Private FFXI Servers
By Jetackuu 2019-11-26 12:05:16
Everybody here is talking about Nasomi and Eden, the 75 cap servers
Because that is literally what the OP requested.
By daemun 2019-11-26 12:07:31
Everybody here is talking about Nasomi and Eden, the 75 cap servers
Because that is literally what the OP requested. Reading vs understanding are two different things Jet. Some can do one but not the other.
By Jetackuu 2019-11-26 12:09:40
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »Anyone else find this contradictory? Indeed, but I see flaws all over the OP's logic, so...
By daemun 2019-11-26 12:15:09
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »That said, everything you stated is perfectly possible, and more, on a retail server. Including with retail server would be exploring WotG, exploring the 9 abyssea zones, exploring the final "full" expansion which revamped so much of the old game, experiencing the "wrap up" mini-expansion which pulls everything together, and then if you're still interested, you can basically get into the "post-game" content with the *** here.
If you don't want to use some of the new QoL stuff, you can choose not to. If you don't want to use the revamped Signet that lets you not get decimated by DC mobs when solo, don't use signet, I suppose. If that's how you want to play the game, have at it. as much as i dislike private servers, op might be better off in one considering he wants to do so little in game.
if you just want to xp grind old school and ignore everything else retail has to offer go for it. just know you're missing out on an improved product with tons to do.
This sums it up. Everyone here talking about retail is 100% correct about there being more to offer. And to whoever talked about the $26, no it's chump change, but I might be throwing it away for 1hr of game time if my son utterly hates it. I know I would then feel the need to "get the most" out of it and I'd end up two-boxing my characters for the entire month and ignore my massive backlog of games that I need to be tending to before the big hitters of spring come around and I'm playing Cyberpunk for 100+ hours.
I may have not made this very clear in my other replies, but if my son likes it, we will with near certainty ditch the wonky private server idea and just pick up retail. I might even start from scratch with him or use existing characters to PL (yeah, I know with changes it's unnecessary) just so we get time with him getting familiar with the game's mechanics before jumping into something like Abyssea or *anything* that looks like endgame content.
NOTE: I was able to get a 75 cap private server up and running on both laptops last night. My son had a friend sleep over so tonight we'll give it our first go.
I'll post to see how he received it, since several people thought it would be impossible for someone that age to enjoy the game. If he liked it, we'll probably pick back up in retail Odin. Thanks again all.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 12:22:29
i enjoyed 75 cap. i didn't like what came after. i attempted to play again, but honestly trusts and faster travel don't make me like the game more.
By daemun 2019-11-26 12:30:13
I heard you guys were looking for private servants?
 Now we're talking about something I'm willing to spend some money on.
i enjoyed 75 cap. i didn't like what came after. i attempted to play again, but honestly trusts and faster travel don't make me like the game more. That's exactly how I felt with the post 75 content. I mean, the abyssea stuff was kind of cool, and high damage numbers were novel at first. However, it became almost comical and the 119 gear that I've looked at has lost all meaning to me. I don't understand why it is so difficult to accept someone liked the more convoluted, frustrating state of the game. I'm sure it's mostly nostalgia but man this game will stick with me forever because of 6 hour parties that took 45 min of chocoboing to get to. The hunt for a replacement so you don't disband. The 18 hour marathon from 1-3-End of COP because it was the first time in a year you finally had a group of people competent enough to clear the freaking prommies.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 13:04:19
i currently have a rdm to 18 and made the run to jeuno. it's just... there is no low level gear that sells for prices that make sense. i liked the idea of working towards gear as i was leveling and then selling it later. it made everything seem like it had a purpose. getting outpost teleports was an accomplishment. now it's like, insta warp to the thing. it feels like how the stuff that makes the game faster/easier actually just removes you further from actually playing the game.
getting some mnd gear and getting a strong paralyze on leaping lizzy felt awesome. getting trusts and blazing through low levels is dull. i get that end game is the "real game", but xi used to be an every level experience. current game doesn't have that feeling.
