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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Bahamut
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user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2022-12-23 13:30:08
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Our question is, does the add spawn the moment the boss becomes "active" or does someone need to do an action on the boss first? Our idea is, can someone "aggro" the boss, have the add spawn, then have someone else "pull" the boss away and the aggro person super tanks the add? If nobody did anything to the boss or add, then the hate table should be empty and it'll just be on whomever it first aggroed.

I can't speak to super tanking it but we ended up doing our Gigelorum with the intent of killing the first add at start of second entry. We were anticipating to push a WS or two or at the least having PLD claim until it came out but upon a face pull at 65% Gig immediately popped add.

Uncertain about who it initially went for as PLD flashed quickly. Also uncertain if this will work for a 75% second entry since it might hold true to the minimum 74% threshold? at least we assumed that was the case.

In the end it was a pleasant surprise and made it easy to grab gig and debuff/CC him away while add was dealt with.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-23 14:20:14
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Just as an FYI for anyone doing the "B-Team softening up" strategy

The Atonement 3 bosses carry the current aura level on a previous run into the next, whether it is removed or not. For example, if you get an aura on Kalunga on the first run and remove it with a 3-step SC, his next aura will require a 4-step SC > 5 step SC etc (not sure if there's a cap) to remove it. If you time out after removing the first aura on the B-team run, the first aura on the main party setup will require a 4-step SC; it does not reset back to the base level. This means you could have a harder time dealing with fetters and removing an aura on subsequent runs if the A3 boss upgrades too high on previous runs. It might be a better strategy to wait until like 4~ minutes or so until engaging the boss, and then chip it away, to reduce the chance that the B-team sees multiple auras and thus makes the A-team's job harder to remove auras during the main fight.
Server: Shiva
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user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2022-12-23 15:39:03
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
if you get an aura on Kalunga on the first run and remove it with a 3-step SC
It's pretty hard to get anywhere with aura up so this might just be an academic question, but do we know if the difficulty to remove goes up when the aura is started but not removed?
Server: Asura
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user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-12-23 15:41:40
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
if you get an aura on Kalunga on the first run and remove it with a 3-step SC
It's pretty hard to get anywhere with aura up so this might just be an academic question, but do we know if the difficulty to remove goes up when the aura is started but not removed?
As in the requirement to blue proc increases if you fail to successfully hit blue !! after red !!? No, it does not.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2022-12-23 16:05:40
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No, as in you enter with team A, aura goes up, but you don't remove it before timing out and entering with team B. Does aura stay up, and does next aura increase past baseline requirement?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-23 16:09:41
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Yeah I kinda mentioned that in the first sentence. That's what happened yesterday. We timed out and didn't remove the second aura. The second fight he had aura available seemingly right away but it was at the current level (second, 4-step SC). It didn't upgrade to 5 step or downgrade to 3-step. It caught us off guard and we didn't end up removing the aura before it killed us.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-23 16:16:44
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Yeah I kinda mentioned that in the first sentence. That's what happened yesterday. We timed out and didn't remove the second aura. The second fight he had aura available seemingly right away but it was at the current level (second, 4-step SC). It didn't upgrade to 5 step or downgrade to 3-step. It caught us off guard and we didn't end up removing the aura before it killed us.

This is exactly how the V20's work. Just gotta plan to remove it quickly, also fetters are not bad if you correct elemental defenses up to mitigate them, just gotta plan around them.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-23 16:21:32
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I never did a 2-run phone clear on V20s, so I wasn't aware of that behavior, but good to know now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 962
By Asura.Iamaman 2022-12-23 20:16:06
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Has anyone gone in and done 3 runs on the same boss, but only done damage to the add on one of the runs? I'm curious if there is any chance damaging the add to a certain % still allows you to charge or if it is boss only
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Daeron
Posts: 12
By Asura.Baeron 2022-12-23 20:20:20
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You only get RP for damaging the boss at least 5%. We've done add-only runs, and you lose the charge.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-12-24 08:50:59
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Asura.Baeron said: »
You only get RP for damaging the boss at least 5%. We've done add-only runs, and you lose the charge.

