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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-16 10:39:44
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Bahamut.Belkin said: »
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Does Sacrosanctity block Tiiimber?

The problem with Sacro is that it would wear off after Mboze auto attacks since they are magic damage. It only soaks the first magic damage hit, which could be any number of things. Stonega, auto attack, TP move other than Timber.

You just have to react appropriately to timber
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-16 11:02:07
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Bahamut.Belkin said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Did a B-team Gigelorum chip run earlier where we took it to 74% then basically played footsies with the add for the remaining 12~ minutes (we did not kill the add).

What setup did you use for B team? I was thinking RUN/SCH/GEO/DNC/BLU/something (SMN? BST?) but I was wondering how effective that team would be at milking boss from 100% to 74% but if you are saying you had a B team get him to 74% in like 3 minutes, you could definitely get him to the 49% threshold to lock that in whilst still ignoring the first add.

Then heck, you could use Phone 2 real party to even kill the first add if you were so inclined and still have enough time to kill the boss from 50%. Or you could simply continue to ignore both adds.

I'm really glad you mentioned HP threshold lock, seems like that will come in handy.

B Team for Gig should involve PUP. Overdrive is very potent even with just small debuffs. I would change whole support tho.

I think you want to pair Dia II or III with Box step and def down, so I would go with something like RDM/SCH/COR/DNC/PUP/RUN
Shell Crusher + Dia IV + Box Step is -71% def. Everyone will be attack capped with Chaos roll. Companion + Beast roll for PUP.

Don't activate automaton at start. Just do 24% with Black Halo on RDM and DNC and PUP white damage and stop at 76%. Activate Automaton, Caper Emissarius on PUP, PUP switch hate with automaton, so automaton has all the hate. Then push it to 74% and RUN is free to tank add then. RDM bind Gig. Everyone kill add and go back to main NM. Debuff again, Overdrive + Black Halo on RDM. Push to 39% or lower.

Team A would be then something like WHM/GEO/BST/MNK/PLD/BRD. Killer Instinct, Corrosive Ooze + Dia II, Bolster Fury+Barrier, SV Honor/3xMinuet/MinneV and ignore add and finish Gig with just MNK.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2022-12-16 11:34:36
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Edit ><
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-16 11:52:27
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I'm not sure but this is the Odyssey thread not the Sortie. Might be more beneficial to post it there in case someone else had a similar experience.
By 2022-12-16 12:53:00
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Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 36
By Gilgamesh.Maletaru 2022-12-16 13:08:00
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Fenrir.Svens said: »
Pretty sure people are aware of this, but in case someone isn't, assuming you do V20/V25/V25 for farming RP on a specific NM at V20 with trash V25s afterwards, you may as well use an amplifier on the V25s as well seeing as they will give 2328 RP minimum for 1500 segment investment, netting a bonus 828 segments after converting RP back to segments. With this, you'll receive ~7168 RP on 1 NM for ~8844 segments.

In addition to this, for anyone attempting the V25 climb, if you can do the minimum 6% and pop an amp each time, you will net 13,968 RP, assuming you have a v25 x3 charge ready to go. After converting it back to segments, this means you don't really need to worry about segment farming until 6% isn't consistent on each attempt.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2022-12-16 15:21:16
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Our attempts, I was not present at all of them.

The day after update:

T1: killed 4/4 V25 t1s, i'll post detailed strats later maybe. (all in first fight, did not need 6k or 9k segs to kill any of them)
Dulla was the hardest for us, we went 1/2, the others were easier, Sgili was by far the easiest.

Both adds were killed on all 3 non sgili fights, both adds were left alive on sgili.

T2: Used mage setup for Craklaw and Raskoviche. Ignored/controlled adds. went 1/1 on both easily on one Mogphone2. Regen was a non-issue on both for us.
BLM d/c on Cracklaw for 3mins and it was still dead with 6mins on clock. (We're loaded/we all are mages in Gunslingers)


Procne was also killed without killing the adds. It was tight, also had another D/c but we won with like 1:30 on clock or so.

PLD COR DRG RNG COR BRD (and Mischief boxed the DRG and RNG so it was not a fully optimum team)

We went 0/3 on Cricket this day. We initially tried WAR DRK BRD RDM COR WHM (again Mischief was boxing (RDM and DRK). On 2 attempts we killed one of the adds, then focused on the main NM. DPS was enough to win but the cricket murdered us even in capped DT in current gear. The other attempt, we ignored both adds and got murdered again. DPS was fine, but one shots happened again.

