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Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-01-29 08:12:48
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
There are several reports in this topic of people holding the add with bards by spamming songs on the add until it goes after them

This is completely different thing. This is only possible after Caper, which doesn't need to mean anything. I'm not saying you are wrong, but I haven't seen any 100% reports of someone stealing hate on add from 2nd person on the hate list with just enmity generation toward adds.
Even if you think Caper somehow changes how the enmity works, runs that do not have a solid person in 2nd place (like TP denial Mboze runs) will often have the add periodically shifting who they are hitting as enmity changes.

There's also other testimonies like Saevel's on page 167.
By 2022-01-29 09:21:57
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Server: Odin
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user: Karizo
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2022-01-29 11:59:47
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YouTube Video Placeholder

Aramith posted their fight.

Same core setup as v15 (WAR DRG COR BRD WHM), added DRK for enslavement at ~30% HP to limit TP moves. Didn't see fetter.

Still think this fight is a bit luck dependent, add was Tulfaire so didn't hit that hard.

For reference, our win was WAR DRG COR BRD WHM GEO.

We had the snapweed add, which also didn't hit nearly as hard as the raaz would.

We lived through 1 set of fetter, 2nd set of fetter killed all but WHM and WAR, and the WAR finished Bumba off.

Fight was maybe ~3min engage time.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-29 13:48:34
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Odin.Karizo said: »
a bit luck dependent

-SP wasn't Invincible, Yaegesumi, or Perfect Dodge (automatic loss*)
--Add wasn't Cracklaw, Raaz(, or Matamata*)
---(WC may have rolled a 6, but overall insignificant to the fight unless the WAR got 2 Mighty Strikes)

DRK also forces the Chaos Roll job bonus instead of a 50% chance without it, even though group dps goes down without Bolster STR. The DRK more than makes up for the dps loss of having geo buff everyone's SBs higher, and Soul Enslavement is a great ability to use for a zerg/low tp so it probably favors DRK even more. Good stuff.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aldolol
Posts: 153
By Asura.Aldolol 2022-01-29 14:43:37
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so we cleared our Bumba V20 today so are done with content, happy and sad at the same time since it's been a really good challenge.

Nothing out the box but figured I would share the fight for us.


BRD - HM, VM5/4, Madrigal, Minne5
GEO - indifury - Geo STR (not sure if we needed the fury tbh)
COR - crooked sams, chaos

We got lucky and had sforzo, killed in 2:20, I did have a thought about similar to the JP video linked above, could you use BST at 2:25 and unleash spam for an extra minute in the fight? You can savage to contribute to a bit of the damage, but just not sure how viable this might be, but if it did work, you'd get an extra 1 minute kill time?
By 2022-01-29 14:58:57
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By 2022-01-29 14:58:59
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By 2022-01-30 01:11:23
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Posts: 401
By Guyford 2022-01-30 01:22:30
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So mewing strat works on Bee as well as tree with a little luck. SAM BRD COR GEO WHM SMN. Used widened compass on first BoG fury loupan to keep it from dying before bolster at 40%. Everyone in for wildcard/alexander at 25%. Honor minx3 scherzo, sam/mnk rolls for sam, standard smn buffs, minnes barrier and gallant for backline. TP moves go off under 25% but as long as SAM doesnt get 1 shotted by weakness move and brd/cor pull out taurets to get rid of aura pretty solid.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 10:01:17
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Bahamut.Shozokui said: »
Asura.Aldolol said: »
so we cleared our Bumba V20 today

Our setup was WAR,DRG,BLU,COR,BRD,WHM.

Torbillion all the things.

