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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-12-26 22:32:20
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Bahamut.Butmunch said: »
PLD, COR, BRD, GEO, WHM, DRK, got x2 1hs and a little luck but we won with a little over 5mins left the main key is keeping the cor brd and drk DDing, but both whm and pld healing works rly nice
Er, context on what NM you are referring to?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Butmunch 2022-12-26 23:02:30
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oh sorry Kalunga
By 2022-12-27 07:09:46
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-12-27 11:45:06
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Bahamut.Butmunch said: »
PLD, COR, BRD, GEO, WHM, DRK, got x2 1hs and a little luck but we won with a little over 5mins left the main key is keeping the cor brd and drk DDing, but both whm and pld healing works rly nice

What WS were the COR and BRD using as I assume only 1 of em did Savage Blade. Did you kill any add?
Kalunga was "oops all Savage Blades" for the COR and BRD in my clear. I don't think it's physically possible to kill an add and the main NM with a single moglophone in a T3 fight, but I would love to be proven wrong.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Butmunch 2022-12-27 15:05:57
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both brd and cor was Savg dmg was around 29~36k for the most part sometime its spiked to 40k on brd but was not bad
By 2022-12-28 01:54:24
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Butmunch 2022-12-28 02:28:59
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Bahamut.Butmunch said: »
both brd and cor was Savg dmg was around 29~36k for the most part sometime its spiked to 40k on brd but was not bad

Doesnt sound like you were doing v25 then

i mean as long as you dont wall your selfs you can hit high on V25
cor was doing DRK and SAM rolls
brd was doing HM ATT4/5 Fire carol and derg (i was the brd ML50)
and we had a geo doing fury and DEF+

rly not that hard to hit high numbers
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-28 02:36:58
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Bahamut.Butmunch said: »
both brd and cor was Savg dmg was around 29~36k for the most part sometime its spiked to 40k on brd but was not bad

Doesnt sound like you were doing v25 then

DRK can WS at 1000, COR at 1500 and BRD at 2000+. That and fact that DRK is TPing at capped haste, while COR and BRD are TPing at 68.85% only while single wielding, means DRK can throw Torc after COR's Savage and after BRD's Savage, which means no WS wall.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-28 02:40:36
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Bahamut.Butmunch said: »
both brd and cor was Savg dmg was around 29~36k for the most part sometime its spiked to 40k on brd but was not bad

Doesnt sound like you were doing v25 then

I can validate that the damage was in fact this high. You usually see better numbers at the beginning of the fight, if you use Armor Break
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-28 02:43:57
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Has anybody tried stunning Kalunga's TP moves with DRK? I don't remember if his moves are instant, or if there's a slight wind-up. Curious if it will land.
By 2022-12-28 03:48:09
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-28 04:51:04
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KujahFoxfire said: »
I dont struggle to believe the ws numbers i more struggle to believe you didn't wall yourselves at all and killed with 5 mins left.

If you do Savage(Cor) > Torc(Drk) > Savage(BRD) > Torc(Drk) etc. then there is no WS wall at all.

Also if Im not mistaken one WS in a row is only 20% reduction in damage right? So going from 40k to 32k is still good damage.
By 2022-12-28 05:00:42
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-28 05:20:06
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KujahFoxfire said: »
SimonSes said: »
KujahFoxfire said: »
I dont struggle to believe the ws numbers i more struggle to believe you didn't wall yourselves at all and killed with 5 mins left.

If you do Savage(Cor) > Torc(Drk) > Savage(BRD) > Torc(Drk) etc. then there is no WS wall at all.

Also if Im not mistaken one WS in a row is only 20% reduction in damage right? So going from 40k to 32k is still good damage.

I get that but we have other skilled groups doing the same and reporting barely winning with 3s left and requiring MAB down aura twice, so i'm kinda taking everything with a pinch of salt at this point.

