If you have two substances that are "bad" and abused you don't need anymore, having 2 bad things doesn't mean adding another is an acceptable argument (if we could roll back the use of those things they probably would, they can't)
I really don't see the point in legalizing it or any other drugs at all, just decriminalize it at the policing level.
Neither of these is a rational argument.
You need to give specific reasons on
why to criminalize cannibis while also decriminalizing alcohol.
We can not rely on belief, social acceptance or personal opinion as none of those is a rational thought. Laws and regulations need to be based on rational thoughts with specific goals in mind. To do otherwise just makes someone a hypocrite.
We can break down the entire debate into two questions, first being "Should we criminalization recreation substances"?
The list is rather vast and includes stuff you wouldn't think belongs, though it is a recreational substance.
The last can get exhaustive depending on how we classify "recreational", but things like Caffeine and Sugar definite belong as neither Coffee nor Donuts are required for us to live and both are ingested for the positive chemical reactions they create.
The second question is "If yes to the first, to what degree should we criminalize"?
This is the "why" of it all, we allow Caffeine for reason X, we disallow Heroine for reason Y. This must be rational, you can't say "I use Caffeine therefor it's fine, I don't have a problem with Alcohol so that's fine too, I absolutely hate those *** pot heads so throw them in jail".
In other words, you can't demonize the left for being hypocrite while you yourself does the same thing. So far I have yet to see a single rational reason why cannibis should be illegal while ethanol is legal. It always boils down to social acceptance or personal preference and I absolutely despise that reasoning. Every atrocity in the history of the world was accepted and justified using that sort of self serving reasoning.