We were tired and 5-6 hours into our foray at this point which and there were mistakes with buffs and other things.

All attempts were made with intent of using only one mogphone2 for each fight/NM; for testing purposes and to possibly confirm viability.

Day 2 after update:

Cricket died easily (1/1) with one Mog2 with WAR DRK BRD COR GEO WHM (1 add killed, 2nd add ignored) We feel it's possible to ignore both adds and still meet the DPS check. However it's total drama for the healer if they both are spammy.

Henwen died on 1 Mogphone 2, (1/1) with PLD WAR MNK BRD COR RDM with both pig adds ignored.

Day 2/3 after update:

Gigelorum: Sucked ***. Killing it with one mog phone2 legitimately is possible but things get hectic at lower HP. Likely impossible to kill with one Mog2 while attempting to kill one of the adds.

All initial attempts with PLD RDM COR MNK WAR BRD (0/7) were made with the intent of killing Gigelorum with 1 Mog2, while controlling the adds. 6 of the runs we got him down below 10% and all hell would break loose. 2%-12% within all the attempts. It's possible but *** not worth it (effort and sccess rate) . Need a bit of luck for sure, Tl;dr one of the DDs would cap hate and get dispelled. PLD would use 1-2mil in panaceas per run lol.
Incredibly busy fight for the RDM and PLD especially.

We settled with killing it with 2 Phones with the intent of killing one of the adds in the first run, and then sending the 'main' jobs into the 2nd run. Add was actually not killed since were testing if nuke setup was viable for killing the add.

NM was taken to 75, and regened to 80% before timing out on first Phone 2. Was on 2nd phone and hate reset was not an issue.

Ideally: RUN GEO PUP DNC BLU SCH for first Ki, PLD WAR MNK BD COR RDM for 2nd KI, if your RDM and PLD can handle cures/stat removals with meds or w/e.

So, regarding our experience, All of the fights t1-t2 are killable with 1 moglophone with current information as of today; Gigelorum being a fight where it's possible if your group is in love with masochism. Adds can be ignored and it's possible to win on every fight, gigelorum being a total shitshow. Adds can be killed and can win with 1 Mog2 (one or both adds killed) on at least Ubnai, Delan, Gog, Aristaeus.

Likely trying T3s today, starting with Ongo cause reasons.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-16 15:36:05
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Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Gigelorum: Sucked ***. Killing it with one mog phone2 legitimately is possible but things get hectic at lower HP. Likely impossible to kill with one Mog2 while attempting to kill one of the adds.

All initial attempts with PLD RDM COR MNK WAR BRD (0/7) were made with the intent of killing Gigelorum with 1 Mog2, while controlling the adds. 6 of the runs we got him down below 10% and all hell would break loose. 2%-12% within all the attempts. It's possible but *** not worth it (effort and sccess rate) . Need a bit of luck for sure, Tl;dr one of the DDs would cap hate and get dispelled. PLD would use 1-2mil in panaceas per run lol.
Incredibly busy fight for the RDM and PLD especially.

We settled with killing it with 2 Phones with the intent of killing one of the adds in the first run, and then sending the 'main' jobs into the 2nd run. Add was actually not killed since were testing if nuke setup was viable for killing the add.

NM was taken to 75, and regened to 80% before timing out on first Phone 2. Was on 2nd phone and hate reset was not an issue.

Ideally: RUN GEO PUP DNC BLU SCH for first Ki, PLD WAR MNK BD COR RDM for 2nd KI, if your RDM and PLD can handle cures/stat removals with meds or w/e.

Ok you didn't kill the add on first attempt but got win on second? Was it because it's HP started at 76% or because the first add never left the paladin (super tank)? Did the add have it's HP refilled on the 2nd fight or did it start where you left off at?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-16 16:54:38
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The add respawned with full health on the second fight of the clear. The main boss did not. The add also will ignore the tank after summon, so we just slept it and went to town on the main.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-16 17:15:32
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Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
We went 0/3 on Cricket this day. We initially tried WAR DRK BRD RDM COR WHM
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Cricket died easily (1/1) with one Mog2 with WAR DRK BRD COR GEO WHM (1 add killed, 2nd add ignored)