Can second this setup being useful. I suppose I didn't consider how good BLU is in place of GEO. BLU can apply diffusion Nature's Meditation and Diffusion Harden Shell, to help deal with the add. White Wind is very helpful if the WHM gets overwhelmed. Didn't check if Cesspool lands, might look into that. Worth noting that the attack down effect from Tourbillion does not land on Bumba nor its add. Whatever permanent attack+ buff is being applied to all Gaol bosses evidently applies to the add, as I only saw the defense down message wear off, but never the attack down message.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-01-30 10:19:44
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Tourbillion doesn't have Attack Down on it
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 10:22:41
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Oh, I was misremembering between that and Bilgestorm. I'll have to validate my comment against that spell some time. Thanks for the correction, Proth
By 2022-01-30 11:01:03
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 11:49:37
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I've found with UL, UW's duration, and WC/RD resets, there was never a time I couldn't reapply Tourbillion. So it's a great full time debuff that I actually hadn't considered using before. Good stuff. I agree with your assessment of BLU
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-01-30 12:08:06
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Couldn't you go with WAR DRG THF WHM BRD COR and just steal SP with THF? THF with Savage should be pretty competitive as DD and you would minimize the luck factor by a lot. Also in case of Mighty Strikes or Yaegasumi THF damage would skyrocket?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 12:25:10
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I said larceny THF on the other page. You can also steal party members hate with accomplice and try to position yourself to be second on hate list so that you have attention of the add as soon as it pops. Shouldn't be too hard if the DRG uses High Jump or the THF uses accomplice on him. Then the Warrior sounds be solidly in first place of hate. Perfect Dodge should allow you to evade tank the Raaz or Chapuli (if they are on you) for full duration, which improves group survivability. RD allows you to repeat process, and since you can steal perfect Dodge or invincible anyways, it serves the double purpose or removing damage immunity as well as makes you a tank to any physical damage.
By 2022-01-30 14:01:34
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Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-01-30 14:45:28
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Asura.Ahrfry said: »
So many cool things that can be done, yet we chose to SB it to death. lol.

You can go BLU and Black Halo it to death instead. When we are at it, why is that DRK in JP group using Savage Blade, when Great Sword and Resolution should be way stronger? I mean he single wield with 68.75% haste, while with Great Sword he would be at cap.

EDIT: by stronger I mean DPS, not WS damage itself. Resolution would probably do similar damage, but with much better frequency.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-01-30 15:23:19
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Resolution has fallen off hard in recent years. Savage is going to be better DPS than Reso will on Bumba, even on DRK.

Reso has less fTP than Savage at Warcry WS TPs, a 15% attack penalty instead of a 20-30%+ attack bonus, and doesn't benefit from the glut of powerful WSDMG gear we have these days or a weapon-specific boost like Naegling. In a battle like Bumba where capping attack is an issue, Savage could easily do twice as much damage as Resolution or more. That's not even considering the 100 acc bonus on the majority of Savage's damage, and on a fairly evasive mob like Bumba you'd have to slot in more accuracy on Resolution.

The haste difference can't make up for the massive difference in WS damage.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 16:21:35
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Just tried Larceny on Bumba's Brazen Rush, and it failed. Might not work for SP2s.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2022-01-30 16:38:33
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Just tried Larceny on Bumba's Brazen Rush, and it failed. Might not work for SP2s.
It doesnt work for Yaegasumi, but does on PD/Invicible. So yes SP2 is a no go.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 17:25:13
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I thought someone mentioned that a long time ago, but I may have forgot. Would have been cool for THF to steal Yaegesumi.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karizo
Posts: 56
By Odin.Karizo 2022-01-30 22:29:47
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Odin.Karizo said: »
a bit luck dependent

-SP wasn't Invincible, Yaegesumi, or Perfect Dodge (automatic loss*)
--Add wasn't Cracklaw, Raaz(, or Matamata*)
---(WC may have rolled a 6, but overall insignificant to the fight unless the WAR got 2 Mighty Strikes)

DRK also forces the Chaos Roll job bonus instead of a 50% chance without it, even though group dps goes down without Bolster STR. The DRK more than makes up for the dps loss of having geo buff everyone's SBs higher, and Soul Enslavement is a great ability to use for a zerg/low tp so it probably favors DRK even more. Good stuff.

Haven't spammed enough to know for certian yet, but we don't think the trigger for fetters is time based, so I don't think SP plays as big a part as you think. We've consistently seen fetters at around 30% regardless of kill speed.

Add is a HUGE luck component. Raaz really *** you up. Correct to put a heavy emphasis on it lol. Either craklaw or matamata also isn't fun, since they can stun with their normal attacks which is aoe.

Our first kill WC didn't reset SP1 (mighty strikes being the most critical), so I would say WC isn't critical, but certainly helps.

We thought more about the DRK usage, but we don't think Soul Enslavement actually impacts fetters (nor should we have thought that it did, silly us).

We think it's simply because Aramith is probably main DRK, and they don't have another job to sub in, so they used DRK instead of a GEO.

Another reason can be that DRK is pretty tanky in Sakpata, so if they are able to maintain 2nd in enmity, can alleviate some pressure from the WHM. Although DRG can output a lot of damage as well, so it depends on the output of the DRK vs. DRG.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-01-30 22:59:24
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Odin.Karizo said: »
so it depends on the output of the DRK vs. DRG.
DRG will do more then a DRK if both are doing Savage blade, DRG can often do more then WAR outside of SP.

