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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2022-01-24 11:33:24
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Asura.Aldolol said: »
For those of you struggling with the pig on Arebati, you can somewhat kite it on a Bard. Have the Scholar Casper after the add spawns (ideally when you ranger is capped) Mordant Rime the pig at 3k tp and just spam songs on yourself till it is on you, during our clear I was able to get the pig to the top of the ramp with mordant on giving your scholar/group a bit of time to just focus on the tiger. We cleared our Tiger with Defense Down Aura for context because the pig was kited.

I have been doing this on most fights that have an add we don't take a RDM too, and it has worked on Ongo and would imagine it works on any fight you can bring a SCH to.

For the fights not allowing the bard to engage or contribute otherwise this is a great tactic indeed, I went as far as throwing together a +86 song enmity set and double up on minne for this purpose. Applying the regular song debuffs and cycling through threnodies is enough to grab and hold its attention, it will however return to the healer if not keeping it up. Standing away from backline when possible and time casts between each add swing works a treat to keep it from running wild and interfering.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mischief
Posts: 56
By Bahamut.Mischief 2022-01-25 00:10:37
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Killed V20 Bumba earlier tonight, took two attempts. After fighting it ourselves, I'm not convinced that fetters on V20 are based solely on time anymore. Our first attempt's killspeed was noticeably slower than our second (Attack Down aura + Angon erased early on first, second was nearly flawless), but fetters came out around 20-25% both times. Timestamps had the opening pull and the first Denounce on the second run at 2:20 apart from each other according to one member, and it likely went into fetter mode a few seconds before that. Two runs obviously isn't a large sample size, but it's entirely possible that Bumba just automatically enters fetter mode at 20-25%ish if it hasn't already regardless of time.

One thing I can, sadly, confirm though - the Denounce bug that was reported months ago still isn't fixed. Denounce can still just kill everyone instantly from 100% regardless of buffs. Doesn't seem to be any way to prevent it aside from just get lucky and break aura before he uses it.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2022-01-25 00:55:51
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We've killed it before it summoned fetters. I suspect its probably based on the element switches rather than a straight 2mins30 though.

Haste samba is incredibly strong for it.

We also got the blue proc on one run instantly and it still denounced a few seconds after for more than our max HP. Bumba did Yaegasumi so we were too slow. We were able to re-engage and kill it after weakness. Seems like the timer (or whatever mechanic) for fetters didn't restart until we pulled it again, but that was with blue proc>instant wipe.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shadowwww
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2022-01-25 10:21:03
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Bahamut.Skald said: »
For the fights not allowing the bard to engage or contribute otherwise this is a great tactic indeed, I went as far as throwing together a +86 song enmity set and double up on minne for this purpose. Applying the regular song debuffs and cycling through threnodies is enough to grab and hold its attention, it will however return to the healer if not keeping it up. Standing away from backline when possible and time casts between each add swing works a treat to keep it from running wild and interfering.

Could you share that enmity set by any chance ? I've started doing the same because our group is gonna try something similar but there's a few slots where I didn't find any good option yet (hands/feets come to mind). I'm only at around +50 for now (missing the easy +10 from an ambu cape)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2022-01-25 11:04:53
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Asura.Shaedhen said: »
Could you share that enmity set by any chance ? I've started doing the same because our group is gonna try something similar but there's a few slots where I didn't find any good option yet (hands/feets come to mind). I'm only at around +50 for now (missing the easy +10 from an ambu cape)

Telchine are the culprit there xD

And I just noticed a miscount due to telchine feet, 82 total. Thinking over it now the worth of trying to stone those feet for +1 seems oof. I don't know of any other feet option though, the set is mega squishy as it is and might be better to swap in something defensive in its place.

ItemSet 383232
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: olson2189
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bigtymer 2022-01-25 11:12:01
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Sylph.Reain said: »
We've killed it before it summoned fetters. I suspect its probably based on the element switches rather than a straight 2mins30 though.

Don't the element switches occur at a fixed time though? Pretty sure it was every 60 seconds on V15.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-01-25 12:00:57
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Bahamut.Skald said: »
For the fights not allowing the bard to engage or contribute otherwise this is a great tactic indeed, I went as far as throwing together a +86 song enmity set and double up on minne for this purpose. Applying the regular song debuffs and cycling through threnodies is enough to grab and hold its attention, it will however return to the healer if not keeping it up. Standing away from backline when possible and time casts between each add swing works a treat to keep it from running wild and interfering.