Luck plays a huge role here. We also dont know how Lex played this. Was BRD dding at all for example? Considering they only had WHM healing (they had run tank instead of pld. PLD is a clear choice here imo btw considering Duban can 100% block all auto attack and Searing Serration), maybe they were only DDing with COR+DRK. Maybe they had lots of Lahars weakening them and slowing their damage in worst time (below 40%). Those are small things, but can have huge impact in this fight. Butmunch also had 2x Bolster afaik, so their risked first Bolster early.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-12-28 08:19:37
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You can get lucky with no attack down aura (other auras are fine, though defense down is a pain), SP resets, few auras/lahars, and fewer dispels (so the BRD gets to spend more time DDing), or you can get unlucky with the opposite. Strong subtle blow sets can help, but aren't a massive difference with 3 melees on the boss.

I've been examining the log of our attempts, and it looks like with a BiS MACC set (including Khonsu and Ullr), Armor Break CAN land without supplemental MACC, but land rate isn't amazing. If your run lands a max duration Armor Break at the start (4.5 minute duration due to resistance rank cutting it in half), it should make a big difference in how much damage you do before you use Bolster. You could try to improve your odds of landing it by the DRK starting off with tropical crepe, then swapping to DD food after using it. You can also use RD to try to get 2 BoG + Dematerialize combos out before you get to the point where you Bolster.

On our winning run, we had about 4.5 minutes left, but we got a VI Wild Card (so 2 Bolsters and 2 Soul Enslavements), no attack down auras, only like 2 lahars, and only 2 blistering roars. That might have also been a run where Armor Break got lucky enough to land at the start.

Honestly, though, our group's failed runs weren't really due to timing out; they were due to the DRK eventually capping hate (even with schere earring), inevitably getting dispelled, then eventually being killed. Killing faster IS helpful because it means the DRK has to do less total damage (due to less time spent with it regening) and the boss gets less TP moves off, but the true key is having the other 2 DDs pull their weight as much as possible so that you can kill it before the DRK caps hate. As a result, your bard should put up the absolute minimum number of songs on the tank as possible after dispels (probably just 1 March and Carol, or even just wait to put Carol up if Kalunga puts up aura) before going back to DDing. IIRC, on our winning run, the DRK parsed about 55%, with the COR at about 30% and the BRD at about 15%.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-28 10:20:01
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Asura.Geriond said: »
I've been examining the log of our attempts, and it looks like with a BiS MACC set (including Khonsu and Ullr), Armor Break CAN land without supplemental MACC, but land rate isn't amazing. If your run lands a max duration Armor Break at the start (4.5 minute duration due to resistance rank cutting it in half), it should make a big difference in how much damage you do before you use Bolster. You could try to improve your odds of landing it by the DRK starting off with tropical crepe, then swapping to DD food after using it. You can also use RD to try to get 2 BoG + Dematerialize combos out before you get to the point where you Bolster.

Why not simply nitro SV wind threnody II for -400 wind magic evasion?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darciee
Posts: 11
By Asura.Darciee 2022-12-28 10:31:28
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imo the rng aspect of the fight will decide the time left on the clock, our group cleared with only a few seconds on the clock, but we had no wc luck, average rolls (not lucky or 11's) and under 40% several more than we wouldve liked lahar's.

we had brd/cor doing sb and drk torc and didnt run out for lahar just healed through it.

if 2 sb go together its not the end of the world the dmg nerf isnt that bad on the 2nd at all, so you get the occasional slight drop on SB but the torcs break them up frequently enough that its rare/not a issue to worry about.

We also popped our bolster around 50-60% in hopes of getting 2 (previous attempts indicated we might need 2 so we risked it) turns out we didnt but the last 20-25% was under BoG/NQ bubbles. If we had 2 bolsters, and 2 soul enslavements, perfect rolls and very few lahars we couldve quite comfortably had a few minutes left on the clock if not more.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-28 11:29:55
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
I've been examining the log of our attempts, and it looks like with a BiS MACC set (including Khonsu and Ullr), Armor Break CAN land without supplemental MACC, but land rate isn't amazing. If your run lands a max duration Armor Break at the start (4.5 minute duration due to resistance rank cutting it in half), it should make a big difference in how much damage you do before you use Bolster. You could try to improve your odds of landing it by the DRK starting off with tropical crepe, then swapping to DD food after using it. You can also use RD to try to get 2 BoG + Dematerialize combos out before you get to the point where you Bolster.

Why not simply nitro SV wind threnody II for -400 wind magic evasion?

