New Dragon-Mireu

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New Dragon-Mireu
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Vires
Posts: 43
By Bahamut.Viers 2020-02-14 09:48:00
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The new dragon is just a reason to use the new DI gear. Adds nothing interesting to the game. Its a speed bump for capping di points for the day. Maybe if we ignore it, it will go away.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 3007
By Shiva.Thorny 2020-02-14 09:58:47
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
It never ceases to amaze me how people don't see the big picture of how most things do impact others. For example, if Asura wasn't known as "The only active server in the game" and population was better spread out across the servers, either Asura wouldn't be as insanely stacked as it is, and/or people would have other options they feel they could transfer to without any real loss of quality.

Asura.Chiaia said: »
I've always been from Asura since NA launch. I care because I honestly feel a more even distribution would be ideal imo.

People from Asura get hosed with the influx of players. Yes if we were bottom of the barrel server population we might feel other wise but the people that have been here for years before all of this feel we're overcrowded at this point.

Little bit of irony in the fact that Asura people want other servers merged so they don't have to deal with as much population as they have. You know you guys could leave Asura, right?

Smaller servers have a much higher density of active players who are willing to network and get content done(by necessity, because if they didn't, they would've given up and gone to Asura by now). Combining 5 of them won't make a second asura, it'll make a queue hell and reduce the gameplay experience for as many people as it helps(or more).

I'll agree it sucks for people who started on Asura and never signed up for it, but where were you when everyone was screaming 'come to Asura it's bigger here!'? This is a self imposed problem, and even if there were merges it'd just be a matter of time until it happened again.
By 2020-02-14 10:04:58
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-02-14 10:31:10
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Thorny is dead on. I have always played and hung out with both single and multi boxers. But I've encountered more antisocial multi boxers on Bahamut than I ever did on Leviathan- and Bahamut has 3-4 times the population, so one would think larger server=more action... it's honestly about the same.

You won't find 10 active NA shells capable of doing wave 3 clears on the smaller servers, true. But you'll find 2 or 3 really solid groups capable of anything. You'll actually see more shout groups that aren't garbage for things like ambuscade, because everyone knows everyone.

It's the local bar vs club. That club might be packed to the brim, but no one talks to you. But that local bar.... well, you walk in, get greeted, and have "your usual" served right up.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: nikkije
Posts: 43
By Bahamut.Nikkije 2020-02-14 10:31:59
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For years, the response to all new and returning players seeking advice on the forums was advertised as "just go to Asura, just go to Asura". And now Asura is too big. I went through that myself. I originally played from 2003-2008 and then quit for many years, and when I made a return to Valefor in 2016, it was a ghost town. Every person I talked to said to go to Asura, so I did. I spent around 2 years there and it wasn't all bad, there are many benefits to being on Asura and I met a lot of cool people, and it was nice to always see what I wanted available on the AH. But I ended up leaving due to the downside of Asura, the overpopulation made competition for things too difficult. Certain areas would be completely flooded, it was hard to go anywhere to get job points, and I remember times of running out to Escha to do NMs, and there wouldn't be a single pop site available in the whole zone.

So there was that problem, plus the Asura shouts started to become less funny and more irritating. I mean, you had people like Hautsi and his verbal diarrhea, and threatening to kill SpicyRyan in "just one week", and just the most bizarre ***imaginable going back and forth in shout. It got old. I went to Bismarck for awhile and I enjoyed it there too, and met some really great people (Azim, Dew, etc).

Asura isn't all bad and I miss some things about it, and I miss some of the people I knew, but I think I've found my home on Bahamut. It's not an argument that any server is better than the other, it just comes down to where you fit in the best and feel at home.
By 2020-02-14 10:33:04
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-14 10:40:01
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100% truth about Lakshmi. I would add that small servers are absolutely fine for people who:

multibox and can do everything themselves
have crafting bodies (mules or friends)
Have a tight knit group that only plays at a certain time and is willing to help you
want to complete some goal without interruption from larger server waits/queues

If you don't fit into any of these groups, then you can't survive on a small server. Period. You will be sitting around shouting all day for help with something.

