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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2023-01-12 13:55:15
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
Has anyone had issues hitting the proc vs Ngai for the 3rd time?

We were really consistently hitting it every time the first two procs, but the 3rd was always a miss, even if our timing was perfect according to the logs. Do we know if the WS has to do damage in order for the proc to go off?

We did try using Tomahawk prior to the 3rd window but still were having some issues.
No, so long as your group is doing four weapon skills after the red proc there should be no issue hitting blue for the third Verve. Weapon Skills do not have to deal damage in order to be part of the proc, we have used Ranged WS and Dagger WS to participate. Perhaps someone was late, missed the WS entirely (not 100% certain this prevents proc but I assume it does), or used a repeat WS in the window?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 629
By Asura.Melliny 2023-01-12 14:02:15
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Missed weaponskills do not count toward proccing Ngai. The weaponskill doesn't need to deal damage, but it does need to actually connect with him to be part of the proc. It shouldn't be an issue for the most part, but single hit weaponskills can sometimes miss. If you miss the proc because of a full whiff then you just chalk it up to bad luck and move on. There's plenty of luck involved with these fights anyway. But as long as people are coordinated proccing the third time should be doable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 957
By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-12 14:17:25
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Understood, thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if 0 damage counted or not.

It seems likely someone was whiffing, I didn't see any indication that it was getting interrupted and the timing all seemed within the appropriate window.
Posts: 161
By Veydal1 2023-01-12 14:44:43
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Would recommend using magical WS's if at all possible to ensure you don't have issues missing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: olson2189
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bigtymer 2023-01-13 00:06:25
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Managed to beat Arebati tonight. x2 phones.

  • PUP tank, DNC/DRG/RDM spank until 74%

  • SMN keeps up as many buffs as possible (Fenrir buffs high value here) for the sake of lowering the chances that the juicy buffs gets dispelled.

  • Honor, Dirge, Minuet x3. SAM/Chaos

  • PLD tanks the adds and heals the RUN. Pretty much keeps Flash on Arebati on cooldown from 74% to 40% to ensure the 2nd add spawns and goes after the PLD - goal is to stay above the RNG on Arebati's hate list, but below the RUN. If the add spawns with hate on the RNG, the RNG can pretty easily get killed in one auto attack round and the run's over - the piggies hurt.

  • COR alternated between Last Stand and Detonator (rotating between the two in order to help with WS resistance reduction)

  • RNG Coronach spammed with Anni until roughly 20%, when we decided we were running too short on time, so he swapped to Gandiva. Gandiva is not needed to kill this - we had one timeout at 3% where RNG was only using Anni Coronach the entire time, and some unrelated things went wrong (only got it to 80% on phone 1, and attack down aura from 75%-40% - had we not gotten that aura, he would have died without Gandiva being used). RNG capping enmity is a real issue on this fight, so ride Anni as long as possible and only play the Gandiva last resort card if you know for sure that you're not on pace near the end.

  • Attack Down aura at 40% is uh, disheartening. We had 3 seconds left on the attempt we killed it. No Attack Down auras, but songs got a bit scuffed at the start, so there's a bit more wiggle room than that would suggest.

Posts: 179
By Ranoutofspace 2023-01-13 00:35:09
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Now just make it work with PUP being the main tank for the second round - PUP SMN GEOorBRD PLD RNG COR. Spam Pacifying Ruby on RNG/COR, PLD stays second on hate list to tank both adds. Arebati can't kill the Automaton even on V25. #UnleashTheAutomaton

Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-13 01:02:38
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Activating Project Unleash: Erwin
Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-13 01:03:29
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Ranoutofspace said: »
Now just make it work with PUP being the main tank for the second round - PUP SMN GEOorBRD PLD RNG COR. Spam Pacifying Ruby on RNG/COR, PLD stays second on hate list to tank both adds. Arebati can't kill the Automaton even on V25. #UnleashTheAutomaton

Activating Project Unleash: Erwin
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2023-01-13 04:00:56
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Asura.Bigtymer said: »
If the add spawns with hate on the RNG, the RNG can pretty easily get killed in one auto attack round and the run's over - the piggies hurt.

Shadowbind can easily bind it for a really long time and PLD should be able to take hate in the meantime. Ofc RNG would need to be focused and expect second add coming out. You can also run to PLD at 40% and PLD can use Cover, so RNG will be able to Shadowbind with easy even if Add will come and do attack round before it gets bound.

