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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2023-01-02 02:04:46
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Asura.Hya said: »
Mboze doesn't spawn Chapuli adds. What are you talking about?

Snapweed whatever. It matters its single target auto attack that can be countered with Dread Spikes, not aoe like Craklaw.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2023-01-02 02:58:57
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Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Have a video of our 2nd V25 bee clear, this run was remarkably smooth. it just sat there and died on the Vid.

Started off with: RDM COR BRD DRG WAR WHM (this setup can win) Trolled at 5%, 11%, etc

Then moved to: RDM COR BRD THF DRG WHM can also can win (we got Trolled at 5%, 6%, 1%)

Ended up with: GEO COR BRD DRG THF WHM on the video.

Terrible luck all night until the last fight lol.

Got about 25k RP on the night trying to clear it lolol :/

Xiu will probably post it at some point this weekend.

Congratz on progress!

How many aura's did you guys get and were the dispels a huge part of the trolling?

What hat were the weaponskills/weapons used in the bolded comp? Assuming cor last stand, brd rudra/mordant, drg impulse, thf mandalic/Rudra?

For buffs I assume min2 honor march scherzo carol with whm haste Sam/chaos, and fury barrier/attunement?

Just wondering who was doing what.

To the groups who took the time to respond to the Ongo questions previously thank you so much for the information!
Posts: 252
By Weeew 2023-01-02 13:09:46
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My theory - 'Slowly Devours Soul' on Prime weapons will counter the Regen on bosses making Arebati and others very manageable..

Someone prove me wrong.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Svedin
Posts: 37
By Bahamut.Svedin 2023-01-02 13:10:11
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Weeew said: »
My theory - 'Slowly Devours Soul' on Prime weapons will counter the Regen on bosses making Arebati and others very manageable..

Someone prove me wrong.
I'll prove you wrong tomorrow.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2023-01-02 13:14:02
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Weeew said: »
My theory - 'Slowly Devours Soul' on Prime weapons will counter the Regen on bosses making Arebati and others very manageable..

Someone prove me wrong.

You need to charm boss with BST and time out while it's still charmed. Then change job to PUP in lobby and equip the primal on boss with automaton menu. It will devour NM's soul then and stop regen.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: etherue
Posts: 72
By Bahamut.Xiutaru 2023-01-02 13:39:30
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Vaerix said: »
How many aura's did you guys get and were the dispels a huge part of the trolling?

What hat were the weaponskills/weapons used in the bolded comp? Assuming cor last stand, brd rudra/mordant, drg impulse, thf mandalic/Rudra?

For buffs I assume min2 honor march scherzo carol with whm haste Sam/chaos, and fury barrier/attunement?

Just wondering who was doing what.
YouTube Video Placeholder

Just 2 auras for the one we won. I don't think we had any dispels this time around, or at least I don't remember any being called out. Xevioso was pretty tame on this fight. Previous attempts had up to 4 auras, and various songs/rolls being dispelled.

COR did last stands/detonator, DRG impulse, BRD mordant, THF rudra's. Songs were minuet x2, honor, scherzo, wind carol II, then double minne on WHM, ballad III on WHM and GEO. Rolls were sam/chaos on melee, gallant's/choral on WHM. Entrusted str/fend/frailty/agi on melee, barrier on WHM before entry, fury/barrier inside.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2023-01-02 13:57:05
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Weeew said: »
My theory - 'Slowly Devours Soul' on Prime weapons will counter the Regen on bosses making Arebati and others very manageable..

Someone prove me wrong.

Interesting idea. They might make the prime weapons have some kind of debilitating effect when applied to a monster. I'm thinking like the Black Rafflesia add when brought near Vir'ava. Perhaps prime weapons will have a condition that allow you to debuff the add and it instead applies that condition to other monsters nearby via aura.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-02 15:17:51
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Weeew said: »
My theory - 'Slowly Devours Soul' on Prime weapons will counter the Regen on bosses making Arebati and others very manageable..