Because it doesn't always align with song rotation the group does. Normally BRD does SV non-nitro songs at the start, and then resings the nitro SV songs with about 1min left on SV, so you have SV for the entire duration of the fight. By the time BRD uses Nitro to land Elegy, the DRK has long since used Armor Break and is well into AM3/DPS routine. If group happens to do Nitro SV at or near start of the fight, then sure, he can run up with the PLD and land Elegy before an Armor Break goes off.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-12-28 11:37:00
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
I've been examining the log of our attempts, and it looks like with a BiS MACC set (including Khonsu and Ullr), Armor Break CAN land without supplemental MACC, but land rate isn't amazing. If your run lands a max duration Armor Break at the start (4.5 minute duration due to resistance rank cutting it in half), it should make a big difference in how much damage you do before you use Bolster. You could try to improve your odds of landing it by the DRK starting off with tropical crepe, then swapping to DD food after using it. You can also use RD to try to get 2 BoG + Dematerialize combos out before you get to the point where you Bolster.

Why not simply nitro SV wind threnody II for -400 wind magic evasion?

Because it doesn't always align with song rotation the group does. Normally BRD does SV non-nitro songs at the start, and then resings the nitro SV songs with about 1min left on SV, so you have SV for the entire duration of the fight. By the time BRD uses Nitro to land Elegy, the DRK has long since used Armor Break and is well into AM3/DPS routine. If group happens to do Nitro SV at or near start of the fight, then sure, he can run up with the PLD and land Elegy before an Armor Break goes off.

Maybe crep+pre-entrust focus on the Armor Breaker? then antacid > reg food, thats an extra what 195 macc?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-28 11:46:52
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You don't get the full value of an Indi from Entrust. It excludes Geomancy+ gear, so it might only be like +50 Magic Accuracy, which is still helpful. It might already have been on the BRD though, since it's helpful for him to land Elegy or Threnody on the add, if not using STR/MND/VIT/Frailty entrusts instead for damage.

I should also mention that you can land Threnody without Troubadaur, it's just very rare and you don't want to take away much time DPSing to achieve that. Same for the DRK. Kind of just use Armor Break in max macc set, hope it lands, and then move on.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-28 12:10:00
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
I've been examining the log of our attempts, and it looks like with a BiS MACC set (including Khonsu and Ullr), Armor Break CAN land without supplemental MACC, but land rate isn't amazing. If your run lands a max duration Armor Break at the start (4.5 minute duration due to resistance rank cutting it in half), it should make a big difference in how much damage you do before you use Bolster. You could try to improve your odds of landing it by the DRK starting off with tropical crepe, then swapping to DD food after using it. You can also use RD to try to get 2 BoG + Dematerialize combos out before you get to the point where you Bolster.

Why not simply nitro SV wind threnody II for -400 wind magic evasion?

Because it doesn't always align with song rotation the group does. Normally BRD does SV non-nitro songs at the start, and then resings the nitro SV songs with about 1min left on SV, so you have SV for the entire duration of the fight. By the time BRD uses Nitro to land Elegy, the DRK has long since used Armor Break and is well into AM3/DPS routine. If group happens to do Nitro SV at or near start of the fight, then sure, he can run up with the PLD and land Elegy before an Armor Break goes off.

It actually aligns ideally, because it would be the most important from 75% to 40% after first add pops, not from 100% and thats around when you resign SV with Nitro. It's not really a problem for DRK to switch to Lycurgos and make this 2500TP for Armor break and goes back to Torcleaver. If done before 75% it only creates opportunity for better damage split on COR and BRD and it would be still before regen, so you lose nothing reducing DRK dps for a moment. Also considering you want this fight to be over in 10-11 min top, because of hate cap on DRK and how it's better to zerg it, you might as well just NITRO right after engage, because songs should last till the end anyway.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Asura.Volteczero 2022-12-28 12:39:51
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so apparently War's Tomahawk -SDT works to temporarily make non-weakness weapon type to do damage on T3 NMs, not sure what the implication would be, maybe to make Ngai proc'ing easier?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-12-28 12:47:03
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Asura.Volteczero said: »
so apparently War's Tomahawk -SDT works to temporarily make non-weakness weapon type to do damage on T3 NMs, not sure what the implication would be, maybe to make Ngai proc'ing easier?
It can be useful for something like re-applying Armor Break to non-blunt susceptible NMs mid-fight. Ngai proccing is still pretty easy, as V20 strategies had the backline jobs (COR, BRD) getting Tactician's Roll anyways. You could use it for something silly like making Skillchains to burst Ongo in a two-phone run, I guess.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-28 12:50:07
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Someone already mentioned this a few pages ago. Not sure if they were guessing or already knew about it

