That Impeachment Thing....

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That impeachment thing....
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-12-18 12:02:06
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
I tend to support the idiots who take the least out of my wallet, because I know I can spend it more wisely than the idiots who think they can tax and spend their way to a utopia.

I agree with that so hopefully he gets booted out and we get someone that’ll give us back our 1040E. My taxes have increased dramatically now that my ability to write off work expenses have been all but obliterated. Only allowed the lowest of minimums now and anyone that works industry or has travel expenses or vehicle maintenance due to work, or tools, or clothing/PPE, it’s ludicrous.

But magically, the industrial world is invisible even though it generates $1.3T annually net worth. That office building you cube-rats work in? Us. That high-rise building you work in? Us. Oh you like power? It’s awful convenient that we build your power plants huh? As knowledgeable as you all appear to be about the political agenda, why is this not being talked about more? Trump did that. All the rest of the smoke and mirrors *** I don’t care about but he directly increased my taxes %15 because now that I can’t claim that I’m back to getting *** RAW every paycheck. God help me if I work Double-Time, I lose almost %50.

So for me, whoever comes up willing to fix that? He/She/Identifies as It will have my vote and several hundred thousand along with it. That’s all I want to say.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-18 12:29:01
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
I agree with that so hopefully he gets booted out and we get someone that’ll give us back our 1040E. My taxes have increased dramatically now that my ability to write off work expenses have been all but obliterated. Only allowed the lowest of minimums now and anyone that works industry or has travel expenses or vehicle maintenance due to work, or tools, or clothing/PPE, it’s ludicrous.

My taxes went down quite a bit, and I live in *the* highest income area in the USA. No that's not an exaggeration.

A lot of your statement doesn't make sense, "work expenses" is an overly broad category, one that the liberal elite used to write off their cars, houses, dry cleaning, and pretty much every other living expense they have. If you are really spending that much then your employer should be compensating you via expense report. If you are self employed then there is an entirely different accounting system you can use where those expenses come out of gross before taxes are even taken into consideration.

To be deductible, a business expense must be both ordinary and necessary. An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your trade or business. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate for your trade or business. An expense does not have to be indispensable to be considered necessary.

It is important to separate business expenses from the following expenses:

The expenses used to figure the cost of goods sold,
Capital Expenses, and
Personal Expenses.

So either your bullshiting everyone here, haven't done your own research into tax optimizing your business, or haven't paid money to someone to do that for you. One of the regulars who the moderators disagreed with, Kingnobody, would be able to give precise professional advice as that's his trade, my own information comes from a combination of my older brother, who is a business owner, and my own research into starting a business.

Bottom line, all legitimate business expenses are deductible from gross. Small business owners, which includes self employed business's, are allowed to use corporate and big business rules for doing taxes. There are several software products marketed to help small business owners to do that.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 655
By Shiva.Zerowone 2019-12-18 12:30:49
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »

I agree with that so hopefully he gets booted out and we get someone that’ll give us back our 1040E. My taxes have increased dramatically now that my ability to write off work expenses have been all but obliterated. Only allowed the lowest of minimums now and anyone that works industry or has travel expenses or vehicle maintenance due to work, or tools, or clothing/PPE, it’s ludicrous.

But magically, the industrial world is invisible even though it generates $1.3T annually net worth. That office building you cube-rats work in? Us. That high-rise building you work in? Us. Oh you like power? It’s awful convenient that we build your power plants huh? As knowledgeable as you all appear to be about the political agenda, why is this not being talked about more? Trump did that. All the rest of the smoke and mirrors *** I don’t care about but he directly increased my taxes %15 because now that I can’t claim that I’m back to getting *** RAW every paycheck. God help me if I work Double-Time, I lose almost %50.

So for me, whoever comes up willing to fix that? He/She/Identifies as It will have my vote and several hundred thousand along with it. That’s all I want to say.

In all the arguing back and forth over impeachment and Trump in general there is a rigidity to the response of the Republican supporters of the POTUS.

I saw it last week when Jim Jordan stood up and said "You don't like us, you don't like "Fly Over Country", you don't like our values, you have never accepted the Electoral College and the election of Donald Trump.'

The other night LSU quarterback Joe Burrow won the Heisman Trophy, a well deserved honor, but he chose to point out the number of hungry people in his community of Ohio, people left behind who are hurting, people lined up at the soup kitchen. People who have seen jobs and hope disappear, seen the quality of their lives and their life span drop.