This is "damage boss 5% from what it began the fight at" from what I understand, if boss regens from 74-100 and you do damage to 94% or lower, no rp/amp charge.

Has anyone experienced this first hand to confirm?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2022-12-24 09:42:05
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I would assume it needs to be at least 5% lower than what it started when you time out and if it regens back up then no RP. If it starts at 76% you need to get it to 71% or lower to get RP.
Posts: 401
By Guyford 2022-12-24 10:11:01
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It doesn't matter if it regens, you still get credit for however low you got it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2022-12-24 10:37:26
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Early on, there were reports of getting extra RP when you let a boss heal past a 5% threshold. This makes me think that they coded the RP award as a trigger for mob hp changing below a certain value. I wonder if you'd get rp for healing it 1 hp(or letting it regen 1 hp), then doing 1 point of damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-24 11:07:40
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I'm 100% sure someone would've already tried taking a mob to 94 let it regen/heal it to 96, repeat till time out.

But everytime they change something there's a high chance they break something.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2022-12-24 11:25:46
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But everytime the change something there's a high chance they break something.

They also proved to us they don't do any testing on new content with the weaponskill wall patch. If the devs didn't know the wall was reducing all weaponskill damage by 90% for 10 seconds for the past two months since basement bosses came out then they couldn't possibly have tested the content firsthand. That's one of the very first things you notice when you try it. If they had done the vengence 25 fights firsthand it would have been impossible to not notice this was how weaponskills were working. The fact that they didn't know about it and let that kind of bug slip through playtesting proves there isn't any playtesting.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-24 11:29:52
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Welcome to "figuring out the obvious 10 years later"

....All it took was them admitting it, great work detectives!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-24 11:42:43
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Can test it right? Wouldn't be an exact RP match but could be visible enough to see if it works.

BST Purulent Ooze -> Time out > record RP

Do a Separate fight: BST Ooze
Wait for an aura + Purulent Ooze to wear off
Do a light/fusion/liquefaction to heal it for 99k
Do another Purulent Ooze > Time out > compare RP

If it's only a few RP difference, then the RP reward threshold mechanic is based on total damage dealt >=5% of boss's health and not in any way related to static monster current health % (94, 89, etc)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Asura.Illuminate 2022-12-24 13:16:24
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Asura.Hya said: »
Somebody said earlier to do the fight in 2 phones. It's honestly likely the safest and more consistent strategy. A softening-up run of something like WAR RUN BST SMN BLU SCH could alleviate much of the DPS check hurdle when going with PLD DRK COR GEO BRD WHM. You'd still be rolling the dice on Debilitating Spout, but having Kalunga start with ~40% less HP gives you a ton more time to play it safe with adds in the second run.

Also, one of the more common issues one-phone fights keep running into is hitting the hate ceiling. You can prolong the inevitable by splitting into 2 phones so you're not going from 100-0% on one boss, effectively cutting your cumulative hate down a good chunk. You can still cap in that shortened fight, but it's a lot less of a chance vs a full fight.

I've been talking about B-team strats for a while now. You still get a decent amount of buffs on a secondary team that I think a lot of people just ignore. Killer Instinct + Corrosive Ooze works on every single boss. Box Steps from Dancer and Heals, can even tank with Fan Dance. If using a RUN in a B-team strat, you can Rayke Unda and cheese Purulent Ooze, then only need to chip down 15~16% from whatever your other DD are. RDM has Dia 3, Haste 2 and all of the debuffs, greatly crippling any boss, and then you can just Bind the add or sleep the boss and time out. Summoner provides a good buff spread as well, and Night Terror should still deal decent damage on every boss. So a good B team doesn't even require GEO BRD COR, leaving those strong support jobs for the main setup, but allows for greater room for error in the A team setup.

I know it's not sexy and you won't get the bragging rights, but you'll get the clear much faster in a 2-phone approach vs 1. I don't think a 3- phone approach where you kill one add on the B/C team is going to be a thing, though. At least not on Atonement 3. The atonement 3 boss adds have the same resistances as the A2 bosses of the same type, and finding 6 people to field 18 jobs for a run just at the chance to clear one of those annoying adds does not seem like a fun idea. On Kalunga, for example, you'd need a C team to chip Kalunga to 74%, force add, then a B team to kill the add on a second run (using Blunt Damage types), then your normal A team for Kalunga. I just don't know if there's enough buffs for the B or C team to make that possible. I would be interested if someone thought that scenario through, cuz it made my head hurt just trying to figure it out (and that's before deciding which of the 6 players would play which job).