My group tried this for our Arebati attempts and eventual clear. As the SCH, it was nice to not have the mob beating on me for half the fight. I can't speak to what set our bard was using, but the Raaz would still frequently pick a new target. However, just the time bought by kiting it and it having to run back and forth between players provided a few opportunities to rebuff and get heals in. So if your bard has the gear for it and has nothing else to do, this is a reasonable strategy. For something like Arebati specifically, depending on your tank, they may need that bard to be recasting carols, March, and ballad, so your mileage may vary.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-25 12:25:58
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Bahamut.Skald said: »
the set is mega squishy as it is and might be better to swap in something defensive in its place.

I would use Mafic Cudgel (-10% PDT, 5 Enmity) and Genmei Shield (-10% PDT) in that set above instead of the enmity bonus of staff/grip if the monster is wailing on you. Though, I guess you could prepare 2 sets: max enmity, and enmity/pdt hybrid set for when you have the monster's attention.

Can have the SCH cast Animus Augeo on you and self-sing Sirvente with a couple Minnes/March and then fill the rest of your set with PDT/enmity/HP etc. RNG's Shadowbind while he's running amuck is a good time for the BRD to spam songs in their high enmity set.

Could also Decoy Shot the BRD pre-75 to make sure the BRD comes out the gate with a little hate, and then RNG can use Hover Shot after.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2022-01-25 13:22:06
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I would use Mafic Cudgel (-10% PDT, 5 Enmity) and Genmei Shield (-10% PDT) in that set above instead of the enmity bonus of staff/grip if the monster is wailing on you. Though, I guess you could prepare 2 sets: max enmity, and enmity/pdt hybrid set for when you have the monster's attention.

That club and genmei definitely a good option since ungeri/alber is not exactly a simple get if you don't already have them lying around or a stash of coffers at least for the staff.

I found that elegy was providing ample time to cast in between swings without getting poked in that set though a sturdier set for sure would not be a bad idea.
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2022-01-25 13:31:39
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Bahamut.Mischief said: »
One thing I can, sadly, confirm though - the Denounce bug that was reported months ago still isn't fixed. Denounce can still just kill everyone instantly from 100% regardless of buffs. Doesn't seem to be any way to prevent it aside from just get lucky and break aura before he uses it.

Smn PD drastically lowered dmg of Denounce for us when we tried Smn for more consistent clears. Might be worth a shot for some groups to try to make proc'ing easier if they're unable to kill it before fetters. Smn buffs are nice and they can help DD some with Black Halo to not be total dead weight too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shadowwww
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2022-01-26 06:30:17
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Bahamut.Skald said: »

Thank you for this ! I didn't think of main/sub weapon so that will be a good addition. However, when I look on the augments table on bgwiki for telchine all I see is enmity - but no enmity +. Is the table incomplete/wrong ?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2022-01-26 12:07:00
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Asura.Shaedhen said: »
Thank you for this ! I didn't think of main/sub weapon so that will be a good addition. However, when I look on the augments table on bgwiki for telchine all I see is enmity - but no enmity +. Is the table incomplete/wrong ?

So for whatever reason I was under the impression enmity+ was a thing on Telchine. Admittedly the two Telchine and the enmity+ Intarabus are the slots I have yet to make for myself, so that seems a mistake on my part.

So back to your original conclusion of not finding good hand/feet options, I'm right there with ya.

Doing a quick search there are a couple non-ilv pieces for feet, notably +5 on Ghadhab Nails. and lol +3 Storm Manopolas for hands.. I think at this point I will likely stick to Nyame in those slots.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-26 13:07:33
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Can also put 5 merits into Enmity Increase.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-01-26 13:47:52
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Do we even know how exactly enmity works on Add after Caper?
Add still has its rule, that taking hate on NM resets it's enmity it seems, but he also seems to no longer be stuck to 2nd hate on the list. Probably because Caper evens out hate on everyone, so it somehow breaks that mechanic. That being said Im still not sure if you can apply normal hate on it. It seems to bounce to everyone who make enmity action. It looks more like mechanic where everyone are on hate cap and mob stays on someone who poke it the more frequently and don't let VE to decay, but it can be everything. Maybe only VE works and CE is reduced to 0 forever? Anyone actually tested if you can for example take PLD and do some ridiculous hate spike like hit, Sentinel, DE Flash, palisade, rampart and invincible and stop doing anything and check if add will stay on PLD for a long time?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-01-26 14:13:14
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It seems to work like this:

It pops with the exact same starting enmity table as the boss at the moment. After that, they obey normal enmity rules, except whoever (or whatever) is at the top of the boss's enmity list has their enmity set to 0 on the add.