Asura.Bigtymer said: »
RNG did Coronach spam with Anni until roughly 20%, when we decided we were running too short on time, so he swapped to Gandiva. Gandiva is not needed to kill this - we had one timeout at 3% where RNG was only using Anni Coronach the entire time, and some unrelated things went wrong (only got it to 80% on phone 1, and attack down aura from 75%-40% - had we not gotten that aura, he would have died without Gandiva being used).

This is kinda strange that Lex group reporting Arebati being unkillable, then other group almost killing with Annihilator.

There is only 3 possibilities here.
1. Lex group has much weaker RNG
2. Your RNG is using JA0wait for positioning between Hover shots. JA0wait would add TONS of DPS while hover shooting.
3. Lex group lost a lot of dps by chaos caused by pigs running around (they used healer instead of tank for adds afaik, since they did it before JPs reported stategy with PLD holding adds) and possibly you used Fury/Frailty, while Lex used Fury/Barrier?

Asura.Bigtymer said: »
As has always been the case with Gandiva, it generates a ton of hate, so you delay swapping to it as long as possible, and ideally never if you don't need to. RNG will end up at capped enmity very quickly with Gandiva.

I really dont understand where this stereotype came from. Gandiva generate as much hate as every other physical setup beside enmity changing mechanics like Coronach. Armageddon/LastStand for example would generate enmity as fast as Gandiva asuming DPS would be similar. Enmity is based on damage you do and there is no difference between Gandiva and Jishnu and Armageddon and Last Stand or Naegling and Savage Blade. There is massive difference in enmity that is generated by magic WS, because enmity is only calculated from damage before MAB, affinity and other multipliers.

EDIT: Question, did your RNG went into True Shot range with Gandiva?
Posts: 179
By Ranoutofspace 2023-01-13 04:24:17
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Shadow Bind doesn't work for us because we ignore the aura so the bind effect wears off immediately.

Yes, we moved into range for True Shot. As for enmity, it looked like ranged attacks would crit for 4k at times with Annihilator, and Coronach was in the 23k-28k range. With Gandiva, crits were popping up for 19k (plus double shot procs) and the only Jishnu of note that I saw was for 35k.

Bolster fury and frailty, and lucky with entrusts to have AGI and STR on the RNG for the final push.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2023-01-13 04:36:26
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Ranoutofspace said: »
Shadow Bind doesn't work for us because we ignore the aura so the bind effect wears off immediately.

Thats new. I was like 99.9% sure that erase from buffs happens in the moment of main NM doing TP move triggering the aura, not constantly happening when aura is up. We were shadowbinding add several times for 1 min+ at V20 with aura being up.

EDIT: and Cover would work regardless and every covered hit boosts enmity on PLD by 200 and reduces CE enmity by 10% on covered person, so it would be very beneficial anyway and will result in PLD grabbing hate really fast.

Ranoutofspace said: »
4k at times with Annihilator, and Coronach was in the 23k-28k range. With Gandiva, crits were popping up for 19k

Difference between Gandiva and Anni crits is way too big, since both Gandiva AM and Anni hidden has triple damage on proc. True Shot bonus isnt enough to boost damage x4-5 too. Is it possible True Shot range actually gives some massive ratt boost that we were missing for all this time or its maybe specific for this fight only?

EDIT3: How about this JA0wait on RNG. Was it used or no? :)
Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-13 05:23:03
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SimonSes said: »
Ranoutofspace said: »
Shadow Bind doesn't work for us because we ignore the aura so the bind effect wears off immediately.

Thats new. I was like 99.9% sure that erase from buffs happens in the moment of main NM doing TP move triggering the aura, not constantly happening when aura is up. We were shadowbinding add several times for 1 min+ at V20 with aura being up.

EDIT: and Cover would work regardless and every covered hit boosts enmity on PLD by 200 and reduces CE enmity by 10% on covered person, so it would be very beneficial anyway and will result in PLD grabbing hate really fast.

Ranoutofspace said: »
4k at times with Annihilator, and Coronach was in the 23k-28k range. With Gandiva, crits were popping up for 19k

Difference between Gandiva and Anni crits is way too big, since both Gandiva AM and Anni hidden has triple damage on proc. True Shot bonus isnt enough to boost damage x4-5 too. Is it possible True Shot range actually gives some massive ratt boost that we were missing for all this time or its maybe specific for this fight only?

