The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2022-12-02 09:04:00
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »This would, however, make it much easier to merc things and much easier to help friends get clears, and I think it would dramatically cheapen the achievement because while the fights are difficult, with infinite attempts I think a lot more people would be handing off clears if it only cost them their time. This is a very subjective topic. I don't think there is a "right" answer, just personal opinions.
Personally, I would be very sad or even angry if someone could get the same hard results I struggled for, in just a few days of work.
Well at least if that were to happen shortly after I did it.
If it happens like 1 or 2 years after I did it, if there's new "hard" content that replaced the previous, and if the "few days" mentioned above are actually a few more... well then in this scenario I honestly don't really care and I see no deevaluation at all compared to what I achieved when that content was in its prime.
As I said before, it's just my personal stance on the topic.
By Taint 2022-12-02 09:34:55
Odyssey came out in March 2020. I 100% agree clearing V20-25 should remain locked and limited as current content, but v0-v15 (or v10) could benefit from enhanced access or incentive.
By Serjero 2022-12-02 09:53:14
If you think the fight is that easy are you successfully opening the fights for people? If you are preach to us about the players you regularly assist in getting this kill just by opening the fight for them.
Yes in fact, I've had R25 Nyame finished on my main since late March early April. Since then my original group disbanded/fell apart, helped form a new group that was with people that either barely had V15 Bumba cleared or hadn't touched Ody almost at all that are now done with Nyame. Gotten a handful of other linkshell mates V20 clears on Bumba to be able to R25 their Nyame. Gotten my brother who plays much more casually V20 Bumba clear and a handful of V15 clears to be able to upgrade stuff. Then I've helped people with a number of V15-V20 T1-3 fights for clears. When new or returning people in my linkshells start getting their segs up I'll do V15-19 fights for unlocks depending on their job availability. Or if they just need a ringer for a certain fight on a certain job I'll help out.
I think after our initial V20 Bumba clear it hasn't taken more than 5 tries at most to get a kill and even then that entire time people are popping amps and getting some good RP. Between higher master levels and Empy +3 gear your two biggest hold ups for hitting 2:30 are the GEO and BRDs dmg output. Getting people V15 Bumba access is kind of a joke as well and while it's not as efficient to RP Nyame all the way to 25 from V15 fights it's certainly doable.
Though it's not like I'm hand holding people all the way through the entire process. I'll help people out with strats, gearing, etc... But if people are doing the grind, get stuck and need help then yeah I'm gonna help. The more people on the server that are making progress the better. Especially if say I need to fill a role in my static cause somebody took a break or is out of town or w/e I at least know more than a handful of people I can ask to sub in that I actively helped gear and know they will be competent enough to help.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-12-02 09:53:31
Odyssey came out in March 2020. I 100% agree clearing V20-25 should remain locked and limited as current content, but v0-v15 (or v10) could benefit from enhanced access or incentive.
Out of curiosity- how? In my book V10 clears all the way to Bumba are pretty darn straightforward by this point, just gotta find 4-6 people willing to gear up new jobs to make your group work. I've reached the point where if the players who feel "excluded" from Odyssey aren't willing to be that fill-in position for a group and level jobs that are needed, its not up to the rest of us to get them the same results as those who were willing to do that.
r15 gear is honestly reachable for damn near anyone these days with pretty basic, yet smart, sets paired with solid strat and practice. If "enhanced access" means the armies of Savage Blade WARs who's never seen a greataxe in their life now get the same rewards as the career WAR with 5 weapon types and matching sets AND geared up that BST their group needed for Mboze or something, I'm not for enhanced access.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-02 10:05:52
Odyssey came out in March 2020. I 100% agree clearing V20-25 should remain locked and limited as current content, but v0-v15 (or v10) could benefit from enhanced access or incentive.
Odyssey in the form of Segment Farming and Unity upgrades came out in March 2020, but Gaol bosses didn't come out until almost a full year later in January 2021 IIRC, due to various bugs in the content. It also didn't have the best starting point the first few months due to that god awful 10-second latency.
There's still been at least a good year and a half of Odyssey Gaol bosses, so it could use an enhancement in the future at some point, but they are still updating it next version release, so it's still relatively new content, by at least SE's standards.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-02 10:05:56
Personally, I would be very sad or even angry if someone could get the same hard results I struggled for, in just a few days of work.
Well at least if that were to happen shortly after I did it.
If it happens like 1 or 2 years after I did it, if there's new "hard" content that replaced the previous, and if the "few days" mentioned above are actually a few more... well then in this scenario I honestly don't really care and I see no deevaluation at all compared to what I achieved when that content was in its prime.
As I just mentioned, Gaol's been out long enough so you shouldn't be mad if you were sporting the gear as soon as you were able to and someone else got it recently. Nonetheless, it's inevitable in this kind of game that someone can waltz right in and enjoy instant rewards that you had to grind for. I think about all the people who grinded Dynamis Windy volte, only to have that gear replaced by base level Sakpata. And let's not forget people who did hundreds or thousands of Shinryu with only pebbles to show for it, and then some random got a cloak, dagger, knife or whatever from Trove and is sporting base level 119 gear. SE really doesn't care about devaluing the accomplishments of players much, they would rather give more people access to everything. Good for a video game's longevity, bad for your hardcore players.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-12-02 10:16:04
the access enhancement is MLs boosting base stats and skills so that the loss of SJ isn't as much of a direct hit to those compared to release. Its also how piss-easy getting empy+2 is even for a soloer, making viable -DT sets that still produce respectable damage almost hard NOT to make. Hell, you can get 30% -DT in sets these days for almost any job without trying- and capped sets have a lot higher DPS ceiling than even just 6 months ago.
By Taint 2022-12-02 10:24:22
Gear isn’t the issue especially with ML and Sortie. 4-6 players that don’t roll their face on the key board is.
At the end of the day it’s up to SE but coming back after a year break has made it obvious to me there needs to be more incentive for lower tier Odyssey. Paying for clears may be the best bet but it’s not ideal.