Someone prove me wrong.

Interesting idea. They might make the prime weapons have some kind of debilitating effect when applied to a monster. I'm thinking like the Black Rafflesia add when brought near Vir'ava. Perhaps prime weapons will have a condition that allow you to debuff the add and it instead applies that condition to other monsters nearby via aura.

Oh they totally did but it's glitched out and won't be fixed :trollface:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2023-01-02 19:10:54
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Cleared V25 Xevio, 4 tries, win we had 2:30+ min on clock, DPS was more than enough.


WAR DNC BRD COR GEO WHM(parse damage order)

COR did chaos/stp front line and chaos/gallant back line(whm+cor) stay back and shot/last stand RD/WC/RD, run in for eviseration on aura

Save WAR crit JAs for aura procs, some luck with dispels and resets, overall easier than Ongo
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2023-01-02 19:30:43
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Grats. I felt Xevioso was the easiest boss so far, similar to the V15/20 versions. He can cheat and dispel your important buffs, but if he doesn't, he's far tamer than the other 25s.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2023-01-02 19:58:56
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Grats. I felt Xevioso was the easiest boss so far, similar to the V15/20 versions. He can cheat and dispel your important buffs, but if he doesn't, he's far tamer than the other 25s.
"Oh hey you have like 25 buffs but only one of them is the one that will prevent me from oneshotting you? Yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and take that Scherzo. Thanks. I'll be sure to do it again next run, too."

One of the nice things about Xevioso is we can just straight up resist pretty much all of its debuffs. I had never once seen Zombie, Paralyze, Attack Down, or Magic Defense Down from any of its TP moves until we got a Magic Evasion Down aura.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-02 20:19:56
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Yeah Xevioso doesn't have much of a DPS check compared to the rest, but he can get super cheap. It's a fight of just surviving.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mischief
Posts: 56
By Bahamut.Mischief 2023-01-03 01:26:16
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WAR MNK WHM RDM BRD COR. The DPS check isn't as bad as Kalunga (we ended up winning with 2xAttack Down aura, though Wild Card reset itself), but the luck factor is MUCH higher. The biggest issue is that Tidal Guillotine on V25 is *** and can one-shot you even at full HP/max DT if you don't resist or negate the water damage. MDB and MEVA down aura make this far more likely, but it can happen even without them. Protolithic Puncture also brings you within range of an auto attack killing you if not negated. If the WAR, MNK, or RDM die even once, you probably lose.

Songs were HM/Minuet/Minne/Scherzo/Water Carol II, Sam/Chaos rolls on everyone -> Gallant/Magus on the WHM. BRD uses Retribution with Xoanon, COR uses Mafic Cudgel and Quick Draw to get TP for aura, WAR/MNK/RDM do their normal blunt WSes. Putting Gravity II on Ngai at the start can be helpful when people need to move away for Craklaws and hate reset happens. Use Asylum for sub-40% auras to prevent Craklaw Stun from interrupting WSes, and Chainspell to re-Bind both of them afterwards. Stymie Addle under 40% can also help prevent one-shots. Especially under 40%, you need to break auras almost immediately or people WILL die to the combined Ngai/fetter/Craklaw AoE.

One other note - on one occasion, I had Tidal Guillotine take me down to red HP, but then it said it "missed" despite that. I had Shadow Ring on, so maybe resist Death effects work? It was 100% Guillotine that dropped me that low.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2023-01-03 02:16:42
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Congrats. We experienced the same issues with people getting sent from 100% to the grave, even with barwater, carol, minne, scherzo, and barrier. Not sure if DDs were wearing any water resist gear, but they were wearing full DT at the very least.

We used similar buffs, except for the Magus roll on the WHM. We favored GEO over RDM here, and just let the adds run free. BRD can usually pull one away and kite it, but needs to be ready to run back in asap to proc. The other add was easily tanked by WHM, I had no issue with the stuns. I did get locked into some shitty sets on occasion, though.

