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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-06 12:26:56
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Asura.Hya said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
You absolutely do not use jobs in "new and interesting ways", you go with a specific template for each clear and it's the exact same jobs over and over again with the DD changing.
Just because you may have done the content with cookie cutter copy/pasted setups does not mean that other groups didn't use different jobs in new and interesting ways. There are multiple setups and strategies to clear most of the Gaol fights. I will grant you that these have become more strict with V20 and may become even more so with V25. But the V15 era allowed for a huge amount of variability in setups to clear fights. Before Gaol, when was the last time you brought THF as a tank/DD and not just TH for Ou/Dynamis? Or brought BST to anything at all that wasn't botting exp to RMT? Or used NIN to magic burst from the back line?

And you did none of those in Odyssea Gaol. Every clear setup revolved around the same jobs with the DD changing out. Only exceptions being the magic burst fights, in which cause you used the same old SCH + GEO + BLM + RUN combo. Because nobody can get utility or additional abilities from subjobs, we are forced into taking the jobs with the strongest main only abilities.

With subs lots of interesting combos become possible, especially since ML's expanded the utility of subs. Prime example is the healing slot, currently it has to be WHM because they are the only ones with a viable response to the constant AoE damage the T3'a and Bumba can do. If subs were an option then RDM and SCH become available as healers while trading off weaker barspells for various other benefits.

Anyhow gate keepers are going to want to continue gate keeping success.
By Afania 2022-12-06 12:28:53
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Asura.Hya said: »
Before Gaol, when was the last time you brought THF as a tank/DD and not just TH for Ou/Dynamis?

I've seen THF in melee Teles, eirnys, melee schah, vast majority of melee ambuscade VD in 2017, all melee-able omen bosses not just Ou. I've seen THF in 2016/17 melee WoC Zerg even, AND topped the parse chart with a stolen mighty strike. Fun time.

I am not sure why is THF even on the "not getting invite" list.....=.= Complain about BLM is one thing, but THF is in a much better position than most jobs tbh....

Asura.Hya said: »
Or brought BST to anything at all that wasn't botting exp to RMT?

In 2015-2016 BST was the bandwagon endgame job. Although post 2016 only BST mains use it anymore. BST mains still brought them to event like dyna D though.

Many jobs never needed Odyssey restrictions IMO. It's just people not trying then demand artificial limitations as an easy solution.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-12-06 12:32:03
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the only thing that feels repetitive to me in Gaol is how absolutely throttled GEO ends up with no SJ. And in some fights, you cannot live without they just stand there and all the "nuance" is just getting your sets better.

Yes, we do approach the same fight the same way once our group finds a good setup that fits our strengths and our people. To me the variance is that you can't just do the same thing in every fight.

Also, I think if more people did triples, they'd enjoy the content more. I get such a rush when in one 2 hour span I'm able to play 4 different jobs, instead of the same job for a month straight of Dyna-D or Sortie.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-06 12:33:32
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Absolutely nobody said anything about accomplishments being diminished or somehow others being on the same level if they clear the content easier than you initially did. That's literally a strawman pulled out of the air, I wouldn't even entertain that comment tbh.

What we are talking about is how the content currently is designed. They made it without the use of support jobs and a repeat job restriction, as well as various weapon resistances. Nobody here is defending it, just talking within the conditions of the content. I don't see any indication where SE would alter the requirements or layout of Gaol as far as jobs are concerned.

As I stated before, they probably see Sortie, Master Levels, and Odyssey as a triple set of events that goes hand in hand for player development, and expect players would bounce between the three of them to progressively get stronger, allowing you to clear more of each individual content easier. It's basically their new form of Content/Gear progression. Before you used to have to progress through the ranks with other dated content to level up. You no longer have to do that anymore.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-06 12:40:21
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Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Also, I think if more people did triples, they'd enjoy the content more. I get such a rush when in one 2 hour span I'm able to play 4 different jobs, instead of the same job for a month straight of Dyna-D or Sortie.

They launched it with this in mind as a way to challenge players for sure. Of course the fights are simple if you do singles and use the same set of buffs and strat is slightly altered. When you have to fit a T4 + 2 T3s or 3 T2s or 3 T3s or even 3 T1s into a setup, it becomes extremely challenging if you are intending to clear the fights. And it's a lot of fun trying to squeeze every resource you can out of 6 players to beat 3 in a row.