By Draylo 2019-11-26 13:58:35
The level 75 cap mentality is a disease, I swear these people are blind and unable to be reasoned with.
Quote: It's quite terrifying how the posters in this thread are trying to shove ffxi down OPs throat despite him saying he wants nothing to do with it.
Stop being so insecure with your game choice and let him do what he wants or don't answer his question at all. I can only imagine how you act at a restaurant when someone tells you they don't like french fries. Insufferable.
OP, Google nasomi or Eden. Both are what you're looking for.
Terrifying... lol. It's terrifying people still hide behind fake accounts. He asked for input from everyone and he is getting it. He already commented on those two as well, so your post is worthless.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 14:02:21
The level 75 cap mentality is a disease, I swear these people are blind and unable to be reasoned with.
*headpat* poor little guy
it'll be ok.
By Jetackuu 2019-11-26 14:05:31
I don't understand why it is so difficult to accept someone liked the more convoluted, frustrating state of the game.
Because masochism isn't healthy.
By fillerbunny9 2019-11-26 14:09:16
the safe word is 'Level Down'
By Draylo 2019-11-26 14:10:40
One of my fondest memories is running around the fountain in Whitegate for hours while I waited looking for group on THF, the good old days.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 14:15:10
should of tried /sea all inv brd
By Draylo 2019-11-26 14:15:56
I did that too, /sea all BRD 52-55 over and over, I did it all. BUT THAT CREATES CHARACTER
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 14:18:46
who said it built character? you seem to project a lot of stuff on people who enjoyed playing at 75.
By Draylo 2019-11-26 14:25:21
Not really, I could argue every single point you make including the stupid example you posted, getting better gear to land paralyze on leaping lizzy lol. It isn't worth it because none of you ever realize the truth, it was the community that made 75 cap, not the slog through the extremely slow travel and artificially gated content. You just have nostalgia goggles bolted on tight like every other 75 cap thumper.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 14:33:06
you could argue it, but it would just be arguing with yourself. the community was formed the way it was because the stuff you are saying was improved.
the example of killing leaping lizzy was simply a comment on me coming back and how satisfying it was to land a bunch of enfeebles on a mob and fight it. i've got xiv if i want all the "improvements" of a modern ffxi. you legit can't handle that someone doesn't like the same thing as you. i'm sorry it's that hard for you to just not comment. there's nothing for you to win here.
By SimonSes 2019-11-26 14:37:31
As far as dailies, wat? You had Dynamis, Limbus, Salvage, Nyzul, Besiged, Assaults, Timed spawn NMs, you had to literally be glued to the game and hit every timer right. Remember HNM windows? What are you talking about.
So much this! I was literally kicked from LS because after 8 hours of Fafnir, Aspi, Ixion, something, something that needed to be done daily, I went to do some solo stuff instead of camping/killing Worm. There was TONS of daily duties to be done, especially in endgame LS.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2019-11-26 14:39:11
I'm sure it's mostly nostalgia but man this game will stick with me forever because of 6 hour parties that took 45 min of chocoboing to get to. The hunt for a replacement so you don't disband.
I'm sure you've heard the quote "You can never go home again". You're looking for a game that doesn't exist anymore. Even if you go to a 75 server, it won't be exactly what you remember.
But, if that's closer to what you're looking for than retail, more power to ya. Good luck finding something to play with your son, my oldest is 13 and I'm not ready to expose him to something this addictive yet, lol.
By Draylo 2019-11-26 14:50:18
I dont intend to win. Someone who longs for the days of 6 hours of hitting a crab doesnt deserve my time. I was leaving my opinion for OP because he deserves to know the real ffxi is better than those trash private servers.
By daemun 2019-11-26 14:50:51
I don't understand why it is so difficult to accept someone liked the more convoluted, frustrating state of the game.