We were able to kill the cricket fairly easily on one phone 1/1, but the winning strategy involved GEO for the Bolster at 40%, but Barrier was standard for Cricket and made healing it trivial. We swapped COR for GEO, and PLD did all of the healing with RDM helping out here and there where needed because he was controlling adds. Also, Haste 3, Phalanx2, and Dia 3 make the offensive and defensive check a lot more forgivable. Something else to keep in mind for the cricket: Sanguinary Slash gives him a brief 2-second impregnability to everything. You cannot land any magic or attacks on him everything hits for 0 or no effect. It saying "no effect" when you apply debuffs doesn't mean he's immune to it, just have to do it while the move is not going off. The same applies for damage; don't Mighty Strikes Judgment or Footwork TK with Sanguinary Slash active, lose a lot of DPS there.

We used an extra Minne for Gigelorum as well, since he is a PITFA with his Tail Thwack -50% defense move which practically requires you to sit in 50% DT the entire fight. I was told the move APPLIES defense down on the player before it lands. Not sure how true that is. A few times, the MNK or WAR had to run out to get away from AOE to allow the PLD time to rebuff from dispel, heal up a bit, and DDs remove defense down with Panaceas. On previous attempts, either the WAR or MNK died because of Tail Thwack spam, so we had to be more cautious with it. We found that Bind lands extremely well on the adds for Gigelorum, but Sleeps can be resisted often, even from a perfect RDM. In that case, babying the adds with Bind first and then Gravity II was very helpful, instead of trying to land sleeps on both adds initially. Then saving Stymie+SleepII for closer towards the end so both adds weren't running free.

The other 3 NMs (bird, chapuli, and raaz) were done pretty straightforward without much trouble. MNK took hate on Raaz at around 9%, turned, and took him from 3400+ to around 700 in one attack round. Was able to use Inner Strength for the remaining push, but the timing was a little tight. Ended with 1min remaining or so. Procne pretty much got destroyed by DNC+WAR alternating Impulse Drive with Climactic Rudra's Storm.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-16 17:16:13
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
The add respawned with full health on the second fight of the clear. The main boss did not. The add also will ignore the tank after summon, so we just slept it and went to town on the main.

But the add had blank enmity correct, so was easier to control?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: ForteGSX
Posts: 7
By Bahamut.Forutegsx 2022-12-16 17:16:38
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Gigelorum: Sucked ***. Killing it with one mog phone2 legitimately is possible but things get hectic at lower HP. Likely impossible to kill with one Mog2 while attempting to kill one of the adds.

All initial attempts with PLD RDM COR MNK WAR BRD (0/7) were made with the intent of killing Gigelorum with 1 Mog2, while controlling the adds. 6 of the runs we got him down below 10% and all hell would break loose. 2%-12% within all the attempts. It's possible but *** not worth it (effort and sccess rate) . Need a bit of luck for sure, Tl;dr one of the DDs would cap hate and get dispelled. PLD would use 1-2mil in panaceas per run lol.
Incredibly busy fight for the RDM and PLD especially.

We settled with killing it with 2 Phones with the intent of killing one of the adds in the first run, and then sending the 'main' jobs into the 2nd run. Add was actually not killed since were testing if nuke setup was viable for killing the add.

NM was taken to 75, and regened to 80% before timing out on first Phone 2. Was on 2nd phone and hate reset was not an issue.

Ideally: RUN GEO PUP DNC BLU SCH for first Ki, PLD WAR MNK BD COR RDM for 2nd KI, if your RDM and PLD can handle cures/stat removals with meds or w/e.

Ok you didn't kill the add on first attempt but got win on second? Was it because it's HP started at 76% or because the first add never left the paladin (super tank)? Did the add have it's HP refilled on the 2nd fight or did it start where you left off at?

We did not kill the add and it respawned once the mob hit 74%, it was dragged away and bound like all the others.

The main mata did regen to 80 when we timed out on round 1 and when we came back in on proper jobs it was already at 75%.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-16 17:20:27
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
The add respawned with full health on the second fight of the clear. The main boss did not. The add also will ignore the tank after summon, so we just slept it and went to town on the main.

But the add had blank enmity correct, so was easier to control?