It is in every sense tragic. The influx of an opioid crisis only adds to the immensity of the situation. But what people fail to see is who profits from this new economic norm...when Starbucks, Apple and Amazon pay zero taxes under the Trump Tax Cuts.

Where is the promised infrastructure? A health care plan? The job training? The conversion to renewable sources of energy? The return of the very industries that the tax breaks were supposed to lure back?

People quickly forget that the Harley plant and others that Trump "”saved" have closed down and their labor outsourced.

The wealthy continue to gain wealth, it's the new Gilded Age. Ohioans are left with an economy that has bypassed them and cling to G-d, patriotism and a dislike of socialism because that is what is fed to them by the likes Jim Jordan and Donald Trump. It is important to try and understand the phenomena that is spreading in America...homelessness, addiction, early death and the despair of poverty.

The people in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania live this and thus enough voted for Donald Trump to get him elected. They have been conned, just like all the people in the New York business world were conned. If Democrats and Republicans moving forward, want to win the White House they have to avoid avoiding this reality. We need to change the focus of this society from the "I got mine" mentality to the utilitarian ideal of doing the most good for the most people.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2019-12-18 13:00:58
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-12-18 13:27:30
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Yes as per the law, a contractor is required to provide literally everything that their employees need to do the job adequately and while following OSHA/Other regulatory. But they do not. They only provide bare minimums and if you pull out a law book on them, you’ll immediately or very quickly be laid off. So then you might decide to take them to court? They’ll dance around you with delays and extensions indefinitely while you eat up court costs and what’s more? You’ll be labeled as a troublemaker by the neighboring contractors and promptly black-balled. You see Seaval, your family may very well have a business but it’s painfully obvious that it’s not construction.

So let’s list the expenses that are absolutely necessary that the contractors will not provide that we were able to simply write off until recently.

FR Rated Long Sleeve shirts, expensive stuff. We buy a new set each season because they wear down. Old sets are donated. Can’t do that anymore.

FR Rated Pants, expensive stuff. We buy a new set each season because they wear down. Old sets are donated. Can’t do that anymore.

Welding Gloves, Specifically MIG Gloves. Not as expensive as FR but not exactly cheap. Every contractor provides gloves but very few of them provide welding gloves. And I’m a welder so “bring your own gloves”. We can’t claim that either.

Knee pads. These are actually not required by OSHA to be provided so guess I either have to just eat that or let my knees get *** up right?

Respirators because Silica and Hexavalent Chrome are a thing but the only respirators the contractors usually provide are cheap little dust masks that don’t actually provide any protection. I’m working at the the PA Cracker Plant for Bechtel, the largest contractor in the world and they have no respiratory protection for P-91 or Stainless pipe welding. Damn... you business owners sure are a piece of work huh.

My vehicle is mandatory for transportation to and from work. And the locations vary drastically so a cute little “10 minute commute” does not exist for us. The law requires that a company vehicle be provided in these situations and a handsome tax break is offered in compensation but they really only give that to the Superintendents and General Foreman. Do you know what a Foreman is? Probably too clandestine for you I imagine. It’s what you would refer to as a Manager.

SO! Mileage, and vehicular expenses can now only be claimed by a registered business. I’m a subcontractor so that doesn’t apply to me huh... damn.. Engine repair sure is expensive..

Now let’s get into travel expenses. Companies *sometimes* offer a PerDiem but it’s usually under par of the state-regulated PerDiem rates unless they are hurting for workers BAD, and only then will they hike it up a bit.

So there’s lodging, tolls, Vehicular problems again but even more so because you are now driving several hundred miles in one shot... Yeah your car loves that.

I’m sure even you can see where I’m going with this; we have to come out of pocket A LOT and are offered nothing in compensation when any business can claim almost anything under the sun. It’s ridiculous.

Oh and no, I’ve been through three CPAs, I do not play around with my money. And yes, ask around, go spark up a conversation with a Pipefitter or Boilermaker or Electrician and ask them about working on a Sunday (Double Time virtually everywhere) they’ll immediately complain about their taxes being jumped to nearly 50% for that check. Or would you prefer to see my paystub?

But go ahead, keep making a fool of yourself. Stupid ***.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-18 13:31:40
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None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-12-18 13:34:58
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Odin.Slore said: »
None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.