EDIT3: How about this JA0wait on RNG. Was it used or no? :)

No, our RNG plays vanilla and was just taking advantage of Hover Shot. He used True shot but was sketch because he was taking fetter DMG being so close with bow. Shadowbind was wearing right away due to aura being up. I don't know what the specific boost is from True Shot but he was doing it all fight. Also when he switched to Gandiva he was pulling it off the tank after 2 mins of use versus not pulling it at all using Annihilator. I don't have testing to back it up but that was the trend. We also healed it once for capped damage which did not help and almost cost us the win.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2023-01-13 05:35:22
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Bakerboy said: »
No, our RNG plays vanilla. He used True shot but was sketch because he was taking fetter dmg being so close with bow. Shadowbind was wearing right away due to aura being up. I dont know how the specific boost is from True Shot but he was doing it all fight.

By whole fight you mean the part with Gandiva right? Because if you were too close with bow, then you would be totally *** up with gun True shot range. Also if you use True shot range you should stand behind Arebati as far as possible from the tank, so there is no chance that either fetters or TP moves would hit you, since they pop/center at tank.

Also it sounds kinda weird. If you were close enough to get hit with fetters, then how did you avoid getting hit by TP moves?
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2023-01-13 05:44:04
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Bakerboy said: »
Also when he switched to Gandiva he was pulling it off the tank after 2 mins of use versus not pulling it at all using Annihilator. I don't have testing to back it up but that was the trend.

Well thats expected. He was already at pretty high enmity by the time he switched to Gandiva. Coronach has special fixed very low enmity, but white damage is still normal enmity and you was shooting Arebati for over 10min by that point. You probably lost SV Dirge too, so -enmity wasnt capped anymore.
Also tank was probably getting hit a lot more below 25%HP, loosing some enmity.
Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-13 05:44:28
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SimonSes said: »
Bakerboy said: »
No, our RNG plays vanilla. He used True shot but was sketch because he was taking fetter dmg being so close with bow. Shadowbind was wearing right away due to aura being up. I dont know how the specific boost is from True Shot but he was doing it all fight.

By whole fight you mean the part with Gandiva right? Because if you were too close with bow, then you would be totally *** up with gun True shot range. Also if you use True shot range you should stand behind Arebati as far as possible from the tank, so there is no chance that either fetters or TP moves would hit you, since they pop/center at tank.

Also it sounds kinda weird. If you were close enough to get hit with fetters, then how did you avoid getting hit by TP moves?

Yeah mistake in saying the whole fight as he was positioned as you said as far away from tank and behind Arebati with gun. Then adjusted once we realized we were going to time out after the capped heal to Arebati. I seen him take damage as he was in yellow hp but did ill assume it was TP moves and not fetter damage now thinking about it. Fight was chaos so my attention wasn't 100% focused on him as I was very busy keeping songs up on tank so he didn't get rekt.
Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-13 05:55:17
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SimonSes said: »
Bakerboy said: »
Also when he switched to Gandiva he was pulling it off the tank after 2 mins of use versus not pulling it at all using Annihilator. I don't have testing to back it up but that was the trend.

Well thats expected. He was already at pretty high enmity by the time he switched to Gandiva. Coronach has special fixed very low enmity, but white damage is still normal enmity and you was shooting Arebati for over 10min by that point. You probably lost SV Dirge too, so -enmity wasnt capped anymore.
Also tank was probably getting hit a lot more below 25%HP, loosing some enmity.

Songs were extended so SV dirge was on the whole fight
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: etherue
Posts: 72
By Bahamut.Xiutaru 2023-01-13 08:29:45
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SimonSes said: »

This is kinda strange that Lex group reporting Arebati being unkillable, then other group almost killing with Annihilator.

There is only 3 possibilities here.
1. Lex group has much weaker RNG
2. Your RNG is using JA0wait for positioning between Hover shots. JA0wait would add TONS of DPS while hover shooting.
3. Lex group lost a lot of dps by chaos caused by pigs running around (they used healer instead of tank for adds afaik, since they did it before JPs reported stategy with PLD holding adds) and possibly you used Fury/Frailty, while Lex used Fury/Barrier?

There is a 4th possibility. We hadn't actually attempted Arebati when Lex mentioned it possibly being unkillable. We weren't "reporting" it. Lex was just expressing his thoughts, much like your theory crafting. Pretty sure he also later mentioned that we hadn't even tried.