For proccing, we did MNK open then everyone else except WHM follow up. The COR just tactician's themself and the BRD. We didn't see any need for them to be meleeing. They basically just chill aside from Elegy/Quick Draw to enhance Paralyze/Slow. But those fetters absolutely need to be prevented from coming out of you can help it. So everyone needs to be on the ball with WSing at the right time.

Similar to your findings, if a front line job dies the run is a wrap. The same could be said for most of the T3s, actually. BRD or COR dying here isn't the end of the world, since they are pretty much only there to buff and proc.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2023-01-03 02:35:41
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Keeping track of the "F You" mechanics at play. So far it's:

Xevioso - can cheat by dispelling your Scherzo magically among 20 other buffs
Kalunga - can cheat by full dispelling your tank immediately at the start of fight, and then multiple times after your tank gets it's important buffs on. Can also aura under 5% and ruin your day
Ngai - can cheat by ignoring your Scherzo/MDB//Meva/Defense entirely and just kill you regardless
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tenkey
Posts: 136
By Fenrir.Svens 2023-01-03 05:15:41
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »
One other note - on one occasion, I had Tidal Guillotine take me down to red HP, but then it said it "missed" despite that. I had Shadow Ring on, so maybe resist Death effects work? It was 100% Guillotine that dropped me that low.

This is most likely the case as I've had Bane of Tartarus from Aminon completely whiff while having Shadow Ring equipped and move on to the next phase despite not having the Ra'Kaznar Seal.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-03 07:49:15
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »
Songs were HM/Minuet/Minne/Scherzo/Water Carol II, Sam/Chaos rolls on everyone

Question on this, why Carol II over I? I've always seen Carol I preferred due to it's much higher resistance values.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2023-01-03 07:55:21
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »
Tidal Guillotine on V25 is *** and can one-shot you even at full HP/max DT if you don't resist or negate the water damage. MDB and MEVA down aura make this far more likely, but it can happen even without them. Protolithic Puncture also brings you within range of an auto attack killing you if not negated.

Presumably for the extra chance to negate Tidal Guillotine and Protolithic Puncture. Not sure if anyone ever determined a cap for chance to nullify, but if you're concerned about damage over debuffs and it doesn't cap when adding soul voice.. 27% nullification should always provide a greater benefit than 52 resistance.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-03 08:10:03
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
Bahamut.Mischief said: »
Tidal Guillotine on V25 is *** and can one-shot you even at full HP/max DT if you don't resist or negate the water damage. MDB and MEVA down aura make this far more likely, but it can happen even without them. Protolithic Puncture also brings you within range of an auto attack killing you if not negated.

Presumably for the extra chance to negate Tidal Guillotine and Protolithic Puncture. Not sure if anyone ever determined a cap for chance to nullify, but if you're concerned about damage over debuffs and it doesn't cap when adding soul voice.. 27% nullification should always provide a greater benefit than 52 resistance.

Cap is 40% nullification rate, so 60% of the time nada. The resist is +100 while Carol I goes to +152, SV does not double the resistance of Carol II but does Carol I so +100 resist vs +304 with barspells adding +230~236. It's why I've always seen people stacking them for the insane resists.

Just wanting to know what the reasoning was, might be another mechanic or dial we don't know of or think about.
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2023-01-03 09:34:26
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »
One other note - on one occasion, I had Tidal Guillotine take me down to red HP, but then it said it "missed" despite that. I had Shadow Ring on, so maybe resist Death effects work? It was 100% Guillotine that dropped me that low.

Would you happen to know what the MNK used for tp sets.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Asura.Volteczero 2023-01-03 10:58:51
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Very interesting comp for Kalunga

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2023-01-03 15:13:24
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Vaerix said: »
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Have a video of our 2nd V25 bee clear, this run was remarkably smooth. it just sat there and died on the Vid.