Last page I complained about Trump repealing the 1040E. Seavel then proceeded to say that my complaints were *** so I then proceeded to rip his *** about it. All caught up now?
Posts: 17763
By Viciouss 2019-12-18 13:35:29
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
So either your bullshiting everyone here, haven't done your own research into tax optimizing your business, or haven't paid money to someone to do that for you.

Or, the 4th option, and the most common, Saevel is wrong.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-18 13:36:33
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Hey on the plus side you got our other resident "tolerant lefty" to like your post.

You're off to a great start!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-18 13:39:43
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Odin.Slore said: »
None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.

Last page I complained about Trump repealing the 1040E. Seavel then proceeded to say that my complaints were *** so I then proceeded to rip his *** about it. All caught up now?

You didn't rip a damn thing... You moaned about not getting reimbursed by a bad employer and how you're afraid to say anything about it. Once again not Trumps fault dude, find a better employer.

My taxes have gone down considerably and my wife and I only make about $160k between us. Sounds like a lot but I'm in NY. My 401k is also rocking. Maybe you should try investing?

If my employer was treating me bad I would look for a different employer. If you have skills and they are in demand shouldn't be hard at all.
Posts: 17763
By Viciouss 2019-12-18 13:40:17
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That quote messed up, its supposed to say Saevel's name, oh well. Also, just ignore Slore. He doesn't know anything.

Shiva.Zerowone said: »

Where is the promised infrastructure? A health care plan? The job training? The conversion to renewable sources of energy? The return of the very industries that the tax breaks were supposed to lure back?

Those things were never going to happen, Trump doesn't have the IQ to even propose an infrastructure or health care plan. The most he was ever going to accomplish was tax cuts for his income block.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-18 13:42:50
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Viciouss said: »
Valefor.Yandaime said: »
So either your bullshiting everyone here, haven't done your own research into tax optimizing your business, or haven't paid money to someone to do that for you.

Or, the 4th option, and the most common, Saevel is wrong.

Good try at trying to provoke people without knowing a damn thing. Sav could be well experienced in this or have first hand knowledge. How the hell do you know besides blindly going around calling everyone wrong without knowing a damn thing yourself.

It amazes me still that Rev got into trouble but you were allowed to stay. You never offer a single thing to any conversation except saying people are wrong.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-18 13:45:10
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Viciouss said: »
That quote messed up, its supposed to say Saevel's name, oh well. Also, just ignore Slore. He doesn't know anything.

Shiva.Zerowone said: »

Where is the promised infrastructure? A health care plan? The job training? The conversion to renewable sources of energy? The return of the very industries that the tax breaks were supposed to lure back?

Those things were never going to happen, Trump doesn't have the IQ to even propose an infrastructure or health care plan. The most he was ever going to accomplish was tax cuts for his income block.

Again like I said with your idiotic statements. Seriously you're pathetic and feel free to spam report that like ya did to Rav's posts.
Posts: 17763
By Viciouss 2019-12-18 13:50:53
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Odin.Slore said: »
Viciouss said: »
That quote messed up, its supposed to say Saevel's name, oh well. Also, just ignore Slore. He doesn't know anything.

Shiva.Zerowone said: »

Where is the promised infrastructure? A health care plan? The job training? The conversion to renewable sources of energy? The return of the very industries that the tax breaks were supposed to lure back?

Those things were never going to happen, Trump doesn't have the IQ to even propose an infrastructure or health care plan. The most he was ever going to accomplish was tax cuts for his income block.

Again like I said with your idiotic statements. Seriously you're pathetic and feel free to spam report that like ya did to Rav's posts.

lol, poor Slore. I've never reported Ravael's posts. Like I said, you don't really know anything.
Posts: 17763
By Viciouss 2019-12-18 13:51:56
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Odin.Slore said: »
None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.

Last page I complained about Trump repealing the 1040E. Seavel then proceeded to say that my complaints were *** so I then proceeded to rip his *** about it. All caught up now?

Looks like a no.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-12-18 13:52:50
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Keep telling yourself that Vic. The most all knowing person.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-18 14:07:20
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Odin.Slore said: »
None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.

His company is screwing him over and he blames trump ... yep sounds like a liberal.

Specifically his company was subsidizing it's costs by exploiting a tax loophole, passing along it's equipment costs to the federal government and thus to the tax payer.

Odin.Slore said: »
Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Odin.Slore said: »
None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.

Last page I complained about Trump repealing the 1040E. Seavel then proceeded to say that my complaints were *** so I then proceeded to rip his *** about it. All caught up now?