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-02 10:51:12
You can't really incentivize any of it without enticing more mercs. And while they absolutely want as many mercs paying as many subs as possible, they at least want to pretend like they don't.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-02 10:54:41
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »the access enhancement is MLs boosting base stats and skills so that the loss of SJ isn't as much of a direct hit to those compared to release. Its also how piss-easy getting empy+2 is even for a soloer, making viable -DT sets that still produce respectable damage almost hard NOT to make. Hell, you can get 30% -DT in sets these days for almost any job without trying- and capped sets have a lot higher DPS ceiling than even just 6 months ago.
This is actually a salient point and I hadn't considered this might be SE's thinking, especially with releasing ML50 recently. In fact, I'm even more convinced that SE won't change much about Odyssey after reading this.
With both the sliding difficulty scale and Master level progression, SE probably feels the content is designed "a la carte" to an extent; you can gain MLs and progressively build up your character's strength on your own, and then pick your difficulty level in Odyssey based on where you can comfortably clear. Then increase the difficulty and challenge yourself higher. If you fail, you continue to gain progress towards improving your gear in the process, inevitably making you stronger each time. And the two sources of content (Master Levels and Gaol) go hand-in-hand: you do Odyssey (or even Sortie) to get better gear, you can do MLs to improve your main jobs, and as you progressively do both, Odyssey Gaol will get easier over time. For most people, this still sounds like a grind, but from SE's view, they likely don't want anyone finishing this content quickly, even with Amplifiers. So they made it this way so that it would last a very long time and reward you over that same period of time while making you stronger (and some gil to boot). That kind of sounds well designed in my opinion.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-02 10:57:49
You can't really incentivize any of it without enticing more mercs. And while they absolutely want as many mercs paying as many subs as possible, they at least want to pretend like they don't.
I never liked the idea that "they can't fix this without helping mercs". Mercs will always be around no matter what they decide to do.
Do nothing: Mercs sell
Make it easier: Mercs continue to sell (players benefit in the process)
Make it very hard or a very very very bad drop rate: Mercs continue to sell (players are harmed in the process)
It shouldn't even be considered anymore how something will or won't impact the merc market because they will exist regardless of what SE does.
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-02 11:06:02
Spoiler; They're not good at their jobs. It's never that IT can't be, it's that They can't.
Hard to believe, I'm sure, but true nevertheless.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-12-02 11:25:29
Spoiler; They're not good at their jobs. It's never that IT can't be, it's that They can't.
Hard to believe, I'm sure, but true nevertheless.
You talkin about SE, or the legions of players who refuse to gear up support jobs?
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-02 11:26:58
Both are accurate. Refusal to do anything off meta and refusal to balance
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2022-12-02 11:42:09
Gear isn’t the issue especially with ML and Sortie. 4-6 players that don’t roll their face on the key board is.
Honestly, coming from someone like you who was at the top of the game for a significant period, this is a strange take. If you can't even assemble 4-6 people capable of making a real attempt at the content, why do you deserve to clear the content at all? FFXI definitely leans more toward handouts these days, but it's spent more of it's time as a game that had high-end content that rewarded strong players. Getting rid of that entirely would be strange.
Side note: If you don't have 4-6 people keeping you on your server, maybe try to talk to the few people you do have about moving to Asura or Bahamut?
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-02 12:00:08
At the base level you're paying to fix a problem either way lol.
You could pay $8 and get the clear, or $20 per person, and still lose. Break it out like that, choice is clear. (I don't know what a v20 clear would go for now, nor a v25 but it'll start at 500m lol)
By Taint 2022-12-02 12:35:28
Gear isn’t the issue especially with ML and Sortie. 4-6 players that don’t roll their face on the key board is.
Honestly, coming from someone like you who was at the top of the game for a significant period, this is a strange take. If you can't even assemble 4-6 people capable of making a real attempt at the content, why do you deserve to clear the content at all? FFXI definitely leans more toward handouts these days, but it's spent more of it's time as a game that had high-end content that rewarded strong players. Getting rid of that entirely would be strange.
Side note: If you don't have 4-6 people keeping you on your server, maybe try to talk to the few people you do have about moving to Asura or Bahamut?
I don't disagree at all. I personally had a great LS of endgame players for years supporting me. Now its PUG life and I see the flaws in systems, some of which I was very successful at in the past.
Odyssey is great static content, the segments farming is a bit tedious but the overall design I like. Its poor PUG content at this point due to points already made. I have billions of gil to buy the content. I am avoiding that best I can.
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-12-02 13:19:20
There's always been (at least) two versions of the game.
The pick up version is drastically different. Rarely does a person get to see both. Stuck in your bubble where you can't even imagine how vastly different the experience is.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-12-02 13:58:35
Its poor PUG content at this point due to points already made. I have billions of gil to buy the content. I am avoiding that best I can.
Are you still on Cerberus? I was there for my first character, maybe a decade ago? It was a ghost town then, unless you had a group. Same in a lot of other places. PUGs in general are lower quality, however, on bigger servers like Asura you have a much larger pool of players to choose from, so you do tend to pick up better players more frequently than a dead server. So while I agree PUGs in general are not great for Odyssey, it just depends where you're at.
tldr; get off a dead server, that's the most frustrating thing about playing this game.
By Vaerix 2022-12-02 16:15:24
I think a fair "catch-up" mechanic for odyssey is allow Vengeance levels 1-10 to be available from the start. Your group has to kill a boss once to unlock v15(if you kill 10) and the only piece of the grind missing is 2 extra meaningless fights if you actually work on your group comp.
Once again the only people this change would effect are new people coming into the content, and would make it better and worse for them.
1) better because if we can emulate a comp for the kill we should be able to skip 2 meaningless fights.
2) worse because we're walking into a harder version of the fight from the outset without actually having seen the content at all thus more likely to waste segments on a fail because the group is unprepared for v10 when they would have struggled but won v5. (this would probably lead to more people saying the content is unfairly scaled.)