One other incentive to doing a 2-run fight is that you get RP for both visits. It's the same thing as entering twice from Rabao, but saves time on the zoning part. For Instance, doing 74% on first run could net like (throwing numbers out of the air) 2700, but the second run you could get like (idk here) 3800 or whatever it is for killing that boss. Which is more than if you lost twice taking the boss down to like 40% each time (I think). Could be wrong here, but the amp/rp thing is exacerbated in repeat fights.

For 1-phone fights that can realistically be cleared with a scholar - Caper Emissarius
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-12-25 07:18:15
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We tried the Kite method on Gige and it was so much easier

keep grav on him DD follow him around, killed him with 3 min left. I think PLD not getting dispelled taking so much dmg helps tremndously with hate control.

one DD ate a dispel at 1% but other than that pretty smooth compared to standing in there eating his TP moves the entire time. DD were taking minimal damage with this as well
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-12-26 05:57:21
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Anyone have any more strats/setups on Xeviso? I saw mischief's setup but little lean on the details of the setup
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2022-12-26 09:09:58
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Can corroborate the difficulty dealing damage with just RNG and COR. Even with all the buffs (Minuets/Honor, Geo-Fury/Agi, CC Chaos/Sam). Timed out more than once at 40%, I can't imagine these two DDs dealing enough damage to push through double add Regen.

I'd like to bring our attention to Arebati again for a moment. I've only fought him twice now, but it was with two different groups and both times the results were the same as these guys described. The first time I went in I was only there to experience the fight, but the second time I paid more attention to the details and gear/buffs. The setup was the same as Veng 20 - Rune, Scholar, Igeo, Brd, Cor, Rng. I was on Igeo. Buffs were indi-agility and geo-fury at the start then switching to indi-barrier when the first add popped out, dirge, Victory march, a minnie and two minuets, and sam/chaos.

The ranger confirmed via /checkparam that his midshot ranged attack values hovered around 9000 before bolster. He had all his empyrean +3 gear and used the hands and legs in his midshot with the standard mix of malignance and other stuff to handle the add, and the corsair was geared pretty much the same. Both were using armageddon, and they alternated between last stand and detonator to avoid stepping on each others toes too much via the weaponskill wall. I couldn't find any fault with the sets anyone was using.

Long story short...we timed out before seeing the second add. The hybrid sets they used were mandatory because even with one add the incoming damage was really spicy whenever the piglet got a barrage of critical hits in during a short period of time. I suspect two pigs hitting someone at the same time can just outright kill them if they get lucky on critical hit stings, but tha's just how bad luck works I guess. We got magic evasion down aura so in this case the RNG factor wasn't a big issue, though it did affect the tank to some degree we persevered through it. But the damage just wasn't there....

I cannot fathom how in the nine hells we're supposed to actually kill this thing even with a two phone setup. With double add regen and double pigs incoming damage on the second team I'm not sure what you would compose the first team of to get him down to a low enough value that the second team can kill. Taking him down to just 75% on the first phone doesn't feel like it'll be good enough from the minimal experiences I've had with him. I can't come up with a good strategy to approach the fight. The DPS check is through the roof. Any thoughts or ideas from the community would be appreciated.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Nolano
Posts: 21
By Asura.Nolano 2022-12-26 10:16:30
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Regarding Arebati, we had the best luck using PLD to heal v20 while holding the raaz.

On v25, maybe a TP denial strat for the first phone, and then the standard ranged setup for the second would work.



Regarding the first fight, SCH if more healing is needed, RDM if more dps is required. WAR(impulse drive?) and DRG(stardiver?) would apply piercing, and MNK chi blast and mantra? Maybe? SMN and BST would alternate mewing and drainkiss. BST also killer instinct. Once the first add pops, the DRG would hold Arebati, I doubt gravity could be landed, and WAR and MNK would apply blunt to the raaz.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 630
By Asura.Melliny 2022-12-26 11:17:03
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I doubt gravity could be landed

Gravity and defense down additional effects are wind based, so landing them on the ice lion isn't very likely.