DRG will likely be using High Jump have less enmity then anyone else.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 23:13:09
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Odin.Karizo said: »
We thought more about the DRK usage, but we don't think Soul Enslavement actually impacts fetters (nor should we have thought that it did, silly us).

It's not for Fetters, but for Denounce.
Posts: 503
By Vaerix 2022-01-30 23:26:04
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Odin.Karizo said: »
We thought more about the DRK usage, but we don't think Soul Enslavement actually impacts fetters (nor should we have thought that it did, silly us).

It's not for Fetters, but for Denounce.

I might be misremembering but early on (like V0) didn't someone remark that bumba can double tp at will during aura/fetter? And if it can double tp at will wouldn't it stand to reason that it can just tp at will? I distinctly remember someone saying they got smashed with double denounce.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-30 23:59:58
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Vaerix said: »
And if it can double tp at will wouldn't it stand to reason that it can just tp at will?

One doesn't necessarily have to do with the other.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-01-31 05:22:27
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Soul Enslavement is not used defensively at all. It's used offensively to TP faster and only for that. There is no way for ~230TP absorb per hit to stop Bumba from using TP moves, when 4+ people is feeding TP. He used it above 40%HP in the video and Bumba still TPed 4 times during SE.

Asura.Geriond said: »
Resolution has fallen off hard in recent years. Savage is going to be better DPS than Reso will on Bumba, even on DRK.

I depends if you mean capped or uncapped attack Resolution. Capped attack Resolution haven't fallen off at all. Exactly the opposite. It was super buffed with Sakpata.

Asura.Geriond said: »
Reso has less fTP than Savage at Warcry WS TPs, a 15% attack penalty instead of a 20-30%+ attack bonus, and doesn't benefit from the glut of powerful WSDMG gear we have these days or a weapon-specific boost like Naegling

DRK has Smite V tho. Doesn't benefit from WSD, but it does benefit from PDL and PDL has much less diminishing returns than WSD on DRK.

Asura.Geriond said: »
In a battle like Bumba where capping attack is an issue, Savage could easily do twice as much damage as Resolution or more. That's not even considering the 100 acc bonus on the majority of Savage's damage, and on a fairly evasive mob like Bumba you'd have to slot in more accuracy on Resolution.

I agree that Resolution performance would be totally dependent of being able to cap attack with it. You assume DRK wont be able to cap attack. Is that assumption based on some data or guessing?

In my Reso set with Crooked IV Chaos (I know you can't guarantee it) SV Honor and Minuet5/4, Endark2, Entrust Fury and Last Resort I am at over 9000 attack. I'am also above threshold needed for 95% accuracy. Bumba will get hit with almost -43% def down (Angon and Dia II with light shot). This is WITH subjob EDIT: all numbers are basically without subjob, I changed to /GEO lv1, but with Sakpata at R20, so there is still +25 accuracy from getting it to R25 and in 2 weeks we will probably be at ML40, so additional ~33+ accuracy from that too. Accuracy wouldnt be the problem at all. In the actual fight there will also be entrust Fury EDIT: I included Entrust Fury in the end. I also forgot there will be additional attack from Warcry from WAR and Precision that I dont even count.

So the question is - Does 9000 attack with -43% def down on Bumba allow to cap attack pdif with Reso. Cap is at 5.95 for Great Sword in this set. Let's assume -15% penalty is modifier at the end for worst case scenario.

9000 * .85 = 7650
7650 / 5.95 = 1285
1285 / 0.57 = ~2254

Does Bumba have more than 2254 Def before debuffs? Possible, but unlikely.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-01-31 07:56:06
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This "assumption" is based off of actually trying it against Bumba (V15, but rhe principle is the same). Resolution does comparatively poor damage even when buffing hard in this fight.

Even when assuming you're fully attack capped, ~2000 TP Reso (Moonshade + Warcry) has less fTP than same TP Savage even with possible DAs included, PDL setups give less bonus than WSDMG sets due to lower values (and PDL/WSDMG mixes are even better than either for Savage), and Naegling gives a 15% bonus on top of everything. The only advangae Reso has is a higher DMG rating on the weapon, which isn't close to enough to catch up with Savage.

Finally, that's not even counting the fact that keeping optimal defense down up the whole time is iffy due to him erasing himself so often. It's much easier to stay capped with Naegling attack bonus, and can slot in some (not 5/5, but a couple pieces) Sakpata when you know you're capped much more safely than with Resolution.
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