Yeah. So we just had the RDM start his Bind immediately, and we moved Gigelorum to another area. The RDM was able to easily control adds the entire fight, but I imagine the hate was locked on the #2 on enmity list after damage was dealt to Gigelorum, but we just couldn't tell.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mischief
Posts: 56
By Bahamut.Mischief 2022-12-16 23:17:06
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In addition to all the standard V25 changes (two adds at same %s as T1/T2, changing aura), Ongo takes ZERO physical damage. You need to use Tactician's Roll to extend skillchains now. We ended up using two separate 4-step Skillchains depending on who had TP: Aero -> Noctohelix -> Steel Cyclone -> Wildfire, or Aero -> Noctohelix -> Rudra's Storm -> Exudation.

Beyond that...between this new change and the increased HP/INT/DT/Regen of V25, it really feels like you need a ton of luck to win this. If either 1hr gives MAB Down aura, you lose (MACC aura can be powered through). If Wild Card doesn't hit 5 or 6, you probably lose (we got a 6 and still only had 2.5 mins left when it died). We only used 1 KI for this win, but considering the 0 physical damage thing I'm not sure how much multiple KIs would even help.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-12-16 23:35:07
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So they did outright add and change mechanics too, then. Oh boy what'd they do to mboze...
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2022-12-16 23:38:33
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »

In addition to all the standard V25 changes (two adds at same %s as T1/T2, changing aura), Ongo takes ZERO physical damage. You need to use Tactician's Roll to extend skillchains now. We ended up using two separate 4-step Skillchains depending on who had TP: Aero -> Noctohelix -> Steel Cyclone -> Wildfire, or Aero -> Noctohelix -> Rudra's Storm -> Exudation.

Beyond that...between this new change and the increased HP/INT/DT/Regen of V25, it really feels like you need a ton of luck to win this. If either 1hr gives MAB Down aura, you lose (MACC aura can be powered through). If Wild Card doesn't hit 5 or 6, you probably lose (we got a 6 and still only had 2.5 mins left when it died). We only used 1 KI for this win, but considering the 0 physical damage thing I'm not sure how much multiple KIs would even help.

guess u could tp on the add too after it pops ya/
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-16 23:55:48
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That's what I was thinking too, but then you would have to deal with the add wailing on your backline. I guess you could have BRD put Minne on the COR and himself and get TP in between Immanence windows?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-17 02:22:56
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I did forget to mention this, but was probably already known: you can Aspir both Marmorkrebs adds for infinite MP. Of course you can do it on Marm himself, but he has much higher magic evasion so it's easier to get MP from the adds instead. Neither Raskovniche nor his adds have any MP.
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-12-17 10:55:44
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »

Beyond that...between this new change and the increased HP/INT/DT/Regen of V25, it really feels like you need a ton of luck to win this. If either 1hr gives MAB Down aura, you lose (MACC aura can be powered through). If Wild Card doesn't hit 5 or 6, you probably lose (we got a 6 and still only had 2.5 mins left when it died). We only used 1 KI for this win, but considering the 0 physical damage thing I'm not sure how much multiple KIs would even help.

It depends on if it's just PDT that's putting it to 0 phys dmg taken or whether or not a little defense down can push it to at least have TP gain. WAR can use Tomahawk to be able to get some windows up to make SCs w/ SMN bursting with Diabolos and maybe in 15 minutes get 10-15% down? Just enough damage so the BLM team would have some breathing room and make it less reliant on WC resets. BST probably has no shot of landing Purulent Ooze but if it can than that's another easy way to get some cheap chip damage out.

Am not looking forward to how they changed the other fights if they went this far on Ongo.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-17 11:12:09
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Huh, already beat one. Guess it's not impossible afterall whiners.

Sounds like they even got it in one KI? Effortless was even overselling it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 961
By Asura.Iamaman 2022-12-17 11:29:43
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
So they did outright add and change mechanics too, then. Oh boy what'd they do to mboze...

Probably gave him regain

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tenkey
Posts: 136
By Fenrir.Svens 2022-12-17 12:07:15
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I don't think they changed mechanics so much as added the standard 5% DT increase to the 95% DT it already had, which sounds like typical SE. As for using a 2nd KI to reduce its hp a little to help on the actual kill...either samurai with meditate/sekkanoki/konzen-ittai to make skillchains for the smn or dust off the ol' sleeping potions/regain gear. Either way, it's gonna be complete ***, but even 10% less hp to chew through may help.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-12-17 12:22:11
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »
Beyond that...between this new change and the increased HP/INT/DT/Regen of V25, it really feels like you need a ton of luck to win this. If either 1hr gives MAB Down aura, you lose (MACC aura can be powered through). If Wild Card doesn't hit 5 or 6, you probably lose (we got a 6 and still only had 2.5 mins left when it died). We only used 1 KI for this win, but considering the 0 physical damage thing I'm not sure how much multiple KIs would even help.
You might be able to go in with a SMN on the first moglophone and just slowly grind it down with Night Terror.