Edit: Also, putting blunt damage into the raaz is pointless unless you kill it, so you're better off just focusing on taking Arebati as low as you can get him. Your first party is pretty underbuffed btw, and I question how much damage they'd be able to do. Arrebati's defenses are sky high. If a ranger and corsair both buffed to the gills struggle to do 60% I don't think that setup will be able to push out enough damage. I'd be curious to know what it's capable of if someone tries though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 962
By Asura.Iamaman 2022-12-26 11:29:48
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Asura.Nolano said: »
On v25, maybe a TP denial strat for the first phone, and then the standard ranged setup for the second would work.



This was more or less my thought also, although I don't think between the time it takes to pop the add and the amount of HP it has, you'll be able to kill the add in one phone. I would also reverse it, you'll need the damage at the last 40% from other piercing jobs. I don't think RNG and COR alone will be able to keep up with the regen.

Managing the dispels while keeping damage coming is tricky.

Maybe something like this:


RNG/COR both DD, SMN buffs where they can, RUN tanks, WHM heals/debuffs, GEO throws down buff bubbles to help with the missing BRD. Could possibly put a SCH in place of the WHM and DRG in place of the RUN if you can Caper at the right time, but I would think keeping hate would be problematic (would help with damage but you'd likely get dispelled and that'd end it).


Add should be out, so the BRD DNC WAR SAM TP on the add and WS the boss. I would expect boss hate to bounce around between the SAM and WAR, but with no TP moves going off it shouldn't matter too much. PLD heals, BST KI/TP drain. DNC keeps steps and sambas up.

If KI2 TP feed is too much, then maybe swap in the BST (use KI, keep Corrosive up) to KI1, then GEO for KI2 and put a SMN in place of one of the DDs to mewing. This would also buy you Purulent at the start of KI1, assuming it lands w/ Rayke/Gambit
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-12-26 11:50:54
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Anyone have any more strats/setups on Xeviso? I saw mischief's setup but little lean on the details of the setup
Check the Discussion section of BGwiki for Xevioso. If you need even more details I guess I could add them. But I figured the basic stuff such as don't stack up/wear defensive sets/eat defensive food if applicable are obvious enough to anyone who has done the fight before.

As far as Arebati goes, it's still way too early to be calling this Absolute Virtue. All we have done is confirm that one previously used strategy is not clearing this iteration in a single attempt. I have not seen any reports of people trying TP denial method and failing, nor have I seen any reports of using more than one Moglophone to attempt this. This NM, as well as Ongo, are likely the best bets for doing a two-phone strategy, as their Aura procs are either typically ignored (as in Arebati) or easily hit (as in Ongo). Trying to do something like Kalunga or Ngai with two phones can lead to situations where it becomes either much more difficult or flat out impossible to proc them.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2022-12-26 21:33:06
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Killed Kalunga V25 with one moglophone, on Dec 24rth after 15-20 attempts or more. You really need a *** of luck to do this. You get the wrong auras, it's over. You literally need MAB aura both times, with uber players/zero mistakes or you are not winning or your chance of winning drops down super significantly, at least with this iteration below.


Caper was required for us.

Hya's groups clear was proably even more *** of luck since they used WHM over SCH.

Literally had 3 seconds left on the clock.

Funny thing is, out DRK totally whiffed a Torcleaver at 10s left when it was at like 2% and their hearts dropped. Not sure if Misc will post a complete strat, we usually don't if there is an existing strat that wins previous to our wins. (I was not at this fight been to busy to even go with the group lately)

3 more to go, Tree and Lion probably gonna be horrible
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Bahamut.Butmunch 2022-12-26 21:43:05
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PLD, COR, BRD, GEO, WHM, DRK, got x2 1hs and a little luck but we won with a little over 5mins left the main key is keeping the cor brd and drk DDing, but both whm and pld healing works rly nice
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-26 21:53:39
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Our plan with Kalunga is to use jobs like BLU / RDM and SMN to work it's HP below 75% on the first run.
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