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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2022-12-20 02:38:44
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We just use pld and aegis. Drop the brd for a geo.
No horrible one shots.
By 2022-12-20 03:01:45
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2022-12-20 03:03:44
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It dies fine w/o rayke and gambit on v25 with time to spare.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: toralin
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2022-12-20 07:15:13
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Asura.Wotasu said: »
We just use pld and aegis. Drop the brd for a geo.
No horrible one shots.

We did this and it worked well using fragmentation -> last stand nuking thunder. on pld it became much easier to stand there not-engaged to prevent it from being so spammy

sunddering snip was hitting me for about 800, was 1-shotting RUN as earlier reported
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 961
By Asura.Iamaman 2022-12-20 07:48:50
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Odin.Stayfresh said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »

I’ve seen you type this a million times now so I have to ask. Why can’t you type odyssey? Lol

A lot of people do this, not sure why. I don't really care either way but he's far from the only one
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-20 07:55:42
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
Odin.Stayfresh said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »

I’ve seen you type this a million times now so I have to ask. Why can’t you type odyssey? Lol

A lot of people do this, not sure why. I don't really care either way but he's far from the only one

It's auto correct, and I can't be bothered to fix it permanently.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-20 07:58:28
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Think we need some kind of look at how Sundering Snip works on Marmorkrebs. My RUN was getting consistently one shot last night for more than my max HP with 0 debuffs on, religiously using Panaceas. had a max HP of around 3.3k, was hit twice for 3.8k and once for 5.5k.

We eventually dropped the GEO for BRD maintaining scherzo and won but that move seems to be some BS.

***NO BRD***
13:59:57[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
13:59:57AOE 3870 �� Kujahfoxfire
20:36:31[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
20:36:31[Marmorkrebs] 3824 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
20:56:49[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
20:56:49AOE 5582 �� Kujahfoxfire
21:27:35[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:27:35[Marmorkrebs] 1725 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:28:17[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:28:17[Marmorkrebs] 2623 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:30:21[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:30:21[Marmorkrebs] 0 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:31:04[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:31:04[Marmorkrebs] 0 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:32:39[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:32:39[Marmorkrebs] 1799 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:49:55[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:49:55[Marmorkrebs] 1799 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:50:59[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:50:59[Marmorkrebs] 2732 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire

Pack more plain +MBD and possibly elemental resist into your set, RUN should be laughing at it normally.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-20 08:11:25
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Look at the name of the person in that quote and you already have your answer.

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-12-20 19:47:40
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What is everyone doing about Kalunga's add(s)? With the longer fight, our melees are getting dispelled by Debilitating Spout, and it's hard to get it off of the top melee DD.

Hope for the best? Have the BRD constantly singing on it to eventually pull it away?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-20 19:50:34
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Asura.Geriond said: »
What is everyone doing about Kalunga's add(s)? With the longer fight, our melees are getting dispelled by Debilitating Spout, and it's hard to get it off of the top melee DD.

Hope for the best? Have the BRD constantly singing on it to eventually pull it away?

How did you handle the server breaking and DCing folks mid fight and not letting them to be reinvited?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-20 20:51:50
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Nice, that glitch is back in full effect.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-20 20:54:46
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So, if you get it really low but still wipe / timeout, SMN AF AC works wonders when teamed up with a PUP and Club BLU. We were able to finish off Gigalorem when we reentered (tank died at 4% then the MNK at 1%) using that method.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-12-20 21:27:59
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Well, we got a run where the matamatas didn't dispel as their first TP move, but our DRK hit the hate cap with Kalunga at about 20%, even with SV Dirge and Schere earring. At that point things started to fall apart and then a dispel landed, ending with us dying at 15%. Our setup was DRK COR BRD GEO WHM PLD, with the BRD not meleeing because of too much Savage Blade.

Has anyone had success taking Kalunga down on 1 moglophone? What setup did you use?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-20 21:35:24
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Just use 2 phones.

Don't let that deter you from answering though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-12-20 21:42:54
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We plam to if no one has figured out a strategy that we've overlooked.
Posts: 179
By Ranoutofspace 2022-12-20 22:00:09
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Does night terror only work on Ongo now with the newly added resistances?
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-12-20 23:10:45
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Asura.Saevel said: »
KujahFoxfire said: »
Think we need some kind of look at how Sundering Snip works on Marmorkrebs. My RUN was getting consistently one shot last night for more than my max HP with 0 debuffs on, religiously using Panaceas. had a max HP of around 3.3k, was hit twice for 3.8k and once for 5.5k.

We eventually dropped the GEO for BRD maintaining scherzo and won but that move seems to be some BS.

***NO BRD***
13:59:57[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
13:59:57AOE 3870 �� Kujahfoxfire
20:36:31[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
20:36:31[Marmorkrebs] 3824 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
20:56:49[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
20:56:49AOE 5582 �� Kujahfoxfire
21:27:35[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:27:35[Marmorkrebs] 1725 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:28:17[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:28:17[Marmorkrebs] 2623 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:30:21[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:30:21[Marmorkrebs] 0 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:31:04[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:31:04[Marmorkrebs] 0 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:32:39[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:32:39[Marmorkrebs] 1799 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:49:55[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:49:55[Marmorkrebs] 1799 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire
21:50:59[Marmorkrebs] Sundering Snip �� Marmorkrebs
21:50:59[Marmorkrebs] 2732 Sundering Snip �� Kujahfoxfire

Pack more plain +MBD and possibly elemental resist into your set, RUN should be laughing at it normally.

