nostos
3 chests
Moogle Mastery VI

8 NMs (4 unique nm's)
1040 Nostos
20 chests
2 coffer
Moogle Mastery V

Me: (updated)
9 NMs (5 unique nm's)
1140 Nostos
23 chests
2 coffer
Moogle Mastery VI

Seeing as we have confirmed that killing normal mobs and opening chests both contribute to Moogle Mastery as we have seen the level up message after performing these acts means the weight on killing NM's is very high.
Friend's V:
8 NMs
544 Nostos
21 chests
My IV:
6 NMs (5 unique)
506 Nostos
6 chests

NMs definitely boost it the most per kill. Would need to double check my friend's number of unique NMs (he's either at 6 or 7 unique); as that could potentially matter a lot.
Posts: 109
By devasbismarck 2020-03-23 13:38:12
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Do mimics and NMs depop allowing you to continue with rr or do they stay? I remember they def aggro upon rr even when out of normal range so youd need to at least wait.

@fae From what i can tell chests do not give mastery but coffers do. In one of the earlier pages someone mentioned opening a coffer and getting a mastery upgrade which is causing confusion. I would expect anybody opening their first coffer to immediately gain +1 mastery

That said for anyone looking to farm scales would be wise to aim for 5 chests a day so that in about 20 days they have 100 chests / 1 izzat per box which would make 10 izzat off of an agon camp go very far and who knows perhaps the boxes might open for free at 100+
By 2020-03-23 13:47:28
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2020-03-23 13:48:28
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They stay. If you die to a Mimic it is pretty much GG. Also, there is a glitch of sorts. If you try to be a hero and open a chest in the middle of a group of mobs and a Mimic pops, similar to when you can't target anything with a group of mobs hitting you, but you literally can't do anything. Tried to use Perfect Dodge, any macro and nothing. Just sat there and got a beat down lol
Posts: 18
By vil872 2020-03-23 13:51:51
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Don't know if it actually depopped or just went back and idled at spawn, but I died out of range of a NM spawn and was able to zone up after RR no problem.
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