I don't think anyone could argue this change would adversely effect odyssey because anyone who gets v1 kill gets the same R15 Aug unlock as someone who cleared v14. This does allow people to cheese their RP easier for R15 since they'd have access to v10 without any harder kills so what might happen is the population who wants easier content kills v1, unlocks augments and then just spam V10 fails to get rp but atleast they would have to kill every boss atleast once.
The content was designed pretty fairly to challenge groups. V0 is basically free kills for every boss with Moogle Mastery even solo players or low man teams could do well, V5 is a nominal power increase all the way up to V15, then v20 there's a jump, and v25 there will be another jump.
If you think the fight is that easy are you successfully opening the fights for people? If you are preach to us about the players you regularly assist in getting this kill just by opening the fight for them.
Yes in fact, I've had R25 Nyame finished on my main since late March early April. Since then my original group disbanded/fell apart, helped form a new group that was with people that either barely had V15 Bumba cleared or hadn't touched Ody almost at all that are now done with Nyame. Gotten a handful of other linkshell mates V20 clears on Bumba to be able to R25 their Nyame. Gotten my brother who plays much more casually V20 Bumba clear and a handful of V15 clears to be able to upgrade stuff. Then I've helped people with a number of V15-V20 T1-3 fights for clears. When new or returning people in my linkshells start getting their segs up I'll do V15-19 fights for unlocks depending on their job availability. Or if they just need a ringer for a certain fight on a certain job I'll help out.
I think after our initial V20 Bumba clear it hasn't taken more than 5 tries at most to get a kill and even then that entire time people are popping amps and getting some good RP. Between higher master levels and Empy +3 gear your two biggest hold ups for hitting 2:30 are the GEO and BRDs dmg output. Getting people V15 Bumba access is kind of a joke as well and while it's not as efficient to RP Nyame all the way to 25 from V15 fights it's certainly doable.
Though it's not like I'm hand holding people all the way through the entire process. I'll help people out with strats, gearing, etc... But if people are doing the grind, get stuck and need help then yeah I'm gonna help. The more people on the server that are making progress the better. Especially if say I need to fill a role in my static cause somebody took a break or is out of town or w/e I at least know more than a handful of people I can ask to sub in that I actively helped gear and know they will be competent enough to help.
It sounds like you're a good person to know on whatever server you're on for this. Can't wait to hear about your exploits getting people r30 Nyame once you've fought through all of the rest of V25. Not sarcasm, sounds like you're doing a nice thing for people. But like ive said, I'd love to know how many people in that situation just full stop odyssey at all once they have their r25 nyame and none of the other fights preceeding it(A3 v20's)? I don't foresee many going, yeah I wanna struggle through the system when most of the other sets don't offer power spikes like nyame(save for Agwu and Sakpata).
By Serjero 2022-12-02 18:48:33
I remember when Ody first came out T1 and T2 V5-10-15s were all 6 boxable with Mrkrabs being the hardest out of the group that took like 3 tries in total because I didn't understand why sundering snip kept killing the RUN that was getting locked into midcast gear. The climb isn't really THAT hard you're looking at 2-3 weeks of medium seg farms to get up to T3 V15s. That's not all that long. It's along the lines of the same time gate it'd take to get a single job their Dyna-D relic clears, less than it takes to get cards for AF+3, and less than it'd take to get a single Empy +3 piece. And those are just the gates for a SINGLE JOB. Ody clears are one and done for the character as a whole the rest of the time commitment goes towards RP farms.
The only problem is that it requires to do daily or every other day seg farms to get there. But that's the time gate. That's what keeps it inline with everything else. You just have to do it more often than twice/week. But C farms are only 30 minutes and Gaol fights take a max of 15 min but the early fights can easily be <5 minutes including buffing.
At this point the gear itself should also be at the lowest potential price point to actually buy as well, that's technically a built in catchup mechanic that nobody thinks or talks about. Nyame started at what 7.5M/piece? T3 was 6M/piece. They are down to what 750k and 600k respectively? Like you can start buying full sets of the gear just in the gil you'd make just doing segment farms doing the climb now.
There's so much more information on mechanics now, we have refined strategies, better gear, more power creep from MLs. Like what more do you need to be able to do these fights. Is an extra 90,000 segments and ~4 hrs fighting V5 and V10 T1-T2 bosses the real deal breaker when it takes ~65k segs to get a single piece to R25 doing RP farms on V19/V20. That's ~325k segments to aug just 5/5 Nyame to 25 at the best (Pre V25) possible rate.
By Vaerix 2022-12-02 19:30:02
I remember when Ody first came out T1 and T2 V5-10-15s were all 6 boxable with Mrkrabs being the hardest out of the group that took like 3 tries in total because I didn't understand why sundering snip kept killing the RUN that was getting locked into midcast gear. The climb isn't really THAT hard you're looking at 2-3 weeks of medium seg farms to get up to T3 V15s. That's not all that long. It's along the lines of the same time gate it'd take to get a single job their Dyna-D relic clears, less than it takes to get cards for AF+3, and less than it'd take to get a single Empy +3 piece. And those are just the gates for a SINGLE JOB. Ody clears are one and done for the character as a whole the rest of the time commitment goes towards RP farms.
The only problem is that it requires to do daily or every other day seg farms to get there. But that's the time gate. That's what keeps it inline with everything else. You just have to do it more often than twice/week. But C farms are only 30 minutes and Gaol fights take a max of 15 min but the early fights can easily be <5 minutes including buffing.
At this point the gear itself should also be at the lowest potential price point to actually buy as well, that's technically a built in catchup mechanic that nobody thinks or talks about. Nyame started at what 7.5M/piece? T3 was 6M/piece. They are down to what 750k and 600k respectively? Like you can start buying full sets of the gear just in the gil you'd make just doing segment farms doing the climb now.
There's so much more information on mechanics now, we have refined strategies, better gear, more power creep from MLs. Like what more do you need to be able to do these fights. Is an extra 90,000 segments and ~4 hrs fighting V5 and V10 T1-T2 bosses the real deal breaker when it takes ~65k segs to get a single piece to R25 doing RP farms on V19/V20. That's ~325k segments to aug just 5/5 Nyame to 25 at the best (Pre V25) possible rate.
