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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-19 09:19:27
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Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
War can be used in place of drk for sure it's more risky but we've done it before. I'd also just stick with torcleaver over Insurgency. Holding tp for it would mean torcleaver should be way better but yea either works.

Torcleaver and Insurgency has very close avg damage at 2500+ TP (you shouldnt WS earlier since both WSs scale extremely well and you want to avoid TP feed to Mboze), but Liberator has massive WS frequency advantage. Caladbolg usually catches up or beats Liberator because of AM white damage, but here all the white damage goes into add. So even assuming Torc having lets say even 5-10% damage advantage, it cant compete with over 50% higher WS frequency on Liberator. Using Liberator also means you don't need to switch to it for Absorb-stat, but I guess that's not that annoying for Calad, because you don't need AM on it anyway, so you can lose it.

EDIT: Also WAR could be used here, but its simply way worse. Soul Enslavement is just too good under 25% and if you get Wild Card reset it's just amazing. WAR is really weak without hasso/samba with only 68.75% haste too. I don't see composition with WAR pushing last 40% in time at all with regen from both adds.
By 2022-12-19 09:46:52
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By Afania 2022-12-19 09:58:34
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Asura.Shaedhen said: »
I don't know if it was really a bug or not to be honest.

If the correct version is dyna D WS wall then it's probably a bug with mechanics implemented incorrectly, which was somehow unnoticed until Odyssey update probably because of the difficulty.

If the correct version has no wall at all then it's probably a nerf....there is no way that they would accidentally add a WS wall mechanic to an NM if they never intend to have it at all.

So... it's a bug after all.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-19 10:22:46
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Wasn't that, they simply added BP wall for WSs by mistake? BP wall seems to be -90% no? Unless BP wall is longer than 10 sec?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-19 10:25:58
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Did the patch happen, thought it wasn't until 1pm PST, 4pm EST today? I've had characters logged in all day yesterday and they are still logged in.
By 2022-12-19 10:28:13
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By Penpenn 2022-12-19 10:28:48
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Did the patch happen, thought it wasn't until 1pm PST, 4pm EST today? I've had characters logged in all day yesterday and they are still logged in.

They always use 24:00 clock..

01:00 - 1:00 am PST

See previous patch - was at 21:00 PST - 9:00pm PST
By 2022-12-19 10:29:15
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-19 10:31:06
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KujahFoxfire said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Did the patch happen, thought it wasn't until 1pm PST, 4pm EST today? I've had characters logged in all day yesterday and they are still logged in.

The patch was this morning at 1am PST, guessing it was server side.

Oh wow, yeah no disconnections or anything. Normally when they do an update they restart servers which kicks us out of the game.
By 2022-12-19 10:36:38
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Server: Bahamut
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user: sairasu
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-12-19 10:37:25
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SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
War can be used in place of drk for sure it's more risky but we've done it before. I'd also just stick with torcleaver over Insurgency. Holding tp for it would mean torcleaver should be way better but yea either works.

Torcleaver and Insurgency has very close avg damage at 2500+ TP (you shouldnt WS earlier since both WSs scale extremely well and you want to avoid TP feed to Mboze), but Liberator has massive WS frequency advantage. Caladbolg usually catches up or beats Liberator because of AM white damage, but here all the white damage goes into add. So even assuming Torc having lets say even 5-10% damage advantage, it cant compete with over 50% higher WS frequency on Liberator. Using Liberator also means you don't need to switch to it for Absorb-stat, but I guess that's not that annoying for Calad, because you don't need AM on it anyway, so you can lose it.

EDIT: Also WAR could be used here, but its simply way worse. Soul Enslavement is just too good under 25% and if you get Wild Card reset it's just amazing. WAR is really weak without hasso/samba with only 68.75% haste too. I don't see composition with WAR pushing last 40% in time at all with regen from both adds.
For sure war won't push it with the regen it has now. Also it wouldn't be solely up to the war but yea I can see Sam going over war. Also soul wouldn't super matter if you on add the whole time well hasn't since v15 anyway. Also yes with how much more you can ws you should be close to beating torcleaver but remember you gonna be sitting on it just the same as calag as you can't spam it over and over. It be interesting to see. Hopefully I drk again for the fight I'll mess around with it.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-19 10:45:46
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Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Also soul wouldn't super matter if you on add the whole time well hasn't since v15 anyway.

