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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-12-14 13:45:57
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Once you kill lower tiers V15 you can pop higher tiers at V15, order that you unlocked does not matter.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
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By Fenrir.Ramzus 2021-12-14 15:41:04
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thank *** god
By Shichishito 2021-12-25 04:16:43
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does pursueing moogle mastery 45 pay off? mine is currently ~10 and i poped one of the stronger shoel B NMs, if i'm not mistaken the trust campaign is currently active where they have higher HP pool but they still died within 10 seconds to 1 or 2 AoEs.

if capped moogle mastery will not get me to the point where i can solo gaol V0-V20 without needing to max out a new specific job like RDM i'm probably better of to ignore it and try to max out them measly solo segments.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-25 08:33:06
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It makes a noticeable difference. The tank trusts can survive a very long time, as I was able to DD for several minutes on Ranger vs Arebati. The group I was in previously used Ygnas as an additional healer during Xeviosi and he never died once. Unbelievably thick. Koru also survived up close long enough to actually apply several buffs, and probably would be fine with songs for survival. They tend to get really beefy around MM38 I would say iirc, but 45 is definitely a large survival improvement.

Since you mentioned Sheol B, sounds like you popped the Scorpion NM or something similar and they got wrecked. I remember posting about that about a year ago. They're basically useless for most of those NMs, but at some point they will consistently survive attacks from those monsters
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-27 17:04:24
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2021-12-27 17:51:43
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To answer the farming path on Sheol B, due to it's shape we found that skipping floor 1 and 2 and focusing on farming the rest yielded the best results.

Start Floor 1, immediately teleport to Floor 6 and do buffs at the bottom of the ramp. This is a nice open space with four monster families and usually the Aegon, though it might appear down near the conflux.

After clearing the main area of floor 6, teleport to floor 3 and head north for 5 monster families and another Aegon (likely). Try not to spend too much time here as the goal is to have 10 minutes when we get to floor 5. Go up to floor 4.

Floor 4 splits either south or east and we will run across 4~5 families, like floor 3 don't spend too much time here as we want a full 10 minutes for the last floor.

Floor 5 is the big point floor with tons monsters in a giant winding staircase that has eight families and an Aegon with the bonus / exit a the very top. We've found that 10 minutes was enough to kill almost everything and touch the top exit with 60~90s remaining, enough for us to finish whatever family is right next to the exit.

After we got used to the pathing we now pull 6,500 ~ 7,500 segments per run with a 1 million gil bonus and 3 personal box's (one for each Aegon fought) along with whatever drops in the pool. Of note is that there are alot more chests then in Sheol C, three per floor that give 75 segments each and cost 5 (once MM upgraded) to open.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-27 18:35:16
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Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

If I take your word for it and give you the benefit of getting the most mob groupings per floor it looks like

Floor: Number of Nostos sets (10 each)
B6: 4
B3: 5
B4: 5
B5: 8
22 x10
220 x 6000 (gil)
1,320,000 G

So assuming you skip about 4 of those sets for time, its 1,080,000 G (right around where you said) and 3 possible personals, not including whatever you get from free fall. That's actually a lot better of a haul than I projected.

The only thing I would say about this(thinking out loud here, as I have never contemplated making it work) is that traveling to B6 may be the same amount of time as killing 1 group on B1, warp to B2 and kill whole floor, and then resume one B3 and kill 3 more before going to B4. It puts you at the same amount of groupings killed so you lose no gil, saves you the time of warping twice, the path is more linear, and the monsters are much weaker on B1-B2 vs B6. Might even get lucky and get a halo on B1. Walking to B3 also puts you closer to the basement to travel up to B4, which is worth considering.

Thanks for sharing. Something else to consider is that Sheol C does give more exemplar points, so if you care about getting more of that with higher gil plus segments, C is still the most attractive zone, though idk exactly how much EP mobs in B give. But Sheol B gil farming is a lot better than I gave it credit for, or at least wanted to bother struggling through.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2021-12-27 20:25:37
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Floor's 1 and 2 aren't linear and the entrance to floor 3 is in the middle where as the teleport is at the bottom, lots of back tracking on those floors plus it means your giving up floor 6 which has more segments and the Aegon is worth the most. We've tried just running up normally, was less overall due to wasted time backtracking on floors 1~3.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-27 21:29:45
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It's linear if your group makes it that way

Run down stairs of B1 kill first group
Warp up to B2
Kill first 3 groups, send paladin to pull last 3 groups and kill by warp
Go to 3
Kill next 2, down the stairs for last group

Outside of B2 pull, seemed straightforward to me. The segments point is valid though, but I was mostly speaking for my own personal situation where I have a lot of overflow so don't even care for segments at all, just about maximizing monster groups for the most Gil return.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2021-12-27 21:57:38
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We've done several different variations and found that what I posted earlier gave the best yield due to how Sheol B is laid out, but you do you.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2021-12-28 01:19:30
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Asura.Saevel said: »
three per floor that give 75 segments each and cost 5 (once MM upgraded) to open.
If it's anything like Sheol C (it should?) then the amount of Izzat required to open chest and the amount of Mats required to pop NMs have nothing to do with MM level.

