Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 12
By Bismarck.Claddy 2020-02-11 22:38:35
What TP gear sets and BLU spell sets are you using with this combo?
I feel like even on trash I'm missing so much TP gain is slow. Thank you.
By SimonSes 2020-02-11 23:12:38
AM3 down Code ammo="Ginsen",
head="Malignance Chapeau",
hands="Malignance Gloves",
legs="Malignance Tights",
neck="Mirage Stole +2",
waist="Windbuffet Belt +1",
right_ear="Telos Earring",
left_ring="Chirich ring +1",
right_ring="Epona's Ring",
Adhemar +1 ideally path A, but I dont have it anymore.
Optionally Adhemar +1 path A hands/head and Samnuha Tights over Malignance, but I just simply like slightly less TP gain, but with DT/Meva
AM3 up Code
ammo="Ginsen", -- 3 STP
head="Malignance Chapeau",
body="Malignance Tabard",
hands="Malignance Gloves", --4%TA
legs="Malignance Tights",
feet="Malignance Boots", --
neck="Mirage Stole +2", --
waist="Reiki Yotai",
left_ear="Eabani Earring",
right_ear="Telos Earring",
left_ring={name="Chirich ring +1", priority=1},
right_ring="Chirich ring +1",
Again, Adhemar +1 path A hands, herculean feet or Samnuha legs are an option too, but I prefer minimal less TP gain with massive DT/Meva.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2020-02-11 23:16:52
From the main blu thread:
Zahak Reborn (Highest Tier DD Spec)
Point Requirement: 80 and 1200 JP gift
Delta Thrust
Barbed Crescent
Empty Thrash
Heavy Strike
Thrashing Assault
Sudden Lunge
Diffusion Ray
Sickle Slash
Tail Slap
Sinker Drill
Paralyzing Triad
Nature’s Meditation
Anvil Lightning
Erratic Flutter
Magic Fruit
Tenebral Crush
As far as gear goes, I would recommend something like this which isn't perfect but it's a good start:
ItemSet 371338
*Adhemar Path A
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Cladbolg 2020-02-11 23:23:02
Thank you so much. Would you happen to have a lua that takes into account AM3 up and down?
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By Asura.Zidaner 2020-02-11 23:29:19
Tis/Thib can be used on everything in game. Just be sure to make the appropriate swaps for accuracy. Malignance pieces make this super easy now.
By Viciouss 2020-02-12 12:48:01
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »From the main blu thread:
Zahak Reborn (Highest Tier DD Spec)
Point Requirement: 80 and 1200 JP gift
Delta Thrust
Barbed Crescent
Empty Thrash
Heavy Strike
Thrashing Assault
Sudden Lunge
Diffusion Ray
Sickle Slash
Tail Slap
Sinker Drill
Paralyzing Triad
Nature’s Meditation
Anvil Lightning
Erratic Flutter
Magic Fruit
Tenebral Crush
That spell list seems outdated, is there a more modern list people are using?
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 126
By Valefor.Maurauc 2020-02-12 12:52:00
That spell list seems outdated, is there a more modern list people are using?
I mean, what are you wanting? Dual Wield, Triple Attack, good chunk of STP, SC bonus and Crit bonus. Crush for DEF down, Anvil for accuracy and a stun, and heals/haste.
In terms of traits, sure, if you're subbing x & y, swap them out, but BLU spells haven't really changed in the last couple of years.
By Viciouss 2020-02-12 13:14:48
I was just double checking to see if anything could get a higher trait. I dont skillchain a lot do to group content so I would like more accuracy and less sc bonus personally.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-12 13:17:23
Way back in the blue thread theres a more "effective" set of spells.
Drops the crit bonus (because not using CDC) or SC trait (spamming) for more acc trait tiers. But it's buried. Simple enough to drop Sinker Drill/Paralyzing Triad and look at which spells are in the acc bracket.
Quote: Accuracy Bonus – [Increases physical accuracy. I: +10, II: +22, III: +35, IV: +48, V: +60, VI: +72][Dimensional Death (4), Frenetic Rip (4), Disseverment (4), Vanity Dive (4), Nature's Meditation (8), Anvil Lightning (8)]
By SimonSes 2020-02-12 15:19:01
I was just double checking to see if anything could get a higher trait. I dont skillchain a lot do to group content so I would like more accuracy and less sc bonus personally. Code <TizonaGroup>
<slot02>sickle slash</slot02>
<slot03>tail slap</slot03>
<slot04>diffusion ray</slot04>
<slot05>embalming earth</slot05>
<slot06>barbed crescent</slot06>
<slot07>erratic flutter</slot07>
<slot08>dimensional death</slot08>
<slot09>delta thrust</slot09>
<slot10>white wind</slot10>
<slot11>nat. meditation</slot11>
<slot12>empty thrash</slot12>
<slot14>anvil lightning</slot14>
<slot15>sudden lunge</slot15>
<slot16>thrashing assault</slot16>
<slot17>heavy strike</slot17>
<slot19>barrier tusk</slot19>
<slot20>vanity dive</slot20>
This is for events when you dont need Tenebral Crush for def down.