For V20 (I expect the same for V25) under 25% you switch to Mboze when you turn Soul Enslavement on. Not only this completely negates TP feed from DRK himself, but also from WSs from two other jobs (they still should TP on add). This is also a time when switching to Calad/Torcleaver might be a good idea.

Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
but remember you gonna be sitting on it just the same as calag as you can't spam it over and over.

why? You mean because of same WS wall? One of the two other jobs doing WSs should be able to WS between your WSs, which resets WS wall for you.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-12-19 10:56:26
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SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Also soul wouldn't super matter if you on add the whole time well hasn't since v15 anyway.

For V20 (I expect the same for V25) under 25% you switch to Mboze when you turn Soul Enslavement on. Not only this completely negates TP feed from DRK himself, but also from WSs from two other jobs (they still should TP on add). This is also a time when switching to Calad/Torcleaver might be a good idea.

Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
but remember you gonna be sitting on it just the same as calag as you can't spam it over and over.

why? You mean because of same WS wall? One of the two other jobs doing WSs should be able to WS between your WSs, which resets WS wall for you.
Maybe we did switch I don't super remember been do long for a mboze clear not gonna lie. Also we gonna have to see as the others going really going if same as old setup would only have savage as a strong enough ws. Also yea id be already switched to calag if doing soul Enslavement as the tp scare is gone and you can AM 3 it while up for extra damage. It worth testing for sure either way can't go wrong with either
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-12-19 12:09:25
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Always thought about trying SAM on mboze instead of DRK. SAM has a little bit more SB2 available, and Yaegasumi activates off some of its regular attacks (noticed when doing 5% runs without buffs) and provides a safety net for a nice big burst of damage for the post-25% zerg.
Server: Asura
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user: melphina
Posts: 629
By Asura.Melliny 2022-12-19 12:12:31
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Oh wow, yeah no disconnections or anything. Normally when they do an update they restart servers which kicks us out of the game.

Not always. They often do maintenance on individual zones. If the patch only required them to take down all instances of Oddy-gaol and maybe the accompanying zone of rabao you wouldn't even notice it if your characters were logged in elsewhere. Same with Sortie and Khamir drifts.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-19 14:22:20
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I'm late to the party

So SE effed up the launch of another version of Odyssey/Gaol? How many is it at this point, a half dozen (not includeing the ones where they CAUGHT the glitches and delayed it by a few months)? They aren't even pretending to stress test their ***anymore, they are literally rolling it out and praying it works.

SE cannot be trusted with anything they implement in this game any longer. Literally test everything, and report everything. Assume everything is a bug until they tell us otherwise.

"This piece says it adds 45 dex" Test it anyways, cuz it could be 4.3 dex, or 430 dex

"-10% DT on a piece of gear" - go test it on needles to confirm, it might be damage taken +100%

Anyways, the 10s WS wall was (stupid, but) a decent challenge and I was looking forward to building setups around it, just to test a few unique job setups I had in mind. Got the T1+T2s done despite it, so that was fun (major middle finger to Gigelorum 25). I'm relieved I don't have to stress about it any longer and it was just a glitch, and I am happy they didn't take 4 months to address it. So there's that.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: NynJa
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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2022-12-19 14:24:50
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The way the WS wall there was implemented was stupid since it also affected SC dmg. How do you do skillchains for damage if any follow up WS will get nerfed down?

Maybe the implementation of the nuke wall has also been bugged for the last decade. Maybe thell adjust the nuke waaahahahahahaha yarite
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-12-19 14:56:35
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
The way the WS wall there was implemented was stupid since it also affected SC dmg. How do you do skillchains for damage if any follow up WS will get nerfed down?

Maybe the implementation of the nuke wall has also been bugged for the last decade. Maybe thell adjust the nuke waaahahahahahaha yarite

Well they better not I finally sat down and tested how the nuke wall actually works, its not nearly as strong as previously believed and far far weaker than the ws wall was which is why we did much better nuking through the nuke wall than trying to ws.
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-19 15:26:01
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Been saying while that the nuke wall is per-element and folks didn't believe me.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-19 16:12:11
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Been saying while that the nuke wall is per-element and folks didn't believe me.