If SMN can get it down to 75%, and your job selection is really good, you might even be able to do a 3 moglophone run with something like:
Run 1: PLD,SMN,WHM,???,???,???
SMN grinds Ongo down to 75%

Melee-focused group kills add, with NIN and BLU being the ones to bring Ongo from 76% to <75%.

Normal MB group kills Ongo 75% > 0%, ignoring 2nd add
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-17 12:27:06
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
So they did outright add and change mechanics too, then. Oh boy what'd they do to mboze...

Probably gave him regain


He counters Mewing / TP Drain / Feather Tickle with Citadel Buster.

Doesn't make sense, but this is SE we're talking about.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Asura.Volteczero 2022-12-17 14:17:42
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since it takes 0 dmg from phys, you can also crocea it up, enstone damage like Odin RDM strat + BST tp denial
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2022-12-17 18:46:50
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Gigelorum: Sucked ***. Killing it with one mog phone2 legitimately is possible but things get hectic at lower HP. Likely impossible to kill with one Mog2 while attempting to kill one of the adds.

All initial attempts with PLD RDM COR MNK WAR BRD (0/7) were made with the intent of killing Gigelorum with 1 Mog2, while controlling the adds. 6 of the runs we got him down below 10% and all hell would break loose. 2%-12% within all the attempts. It's possible but *** not worth it (effort and sccess rate) . Need a bit of luck for sure, Tl;dr one of the DDs would cap hate and get dispelled. PLD would use 1-2mil in panaceas per run lol.
Incredibly busy fight for the RDM and PLD especially.

We settled with killing it with 2 Phones with the intent of killing one of the adds in the first run, and then sending the 'main' jobs into the 2nd run. Add was actually not killed since were testing if nuke setup was viable for killing the add.

NM was taken to 75, and regened to 80% before timing out on first Phone 2. Was on 2nd phone and hate reset was not an issue.

Ideally: RUN GEO PUP DNC BLU SCH for first Ki, PLD WAR MNK BD COR RDM for 2nd KI, if your RDM and PLD can handle cures/stat removals with meds or w/e.

Ok you didn't kill the add on first attempt but got win on second? Was it because it's HP started at 76% or because the first add never left the paladin (super tank)? Did the add have it's HP refilled on the 2nd fight or did it start where you left off at?

Neither add was killed, we basically did enough dmg to the main NM on the first run to avoid hate reset drama at 10%.

Best way to deal with this NM tbh is take PUP BLU GEO RUN a healer, and either a DNC or another blunt capable DD and kill 1 of the baby adds"

Then send the MNK, PLD RDM BRD COR and w/e on the 2nd fight. IT IS POSSIBLE TO KILL Matamata, Hewnen, Cricket, and Tulfaire with 1 KI, but be ready for drama even if you're group is insanely good.

-edit Belkin deserves much of the credit for the Matamata 2 ki strat. (Though we did have somehting similar planned after going 0/7 combined trying to kill it in one go) every songle fight would get to 10% or lower then things fell apart due to hate capping. Our 6th job differed, everything else was basically identical. And he convinced me to just push for it, instead of trying to go 1 and done.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2022-12-17 18:49:55
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we killed T3 Ongo yesterday, the strat is the same as the V20 version,you need to be perfect and it is hellova luck based. Also you need to add the BRD and GEO into the mix with 4 step SCs

If any of these things happen (one of these possible things) you lose.

Mischief: "You get MAB down Aura u lose. You're Wildcard fails to reset SPs, you lose." "You wiff more than 2 skillchains (steel cyclone), you lose. Basically any major mistakes or a compilation of a few minor ones, you lose."

They are trying Xevioso 25 now.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2022-12-17 21:38:03
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Bee V25 dead, 1 KI. Both chapuli left alive. I'm sure Mischief will post.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-17 21:43:03
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Seems awfully easy for 20 pages of panicking. Not even having to resort to the easy strat.
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