Of course, amp cheese basically killed off all motivation for that in general, but the group I was in did really enjoy trying to beat 3 bosses in one visit, vs doing 3 separate fights or doing 1 real fight 2 afk 6% RP cheese.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-06 12:50:50
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Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Also, I think if more people did triples, they'd enjoy the content more. I get such a rush when in one 2 hour span I'm able to play 4 different jobs, instead of the same job for a month straight of Dyna-D or Sortie.

Yes the fun is from the single use job lockout with I love. You have to carefully pick which jobs you will use when so that each fight you have some level of support, then it's us challenging ourselves to see how low we can get it's HP with such a restricted setup. This is where I'd really like subs, since it would open up all sorts of alternate possibilities like weird tanks, healers and support crew or hybrid roles.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-06 12:54:25
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Absolutely nobody said anything about accomplishments being diminished or somehow others being on the same level if they clear the content easier than you initially did. That's literally a strawman pulled out of the air, I wouldn't even entertain that comment tbh.

People in this conversation said that allowing subs would make it too easy. That is the dead giveaway for content gatekeeping. Might as well of said "I walked 5 miles to school in snow uphill both ways". It's a form of "I did X to get Y, nobody should have to less then X", or "making it easier would cheaper all the hard work we did".

All the exact same argument, accomplishment gate keeping through exclusivity.
Posts: 174
By IGDC 2022-12-06 12:58:16
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Cool idea (imo): allow sub jobs but restrict it to using it once. E.g. - pld/blu can be used for a fight but no on else can sub blu on that fight or an additional fight but could main job it once still. Additionally: If you want to use sub jobs, you have to use all 3 tags when you enter for it regardless if you do 3 fights, 2 fights, or just one. My thinking on this is so that if you want to just do one fight (say Ongo v20) and clear it, but also feel like you need sub jobs to clear it, it would cost you 3 times the amount of mooglephoneII's to try it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-12-06 13:03:17
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Asura.Saevel said: »
And you did none of those in Odyssea Gaol.
I did all of these and more in Odyssey Sheol Gaol. I'm sorry that unique setups did not work out for you, I really am. But that doesn't mean you can disparage the accomplishments of others by simply denying that they have been done. In no way am I trying to gatekeep success. In fact, I feel like your opinion that the content is only beatable by specific setups is more gatekeeping than my offering alternate strategies. I've made no arguments for or against subjobs in the content, so please don't bring me into that. I'm only trying to show that new and interesting ways of fighting and beating the NMs is possible
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-06 13:08:30
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Afania said: »
I've seen THF in melee Teles, eirnys, melee schah, vast majority of melee ambuscade VD in 2017, all melee-able omen bosses not just Ou. I've seen THF in 2016/17 melee WoC Zerg even, AND topped the parse chart with a stolen mighty strike. Fun time.

I am not sure why is THF even on the "not getting invite" list.....=.= Complain about BLM is one thing, but THF is in a much better position than most jobs tbh....

which of that is experience from pugs and which is experience from LS run by Lex, who just let several people to just go whatever, because the core of the group is so strong, that they can carry everyone? Also 2015-2017 was almost 6+ years ago.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-06 13:10:39
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Asura.Saevel said: »
People in this conversation said that allowing subs would make it too easy. That is the dead giveaway for content gatekeeping. Might as well of said "I walked 5 miles to school in snow uphill both ways". It's a form of "I did X to get Y, nobody should have to less then X", or "making it easier would cheaper all the hard work we did".

I didn't interpret anything anybody said in this way. I assume you're talking about something Simon said.

Using your analogy about walking uphill in snow both ways, everyone does have to do the it the exact same way if the snow is still on the ground, because the limitations are imposed on everyone. If the snow happens to melt, then yeah, you wouldn't have to go through that.

The support job restrictions are in place for everybody, not just a set of players. IF SE chooses to remove that barrier later, so be it, it becomes easier for everyone. However, I have not seen any indication that SE would even do that, because they specifically designed this with an intent, from the sliding difficulty scale to the job variety. THEY want players to be challenged (or inhibited), it's not the players who have beat it WITH the limitation that want others to "suffer" the same way they did. That's an absolutely ridiculous claim to make.

Debating with other players about what is and isn't fun is subjective, and having an opinion about what part of the contents are annoying or frustrating is fine, but I don't believe anyone here truly cares how future players clear the fights. That's like when original bumba clear came out; the players who first cleared it using rayke/abusing SC damage did not care about people using Naegling strat later for their clear. There was no gatekeeping by anybody demanding that it be done the same way.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-06 13:16:43
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Asura.Saevel said: »
People in this conversation said that allowing subs would make it too easy. That is the dead giveaway for content gatekeeping. Might as well of said "I walked 5 miles to school in snow uphill both ways". It's a form of "I did X to get Y, nobody should have to less then X", or "making it easier would cheaper all the hard work we did".