I completely agree with this entire last paragraph. My question has and will always be who is ACTUALLY complaining about this content? The people who want Bumba armor and RP without the roadblocks of the A3 NM's. That's who.
A1/A2 through v20 have been completed by friends of mine(on a lower pop server) without augs on any odyssey equipment. The problem is if you want the best stuff you have to work for it. And yes, those extra fights worth of segments mean little to nothing in the grand scheme of rp'ing gear and completing this content. However at no point is this content suitable to be nerfed, every other bit of power we receive, new battlefield content, empy+2/+3, master levels, all of this is already nerfing the content's difficulty level. Will any group be able to beat Ongo/bumba because of these upgrades? No. They still have to do the work and put together the comp but they have advantages that the rest of us who played it at launch did not have.
By Draylo 2022-12-02 19:48:50
People just complain about everything, don't even attempt the content. There are so many ways to progress, never in any point of this games history has it been this diverse in progressing your character. With everyone 6 boxing, surely you can find one or two people to team up with. The game was never really about pug life, except during voidwatch era. It doesn't need to be made easier, People forget how unforgiving this game was. We need more gap closing content like Sortie was and there should be something harder to use all that gear for.
By Afania 2022-12-03 02:08:48
Its poor PUG content at this point due to points already made. I have billions of gil to buy the content. I am avoiding that best I can.
Are you still on Cerberus? I was there for my first character, maybe a decade ago? It was a ghost town then, unless you had a group. Same in a lot of other places. PUGs in general are lower quality, however, on bigger servers like Asura you have a much larger pool of players to choose from, so you do tend to pick up better players more frequently than a dead server. So while I agree PUGs in general are not great for Odyssey, it just depends where you're at.
tldr; get off a dead server, that's the most frustrating thing about playing this game.
The guy has an Asura character linked lol. Odyssey isn't just "small server PUG only" problem because of reasons discussed million times.
By zixxer 2022-12-04 00:54:39
Personally I enjoy doing pugs because of the entertainment aspect. I have 2.4M segs so doing perfect runs isn't a priority for me. But the entertainment of pugs? Priceless.
-brd that doesn't know how to sing
-brds that only sing, no dding
-dds that are getting out of song range and then complaining
-dds that get one shotted on the first pull
-bot whms
-tanks that can't get a single aoe hate spell off because they don't understand sird sets
-seeing people tako obnoxiously
-seeing cors and brds beat heavy dds in dps
-people popping hydra lol
-take a shot whenever you spot a anchor user or jazero user
-full wiping with no rr on anyone on the first floor
These are just off the top of my head. I love pugs. I'm guilty on a few of these things such as getting one shotted on the first group of mobs lol.
By Seun 2022-12-04 03:27:47
We need more gap closing content like Sortie was and there should be something harder to use all that gear for.
Ranking up the gear with RP is the 'gap closer'.
I agree that they don't need to adjust the difficulty, but that isn't the reason why Odyssey is unpopular. People don't like it because it's skewed toward static groups and requires heavy investment. Investment that isn't really paying off in any other content that isn't just more Odyssey. It doesn't need to be as restrictive as it is.
By Afania 2022-12-04 03:56:03
-seeing cors and brds beat heavy dds in dps
I always find it a bit odd to judge a DD by whether they lose to a cor or not, as opposed to doing way less damage than their gear/job allow them to do.
I meant if an average geared Nyame r20 war lose to a BiS r25 war, you don't see people make fun of the average geared war because they just accept their gear is worse thus doing less damage.
Like wise if a liberator drk lose to a KC naegling DRG, people just accept "KC naegling OP", instead of laughing at the losing DD for doing less damage with their builds.
But for some reason, losing to cor(as opposed to losing to equally or worse geared DD or COR) become some kind of laughing stock with Job being the only criteria.....
I guess it's one of these weird conventional beliefs that doesn't actually make sense....
By SimonSes 2022-12-04 11:23:05
Personally I enjoy doing pugs because of the entertainment aspect. I have 2.4M segs so doing perfect runs isn't a priority for me. But the entertainment of pugs? Priceless.
-brd that doesn't know how to sing
-brds that only sing, no dding
-dds that are getting out of song range and then complaining
-dds that get one shotted on the first pull
-bot whms
-tanks that can't get a single aoe hate spell off because they don't understand sird sets
-seeing people tako obnoxiously
-seeing cors and brds beat heavy dds in dps
-people popping hydra lol
-take a shot whenever you spot a anchor user or jazero user
-full wiping with no rr on anyone on the first floor
These are just off the top of my head. I love pugs. I'm guilty on a few of these things such as getting one shotted on the first group of mobs lol.
That's why the only job I would go to pug would be BLU (self sufficient with most buffs and with possibility of emergency tactic by doing cruel joking) with Reraisers :)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-12-04 11:46:14
However at no point is this content suitable to be nerfed, Oddy Gaol should be nerfed to bring in more people - Best gear in the game shouldn't come from 6 man content. No reason - Zip, Zero - Nada. It's *** stupid that this is a thing and anyone who disagrees is a doo doo head.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2022-12-04 12:12:06
-brds that only sing, no dding
I remember when a BRD trying to melee in a PT was frowned upon... they were expected to be back-up healers foe the WHM, lol.
Initial Speculations:
Looks like they took components of Walk of Echoes (setting), and Elemental Circles and brought it together.
They must of learned new ideas through the Lilith HTBF and how they can play with those elemental fetters to create unique battlefield environment and apply further stress with them..
Instead of Abyssea, this may be a Walk of Echoes 3.0? Anything iLvl 140+ .. We are ready!
Keep this thread clean, hoping to post critical details and discuss strategies.. Eventually I will create a Node on this with full details.. We can then update BG-Wiki with information that we gather..