If a new person overtakes the top spot on the boss's enmity list, they get set to 0 on the add's list; the former top person does not get their former enmity back on the add, but is now allowed to start building enmity on the add normally again.

If that's how it works, Caper basically acts as a full hate wipe on the add for everyone, since it puts all hate on the target, which then gets zeroed out because the boss is on them. As a result, it starts bouncing between everyone but the tank depending on their actions that affect the add's enmity.

However, there might be more quirks if reports of the add beelining to people who just got raised are accurate.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2022-01-26 14:47:58
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Hasn't really been my experience at all. I wonder if different adds have different behavior. It's been more like vagary style hate where last action performed may pull hate for most fights for us (excluding top of the hate list).

I've been able to ask people to stop acting and spam Pianissimo/Tenuto every 5s and pull the add 30 away and once it's 30 away I can keep it on me. Ultimately though, having the bard nearby for rebuffing etc. has been more useful than having the add far away.

They also don't seem to like people using medicine. I wonder if you could just spam something cheap like Selbina Milk or Antidotes and keep the add on you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2022-01-26 15:06:30
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Did the new gear provided by Odyssey mitigate the need on jobs to rely on crafted gear?

Part of the reason I started to drift away from the game was the giant gil hurdle to getting crafted gears on the jobs I played. The crafted gear was almost always the best by a good margin, and it was just a matter of grinding gil to be able to afford it rather than overcoming content.

I don't do any botting or RMT, and while I did farm a lot of gil to make my only REMA (Nirvana), my friends also lost interest because of how much gil was needed to progress further.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-01-26 15:34:32
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Did the new gear provided by Odyssey mitigate the need on jobs to rely on crafted gear?

Part of the reason I started to drift away from the game was the giant gil hurdle to getting crafted gears on the jobs I played. The crafted gear was almost always the best by a good margin, and it was just a matter of grinding gil to be able to afford it rather than overcoming content.

I don't do any botting or RMT, and while I did farm a lot of gil to make my only REMA (Nirvana), my friends also lost interest because of how much gil was needed to progress further.

Depends for what job and how versatile/bis you want to be.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Asura.Superiority 2022-01-26 15:56:20
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Did the new gear provided by Odyssey mitigate the need on jobs to rely on crafted gear?

Part of the reason I started to drift away from the game was the giant gil hurdle to getting crafted gears on the jobs I played. The crafted gear was almost always the best by a good margin, and it was just a matter of grinding gil to be able to afford it rather than overcoming content.

I don't do any botting or RMT, and while I did farm a lot of gil to make my only REMA (Nirvana), my friends also lost interest because of how much gil was needed to progress further.

My personal opinion, is that the difference between some of the crafted items vs UNM/Odyssey items are small percentages, and that player skill and knowledge will always beat out BIS geared idiots. There are SO many wide varieties of items to gather that you are not "required" to get crafted items. I do agree with SimonSes on the versatility though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-01-26 16:03:32
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Did the new gear provided by Odyssey mitigate the need on jobs to rely on crafted gear?
Will depend but my jobs that used SU3/Su5 Weapons before ody still use them now.


With that said Ody is a good way to earn gil.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2022-01-26 16:04:44
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Odyssey gear is quite strong and you shouldn't need very many crafted items for the 5 main slots on most jobs. However, RMEA haven't really gone anywhere, I think it's hard to suggest you can play effectively at a high level without farming gil. Crafted gear is mostly limited to accessories, though some jobs also have very useful Su5 weapons.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wotasu
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2022-01-26 16:18:08
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Did the new gear provided by Odyssey mitigate the need on jobs to rely on crafted gear?

Part of the reason I started to drift away from the game was the giant gil hurdle to getting crafted gears on the jobs I played. The crafted gear was almost always the best by a good margin, and it was just a matter of grinding gil to be able to afford it rather than overcoming content.

I don't do any botting or RMT, and while I did farm a lot of gil to make my only REMA (Nirvana), my friends also lost interest because of how much gil was needed to progress further.
Since you mention Nirvana, not much from Odyssey gearwise replaces Smns crafted gear, only The Ammo piece sadly. So still need to buy crafted Smn gear c.c
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2022-01-26 21:02:30
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Asura.Crevox said: »
Did the new gear provided by Odyssey mitigate the need on jobs to rely on crafted gear?

Part of the reason I started to drift away from the game was the giant gil hurdle to getting crafted gears on the jobs I played. The crafted gear was almost always the best by a good margin, and it was just a matter of grinding gil to be able to afford it rather than overcoming content.