All the exact same argument, accomplishment gate keeping through exclusivity.

Except we have MLs, Empy+2/3 and best working strategy for every NM, so there is no more snow and you have a map with a shortcut, so it's already way easier and none is crying about that. It's not about being easier with sub jobs, but how the event works since the beginning. You would completely change its identity.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-06 13:18:36
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I assume you're talking about something Simon said.

He cant comment anything I have said. He blocked me long time ago. He couldn't stand how I was pointing holes in his posts :D
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-12-06 13:22:33
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SimonSes said: »
Except we have MLs, Empy+2/3 and best working strategy for every NM, so there is no more snow and you have a map with a shortcut, so it's already way easier and none is crying about that.

Yup. The road has already been plowed and salted, and these days you got that big bad battery-powered heated jacket called MLs and empy+2/3.

The gatekeeping happening is self-imposed by people unwilling to move off the meta for other content, gear their current jobs differently for success in there, or flat out refuse to level/gear new jobs.

BLMs that have been gathering dust for 6 years and think Lathi and Amalric+1 is still "just fine", or Naegling-only WARs honestly don't deserve success in this content. If I'm 'gatekeeping' by that statement, then I guess My Watch Begins.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-06 13:22:41
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
but I don't believe anyone here truly cares how future players clear the fights.

And there you would be wrong. People care about their trophies and not wanting others to have the same trophy. Thankfully that population is small, unfortunately they also tend to be extremely loud. If you want to know who they are just read the "catch up mechanic" thread.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-06 13:23:30
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Ok then it was either something Hya or myself said, but still I don't see anything about players who said anything about it being too easy and interpreted that to mean "you can't play with us until you prove yourself".
By Afania 2022-12-06 13:30:25
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
I've seen THF in melee Teles, eirnys, melee schah, vast majority of melee ambuscade VD in 2017, all melee-able omen bosses not just Ou. I've seen THF in 2016/17 melee WoC Zerg even, AND topped the parse chart with a stolen mighty strike. Fun time.

I am not sure why is THF even on the "not getting invite" list.....=.= Complain about BLM is one thing, but THF is in a much better position than most jobs tbh....

which of that is experience from pugs and which is experience from LS run by Lex, who just let several people to just go whatever, because the core of the group is so strong, that they can carry everyone? Also 2015-2017 was almost 6+ years ago.

I am confused, what do you try to imply here exactly? I meant the guy did ask "when did you see THF pre Odyssey(2020)" and dyna D (2018)doesn't count because of TH so of course it has to be 2017 or older content like aeonic/omen/ambu.....

Not sure where did that "carried" comment came from.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-12-06 13:34:25
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Ok then it was either something Hya or myself said, but still I don't see anything about players who said anything about it being too easy and interpreted that to mean "you can't play with us until you prove yourself".

You are misinterpreting things. It's not "you can't play with us".

It's "you can't have access to this gear/accomplishment/etc until you've walked 5 miles in the snow uphill both ways." The dead give away is objections to anything that would make content easier / more accessible. "They shouldn't do X because it would be brain dead easy".

As I said earlier, competitive players need a way to compete and those players will create one if one doesn't exist.
Posts: 129
By Serjero 2022-12-06 14:10:08
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Asura.Saevel said: »
It's "you can't have access to this gear/accomplishment/etc until you've walked 5 miles in the snow uphill both ways." The dead give away is objections to anything that would make content easier / more accessible. "They shouldn't do X because it would be brain dead easy".

This is an extremely bad-faith argument here. Nobody cares if they make the content easier (they already have) or wants people to be locked out of doing said content. People are way more vocal about crying about things that they can't have when they don't even try.

Most people are just arguing the contents do-able, that it's not prohibitively "hard" and that there's no real reason to make completely drastic changes to the content when it hasn't even finished completely being rolled out. In 6-18 months if V25s have blocked out even groups that were able to complete V20s then sure SE should (and probably would) do something.