Those of you who play on Nasomi.. Please don't post on here, you have a Fafnir to camp.. so get back to work.. This is isn't Bubbly Bernie version 3.0. He will be OG 1.0 forever on Nasomi.. ^_^
Sorry about the delay on updating this as I have been slammed with a lot of work since COVID-19 defense ramp up procedures at my hospital facility.
I have barely had time to update and barely any time to explore this content myself. I appreciate everyone's work so far. I will update this OP Thread with some resources and information that people have found across all servers including videos and screenshots..
Keeping this as a basic vital post highlight source so as new posts with vital information emerges I will just pin it here so it is all in one space and no need to jump around different pages..
To Begin.. The Basic Release Info from SE:
Some First Initial Basic Discoveries:
looks like you enter through Rabao
And you have 30 min to kill a bunch of trash mobs. Probably a boss at the end too.
More Initial Entry Discoveries Pinned:
About to enter Odyssey for the first time.
I'll report back. Setup is PUP, COR, BLU x2, SMN, RDM
Ok, it's looking like they made this content specifically to prevent BLUs from cleaving through this content.
Only main target took full damage. Surrounding targets took 90% reduced damage (main targeet 15k, all others 500 or less)
All mobs can be fully enfeebled (Sleep, Silence, Slow, Para) but standard rules apply for mob types (we saw Skeletons, couldn't Blind them)
I can very easily see a RUN or PLD tank running in and aggroing the group of mobs, with a BRD sleeping them all. 2 DDs kill one by one with proper support. SMN Bloodpacts were doing full damage on single mobs (same rules for BLU applied for SMN when we tried Thunderspark for lulz)
At the end, we found a group of mobs (bats) with a Fetter and a group of untargetable Yagudo. We cleared the bats, then killed the Fetter. Once the Fetter is killed, the Yagudo become targetable. For killing all of the Yagudo, you get 10 Izzat.
In total, we farmed 20 Izzat. We'll try using them tomorrow on boxes, maybe even spawn an NM. After we killed the fetter, a conflux spawned that gave us the opportunity to spawn a monster for 10 Izzat. We were low on time, so we just chose to exit.
Player with Trusts.. First Experience Testimonies:
Went in with trusts. Was able to 1 shot most things with leaden.
Yield: 31 scales and 3 scale boxes (from the chest).
Edit: Chests gave 11, 13 and 16.
More Vital Data Testimonies Discovered:
Random info:
-Killing trash gave izzat and lustreless scales
-Using 10 izzat to pop chest gave 2 scales and a box
-Killing fetter made untargetable yagudo killable, giving 10 izzat killing them all
-Popping NM with 10 izzat from ethereal junction spawned a red morbol that did blood weapon and dropped 2 boxes of scales
-Not sure what items you need to trade to junction to spawn monsters
-Was unable to use the thing at the start after killing fetter/yagudos/morbol, may have to kill all trash? I looked around and missed a pack, timed out before I could kill them all
-Moogle keeps track of trash killed, physis, and chests, and the power of your alter egos while in odyssey (Moogle Mastery)
More Testimonials and Discoveries..
Does anyone know what is needed to clear the RoE for Sheol A?
You need to run (can do on sneak/invi, only trasnparent mobs are true sight/sound) to last floor (A7) using confluxes. On last floor there is Otherworldly Vortex mentioned in RoE quest. You need to touch it (it lets you leave Odyssey too) to complete the quest. Credit for that info goes to Mischief from Bahamut.
Here is a video of my first experience with Odyssey:
YouTube Video Placeholder
Tried exploring, found more information
- I didn't realize there was a conflux on each floor to move up
- Each floor increases in mob level, capping at 131, and general nastiness of monster family (manticores, giants I remember on last floor)
- Translocators bring you down to previous levels, so the first floor one doesn't work until you find the higher level ones
- One character got stuck on a floor and couldn't move up, nor did they get the RoE objective upon someone else reaching the top
So for soloers, seems like it's best to stick to lower level floor to farm scales, more experienced parties can move up to desired difficulty for more scales. First time in would be best just getting the RoE objective and unlocking translocators.
Initial Video Detailing Climb to 7th floor for easy RoE Completion for Augment Unlock on Gear:
YouTube Video Placeholder
More Info about Moglophone KI's:
Anyways did a solo run this morning and got about 100 scales from just killing trash in first floor. Wondering what others are getting from parting up vs solo.
edit: Also can you hold one Moglophone KI on you, and then have the moogle hold one?
I was wondering this too. I picked up my KI last night and am holding it until later today and going to see if I can run two times in a row.
You can. I used my ki after few hours yesterday and when I checked moogle timer was at 15h, so it was going down while I had KI on me.
More Testimonial Higlights:
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »Maybe Mischief will post about it, he figured it out on his mule. I'll try and post what i know, but it seems like we skip everything and just kill the fetters, mobs around the fetters, and sometimes the UNM near the fetters.
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »and if u get to the final thing upstairs, personal chest for everyone.
Not sure if someone said it already, but you CAN store a KI. So only need to farm every 2 days!
I am confused on how people move up using sneak and invisible, in this run I explored everything, vortexes just said "you can't use this yet", or let me summon an NM but never move somewhere else, even after i killed the fetter, all the guards, the NM, opened one chest, and killed about 90% of all the mobs. If anybody can spot where in this video I should have been able to "move up" it would really help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5i9GhE5nO3I
thanks At the mandies in your run. Just hug left wall and you'll find it. It took me a while to find the first flux as well, but the rest were less "hidden". A video was posted a couple pages ago showing the route.
YouTube Video Placeholder
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »vortexes just said "you can't use this yet" Need to click Shimmering lights for access to some portals or not have aggro iirc. I may be wrong though
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: » It rewarded me again with a box + 50k gil.
did u kill a fetter? Seems like 50k per Fetter and 1 box per fetter (per character). The big Box from RoE seems to be just 1 time thing. The smaller boxes seem to be fetter based?
Killing all 4 fetters netted us about ~70 scales per run per person after touching otherworldy vortex.
Edit: With RoE quest being completed in a run, was more like 110-130.