The more chests of the same kind you open (in tiers), the less they start costing the next time you open them.

The more NMs you pop, the less mats they require etc. Again, this works in tiers too so you might require to pop #X NMs before you see a reduction in the amount of required mats on a certain floor.

Of course there's a lower cap, like Izzat for chests never going under 5 for the chests themselves, 8 for the coffers, 10 for the golden one etc.

It's strange, it seems like things like these might contribute in raising your MM level, but the MM level seems to have no impact on chests/NMs themselves.
I know this because I've seen multiple times reductions without having the MM level change.
Vice-versa I've seen the MM level change without any consequence on the Izzat/Mats required.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2021-12-28 23:26:19
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Just killed 3 V15 Tier 3s in the same run.

Shark--->Dino--->Lion.... Video coming soon

...will edit this and post our jobs and general strat later... was n't as ridiculous as our No Mew Sealed Fate or 2015/16 TC, but was still hard and stressful. Took us 3 attempts after deciding to actually try to kill all 3.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2021-12-29 08:52:19
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Ok, Video finally ready of V15 Shark, Dino, Lion wins in the same run (Xiutaru's video, there is also another version that Brigs recorded):

YouTube Video Placeholder

V15 Shark--->V15 Dino--->V15 Lion

The Dino and Lion were really mean this run on the full win, at some point I was at literal 1 HP >.>

My lag/FPS was so bad during the second aura of the lion, all i literally had time for was to spam panacea with great difficulty >.>

They were much tamer on the 2 prior "fail" attempts (1st was a practice run basically on SAT, we adjust a few sets and buffs and tried on Tuesday) We derped and lost to the Shark on the first attempt, but the Lion and Dino were much smoother. On the run where we beat all 3 of them.... well... the vid pretty much speaks for itself.

General Strategy Outlined Below:

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 386
By Bahamut.Suph 2021-12-29 09:17:23
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Now the whole world will know... Orangutan :o
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-12-29 09:40:10
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Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »



Nice one guys and a girl :)

I would use BRD WHM DNC MNK BST BLU for Shark tho, with only MNK melee under 50%. Its way safer (DNC and BLU can support cure and BLU can Mighty Guard AoE under 50% and only MNK melee under 50% means it would barely TP move) and probably faster. Stacking box step, -25% def from bird and Dia II is around -63%def, which would let MNK easily do enough damage with BLU helping from 100% to 50%. Also +14% crit rate from Feather Step would help Victory Smite.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2021-12-29 10:31:35
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SimonSes said: »
Nice one guys and a girl :)

I would use BRD WHM DNC MNK BST BLU for Shark tho, with only MNK melee under 50%. Its way safer (DNC and BLU can support cure and BLU can Mighty Guard AoE under 50% and only MNK melee under 50% means it would barely TP move) and probably faster. Stacking box step, -25% def from bird and Dia II is around -63%def, which would let MNK easily do enough damage with BLU helping from 100% to 50%. Also +14% crit rate from Feather Step would help Victory Smite.

Well, there is definitely some room to optimize or use different jobs for those fights, especially the shark. But, since you obviously know us from the LS (and probably know, for the most part, the jobs those characters/people play). :P

We had to adjust our jobs, and to a small extent, our setup mostly because of what we had available.

The set up you proposed would not work at all for us with this group. Brigs literally has none of those jobs XD.

Anyways, what we used was partly based on what we had available. It worked well enough to pull this off at least!
By 2021-12-29 10:47:10
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2021-12-29 16:50:29
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Revisiting the Ongo discussions from weeks past, my group ended up using that JP speedrun vid's general strategy and gear optimizations and it worked a treat.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2021-12-30 08:27:13
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Using multistep SC definitely increases MB numbers for Ongo, it's an amazing strat, albeit a bit complicated to pull off for a lot of groups. This is the way to go for sure if the organization is there.