That's not to say people wouldn't actively take advantage of easier fights or SJs if they were allowed. There's just no reasonable indication that this kind of change is something SE would implement. Besides it's not like you see people boasting they got all their RP without using a single Amplifier. Which amps were one of the most significant changes to Odyssey and lowered the bar for getting augments way more dramatically than anything else I've seen anyone propose. Like seriously would anyone here have actually came up with the decision so that you get full value from the amplifier for doing 6% to an NM when designing the Amplifier. But to some extent most people are okay with how that ended up working out.

The people that want to turn it into a competition can just take a dated SS with their clears so they can feel all warm and superior about being in the first .01% of the player base to have beaten the content while being all ML <20. But nobody actually cares if Timmy McCasual and the Laid Back Crew comes back after a 3 year hiatus and 9 months from now has R30 Nyame. Most of the end-game players wouldn't even know.

I don't know where you are seeing these ultra-toxic holier than thou end game players, but they ain't here chief.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2022-12-06 14:11:59
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Asura.Saevel said: »
The dead give away is objections to anything that would make content easier / more accessible. "They shouldn't do X because it would be brain dead easy".

Even outside of objections from people who cleared the content "when it was hard" and want to keep it hard so they can show off their exclusive gear that shows what badasses they are...The game should be difficult. That's the point of a video game, to challenge you and make you feel accomplished for having overcome great obstacles. If you throw people a bone on less than 1 year old content which provides some of the strongest gear in the game...what the hell is the point?

If you don't want a challenge, don't want to struggle, and just want to chill and vibe with your friends on your favorite jobs then go do Omen or something, rather than insisting that they make the hardest content in the game easier for you (not referring to anyone specific here, the royal you). Accessibility is not the end-all-be-all for MMO content. FFXI has a good mix of relatively chill, easy content you can bring your *** around jobs to, and hardcore content where you need to focus and bring well-geared, coordinated players/jobs to. No need to mess with that and make everything a keyboard faceroll.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-06 16:17:03
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Afania said: »
I am confused, what do you try to imply here exactly? I meant the guy did ask "when did you see THF pre Odyssey(2020)" and dyna D (2018)doesn't count because of TH so of course it has to be 2017 or older content like aeonic/omen/ambu.....

Not sure where did that "carried" comment came from.

True question should be "Where have you last seen anyone wanting THF specifically, because its a part of strategy? Not just allowing it to tag alone"

I have only seen it for SATA Erinys and for Teles, only because it can steal Invincible.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-06 16:24:59
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Ok then it was either something Hya or myself said, but still I don't see anything about players who said anything about it being too easy and interpreted that to mean "you can't play with us until you prove yourself".

You are misinterpreting things. It's not "you can't play with us".

It's "you can't have access to this gear/accomplishment/etc until you've walked 5 miles in the snow uphill both ways." The dead give away is objections to anything that would make content easier / more accessible. "They shouldn't do X because it would be brain dead easy".

As I said earlier, competitive players need a way to compete and those players will create one if one doesn't exist.

Competitive players dont need to wish to gate anyone from anything. Competitive players will go make 3x V20 in single entrance or break speed kill records on V25 soon, or clear VD Ambuscade in 60 seconds including buffs like Xolla. You are projecting.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-12-06 16:27:19
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
I am confused, what do you try to imply here exactly? I meant the guy did ask "when did you see THF pre Odyssey(2020)" and dyna D (2018)doesn't count because of TH so of course it has to be 2017 or older content like aeonic/omen/ambu.....

Not sure where did that "carried" comment came from.

True question should be "Where have you last seen anyone wanting THF specifically, because its a part of strategy? Not just allowing it to tag alone"

I have only seen it for SATA Erinys and for Teles, only because it can steal Invincible.

That one group that did tiger with double tp bonus ullr thf sounded pretty awesome ngl, lol.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-06 16:41:47
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Vaerix said: »
SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
I am confused, what do you try to imply here exactly? I meant the guy did ask "when did you see THF pre Odyssey(2020)" and dyna D (2018)doesn't count because of TH so of course it has to be 2017 or older content like aeonic/omen/ambu.....

Not sure where did that "carried" comment came from.

True question should be "Where have you last seen anyone wanting THF specifically, because its a part of strategy? Not just allowing it to tag alone"

I have only seen it for SATA Erinys and for Teles, only because it can steal Invincible.

That one group that did tiger with double tp bonus ullr thf sounded pretty awesome ngl, lol.