Started off with: RDM COR BRD DRG WAR WHM (this setup can win) Trolled at 5%, 11%, etc

Then moved to: RDM COR BRD THF DRG WHM can also can win (we got Trolled at 5%, 6%, 1%)

Ended up with: GEO COR BRD DRG THF WHM on the video.

Terrible luck all night until the last fight lol.

Got about 25k RP on the night trying to clear it lolol :/

Xiu will probably post it at some point this weekend.

Congratz on progress!

How many aura's did you guys get and were the dispels a huge part of the trolling?

What hat were the weaponskills/weapons used in the bolded comp? Assuming cor last stand, brd rudra/mordant, drg impulse, thf mandalic/Rudra?

For buffs I assume min2 honor march scherzo carol with whm haste Sam/chaos, and fury barrier/attunement?

Just wondering who was doing what.

To the groups who took the time to respond to the Ongo questions previously thank you so much for the information!

Pretty much in all the below 10% loses, either WC would roll a 1-2 and one or more of the below would happen: major DD would get hit with dispel and lose honor and or chaos, Aura would not go down just because the game hated us (sometimes would be 3rd, sometimes 4rth) Multiple occasions, during aura, hate reset would lead to crickets pathing the bee and the bee would dispel 2 people on cue. By the time we beat it, we were like 'the devs must be on a luch break.' As I believe Toralin said, the DPS check is not as high as Kalunga, but this thing can jsut end your run if you have bad luck. Ngai is pretty much the same ***, but i would rate it harder than kalunga, while Xeviosos is easier. (it was beaten with the WS 'wall bug' up)

I think i'd rate them Ongo-->Xevioso-->Kalunga-->Ngai--->Tree--->Death Lion in terms of difficulty, at least for our group. Ongo might be harder than a few of the others for many groups, we're just all BLMs and SCHs since forever and we have Piko and Misc >.>
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2023-01-04 01:53:45
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Silly question about Arebati V25.
I've seen and experienced that no way you're gonna kill Arebati with the ranged strategy even with BiS gear and perfect luck with Auras.
It might be possible in 2 Moglophones maybe, but definitely not one.

I was wondering though, has anybody tried with piercing melee strats?
Yes there's a lotsa dangerous AoE moves from Arebati, especially the 4 buffs dispel and the full dispel, but all of its moves are AoE around the target with top enmity.
So if the tank stands at the highest distance in front of Arebati and if everybody else stands at the highest distance behind (model allows for quite a big distance) with the healer standing on the side to be able to heal everybody.
Well in this scenario shouldn't the people behind be out of range from Arebati's AoE which will be centered on the tank standing in front?

That's supposing tank never loses hate for a single second and I'm aware that even SV Dirge might not be enough for that.
But has anybody even tried to see if this could work?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2023-01-04 02:50:33
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It's likely getting nerfed, no one has come close. Def a good idea to try though. I'm not exactly sure of the range of some of those AoE. I don;t think we're touching this until we beat tree here, so likely won't test your idea any time soon ourselves :X
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darciee
Posts: 11
By Asura.Darciee 2023-01-04 07:15:08
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We're the same, our group is focusing on the tree before arebati
Melee setups are in discussion (due to feedback on rng/cor strat) but nothing will be getting tested for awhile.

And having 2 pigs to figure out what to do with is not something I'm excited about lol.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2023-01-04 07:26:23
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It must be something weird with Arebati V25 if people cant take it down with superbuffed COR and RNG. On V20 this setup was killing it super fast. You guys use GEO+BRD for buffs and bolster at 40%?

Asura.Sechs said: »
Silly question about Arebati V25.
I've seen and experienced that no way you're gonna kill Arebati with the ranged strategy even with BiS gear and perfect luck with Auras.
It might be possible in 2 Moglophones maybe, but definitely not one.