Serjero said: »
Bahamut.Mischief said: »

Beyond that...between this new change and the increased HP/INT/DT/Regen of V25, it really feels like you need a ton of luck to win this. If either 1hr gives MAB Down aura, you lose (MACC aura can be powered through). If Wild Card doesn't hit 5 or 6, you probably lose (we got a 6 and still only had 2.5 mins left when it died). We only used 1 KI for this win, but considering the 0 physical damage thing I'm not sure how much multiple KIs would even help.

It depends on if it's just PDT that's putting it to 0 phys dmg taken or whether or not a little defense down can push it to at least have TP gain. WAR can use Tomahawk to be able to get some windows up to make SCs w/ SMN bursting with Diabolos and maybe in 15 minutes get 10-15% down? Just enough damage so the BLM team would have some breathing room and make it less reliant on WC resets. BST probably has no shot of landing Purulent Ooze but if it can than that's another easy way to get some cheap chip damage out.

Am not looking forward to how they changed the other fights if they went this far on Ongo.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Butmunch 2022-12-28 13:45:35
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
I've been examining the log of our attempts, and it looks like with a BiS MACC set (including Khonsu and Ullr), Armor Break CAN land without supplemental MACC, but land rate isn't amazing. If your run lands a max duration Armor Break at the start (4.5 minute duration due to resistance rank cutting it in half), it should make a big difference in how much damage you do before you use Bolster. You could try to improve your odds of landing it by the DRK starting off with tropical crepe, then swapping to DD food after using it. You can also use RD to try to get 2 BoG + Dematerialize combos out before you get to the point where you Bolster.

Why not simply nitro SV wind threnody II for -400 wind magic evasion?

Because it doesn't always align with song rotation the group does. Normally BRD does SV non-nitro songs at the start, and then resings the nitro SV songs with about 1min left on SV, so you have SV for the entire duration of the fight. By the time BRD uses Nitro to land Elegy, the DRK has long since used Armor Break and is well into AM3/DPS routine. If group happens to do Nitro SV at or near start of the fight, then sure, he can run up with the PLD and land Elegy before an Armor Break goes off.
also fun fact wind threnody dont always land even with nitro
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-12-28 14:37:36
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Someone already mentioned this a few pages ago. Not sure if they were guessing or already knew about it

Serjero said: »
Bahamut.Mischief said: »

Beyond that...between this new change and the increased HP/INT/DT/Regen of V25, it really feels like you need a ton of luck to win this. If either 1hr gives MAB Down aura, you lose (MACC aura can be powered through). If Wild Card doesn't hit 5 or 6, you probably lose (we got a 6 and still only had 2.5 mins left when it died). We only used 1 KI for this win, but considering the 0 physical damage thing I'm not sure how much multiple KIs would even help.

It depends on if it's just PDT that's putting it to 0 phys dmg taken or whether or not a little defense down can push it to at least have TP gain. WAR can use Tomahawk to be able to get some windows up to make SCs w/ SMN bursting with Diabolos and maybe in 15 minutes get 10-15% down? Just enough damage so the BLM team would have some breathing room and make it less reliant on WC resets. BST probably has no shot of landing Purulent Ooze but if it can than that's another easy way to get some cheap chip damage out.

Am not looking forward to how they changed the other fights if they went this far on Ongo.

Aramith did something like this, but using BLU Chain Affinity to make Skillchains instead.