You didn't rip a damn thing... You moaned about not getting reimbursed by a bad employer and how you're afraid to say anything about it. Once again not Trumps fault dude, find a better employer.

My taxes have gone down considerably and my wife and I only make about $160k between us. Sounds like a lot but I'm in NY. My 401k is also rocking. Maybe you should try investing?

If my employer was treating me bad I would look for a different employer. If you have skills and they are in demand shouldn't be hard at all.

Yep his employer is breaking the law multiple times over again, first by violating OSHA and again by hiring a full time employee as a contractor. He blames Trump for his own companies issues and like the liberal sheep refuses to do anything about it, like find a new employer.

If a person is remotely marketable, they will find a new employer when / if their current one *** them around. Senior management is *very* good at telling which employees are valuable and which are just bodies of labor. They will do whatever they can to keep the former and ignore the later entirely. Hell the entire purpose of unionization was to turn the later into the former by representing them as a single whole, since taken as a whole labor is valuable. Of course the Unions then got greedy and committed the same sins they were created to remedy. Funny how human nature never changes.

So now that we've debunked the "but muh 1040E ORANGE MAN BAD" guy, anyone else wanna argue economics with the folks who actually know economics?
By 2019-12-18 14:10:45
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Posts: 17763
By Viciouss 2019-12-18 14:12:57
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lol, now we have Saevel alleging a company he isn't familiar with is breaking the law from his armchair. Right.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 763
By Valefor.Yandaime 2019-12-18 14:14:40
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Odin.Slore said: »
Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Odin.Slore said: »
None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.

Last page I complained about Trump repealing the 1040E. Seavel then proceeded to say that my complaints were *** so I then proceeded to rip his *** about it. All caught up now?

You didn't rip a damn thing... You moaned about not getting reimbursed by a bad employer and how you're afraid to say anything about it. Once again not Trumps fault dude, find a better employer.

My taxes have gone down considerably and my wife and I only make about $160k between us. Sounds like a lot but I'm in NY. My 401k is also rocking. Maybe you should try investing?

If my employer was treating me bad I would look for a different employer. If you have skills and they are in demand shouldn't be hard at all.

What are you on about? Do you not understand how this works? You get a call out for a job, you go work the job and when the job is done the contractor lays you off. It’s the nature of the trades and I’m not complaining about that, it is what it is. What I’m complaining about is that I’m not offered the same compensations for the same expenses as the businesses. Period. Before Trump, we we had that. We’d hire our CPAs and keep well documented tabs of all expenses and kept all receipts. But Trump came and repealed that so now I’m eating those costs. If the business owners were also forced to eat those costs, it’d be fair and I wouldn’t have any reason to complain. So either FORCE them to comply completely or give me back my 1040E, it’s simple.

Also, I’m Union so my medical, pension, dental, retirement, etc are covered. I’m just sick of having mandatory business expenses but not getting the same breaks as the business owners, dafuq is that? And no one but Trump did that and thanks to that I’m losing money. I live in MD, sales tax is the same, property tax is still the same Charles county taxes are still untouched, who actually benefited here? Rockville MD? NYC? Malibu CA? So basically the wealthy provinces? Seems fishy to me.. hmmm.

But again, my primary gripe is the 1040E, that directly impacted the construction industry and for that I’m 100% for impeachment or literally anyone running against him
Posts: 17763
By Viciouss 2019-12-18 14:14:52
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DirectX said: »
Viciouss said: »
DirectX said: »
Denmark, Finland and Norway have high tax rates and I'm pretty sure they have better QoL than Americans.

They also have a fraction of our population.
How is this a rebuttal in your world?

Aren't you pro immigration too? Even though you know more people = worse QoL.

You must be a troll.

Lol, you can't compare things like taxes, QOL, healthcare between countries with a few million people and a country with over 300m. It doesn't work like that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-18 14:14:54
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Odin.Slore said: »
It amazes me still that Rev got into trouble but you were allowed to stay. You never offer a single thing to any conversation except saying people are wrong.

He supports "Team Blue", those guys don't get into trouble. Vic insults people so much that I just blacklisted him a long time ago, and suggest everyone else do the same. Those not on "Team Blue" who even squeak a little to much get slapped while those "Team Blue" get a pass, see Nasi vs Vic. Hell I'll probably get a ban just for mentioning this.