Are you serious? There was actually someone who thought it wasn't per element? I thought it was widely known. Even on this forum the sentence "You can nuke 2 different elements to bypass nuke wall, but.." was pretty common.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2022-12-19 16:27:37
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Yeah the common issue was most mobs only "accepts" 1 element and has either strong sdt, strong meva or both to other elements. Plus things like gambit targetting 1 elemwnt, though thats a players choice, least i think you could do 2x 1 rune and 1x the other if you were hitting multiple elements
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-19 17:52:06
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Nariont said: »
Yeah the common issue was most mobs only "accepts" 1 element and has either strong sdt, strong meva or both to other elements. Plus things like gambit targetting 1 elemwnt, though thats a players choice, least i think you could do 2x 1 rune and 1x the other if you were hitting multiple elements

That's usually just the community getting tunnel vision. While it's true we can only nuke Fire on Fusion and Stone on Gravitation, Distortion, Fragmentation have two elements and Light / Dark have three. Monsters are usually aligned to one element making them have the lowest to one other and resistant to two others, leaving three possible alternatives. NM's gain cumulative resistance when hit with multiple elemental attacks of the same element, this isn't the "wall" but actual meva resistance making it more likely a player will fail a macc check. Hitting with different elements significantly reduces this effect.

What was nice about this testing was that the effect is really only -20%, but has it's timer constantly reset and is per-element. Groups need to select their strategy accordingly.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-12-19 22:14:57
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Nariont said: »
Yeah the common issue was most mobs only "accepts" 1 element and has either strong sdt, strong meva or both to other elements. Plus things like gambit targetting 1 elemwnt, though thats a players choice, least i think you could do 2x 1 rune and 1x the other if you were hitting multiple elements

That's usually just the community getting tunnel vision. While it's true we can only nuke Fire on Fusion and Stone on Gravitation, Distortion, Fragmentation have two elements and Light / Dark have three. Monsters are usually aligned to one element making them have the lowest to one other and resistant to two others, leaving three possible alternatives. NM's gain cumulative resistance when hit with multiple elemental attacks of the same element, this isn't the "wall" but actual meva resistance making it more likely a player will fail a macc check. Hitting with different elements significantly reduces this effect.

What was nice about this testing was that the effect is really only -20%, but has it's timer constantly reset and is per-element. Groups need to select their strategy accordingly.

So I think you really misunderstood Nariont.

Example Snapweed, is weak to Air. Our group had tried once with sch on a non-air element, for light and double light sc's no he didn't have any gambit or rayke to that element, but his damage was so much lower than nukes outside of gambit and rayke windows(no bonus to any element) it was clear that using an element that is not the bosses weakness is not ever going to be worthwhile in Odyssey.

When Nariont said "Boss only accepts 1 type of damage" I believe this was directly talking about bosses having 1 elemental weakness and the others have so much SDT that you're forced to nuke same element or your nuke will just be worthless.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2022-12-19 22:44:58
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Basically it, could have worded that better i suppose but in a majority of cases you have an NM that takes normal/extra dmg to 1 element and then the rest have either a higher macc requirement, or simply have a higher DT to that other element or just plain both. This can sometimes be overcome but often is just seen as too much extra effort for dmg that is possibly still shaky or reduced
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-19 23:18:27
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Nariont said: »
Basically it, could have worded that better i suppose but in a majority of cases you have an NM that takes normal/extra dmg to 1 element and then the rest have either a higher macc requirement, or simply have a higher DT to that other element or just plain both. This can sometimes be overcome but often is just seen as too much extra effort for dmg that is possibly still shaky or reduced

That is an Odyssea thing because mobs in there have both regular family resistances and the +1% / Vegenence level resistances. NM's in other content rarely have these massive resistances to every element under the sun. I don't like using a place like Odyssea Gaol as a barometer for mechanics due to how insanely non-standard that place is mechanics wise. Just look at how bugged it was, who's to say there aren't other bugs inside.
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-12-20 00:18:38
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But this is the odyssey thread so it's also kind of assumed that's going to be the basis of the discussion here compared to say Sortie/Job Forums.
By 2022-12-20 00:39:08
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-20 00:48:40
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Look at the name of the person in that quote and you already have your answer.
Server: Asura
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user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2022-12-20 01:04:12
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Yeah with this change to a Dyna-D-WS Wall, this content comes to an end now.. GG SE

It almost felt like Tanaka came back secretly and was the one that implemented the Sortie 10-Sec All-WS Wall Cancer, then he was caught and fired again silently before they changed it to their intended system..

RIP again Tanaka..
By 2022-12-20 02:29:14
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