I don't do any botting or RMT, and while I did farm a lot of gil to make my only REMA (Nirvana), my friends also lost interest because of how much gil was needed to progress further.

Just farming your daily segments should get u plenty of gil. And ambu, and omen too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crevox
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2022-01-26 21:18:09
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REMAs are a bit of a different case, and I know that gil farming will pretty much always be needed. When I was playing the game as Summoner/WHM/GEO, almost all my gear was farmed from content like Skirmish, Delve, Omen, Geas Fete, etc, then augmenting it. So, almost all my gear was obtained by defeating tough monsters/content. However, then they introduced the better crafted gear such as Apogee +1, Baayami +1, the job necklaces, Sancus +1, etc, and my progression was suddenly put to a halt in the form of a wall of gil. I always had to get gil to afford extra augmenting materials, some accessories, and more, but now so many pieces of BIS gear were purely gotten through very expensive and rare HQ crafting.

I came back after a while and started playing and gearing BLM. A lot of the top magic burst/nuking gearsets used the sets of crafted equipment. Ea +1 gear goes for around 30 million per piece on Asura, and I believe it was more when I played before the sparks inflation stopped. Even then, I have friends that play DD jobs and a lot of their sets recommend gear pieces that have around that cost or more as well. There's also the job necklaces that also have to be crafted/HQ'd, and I felt like anything I needed to progress wasn't killing content to get drops, it was just farming gil for weeks just to finally to buy one very expensive item at a time.

So, yeah, I was asking to kinda see what the state of gearing was. A lot of the main posts on job guide sets are out of date, so I'd have to dig deeper on each job to learn where they stand, so I thought I'd ask to get a better idea on the Odyssey equipment.
Posts: 401
By Guyford 2022-01-26 21:39:39
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Just went 1/1 on v20 mboze with mewing strat, SMN BRD COR SAM WHM GEO. Did honor minx3 scherzo, sam and monk rolls for SAM with hastega 2,tp bonus, warcry, EA, and shining ruby. Everyone else got x2 minne, 1-2 ballads, indi barrier, and gallant roll.

SAM just fudoed it down with mew every 30 seconds, completely ignored add and just cured through it. Light shot dia2 and silence were the only debuffs on boss. Bolster geo fury at 50%, smn conduited to get buffs back on when needed and used alexander at 27% when sam 1hred as well.

It only got off 2 tp moves before 25%, one was uproot and quickly sced it off. Got a little lucky with wildcard hitting a 5 so got a 2nd alexander, bolster, and meikyo. Got hit with timber twice but both during alexander so just popped panaceas. It was dead 3 wses after the 2nd alexander wore.

Pretty sure a similar strat would work for bee as well. Will try it next time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 326
By Asura.Hya 2022-01-26 21:55:30
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Sylph.Reain said: »
Hasn't really been my experience at all. I wonder if different adds have different behavior. It's been more like vagary style hate where last action performed may pull hate for most fights for us (excluding top of the hate list).

So, during my group's Arebati attempts, I popped a Libra on the Raaz(Razz), at ~68%. This was used after a Caper on the RUN(Alamihgo) at ~74%. Emaro was GEO, who had not done any action at all after Caper. Aburaage was COR, and Wfoadamabbppasdpasdoaps was BRD who was using enmity set to attempt to kite the add. Our 6th member(RNG), had died, raised, then hit Shadowbind on the add and immediately took enmity just to die again. The add never attempted to attack the RUN, despite their 100% enmity on the Libra. Enmity going to the person with the last action performed does seem somewhat consistent(among those that have 100%), but also contradictory to Libra since they'll never run to the person that's #1 on the hate list for the main NM.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2022-01-26 22:50:50
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Sylph.Reain said: »
Hasn't really been my experience at all. I wonder if different adds have different behavior. It's been more like vagary style hate where last action performed may pull hate for most fights for us (excluding top of the hate list).

I've been able to ask people to stop acting and spam Pianissimo/Tenuto every 5s and pull the add 30 away and once it's 30 away I can keep it on me. Ultimately though, having the bard nearby for rebuffing etc. has been more useful than having the add far away.

They also don't seem to like people using medicine. I wonder if you could just spam something cheap like Selbina Milk or Antidotes and keep the add on you.