I was wondering though, has anybody tried with piercing melee strats?
Yes there's a lotsa dangerous AoE moves from Arebati, especially the 4 buffs dispel and the full dispel, but all of its moves are AoE around the target with top enmity.
So if the tank stands at the highest distance in front of Arebati and if everybody else stands at the highest distance behind (model allows for quite a big distance) with the healer standing on the side to be able to heal everybody.
Well in this scenario shouldn't the people behind be out of range from Arebati's AoE which will be centered on the tank standing in front?

That's supposing tank never loses hate for a single second and I'm aware that even SV Dirge might not be enough for that.
But has anybody even tried to see if this could work?

If that would work it would be pretty easy to push Arebati very low on first KI, probably maybe even all the way to 40% with DRG DNC tank RDM THF BST
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 629
By Asura.Melliny 2023-01-04 08:42:16
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It must be something weird with Arebati V25 if people cant take it down with superbuffed COR and RNG. On V20 this setup was killing it super fast. You guys use GEO+BRD for buffs and bolster at 40%?

I can vouch that Vengence 25 Arrebati has far higher defenses than he did on Veng 20. I've shot him down with my own ranger on veng 20 so I know how much damage last stand should be doing with near capped attack ratio. On Veng 25 damage numbers are cut by roughly half of what they were on V20, and that's with 8500-9k ranged attack confirmed using /checkparam. It doesn't help matters any either that you have to have the corsair weave in some detonators to avoid weaponskill walling the ranger's last stand too much. The superbuffed cor/rng strategy relies on having a scholar healer, which means no dia III. I'm pretty sure even 9999 ranged attack wouldn't be enough to take him down without some defense debuffs. And because he's an ice based mob you won't be able to land armor break or most other non-dia defense down effects without some crazy debuff support since apart from that one spell almost every other defense down effect is wind based. Box step is the most notable other effect you can rely on.

Main point is...simply raising your own ranged attack to near capped values is not good enough to shoot arrebati on vengence 25. You will probably time out before you even reach 40% and spawn the second add. And there are only so many buffs and debuffs to go around. You pretty much require a dual team setup. Two key items is going to be mandatory. But I can't for the life of me figure out what kind of composition to make for the A and B team. His defenses are just that high, and that only considers your party's ability to deal damage on both teams. There's the additional issue that you need to survive the pig onslaught as well. One raaz is manageable, but two on the same player at the same time can probably just outright kill them if both pigs get a lucky string of critical hits in short succession.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2023-01-04 09:16:44
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Sounds like they did some funny mistake like typing def 5100 instead of 1500 then.

Asura.Melliny said: »
It doesn't help matters any either that you have to have the corsair weave in some detonators to avoid weaponskill walling the ranger's last stand too much.

This should be the least concern. Detonator should be as good or better than Last stand on COR if cRatio is a problem and RNG shouldnt even WS below 2000+ while using Armageddon crit build. Also where are all those Gandiva lovers? :) It's perfect opportunity for Gandiva to shine. You can go behind Arebati and shot from True Shot range and you use Jishnu's Radiance, so COR can do Detonator and/or Last Stand.
Posts: 104
By Tathamet 2023-01-05 15:44:59
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I recall seeing a breakdown somewhere of the segments and gil earned per mob/halo/NM for each Odyssey zone. It was like a one-pager reference; looked like a screenshot from a spreadsheet. I didn't see it on BG, so must have came from here.

Anyone know what I'm referring to and have it handy? Trying to map out the optimal path for maximizing gil or segments depending on needs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2023-01-05 16:00:28
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Tathamet said: »
I recall seeing a breakdown somewhere of the segments and gil earned per mob/halo/NM for each Odyssey zone. It was like a one-pager reference; looked like a screenshot from a spreadsheet. I didn't see it on BG, so must have came from here.

Anyone know what I'm referring to and have it handy? Trying to map out the optimal path for maximizing gil or segments depending on needs.

Buukki made this one for Sheol C, if this is what you are referring to.
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