All of that "Make friends" stuff sounds good but it's not entirely the most practical all of the time. Friends just won't always be around to help you get stuff done. Which is why multiboxing just became such a huge thing now. Takes the whole player interaction aspect out of it.
By 2020-02-14 10:42:33
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By 2020-02-14 10:44:17
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Belkin
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2020-02-14 10:52:15
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Caerda said: »
I think 5-6 servers would probably be ideal. No idea why they haven't yet, its not cheap to run those things.

I've been on that boat since I came back about a year ago. I don't need Asura V2 in terms of population, but a little boost to the server numbers would be nice. On Bahamut, there aren't a whole lot of crafters and when they go on a break or vacation or something, it's extremely noticeable. If Cyrite, Dbaggins, or Castermild are absent, the market for the items they make dries up pretty badly. It would be nice if that didn't happen.

I'm in a LS where we have about 10 REAL people, but we can fill an alliance with tricked out alts if we ever need to. I enjoy it for a variety of reasons and unless they roll out vanilla, I probably wouldn't want to go back to a large LS. It's just easier. More things are within my control, less personalities to manage, better split on cash items, all that kinda stuff.

With that being said and even though I'm not looking to expand my 'social circle', there is something sad about a server feeling dead and abandoned. I kind of miss Bahamut being buzzing like it was in the hay day. Maybe nostalgia, who knows.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-14 10:57:53
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Caerda said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
100% truth about Lakshmi. I would add that small servers are absolutely fine for people who:

multibox and can do everything themselves
have crafting bodies (mules or friends)
Have a tight knit group that only plays at a certain time and is willing to help you
want to complete some goal without interruption from larger server waits/queues

If you don't fit into any of these groups, then you can't survive on a small server. Period. You will be sitting around shouting all day for help with something.

All of that "Make friends" stuff sounds good but it's not entirely the most practical all of the time. Friends just won't always be around to help you get stuff done. Which is why multiboxing just became such a huge thing now. Takes the whole player interaction aspect out of it.

There isn't much of a wait/que on Asura. It's extremely over exaggerated.

Yes there is. There is a wait/line/queue/competition for a lot of things, and it is not exaggerated. Not just talking about Ambu, because they fixed that. During certain times of campaigns, you will see lines waiting to enter Tenzen/Leviathan HTBF, all of the -Gates camps are riddled with parties camping on one another. At the beginning of the months, AMAN trove zones can be flooded with people. When pulse weapons got hot for a minute, T3s in escha weren't allowing people to pop (lol). Stuff like Einherjar, NNI (yes that gets backed up too), and even competition for Abyssea mats can get annoying since people are constantly mercing that. The Escha pop congestion died down a little bit but that can also be a source of irritation when trying to find a pop spot. It still very much exists in different forms on Asura, you just have to know how to play around it.
By 2020-02-14 10:58:27
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By 2020-02-14 11:03:07
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-14 11:03:22
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Anywhere you want to go, there's an idiot(s) there.

Anywhere you want to be, there's an idiot(s) there.

Anything you want to do, there's a queue (except ambuscade ain't too bad, cause I fixed that) Time of day will radically alter your experience(*)

Sometimes I wonder how and why anyone wants to play on asura. I know why. But I still wonder anyway.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: nikkije
Posts: 43
By Bahamut.Nikkije 2020-02-14 11:05:37
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Bahamut.Belkin said: »
With that being said and even though I'm not looking to expand my 'social circle', there is something sad about a server feeling dead and abandoned. I kind of miss Bahamut being buzzing like it was in the hay day. Maybe nostalgia, who knows.

Same here, that's how I feel about Valefor. It was sad to come back and see it so empty. I think the people that are still there just refuse to leave, and I was sad to leave too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cronnus
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2020-02-14 11:11:01
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Anywhere you want to go, there's an idiot(s) there.

Anywhere you want to be, there's an idiot(s) there.

Anything you want to do, there's a queue (except ambuscade ain't too bad, cause I fixed that) Time of day will radically alter your experience(*)

Einherjar. It doesnt matter the time of day. Everyone on asura never teams up. Youll be spamming door anywhere from 10mins to 40mins. If anything in this game needs a damn que, its einherjar
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-14 11:12:52
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Easiest solution in the world for ein. Increased blood per run based on party size. They'll all be BEGGING to team up to speed it up.