So how many scales is it per upgrade? Didn’t see on Bg-wiki and don’t feel like shifting through posts on here. Should be just under 12 stacks to max. Based on scales only being worth 5rp instead of 10 :/
Clip to the top and nab the box, in and out, 5 minute adventure.
For realsies? SE let content like that out after the mass-ban clipping/duping-alex adventures get onto the live server? Thought they learned their lesson since the AMAN trove boxes can't be scouted via Hex IDs. The box he means is the one from completing the RoE once. You can walk to it in 6-7 mins without speed hacks anyway. The big deal about completing the RoE is you can start augmenting your gear at that point.
Well if dude already finished a piece few days after update, there isnt much time gate here it seems.
Probably just the appetitizer was released (im on a work trip, cant "enjoy" the new content till weekend...)
He finished because he bought scales or have legion of mules. Regular player with 1 account will need realistically around 10-14 days for one piece farming daily.
Traded 5 Emperor arthro shells to vortex (dunno how many it took from inventory, might have only taken 1 of the 5). Summoned Brachys, a crab that had a high ass counter rate and instantly killed me on my thf in one attack round. 500+ damage counters with no DT set. Likely not advisable to spawn mobs solo with trusts.
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »Personal box at the end when touching Otherworldy Vortex for each FETTER you kill, for all party members. If u kill all 4 fetters AND EVERYTHING around them it seems you will get 4 boxes.
~edited phrasing
So looks like if you solo, go for trash and farm with th4+ and for group you kill featers and go touch otherwordly.
Unless maybe kill 2 featers solo and go to the top? You could open 2 chests that way and get 2 boxes. So in theory maybe even get 4 chests and some scales from farming.
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Personal box at the end when touching Otherworldy Vortex for each FETTER you kill, for all party members. If u kill all 4 fetters AND EVERYTHING around them it seems you will get 4 boxes.
~edited phrasing
So looks like if you solo, go for trash and farm with th4+ and for group you kill fetters and go touch otherwordly.
Unless maybe kill 2 fetters solo and go to the top? You could open 2 chests that way and get 2 boxes. So in theory maybe even get 4 chests and some scales from farming.
I'm not sure if you need to just kill the fetters or the fetters + all the semi-invisible beastmen around the fetters.
It's possible to kill a fetter without aggro from the semi invisible beastmen that are sight aggro like Yagudo and Orcs. I'm assuming Quadav will sound aggro which makes them easier to gather in a group.
On the first day, when I duo'd with my cousin on RUN and me on COR with a THF4 set, we killed 1 fetter but stopped killing the semi-invisible beastmen because they were not dropping anything. Not all of the beastmen aggro'd. Only the Yagudo beastmen that were in sight of us or each other aggro'd us. Care needs to be taken by support in this case as support will get aggro'd if they rush in too early before the tank has claim on everything. These mobs hit very hard.
Definitely go in with at least th4 if solo farming just trash mobs.
Go in with a full, balanced party to maximize drops from fetters. The fetters are easy to kill. The beastmen hit hard and have a little more hp than common trash mobs. Helps to sleep them too as they can easily overwhelm even the toughest of tanks.
Me and a group of peeps went in yesterday, to do some testing.
Killing a fetter + beastman group rewards 10 izzat, no special drops were seen, we did not have a thief, just a range using bounty shot.
Gonna test farm some nms tonight. i tried to spawn 1 today with my alt using unity items, turns out 1 is not enough.
My second run of this is probably the best I can do.
Went in, killed all normal monsters, Feters and Beastmen, killed all of the Yaguado. I had 20 Izzat, spawn a Unity NM Which was a Sporebat type mob that died in a 4 step SC. This NM used Blood WEapon, the NM I tried yesterday used 100 fists and rek'd me.
I got 90 Izzat from Monsters and 22 from the 2 boxes that I got from NM and a chest I used them on. The only thing I didn't do on Floor 1 was spawn the Junction that said "Item can be used to pop something here" I had 3 Sarama Hides, 2 Thuban Things and neither worked, nor did a combination of them work.
All of my drops were done with TH2 from Gear.
Few unanswered questions:
How is the augmentation to Trust power in Odyssey earned? I believe the requirement must be more than simply killing sets of trash mobs and making it to the otherworldly at the end.
Rewards upon reaching end were:
360k gil from a group that killed everything on first floor, 2 NM's popped.
100k gil for solo killing 2 groups (4 izzat) worth of scrubs and reaching end.
On another run I also got 100k gil for solo killing more scrubs (4 sets I think.
Seems like the NMs from either spawn point will be one of the 119/122 unity NMs with similar mechanics, but not exactly the same as my morbol didn't go through 3 stages and only did blood weapon. May be a good ideal to either focus on repeatedly killing one to raise its kill count for the moogle or killing all of them at least once. Can't wait for Pandemonium Warden v3 in the future lol Yep. Surprised the hell out of us.
But as I said I was getting 100k for just clearing a couple of easy rooms and heading for the exit solo for the RoE.
Thinking about it, we did a bit more than the first floor full clear on that run, did a second fetter and agon mobs and popped another NM at least. spawn a Unity NM Which was a Sporebat type mob
What method did you use to spawn this nm?
So there seems to be 2 spawn methods, Unity Item (I think 5 minimum) or Izzat once you have killed a fetter.
In terms of the invisible mobs I don't know if its a coincidence or not but every time they have aggro'd they go after my GEO and no other character. Dunno if the bubble is causing something funky to happen.
It should be possible, to kill fetters on all floors + escape as low as 3 man, I cleared everything in my run and had about 3 minutes to spare but a lot of it was goofing about looking at chests etc. I'd say 4 man would be the most optimal though as you can't really AOE.
Only flaw would be is that the fetters on floors seem to be placed randomly so you could get screwed over on travel times but imagine if you wanted to eat some taco's and take that risk you could and do it no probs.
My second run experience soloing on COR with trusts:
Leaden Salute all the things
Tact/Sam with august, ygnas, monb, star sybill, koru
Killed everything on floor 1 and 4 groups on floor 2
30 izzat but could only find 2 chests to open
both chests only dropped 1 box each so was a little unlucky
Ended up with 135 scales. Could have been alot higher if I found a third chest and if the chests dropped more than 1 box each.