Yeah, but that's Odyssey. THF is useful in Odyssey exactly because of forced limits. It's also excellent example of creativity idea, that probably would never pop up otherwise.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-06 16:51:50
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I made a BST Evisceration set for nothing (maybe i'll get to use it on V25s)
By Afania 2022-12-07 00:26:14
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
I am confused, what do you try to imply here exactly? I meant the guy did ask "when did you see THF pre Odyssey(2020)" and dyna D (2018)doesn't count because of TH so of course it has to be 2017 or older content like aeonic/omen/ambu.....

Not sure where did that "carried" comment came from.

True question should be "Where have you last seen anyone wanting THF specifically, because its a part of strategy? Not just allowing it to tag alone"

I have only seen it for SATA Erinys and for Teles, only because it can steal Invincible.

Why is requiring a job specifically for content even a good thing though? It sounds like that makes it harder to build a pt or join one if you plan to do that NM.

I never really care which job sits in the DD spot, as long as it parses high it's good enough to me. Let it be war MNK Sam drk DRG or THF or NIN.... who cares....

Now if the game tells me certain strategy NEED certain DD then it suck lol. It will drastically increase my time spent on building a pt and narrow down available pt for me to join unless I gear up every DD, which also takes a lot of time.

I am okay with a DD job's ability being a nice bonus for the strategy. But being forced to bring it...Not a fan personally.

Edit: also found the discussion of 2016 WoC Zerg that DD stealing hate was prevented with THF SATA, aka part of strategy.

Afania said: »
We managed to push kill speed to 2 min 10 sec using war, run and thf as DD x4.

(About tank holding hate)
Nocki said:
It's fairly easy to do so if there's no skillchain damage happening, and if the THFs (if there are any) TA the tank.

It's one old content out of many. Also seen THF in plenty of content after that. People will use their main job to event and just utilize it's ability as part of strategy. A forced limitation is never required.
By Afania 2022-12-07 01:31:13
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SimonSes said: »
THF is useful in Odyssey exactly because of forced limits. It's also excellent example of creativity idea, that probably would never pop up otherwise. don't need forced limit to encourage different builds, you only need special mechanics that favors certain build then people will build them. Examples here:

I had a requiescat set on cor in 2015 because some of the escha T2 has a shield.

I built a full STP set in escha era because it has multiple wings to spam.

I built an evasion set a couple months ago on cor because omen/ML mob/seg mob can be Eva tanked with an evasion set.

You see....all you need is a mechanic that favors certain build then players will use their creativity with builds. All of these are problem solving outside of Odyssey so why do you pretend they don't exist?

In fact if Odyssey doesn't lock SJ I'd probably build a club DD set on COR for Ngai. So limitation doesn't add anything here.

Saying that Odyssey is the reason behind creativity is drawing a conclusion before reason.
Posts: 74
By warmech 2022-12-07 02:08:03
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hey warmech it me! you tooling through this thread again? go ahead and skip the next 10 pages.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-12-07 02:57:11
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Afania said: »
SimonSes said: »
THF is useful in Odyssey exactly because of forced limits. It's also excellent example of creativity idea, that probably would never pop up otherwise. don't need forced limit to encourage different builds, you only need special mechanics that favors certain build then people will build them. Examples here:

I had a requiescat set on cor in 2015 because some of the escha T2 has a shield.

I built a full STP set in escha era because it has multiple wings to spam.

I built an evasion set a couple months ago on cor because omen/ML mob/seg mob can be Eva tanked with an evasion set.

You see....all you need is a mechanic that favors certain build then players will use their creativity with builds. All of these are problem solving outside of Odyssey so why do you pretend they don't exist?

In fact if Odyssey doesn't lock SJ I'd probably build a club DD set on COR for Ngai. So limitation doesn't add anything here.

Saying that Odyssey is the reason behind creativity is drawing a conclusion before reason.

We are just talking about 2 different things. Im talking about regular player being able to join pugs on jobs they want to play, instead of jobs they are forced to play because of meta. Ofc you can make THF works as DD, but 90% of PUGs leader will tell you "THF? Do you have some proper DD?" (despite the fact that THF with Naegling is actually top dps).
You are talking about playing with friends or with LS that will let you experiment and find a way for your job to work.

Your examples of being creative are for situations where your job is needed there anyway and you just try to improve your performance further. It's not something that will let your job to be desired (you are desired because of rolls). You are right that it would be more ideal to create benefits instead of limits, but like I said, that requires far more development and balancing. It's much easier to nerf everything but piercing by 90% to make piercing desired, than to buff piercing by 25%. The former is also very effective, while the former not really.
By 2022-12-07 04:15:03
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