Scherzo definitely fixes the one shot and SV Lightning Threnody really helps landing full power nukes you shouldn't even really miss the geo. Just don't forget you don't have to rush from 100-0,you can get add under control and hang out at 41-45 get your abilities up and zerg from 40-0 it helped our group with refocusing before second add and just go to town after pushing to kill.
By 2022-12-21 02:52:11
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-21 03:04:40
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Anyone done V25 Gigleorum on 1 KI yet, we were decently far last night but gets really spicy under 40%. Our BIS RDM is having a hard time keeping the adds slept too.

I suggest to just ignore the adds and stop trying to control them. Just do slow/elegy/paralyze2, take GEO/BRD/SCH/RDM/MNK/PLD do Barrier/fury with Bolster at 40%. Put Phalanx II on people. RDM support MNK with damage, SCH caper emissarius all hate to PLD at 40% to avoid MNK reaching cap hate before Gig dies.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: JLB1
Posts: 182
By Asura.Jokes 2022-12-21 03:19:59
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I've heard of runs where Gig only does the dispel move several times and it's a fairly more easy clear. But more likely its a dispel-fest. PLD being given Water Carol and tanking in as much magic evasion as possible helps resist it though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ogri
Posts: 127
By Asura.Brennski 2022-12-21 03:24:32
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I've done it on one KI but there was luck involved. WAR MNK PLD RDM BRD COR. We only had about 5 dispels and got Mighty Strikes/Hundred fists back under 40% with Wild card.

SAM roll > Crooked Chaos so we could swap to gallants if Def down aura hit and keep chaos. PLD used Aegis and locked in Sakapta, WAR was 5/5 Sakpata.

Tanked in the corner to the left of the platform after the bridge.

WAR opened with Armor break and then depending on Aura either swapped to Full Break at 39% or reapplied Armor Break. MNK tossed out the odd Shijin.
Posts: 51
By Penpenn 2022-12-21 08:10:46
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FYI for those getting one-shot by Marmorkrebs Sundering Snip

Just kite him...

We went PLD RDM SCH GEO BLM COR. With Gravity II, we could treat him like we do Dhartok in our Sortie runs (We skip getting Botulus metal) and the tank just kites him to keep him near the bubble. We then have the SCH make SC (Fragmentation), with the COR extending the chain (Last Stand = Light).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-21 10:00:43
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Penpenn said: »
Just kite him...


You can, but if you have Aegis PLD, you don't really need to. Also, Malaise bubble is ineffective if the crab is constantly moving around.

Asura.Brennski said: »
I've done it on one KI but there was luck involved.

A LOT of these fights, especially the T3s are now just coming down to just sheer luck rolls. Got WC back. RD hit the right moves. Boss didn't use their bad moves/aura too much. Adds didn't full dispel as their first move. Bad auras not used. And losses are attributed to the opposite. You can do every single thing right in a few of these fights and you can just lose, because that's how they set it up. Our very first Xevioso clear we got it down pretty low, but damage fell off because DNC had to heal a lot. Second run the DNC died at 68% because his Scherzo got dispelled. Rest of the party still got it pretty low.

By the 4th kill, we had "good" luck and nothing bad happened, and we got the win. But our butts were clenched at the final 5% because anything can happen at that point and just end the fight.
By 2022-12-21 10:02:35
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-21 10:06:49
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It's better to keep the adds bound vs slept. It takes like a half dozen sleeps to land it on one, let alone two, but Bind lands almost 100% from a well geared RDM. Same with Gravity II. I'd just do Sabo Bind > Gravity and then melee in between. Have the party pull gig far away so rdm has time to react to add losing bind. You can save Stymie Sleep 2 for an emergency control of one the adds under 40%.
By 2022-12-21 10:20:12
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-21 10:27:02
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Update: We got Gigelorum down now, MNK BRD COR PLD(aegis) WAR RDM. One KI, Invinc -> Sforzo on its 1hrs and Attack down the entire time. Rdm locked down the adds and boss died with 7 mins left on the clock.

We used GEO over RDM with Fury/Frailty until add pops then Fury/Barrier and just left the adds on the DDs. The adds are not really dangerous, as long as they aren't pulled very far from the boss.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-21 10:38:14
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KujahFoxfire said: »
SimonSes said: »
KujahFoxfire said: »
Anyone done V25 Gigleorum on 1 KI yet, we were decently far last night but gets really spicy under 40%. Our BIS RDM is having a hard time keeping the adds slept too.

I suggest to just ignore the adds and stop trying to control them. Just do slow/elegy/paralyze2, take GEO/BRD/SCH/RDM/MNK/PLD do Barrier/fury with Bolster at 40%. Put Phalanx II on people. RDM support MNK with damage, SCH caper emissarius all hate to PLD at 40% to avoid MNK reaching cap hate before Gig dies.

Whats the odds on an add full dispelling someone in this comp though?

Probably super low. They would need to hit someone like 30 times to get 3000TP, having so much slow that they would hit once per 7 sec? With 65% chance for being paralyzed, it would take them several minutes to get enough tp for even one TP move.
By 2022-12-21 10:53:17
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