To be reals though, the central issue is there simply is more Team Blue supporters on internet forms then non-Team Blue. How many people, most who don't even post here, are clicking "report" on each of our posts. How many people are clicking "report" on people like Vic's posts? Since the mods largely pay attention to numbers, the post with a hundred "reports" will get far more attention then the one with three to six reports. This is the reason contentions issues have largely been moved to insular bubbles were everyone already has the same beliefs.
By 2019-12-18 14:17:02
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-18 14:19:23
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Odin.Slore said: »
Viciouss said: »
That quote messed up, its supposed to say Saevel's name, oh well. Also, just ignore Slore. He doesn't know anything.

Shiva.Zerowone said: »

Where is the promised infrastructure? A health care plan? The job training? The conversion to renewable sources of energy? The return of the very industries that the tax breaks were supposed to lure back?

Those things were never going to happen, Trump doesn't have the IQ to even propose an infrastructure or health care plan. The most he was ever going to accomplish was tax cuts for his income block.

Again like I said with your idiotic statements. Seriously you're pathetic and feel free to spam report that like ya did to Rav's posts.

Just out of curiosity, do you mean Nausi or did something go down that I wasn't aware of?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: ozment
Posts: 1114
By Ragnarok.Ozment 2019-12-18 14:25:46
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Odin.Slore said: »
None of which you listed has anything to do with Trump, it just sounds like you work for a shitty company.

Your name calling is another plus to convince people to your cause.

Bull****, it has everything to do with Trump. He is the one that pushed this tax bill a couple years back. I'll be honest, the tax bill did help me. I paid less in tax last year than the year before, but everyone I know earning less than 75k annually ended up paying more in taxes. The take-home pay went up per check for those people due to a lower percentage of Federal tax being withheld...but at the end of the year ended paying more in Federal Income Tax, in part because they were no longer allowed to claim legitimate work related expenses.
By 2019-12-18 14:27:27
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-12-18 14:32:01
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Hmm, seeing Vic and Shi making the same arguments that I did in a discussion years ago is kinda trippy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-18 14:35:20
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Valefor.Yandaime said: »
What are you on about? Do you not understand how this works? You get a call out for a job, you go work the job and when the job is done the contractor lays you off. It’s the nature of the trades and I’m not complaining about that, it is what it is. What I’m complaining about is that I’m not offered the same compensations for the same expenses as the businesses. Period

Valefor.Yandaime said: »
Also, I’m Union so my medical, pension, dental, retirement, etc are covered. I’m just sick of having mandatory business expenses but not getting the same breaks as the business owners, dafuq is that?

These both can not be true.

You either are or are not an independent contractor. If you are, then you can call your business expenses as deductions. If your are not then your company is ripping you off by forcing you to pay for your own tools.

My suspicion is that you are an employee of one company that subcontracted you out to another. If that was true then your current employer pays you wages while charging a fee to the contracted entity. The people Home Depot calls to do equipment installations and so forth.

See itemization only takes place if the sum total of the itemized deductions are higher then the standard deduction, they don't to that deduction. With the deduction at $12,000 you would need a sub total of over $12,000 in deductions to get a single dollar in savings. If you were running a $16,000 USD per year in itemized deductions, the increase to $24,000 USD would of still seen a net benefit to you. You would of had to be running well north of $24,000 USD to of seen a major increase in costs. There are no wage based labor workers claiming above $25,000 USD a year in deductions. The people I know who claim those kinds of deductions wear suits to work and have secretaries take calls for them. Or they have several homes and were using the tax payers to subsidize the cost of those.

The 2% deductions which you are harping about are used by wealthy liberals to deduct their daily spa massages and costs of their limo driver as "necessary business expenses". They were all wiped out and the family deduction was increased from $12,000 USD to $24,000 USD. This means you must be been spending at least $10,000 USD per year in "necessary business expenses" as the Home Depot repair guy.

Yeah the numbers don't add up, the smell of *** is getting stronger the more information comes out. You either are a small time contractor barely making ends meet, or an upper middle class worker. That or you were evading taxes by claiming all sorts of expenses that shouldn't be claimed in the first place and don't like how that was now made impossible.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2019-12-18 14:38:26
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Anyhow someone is gonna report Me and Rav for "off topic" if we don't get back on topic.

Trump Impeachment.

Sentence first, verdict later.

What shall we do with him? Fire, perhaps? Hang him upside down
for a few years? Or... shall we employ the guillotine? You, the jury, shall
decide his fate. Now, let us begin.
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