*** brain dead easy solution.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2020-02-14 11:13:28
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Asura.Outlawbruce said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Anywhere you want to go, there's an idiot(s) there.

Anywhere you want to be, there's an idiot(s) there.

Anything you want to do, there's a queue (except ambuscade ain't too bad, cause I fixed that) Time of day will radically alter your experience(*)

Einherjar. It doesnt matter the time of day. Everyone on asura never teams up. Youll be spamming door anywhere from 10mins to 40mins. If anything in this game needs a damn que, its einherjar
Could also make T1 and T2s give the same amount of points of T3s, but also *** people need to team up more
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-14 11:14:44
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There's no HTBF/Selbina waits RIGHT NOW. Because everyone who did 500+ runs endured the brunt of it and got all of their drops. Doesn't mean there is not waits. What you see is the residual of people selling/mercing. Plus DI has taken away focus from people. Just dailies in general are going to displace people's priorities and focus, which is fine. But there are absolutely waits.

Matter fack, its Friday. Tonight in about 6 hours, until Sunday evening, go to Selbina at random times and let me know if the queue gets anything below 10 for more than an hour.
By 2020-02-14 11:27:28
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By 2020-02-14 11:29:26
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 175
By Bahamut.Empyrean 2020-02-14 12:44:44
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Bahamut.Viers said: »
The new dragon is just a reason to use the new DI gear. Adds nothing interesting to the game. Its a speed bump for capping di points for the day. Maybe if we ignore it, it will go away.

The DI was nothing more than a chore after the first week anyway. At this point if people don't complain to SE it won't change. The new dragon has no use outside title and single day cap points.

There isn't really much they can do outside make some personal loot for Wyrm Ash or break the daily cap on points. Lower the difficulty just turns it into another dragon. I am just wondering if SE had another reason behind adding the dragon outside cap daily points in one fight.
Posts: 202
By malakef 2020-02-14 13:00:59
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Even if they have another reason SE set themselves up for failure with this announcement:

“ Next up is Domain Invasion, which will see the addition of a new notorious monster. Vanquishing this monster will yield enough domain points to bring you to the daily cap, so if you’re lucky you maybe be done in no time at all. We hope that this’ll provide an exciting new element to those of you eager to watch the counter tick up.”

Done in no time at all?? The ***? Eager to watch the counter tick up? Yeah and this helped how?

So if they had something else in mind they need a better PR guy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-14 13:03:28
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Complain here
Posts: 15250
By Pantafernando 2020-02-14 13:14:42
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malakef said: »
Even if they have another reason SE set themselves up for failure with this announcement:

“ Next up is Domain Invasion, which will see the addition of a new notorious monster. Vanquishing this monster will yield enough domain points to bring you to the daily cap, so if you’re lucky you maybe be done in no time at all. We hope that this’ll provide an exciting new element to those of you eager to watch the counter tick up.”

Done in no time at all?? The ***? Eager to watch the counter tick up? Yeah and this helped how?

So if they had something else in mind they need a better PR guy.

Ya, even after playing a good amount of years, i dont remember anything that failed so much like Mireus. I mean, they plan one thing and do completely opposite change?

Lets make a list what could have failed so much since implemention?

Colonization reives when they first were introduced? Soul Pyres that i dont believe anyone ever do this shitty minigame? Skirmish 1?
By 2020-02-14 13:45:30
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-14 13:47:22
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Calling the game a part of the main FF line was a pretty colossal *** up, by all measures, lol.

Easily remedied with an offline mode though ala PSO
By 2020-02-14 13:50:22
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Posts: 15250
By Pantafernando 2020-02-14 13:51:53
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Im sure many came to play just because this was a FF game.

Me included. I never had played a MMO, and after seeing how much of my life FFXI consumed, I will never play another one.

It wasnt an original idea but a standart idea to start not from zero but from some playerbase. Still nowaday there are always new players that came to check just because its FF otherwise none would check a MMO 20 years old.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-14 13:52:07
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Mireu was already in the works, that wasn't a spur of the moment "oh let's add this" thing
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