(I also got a message saying 'moogle magic II' when I killed a regular enemy. Must be to do with the total amount of things killed.)
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »My findings thus far:
As stated multiples times already here, you can sneak/invisible to maneuver around the mobs here. However..
The invisible mobs appear true sight and/or sound, so you have to be cautious of them.
Appears that killing fetters gives personal loot. We all got a box.
You can solo for the RoE if you want following the guidlines above.
Competing RoE gives you 1 large box.
Clear is NOT party wide and each person must touch it individually for credit. (Also recieved 60k gil, we cleared 1 fetter/quadavs, and the mob family near it)
Didn't notice until after fetter and invisible mobs were dead, but one or the other gave 10 izzat.
Have tried a few different unity mats for unm 119/122 and traded 5 to pop a NM. NM that spawned was of the same mob family as items traded.
Tonight ill be going in with my COR GEO duo. How do you do the fetters? Kill the surrounding mobs then attack the fetter while trusts keep you alive with invisible beastmen smacking you? Then the beastmen?
Pull and kill regular mobs, until you see opportunity where nothing is close to fetter (there is always a moment when there is max 1 mob close to it at some point). Kill fetter fast (It's easy to kill. One good 2 step SC will kill it), then kill remaining mobs. I wouldn't try to aggro more than few mobs in general when solo or duoboxing, especially if you dont have Malignance set on COR.
Something of note to add was that our rng and cor were doing 0 dmg to the fetter from distance and had to move much closer to do any damage. This may relate to how aoe does much reduced damage. Max gil reward is higher than we thought, just got 495k from today's run.
Btw force popping nm's uses a single UNM mat, not 5. And they cannot be reused within the same run. Spawning NM appears to be unrelated to what you use to pop.
So far NM's we faced: Tipuli(fly),Aegupius,harpe(weapon),leucippe and physis (morbol).
Moogle mastery ranks up as you kill stuff, @287 kills, 8x NM and 2 chests we at Mastery III.
Max gil reward is higher than we thought, just got 495k from today's run.
Btw force popping nm's uses a single UNM mat, not 5. And they cannot be reused within the same run. Spawning NM appears to be unrelated to what you use to pop.
So far NM's we faced: Tipuli(fly),Aegupius,harpe(weapon),leucippe and physis (morbol).
Moogle mastery ranks up as you kill stuff, @287 kills, 8x NM and 2 chests we at Mastery III.
Do you need to touch the flux on the top floor to get the gil? Or when does the gil actually get distributed to you? Yes, you have to leave personally to get it, and as always if other party members are fighting its locked out.
My second run experience soloing on COR with trusts:
Leaden Salute all the things
Tact/Sam with august, ygnas, monb, star sybill, koru
Killed everything on floor 1 and 4 groups on floor 2
30 izzat but could only find 2 chests to open
both chests only dropped 1 box each so was a little unlucky
Ended up with 135 scales. Could have been alot higher if I found a third chest and if the chests dropped more than 1 box each.
(I also got a message saying 'moogle magic II' when I killed a regular enemy. Must be to do with the total amount of things killed.)
Tonight ill be going in with my COR GEO duo. How do you do the fetters? Kill the surrounding mobs then attack the fetter while trusts keep you alive with invisible beastmen smacking you? Then the beastmen?
Pull/kill regular mobs with ranged attack. Run in to fetter with max 1 or 2 shadows aggro. Kill fetter > kill the rest.
Just look out what you aggro. Aggroing BLM mob that stand close to middle will probably result in mass link eventually. Regular mobs dont link at all, but transparent mobs (before and after killing fetter) do.
Each flux takes you to a higher floor. There are 7 floors with the 7th floors flux being the exit and the RoE objective.
Each flux takes you to a higher floor. There are 7 floors with the 7th floors flux being the exit and the RoE objective. Not sure if it was mentioned, but looks like you can't pop the same NM twice from UNM mats in the same run. Popped once on first floor, and later on the 4th floor it gave a message saying we couldn't pop the same NM again.
Sharing Shamgi's notes posted in the BST forum for relevant details:
Ok, just went into an Odyssey and discovered some things:
1. You can charm things in there. Things seemed to be fairly simple to charm, and Charm+ gear meant that my dhalmel stayed charmed 15+ minutes.
2.Charmed pets seem to be quite strong. Beyond the normal HP, they seemed to have fairly high damage, hitting other mobs in their own pack for 4-600 a swing, with crits as high as 900. My Dhalmel once used Berserk and those numbers got pretty big, same with their Sound Wave move. My record was a crit for 1500 or so. This is with NQ food and no other pet related buffs. I had one crawler end up at 74% when it killed another crawler in the pack, likely benefiting from all the DA and Haste.
3. Pets seem quite effective at killing the Halos. They hit hard already, but notably, they aggro nothing, not even the Beastmen around the Halos when doing so. The Halo produces a damaging AOE every couple of seconds that was hitting for 200 or so, but the pet, with it's 40k+ HP, doesn't care at all. Indeed, I left the pet to it's own devices and killed other packs with trusts while it worked the halo down itself, which actually seemed quite nice. When it died, the Orcs around it didn't aggro, so it was easy to pull them one by one, as they don't link either.
4. Mob spawns are random, which can hurt this strat, but from two runs a majority of the packs seem charmable, and many of them are often pretty powerful. Given the strat above, I feel like a monk style pet would be best here.
Overall, I'm super interested in trying this with a full group where you can use the pet to deal with adds while you work on a pack yourself and to safely kill Halos while you clear other things.
One issue was Sic, the recast was way worse than I remembered, and my lua isn't set up at all to deal with it. My best guess is to just set up my gearswap to always produce a physical damage set for Sic and then just use pets who focus physical damage with their TP moves. If it's a buff move, then no big deal, if it's physical then it's the right set.