Edit: Lex had said we hadn't tried it in one of the same posts of him saying it was impossible. jfc
And where did you get that we used a healer for the pigs when we hadn't tried at the time...?!
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jtmoney
Posts: 36
By Sylph.Jtmoney 2023-01-13 08:57:30
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Bahamut.Galakar said: »
Wow, really nice. Congratulations.

Were you using Impact or Burn on it for the INT Down effect?
Es used strictly on impact.
Impact on v25 should be 445*.2= -89 INT for 3 min

Burn was stubborn to land but occasionally did. FWIW it always seem to land right after the 2nd 1hour at 39-40% I was seeing decent duration on burn when it did land, even without ES. Nukes with burn and Impact on we’re clearly doing more damage. But really you have maybe 2x chances to cast Burn between last stage of MB and the second step coming for the next skillchain.

I will go back and edit my post later with all the questions I’ve had

How are you getting Impact to last that long? I remember even on V20 with ES, it was only lasting around 90 seconds
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-13 10:08:00
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Bakerboy said: »
SimonSes said: »
Ranoutofspace said: »
Shadow Bind doesn't work for us because we ignore the aura so the bind effect wears off immediately.

Thats new. I was like 99.9% sure that erase from buffs happens in the moment of main NM doing TP move triggering the aura, not constantly happening when aura is up. We were shadowbinding add several times for 1 min+ at V20 with aura being up.

EDIT: and Cover would work regardless and every covered hit boosts enmity on PLD by 200 and reduces CE enmity by 10% on covered person, so it would be very beneficial anyway and will result in PLD grabbing hate really fast.

Ranoutofspace said: »
4k at times with Annihilator, and Coronach was in the 23k-28k range. With Gandiva, crits were popping up for 19k

Difference between Gandiva and Anni crits is way too big, since both Gandiva AM and Anni hidden has triple damage on proc. True Shot bonus isnt enough to boost damage x4-5 too. Is it possible True Shot range actually gives some massive ratt boost that we were missing for all this time or its maybe specific for this fight only?

EDIT3: How about this JA0wait on RNG. Was it used or no? :)

No, our RNG plays vanilla and was just taking advantage of Hover Shot. He used True shot but was sketch because he was taking fetter DMG being so close with bow. Shadowbind was wearing right away due to aura being up. I don't know what the specific boost is from True Shot but he was doing it all fight. Also when he switched to Gandiva he was pulling it off the tank after 2 mins of use versus not pulling it at all using Annihilator. I don't have testing to back it up but that was the trend. We also healed it once for capped damage which did not help and almost cost us the win.

If your ranger is who I think they are, they most certainly without a doubt don't play vanilla. Our favorite little sheep headed taru.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: olson2189
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bigtymer 2023-01-13 10:39:12
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SimonSes said: »
This is kinda strange that Lex group reporting Arebati being unkillable, then other group almost killing with Annihilator.

There is only 3 possibilities here.
1. Lex group has much weaker RNG
2. Your RNG is using JA0wait for positioning between Hover shots. JA0wait would add TONS of DPS while hover shooting.
3. Lex group lost a lot of dps by chaos caused by pigs running around (they used healer instead of tank for adds afaik, since they did it before JPs reported stategy with PLD holding adds) and possibly you used Fury/Frailty, while Lex used Fury/Barrier?

As Xiu himself mentioned (who is in Lex's LS), your recollection of what Lex had said is just mistaken. You would do well for yourself if you actually go re-read his post before you start drawing wild conclusions.

SimonSes said: »
I really dont understand where this stereotype came from. Gandiva generate as much hate as every other physical setup beside enmity changing mechanics like Coronach. Armageddon/LastStand for example would generate enmity as fast as Gandiva asuming DPS would be similar. Enmity is based on damage you do and there is no difference between Gandiva and Jishnu and Armageddon and Last Stand or Naegling and Savage Blade. There is massive difference in enmity that is generated by magic WS, because enmity is only calculated from damage before MAB, affinity and other multipliers.

You misread what I said, and you're arguing a point that I didn't make. My commentary was regarding enmity generation between Anni vs Gandiva in the context of a long fight like this. At no point did I say Arma would not have also pulled hate.

SimonSes said: »
EDIT: Question, did your RNG went into True Shot range with Gandiva?