Basically BLU BST SMN NIN PLD RDM. Note that this strategy was used to soften up Ongo to ~75% BEFORE the cumulative damage resistance change, so Night Terror damage may now fall off after consecutive uses. RDM does Enstone damage, NIN "gets" to nuke, BST is there for TP denial, BLU probably does some as well but is using Entomb for damage and makes the Skillchain. SMN buffs and Night Terrors. This should allow you to weaken Ongo to a lower HP to make the "standard" strategy of COR RUN GEO SCH BLM BRD more manageable in the second run.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-28 14:46:39
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BST would likely be for that -MDB down move to assist in the BLU and SMN's nukes.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-28 14:57:27
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Asura.Hya said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Someone already mentioned this a few pages ago. Not sure if they were guessing or already knew about it

Serjero said: »
Bahamut.Mischief said: »

Beyond that...between this new change and the increased HP/INT/DT/Regen of V25, it really feels like you need a ton of luck to win this. If either 1hr gives MAB Down aura, you lose (MACC aura can be powered through). If Wild Card doesn't hit 5 or 6, you probably lose (we got a 6 and still only had 2.5 mins left when it died). We only used 1 KI for this win, but considering the 0 physical damage thing I'm not sure how much multiple KIs would even help.

It depends on if it's just PDT that's putting it to 0 phys dmg taken or whether or not a little defense down can push it to at least have TP gain. WAR can use Tomahawk to be able to get some windows up to make SCs w/ SMN bursting with Diabolos and maybe in 15 minutes get 10-15% down? Just enough damage so the BLM team would have some breathing room and make it less reliant on WC resets. BST probably has no shot of landing Purulent Ooze but if it can than that's another easy way to get some cheap chip damage out.

Am not looking forward to how they changed the other fights if they went this far on Ongo.

Aramith did something like this, but using BLU Chain Affinity to make Skillchains instead.

Basically BLU BST SMN NIN PLD RDM. Note that this strategy was used to soften up Ongo to ~75% BEFORE the cumulative damage resistance change, so Night Terror damage may now fall off after consecutive uses. RDM does Enstone damage, NIN "gets" to nuke, BST is there for TP denial, BLU probably does some as well but is using Entomb for damage and makes the Skillchain. SMN buffs and Night Terrors. This should allow you to weaken Ongo to a lower HP to make the "standard" strategy of COR RUN GEO SCH BLM BRD more manageable in the second run.

No fam, Aramith got the idea from ME (just checked the dates, he did it 2 days before I wrote this xD)

Joking, but I did theorycraft this a couple of weeks ago when putting together a 2-3 phone strat for Ongo in a spreadsheet. The idea was similar with BLU + SAM alternating CA with Meditate SCs to open for Night Terror. I intended to do all of the bosses like this, but people started figuring it bosses out in 1 phone so i figured nobody would care for this info. Aramith just beat me to it before I could implement it though.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-28 15:01:33
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Asura.Saevel said: »
BST would likely be for that -MDB down move to assist in the BLU and SMN's nukes.

I had this in my notes to include BST in a softening Ongo strat, but moreso to boost the NIN and BLU's Magic Bursts. The Acuex is an Amorph, which gain bestiary favorability vs Birds (Ongo), so you can boost the magic burst damage of BLU + NIN in a pre-setup. It wouldn't work for SMN since KI doesn't affect pets. I had doubts whether The MDB from the Acuex would land, so I scrapped it from the actual setup in favor of BLU, who can also try to land MDB down with Enervation. BST can burst with that same pet too, but its probably just safer to use the Leech to TP Drainkiss (also an Amorph). The leech also doesn't need to be Heeled, since it won't ever feed TP to Ongo and can just continue fighting it and Sic on timer.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-28 15:03:49
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Joking, but I did theorycraft this a couple of weeks ago when putting together a 2-3 phone strat for Ongo in a spreadsheet. The idea was similar with BLU + SAM alternating CA with Meditate SCs to open for Night Terror. I intended to do all of the bosses like this, but people started figuring it bosses out in 1 phone so i figured nobody would care for this info. Aramith just beat me to it before I could implement it though.

Folks just decided that it was cooler to spend 20+ KI's to show off getting a 1 KI "win". I know of lots of folks planning on 2 KI kills, one party to often up / spawn add, second to kill. Ongo was the one we were wondering about and this confirmed some ideas we were having.
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