So far we've been able to kinda control the add using voke or having a Ninja present to do stuff on it. I say kinda because we aren't really dedicating someone to just doing this. On Kalunga I had the add on me (was WAR), I eventually pulled hate which caused the add to go towards are other folk and I was able to get it turned back around with Provoke. I stayed on me for about 10~15s before heading back over to our other folks, just to have me voke it again when it came back up and again it stayed on me awhile. Seeing as voke is entirely VE, it's likely that the minor damage it was doing combined with the decay is how it lost hate, well that and me having Dirge.

It definitely has it's own hate table that can be effected by others, and if you ever hit the top of the boss's enmity list the add just forgets you exist.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2022-01-27 14:29:45
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SimonSes said:
Asura.Sechs said: »
Honestly I bet most of you will be vexed by what I'm about to say but I find this being extremely cheap and annoying game design.
My problem with this is that they applied it to every single monster.

Having some monsters that are based on Adds and the fact that players will have to adapt their strategies to deal with them is actually really cool, it creates variations etc.
The fact that they lazily applied this change to every single NM in the content is... I dunno, it feels very cheap and very bad to me.

I think it's a little to early to say. Different NMs might have different adds with different mechanics. It's like saying all ambuscades are the same, because they have adds. Adding adds (or more adds) is the common mechanic to increase difficulty in FFXI. Doesn't mean it must be the same strategy for all of the adds in Odyssey tho. For example I'm thinking if maybe Mboze's add could be used as TP battery to reduce TP on Mboze :)

This is not Mboze, but Arebati in the video, but switch WAR to DRK and BRD and COR to use Naegling and we probably have new best strategy for Mboze too :)

YouTube Video Placeholder

Snapweed ofc is a little worse than Raaz, because it will use Stink Bomb which is AoE, but with PLD curing with Majesty and Carol II it shouldnt be big issue at all.
Posts: 113
By Heck 2022-01-27 15:22:15
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SimonSes said: »
SimonSes said:
Asura.Sechs said: »
Honestly I bet most of you will be vexed by what I'm about to say but I find this being extremely cheap and annoying game design.
My problem with this is that they applied it to every single monster.

Having some monsters that are based on Adds and the fact that players will have to adapt their strategies to deal with them is actually really cool, it creates variations etc.
The fact that they lazily applied this change to every single NM in the content is... I dunno, it feels very cheap and very bad to me.

I think it's a little to early to say. Different NMs might have different adds with different mechanics. It's like saying all ambuscades are the same, because they have adds. Adding adds (or more adds) is the common mechanic to increase difficulty in FFXI. Doesn't mean it must be the same strategy for all of the adds in Odyssey tho. For example I'm thinking if maybe Mboze's add could be used as TP battery to reduce TP on Mboze :)

This is not Mboze, but Arebati in the video, but switch WAR to DRK and BRD and COR to use Naegling and we probably have new best strategy for Mboze too :)

YouTube Video Placeholder

Snapweed ofc is a little worse than Raaz, because it will use Stink Bomb which is AoE, but with PLD curing with Majesty and Carol II it shouldnt be big issue at all.

Tried multiple strats for Mboze, including using the add as a TP battery. BLU SMN COR BRD DRK PLD we got tree around 15% before we wiped to Uproot. PLD would tank Mboze, DRK would push it to 75% while BLU and SMN rotate TP reductions. PLD + BLU help heal. When add spawns DRK tanks it behind but on top of tree while BLU and SMN stand behind the add so your far enough from getting hit by Mboze but close enough not to make add run around.DRK COR and BRD savage blade tree while getting TP from add. The AoE paralyze/slow is a real pain in the *** and everyone needs to bring panaceas and remedies. If no attack down/magic acc down auras it's possible to win since the TP feed is controllable with SMN and BLU.

Just won today with DRK BST BLU WHM BRD COR with just DRK doing damage. the BST + BLU rotation is pretty strict so miss timing will likely be a wipe. Had a couple min left when we won and it was def down aura.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-01-27 15:33:47
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SimonSes said: »
but Arebati in the video

You see how the JP are not afraid to try unconventional methods for clearing. I am always impressed at their determination to try something different. No tank, no ranged shooting, but WAR/BRD/COR does all of the damage and TP resetting makes Glacial Roar rare. Same as Mboze it seems, I really like this method. WAR and DRK in Sakpata can basically tank most of these bosses on their own, especially if their TP moves are frequently reset.

I read on Aramith's Twitter that the BST in his group would communicate how much TP was reset to determine if they thought Arebati might use a TP move soon. But adding RDM for Slow II, Paralyze II, Addle II, Distract III and Frazzle III, along with a SV Elegy probably means Arebati isn't going to be getting off any TP moves at all. Very very neat strategy I would like to try.
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