He moved into archery TS range for the brief period we had him swap to Gandiva.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: etherue
Posts: 72
By Bahamut.Xiutaru 2023-01-13 11:05:09
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Asura.Bigtymer said: »
As Mischief himself
As much as a compliment this is, I am but a fraction of what Mischief is xD
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2023-01-13 11:11:30
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Bahamut.Xiutaru said: »
SimonSes said: »

This is kinda strange that Lex group reporting Arebati being unkillable, then other group almost killing with Annihilator.

There is only 3 possibilities here.
1. Lex group has much weaker RNG
2. Your RNG is using JA0wait for positioning between Hover shots. JA0wait would add TONS of DPS while hover shooting.
3. Lex group lost a lot of dps by chaos caused by pigs running around (they used healer instead of tank for adds afaik, since they did it before JPs reported stategy with PLD holding adds) and possibly you used Fury/Frailty, while Lex used Fury/Barrier?

There is a 4th possibility. We hadn't actually attempted Arebati when Lex mentioned it possibly being unkillable. We weren't "reporting" it. Lex was just expressing his thoughts, much like your theory crafting. Pretty sure he also later mentioned that we hadn't even tried.

Edit: Lex had said we hadn't tried it in one of the same posts of him saying it was impossible. jfc
And where did you get that we used a healer for the pigs when we hadn't tried at the time...?!

My mistake then. Usually Lex say about what he or LS do in practice, so theorycrafting by him might got me confused. Not a first time I misremembering things lately. Looks like I'm getting old.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: olson2189
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bigtymer 2023-01-13 11:26:48
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Bahamut.Xiutaru said: »
Asura.Bigtymer said: »
As Mischief himself
As much as a compliment this is, I am but a fraction of what Mischief is xD

The cat avatar got me xD
Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-13 13:17:45
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Glad this game finally has tough content like Ultimate in XIV :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mischief
Posts: 56
By Bahamut.Mischief 2023-01-16 02:25:15
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First KI: DRG DNC BST SMN WHM RDM. TP Suppression strategy. We usually got it down to 62-64%, but on the winning run we got it to 58% (meaning it showed up at 60% on the second KI).

WHM: Auspice and cures. Biggest danger by far is when the add initially pops, otherwise it's fairly tame.
RDM: Haste/Phalanx on DDs, Dia/Slow/Addle/Paralyze/Silence on NM, Bind/Gravity/Sleep on add when it shows up. Gravity seemed to land first cast on the Raaz every time, so open with that. Don't melee.
DRG: Use Shining One, alternate Impulse Drive and Camlann's Torment. Don't use High Jump so the add stays on the DNC. Our DRG was on COR for the second KI, so he used Fly High for extra damage.
DNC: Keep up Haste Samba and steps, and alternate Rudra's Storm and Shark Bite. Both DRG and DNC should be in Subtle Blow sets.
BST: Use Killer Instinct with a Plantoid pet on pull, then switch to Leech and alternate TP Drainkiss with Mewing Lullaby (use one every 15 seconds). Full-time Enforcer's Harness if you have it for the sphere.
SMN: Keep up Crimson Howl and Crystal Blessing, and alternate Mew with TP Drainkiss. Using Hysteric Assault in-between mews is probably optimal, but we didn't do that. Use Apogee to reapply buffs midfight.

Second KI: PLD RUN RNG COR BRD GEO. Same as other Arebati strats that have been posted, really. Things of note compared to other groups:

-Our PLD didn't have Burtgang (used Excalibur/Duban) and the second aura was Defense Down, and he still had no issue holding the pigs. Duban really makes them kind of a joke so long as the PLD has Minnes and Ballads.
-RNG doesn't need Dirge, and can get AGI Etude instead. Hover Shot apparently caps out enmity reduction by itself so long as you don't screw it up.
-Our COR found that Slug Shot did more damage than Detonator. Granted, we had Bolster up for about 2/3 of the fight, but still.
-Speaking as the RNG, with so much HP taken off with the first KI, I was honestly more scared of making Darkness with Coronach and healing it for 5-10% than taking hate. I switched to Gandiva around 20% for that reason, even though we absolutely could have killed without it (had 3.5 mins left). Wild Card reset Bolster, but I didn't even use Overkill once.
-If you do switch to Gandiva, BE CAREFUL about going in True Shot range if his aura is down. Polar Roar can hit you from further away than his other TP moves, and if you're caught in Jishnu's set...
Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-16 18:22:11
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Congrats Chief!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 542
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-01-16 19:21:35
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »
First KI: DRG DNC BST SMN WHM RDM. TP Suppression strategy. We usually got it down to 62-64%, but on the winning run we got it to 58% (meaning it showed up at 60% on the second KI).