You can def shorten the skillchain/make a less complicated one and have great results for Ongo. I think our best Ongo time was about 9mins enter/exit, only using SCH for SC, and about a 3rd of the time, COR would open gravitation with sniper shot when the SCH is still waiting on strats. An easier method to use logistically.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2021-12-30 17:25:15
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I'm just getting back in to Odyssey. Is there information on what controls Moogle Mastery anywhere?

I killed my 1400th NQ monster in Sheol B and got a level of Moogle Mastery for it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-12-30 17:28:37
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It's in here somewhere, lol. Good and buried though.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2021-12-30 17:29:58
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BG wiki has a breakdown but it's basically separated and boiled down to...

X number of Nostos monster kills per level for Y levels per Sheol

X number of chests opened with Izzat for Y levels per Sheol

X number of individual NMs killed for Y levels per Sheol

I know it is 10 of every individual NM for C, I think it is also 10 of each for the others but idr.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-12-30 17:33:00
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For NMs, it's 9 for C, 3 for B, and 6 for A.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2021-12-30 17:38:49
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that makes sense considering the volume of NMs between them, I don't remember the exact number of Nostos kills either but it's quite a lot of them.

more or less you'll just want to grind out odyssey normally and slowly build these things up passively. it helps a lot to have people who already have their masteries leveled too because izzat cost per chest and NM pop item cost per NM goes down as your levels in those particular mastery caps go up for that Sheol.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2021-12-30 17:54:39
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So I'd have to kill 3 of every individual NM for 1 level of Moogle Mastery in B, for instance? Eesh, I've been killing 2 NMs per run in B and that means those levels are a long ways out. As a side note for the above conversation, I haven't had any problems with NMs in B (including the scorpions) outdamaging my trusts' abilities to heal themselves. The key is to go Monk and use a trust team that doesn't feed TP so they can't use back to back AoEs.

Also, you don't have to open the chests with Izzat, I think. I got quite a few moogle mastery levels by keying chests in B.

The bgwiki section on this seems to lack these details.

I've killed 39 individual NMs in B (skewed heavily towards Tripix because I had pops). I've opened 250 chests (capped), 39 coffers, and 2 Aurum Strongboxes. I've killed 1417 Nostos. I'm at MM 8 there. If the individual kills can be unevenly distributed, I should expect a MM level on my next kill.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2021-12-30 18:00:02
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3 of every NM in B would cap your NM mog mastery levels for B. I don't know if it's an even split of 5/5/5 between NM/Chest/Nostos but it is 15 levels per Sheol total between those three categories.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-30 19:05:19
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It's not an even split. It sometimes requires a combination of objectives to be completed before getting the next MM increase in the same category. For fodder MM increases, its something like 100 Nostos for the first MM from that category, then like 1500 or whatever for the next MM from the same category (there could be another one in between these two marks, not sure). Then MM won't increase anymore for Nostos no matter how many you kill. Then for Izzat boxes, its like ~3 chests for first MM from chests, then # for next MM in that category. Then it repeats for Coffers and Aurums, which each have their own mark that needs to be met. NMs you get MM for like the first 3-5 kills, and then it gets spaced out.

If you focus on any one particular thing, you might get MM increases at unusual times, because you needed to fulfill some other category before the game could give you credit for that MM tier. This is why people who solely did Chest farming would be at a very low MM, but the moment they did something else, they would get MM levels very fast, because they already fulfilled all of their Chest objectives. It's a weird system, though. IMO, the Moogle should just tell you what you need to do to increase MM.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2021-12-30 19:26:34
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Going back and reviewing the first 30 pages of the thread (Sheol A), the extremes seem to be:
* Repeat each unique NM kill 6 times - caps MM from NMs
* Open 16 Aurum Strongboxes - caps MM from Chests
* Kill a thousand or two Nostos - caps MM from kills

I agree that the three tracks of MM progression seem to gate each other. It might be something as simple as "you need to progress evenly through the three paths." Many of the posters in the first 30 pages seem to be limited by the number of unique NM kills. In addition, the MM level might be gained the next time you do an action (like kill an NQ mob) after satisfying its requirements.

It's hard to get NQ monster kill-related data because most people are limited by either chests or NMs. I leveled up MM on my last run (ended with 1417 Nostos killed. Killed 7 Nostos Corse after leveling up (1410), one Halo and 6 Agon - not sure if they count.) Other reported thresholds from earlier in the thread are 100 and 200 in A.

If you are aiming for rank 15, the intermediate tiers don't really matter because you're going to hit them on the way to 15 anyway.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-12-30 19:28:06
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There's a post in here (after 30) by someone who put exactly how to get each tier for A B (and?) C
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