If you need it, then:
a) take off 1 tier of sTP - Sickle Slash and Tail Slap
b) change dimensional death to frenetic rip and take off embalming earth (you lose attack bonus trait, but that's "only" +35 attack)
By Viciouss 2020-02-12 15:23:17
I appreciate both of those replies, thanks.
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Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Sobius 2020-07-10 15:08:32
Curious as to the best use of Tizona and Thibron in actual combat.. Presuming Tizona r15, is it best to get AM3 then spam Expiacion whenever you're at 1000 TP over and over, or is always best to unload at max TP?
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Soyven 2020-07-10 15:11:05
Blow your load as soon as possible, with Thiburon and moonshade you're at a constant 2250tp minimum. Any overflow up to 1750 will help, anymore and you're losing dps technically.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Arico 2020-07-10 15:11:25
Curious as to the best use of Tizona and Thibron in actual combat.. Presuming Tizona r15, is it best to get AM3 then spam Expiacion whenever you're at 1000 TP over and over, or is always best to unload at max TP?
Unloading at max TP does nothing, since 1750 is essentially max. I just spam at 1k tp. with AM3 you often get overflow nearing 1750.
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By Cerberus.Kaht 2020-07-10 15:14:17
Curious as to the best use of Tizona and Thibron in actual combat.. Presuming Tizona r15, is it best to get AM3 then spam Expiacion whenever you're at 1000 TP over and over, or is always best to unload at max TP?
Unloading at max tp every time would completely negate the benefit of an off-hand tpbonus weapon.
Your first inclination is what I typically do - 3k tp for am3, then spam @1k tp.
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Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-11-13 07:13:54
I was just double checking to see if anything could get a higher trait. I dont skillchain a lot do to group content so I would like more accuracy and less sc bonus personally. Code <TizonaGroup>
<slot02>sickle slash</slot02>
<slot03>tail slap</slot03>
<slot04>diffusion ray</slot04>
<slot05>embalming earth</slot05>
<slot06>barbed crescent</slot06>
<slot07>erratic flutter</slot07>
<slot08>dimensional death</slot08>
<slot09>delta thrust</slot09>
<slot10>white wind</slot10>
<slot11>nat. meditation</slot11>
<slot12>empty thrash</slot12>
<slot14>anvil lightning</slot14>
<slot15>sudden lunge</slot15>
<slot16>thrashing assault</slot16>
<slot17>heavy strike</slot17>
<slot19>barrier tusk</slot19>
<slot20>vanity dive</slot20>
This is for events when you dont need Tenebral Crush for def down.
If you need it, then:
a) take off 1 tier of sTP - Sickle Slash and Tail Slap
b) change dimensional death to frenetic rip and take off embalming earth (you lose attack bonus trait, but that's "only" +35 attack)
What does your AMdown set look like with these spells?
How often do you find needing tenebral?
By SimonSes 2020-11-14 14:33:13
I use Tenebral very often, but thats because I have many jobs and I usually use BLU when it's advantages shines and one of those is AoE damage.
My AMdown set is switch to Adhemar body/suppanomimi instead of Reiki/Eabani and then switch belt to Windbuffet +1.
By Shichishito 2020-11-14 16:36:13
the only cases where you don't want to set tenebral crush is when the enemy is dark resistant, you want to avoid waking adds or a party member is already applying a similar potent -def effect that shares the slot with tenebral crush.
even then you still might want to set it if you are AoEing or trying to land a debuff cause it unlocks the MACC trait.
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Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2021-06-28 13:54:55
Silly question but if Machera+2 has the TP bonus on it, is there a reason to take it to Thib?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-06-28 13:55:35
extra damage
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kixstand 2021-06-28 14:17:20
Personally I'd just full time Malignance if you have it (if you don't have it just become one with the grind and solo E or VE until you have it). I got my first set soloing VE with a trash thf (no jp and meh gear). Any decent content in this game you will need the dt.
What TP gear sets and BLU spell sets are you using with this combo?
I feel like even on trash I'm missing so much TP gain is slow. Thank you.