Second KI: PLD RUN RNG COR BRD GEO. Same as other Arebati strats that have been posted, really.

Out of curiosity what was the time remaining on the clear?
EDIT: missed it, 3ish mins Very nice.

So COR alternated Slug + Last stand as opposed to detonator.

Seems like you have plenty of wiggle room to do more damage if you needed to with SPs unspent.
Posts: 33
By Bakerboy 2023-01-16 22:22:56
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13% Mboze attempt with some preventable mistakes made. Hopefully we can win tomorrow to share strategy and composition with the community.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mischief
Posts: 56
By Bahamut.Mischief 2023-01-17 22:17:04
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First KI: RUN WAR SCH RDM BST GEO. Main objective is to get it to at least 69% so the add spawns immediately on the second run. We ended up getting it to 64% on the winning run.

RUN: Enter with GAxe, use Flabra Rayke -> Armor Break at the start and reapply it when it wears. Don't engage, keep hate and keep Stoneskin up to limit TP feed. TP on add and WS Mboze when it spawns.
WAR: Use Ukon, keep AM3 up and alternate Ukko's, Upheaval, and Steel Cyclone. Everything should be done in maximum Subtle Blow sets (Pukatrice egg and R25+ Sakpata feet help a lot here, Dagon probably mandatory). When add spawns, switch to Naegling and TP on it.
SCH: Cures. Pretty easy job until the add spawns unless Mboze TPs, so if that's your only goal you could probably swap DNC or something else in here.
RDM: Hastes, Refreshes, debuffs, standard RDM things. Don't melee until add spawns, then TP on that and WS tree (our RDM used Knights of Round).
BST: Killer Instinct with chapuli to start, then TP Drainkiss all the way. In hindsight, using Rayke to try to land Purulent Ooze would likely be better if that's possible, but we didn't think of it.
GEO: Indi-Frailty/Geo-Fury. Your last Entrust in the lobby should be Haste on the WAR - reapply it when that wears, then switch to Haste/Fury when that second Entrust wears.

Second KI: DRK BLU WHM BRD COR SMN. Everyone but the WHM and SMN should be TPing on the same add and WSing Mboze.

DRK: Enter with GAxe, pull tree with Stun, land Armor Break, then switch to Liberator. Alternate Insurgency and Cross Reaper. Keep Bio up on adds, and keep hate on Mboze. Other Scythes can likely work if you don't have Liberator, but Calad will probably get walled on Torcleaver.
BLU: The """Fun""" job. Tank both adds, use Feather Tickle and Reaving Wind on cooldown, and heal when necessary. Expiacion on tree when you can. Keep Silent Storm and (after Armor Break wears) Tenebral Crush up. A Counter set is massively helpful (if not required) here.
WHM: Cures, -nas, and Auspice. Paralyze on the BLU is priority remove.
BRD: HM/Minuet/Minuet/Minuet/Minne songs. HM/Minuet/Minne/Minne/Ballad on the BLU, Ballads for the WHM. Put Nocturne and Elegy on everything if possible, and Wind Threnody II on Mboze. Use Savage Blade, but stop WSing at 24% if time is good to be safe.
COR: Chaos/Samurai, Savage Blade, you know the drill. COR will probably have hate on the second add as it spawns, so be careful.
SMN: Hastega II/Crimson Howl/Crystal Blessing/Wind's Blessing to start, then Mew every 30 seconds. Reapply Crimson Howl and Crystal Blessing if you can midfight with Apogee.

The sub-40% aura really makes or breaks this fight. Attack Down aura will make time a major issue. Defense Down essentially requires Mighty Guard or the tree will start hitting for 800+ in full DT (and the BLU will just die without a Counter set). Magic Accuracy Down requires SV Threnody or Feather/Reaving will likely miss. Magic Evasion Down is probably just a loss, Paralyze and debuff spam will inevitably get someone killed. Our winning run got Defense Down aura under 40%, and we ended up winning with 4-5 minutes left even after the BRD stopped WSing around 15%.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Asura.Volteczero 2023-01-17 23:35:03
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Congrats! Looking forward to hearing about Bumba, since the JP group who beat mboze and arebati pretty much quit FF11 after they saw bumba
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