They do link, my experience has been all sight linking though (fought orcs and yags so far). Do not link with the Fetter though, found this out by trying to range attack the fetter down, only to realize the fetter is immune to auto-range attacks.
They do link, my experience has been all sight linking though (fought orcs and yags so far).
Well its kinda expected. Orc, Yagudo and Goblins are all sight aggro/link. Quadavs are sound aggro/link and it's how they are in Odyssey too.
They arent immune to ranged attacks you just need to be stood in the fetter to do damage.
So not immune to ranged attacks, but immune to any attacks from a range. XD
As with all farming things it's more efficient to solo, if the kill speed is high, like 119 content. 6 solos have 6x more chances for boxes.
Luck's definitely a factor; and yeah I think solo probably is best.
I think a lot of it has to do with people finding each other, people needing to sneak/invis themselves, and having to stagger the flux (so it doesn't glitch out). Was a lot of wasted time there.
Was just curious if other groups were experiencing it as well.
Went in as Pup/Whm. Killed 3 Fetters, champion NM on floor 7 after fetter, and a few other random mobs using automaton only.
Literally no drops + exit only gave me 5k gil.
I wonder if you need to take an action on the fetters or something yourself before you can get drops or credit for killing them.
Went in as Pup/Whm. Killed 3 Fetters, champion NM on floor 7 after fetter, and a few other random mobs using automaton only.
Literally no drops + exit only gave me 5k gil.
I wonder if you need to take an action on the fetters or something yourself before you can get drops or credit for killing them. As group you are suppose to kill Fetter at floor 1,3,5 and 7 and run to otherworldy vortex at the end. You should get 4 PERSONAL box from otherworldy that way and I think one more personal box from killing beastman kings at floor 7 (they are around Fetter there).
So thats 5 personal chests
At least 40 Izzat to open chests
Probably at least 40 single scales from killing trash around fetters if you take at least TH4 with you.
Small boxes are on avg around 13 scales?
So probably around 70-80 scales at least per person, maybe more if you have time to farm more.
Very good geared solo player on specific job like COR, can get more with luck, but it might be other bonuses from killing fetters and NMs that we might dont know about.
Went in as Pup/Whm. Killed 3 Fetters, champion NM on floor 7 after fetter, and a few other random mobs using automaton only.
Literally no drops + exit only gave me 5k gil.
I wonder if you need to take an action on the fetters or something yourself before you can get drops or credit for killing them.
No, you need to kill Fetter AND beastman mobs around it to get credit for personal box at the end and 10 Izzat. I assume you killed only Fetters.
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »THF can pick the locks/chests in odyssey, in case no one mentioned, or knows about it yet. However some times mimic will pop out. Unsure how hard they are, as it opens with deathtrap, and his mule has sparks gear (and it got one shot). Credit goes to mischief
"Either gave a 'however it has no effect' message and consumed the tool, opened the chest, or a mimic popped out"
Awesome Map created by Pantafernando:
I made a quick map of Odyssey to make ease to hit the fluxes.
Etheral Junctions, Fetters and camps change apparently random.
EDIT: all maps have North heading the upper border.
Aegypius NM:
Popped using 5 Abyssdiver feathers
Uses Broadside Barrage and Damnation Dive
Uses Perfect Dodge at low HP and gains an Encumbrance aura that stays for the rest of the fight
Carbuncle.Papesse said: »Beware of the Treant NM Ptelea and its dangerous Leafstorm AoE. Leafstorm is hybrid wind based. It can crit, miss, be absorbed by shadows and Elemental Sforzo. One For All, Gelus Valiance and Baraero substantially reduce damage.
As far as getting these telepoints, mentioned on BGwiki's Odyssey page that you're supposed to be able to travel between to get to further levels of Odyssey, does anyone have any info on the requirements to gain access to these? Do you have to kill all of the fetters to go up a floor? Also, has anyone tried going in with a group of six and then disbanding and everyone using their own trusts to expediate the process of both killing enemies on every floor, taking care of all the fetters on a floor and then popping the nm's so that you might progress to these tele-points if those happened to be the requirements? I know some players might have found that they can farm higher amounts of the Lustreless Scales solo rather than teaming up but if you go in with 6 and then make you're own parties with trusts.. and there are multiple telepoints with up to say 15 sets of mobs and fetters then the possibility of having a high return still might be worth it.
Another thing i noticed maybe means nothing but i saw some pixels floating out of nowhere that seemed like a mobs name. Maybe a glitch? Or the others maps? Or a random mob?

I'm sure people regularly killing fluxes/beastmen already knew this, but AoEs that would have hit the untargettable/invisible beastmen will still generate enmity on them, so people should watch for that if they're sleepgaing or horde lullabying fodder.
We spawned an NM in today's run.
Brachys: Crab NM (PLD/MNK)
Had a pretty decent (25-30%) Counter rate. Bubble Curtain's Shell effect reduced enspell (RDM with Crocea Mors) dmg to 0 unless it was dispelled. Used Invincible at 25%. Easily landed enfeebles (Slow, Para, Blind, Frazzle, Distract) Pretty easy fight overall.
It was spawned using 10 Izzat after we killed Fetter + Beastmen mobs surrounding it.
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »I have Moogle Mastery III, not sure what's doing it. Status report has:
Nostos killed: 306
Damysus: 2
Salmandra: 2
Cynara: 1
Chests: 3
Seems I ranked up when I killed an Agon Bruiser.
The augment system is “tiered”. I’m working on my alts Emeici +1.
Ranks 1-5 give +2 damage. Ranks 6-10 give +2 damage, +3 acc/macc. I assume ranks 11-15 give +2 damage, +3 acc/macc, +2 crit rate.
That’s a neat way to do it, it incentivizes the more expensive ranks.
Just had a bad solo experience... turns our not all popped NM's are soloable. Do not recommend popping the nm's for 10 izzat.
Got a cactus who would constantly triple attack and did 600 normal / 1200 crit per attack round. August got insta-KO then healer then myself within 7 seconds.
Recent Video by Brother Ejinn and Martel:
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