Because masochism isn't healthy. It was poorly worded; but I meant that, like stated by Hevans, every single thing you did in the game felt like an accomplishment because the hurdle for entry for absolutely everything was high.
Subjobs? Better over-level or find you a kind soul high enough to solo the ghosts.
The run to Jeuno? Suspenseful the entire time you /ch and see nothing but VT/ITs. Even more so once you aggro something or have already died once in Rolanberry.
Stuff like that I'm ok at least giving my son a taste of what it was. We can choose easy paths on other games, or even on this one if we so wish; but at first we want to do it the difficult way to feel more rewarded.
By daemun 2019-11-26 14:54:57
Not really, I could argue every single point you make including the stupid example you posted, getting better gear to land paralyze on leaping lizzy lol. It isn't worth it because none of you ever realize the truth, it was the community that made 75 cap, not the slog through the extremely slow travel and artificially gated content. You just have nostalgia goggles bolted on tight like every other 75 cap thumper. While I wholeheartedly agree with you that it was the flourishing community that made this game in its prime...that community was absolutely forced by the harshness of TAoAU and prior. I'd even state that a lot of AU made the game significantly more bearable and that was the beginning of the change in community. End game changed, a couple of jobs could solo xp well, bird parties altered party makeup for levelling and meriting. The gear cut a huge swath out of top tier. It was a turning point.
Unfortunately, as content got easier to do alone or in small groups, the player base moved onto less tasking and better built MMOs.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 14:58:31
except tons of people left when the game switched from that, and so many people still want to play it there are multiple options for servers to play on.
no one said they longed to hit a crab for 6 hours, but you seem to put a lot of time in to attempting to talk people out of things they like. so if it doesn't deserve your time, why are you doing it? at least at 75 running around white gate was enough of a distraction to keep you from posting here.
By daemun 2019-11-26 14:58:59
I'm sure it's mostly nostalgia but man this game will stick with me forever because of 6 hour parties that took 45 min of chocoboing to get to. The hunt for a replacement so you don't disband.
I'm sure you've heard the quote "You can never go home again". You're looking for a game that doesn't exist anymore. Even if you go to a 75 server, it won't be exactly what you remember.
But, if that's closer to what you're looking for than retail, more power to ya. Good luck finding something to play with your son, my oldest is 13 and I'm not ready to expose him to something this addictive yet, lol. I know it'll never be exactly the same for several reasons. However, I want to show him at least something resembling what I played so heavily for years, with the caveat that it doesn't need to become an endgame grind addiction where you feel like you're missing the bus if you aren't at every event every waking moment.
I don't want to go back to that. My wife won't let me. I don't want my son to form those unhealthy obsessions. It's part of why we're undertaking this in the manner we are. I want to have a controlled environment for his first foray into MMOs and 14, WoW, etc are too user friendly and easy to get that hook in. I want this to be rewarding but also frustrating enough that he hops back on Fortnite with his brother and friends or chooses to play Pokemon more often than FF.
By Draylo 2019-11-26 14:59:08
Yes that is possible, I hated what Abyssea did to linkshells and I resisted it for a long time. Thats why when Delve came out and more alliance events I loved it. Sadly the game is far from that these days but it cant be brought back, not even in a private server because the interest isnt there due to the community going their separate ways. The core mechanics are better now and more fun, thats the important part.
By Jetackuu 2019-11-26 15:05:58
Oh I see, you're a troll. Please tell me you're trolling...
By Draylo 2019-11-26 15:06:21
except tons of people left when the game switched from that, and so many people still want to play it there are multiple options for servers to play on.
no one said they longed to hit a crab for 6 hours, but you seem to put a lot of time in to attempting to talk people out of things they like. so if it doesn't deserve your time, why are you doing it? at least at 75 running around white gate was enough of a distraction to keep you from posting here.
You said it earlier like it was some great experience taking 45m to get to a camp and hitting crabs for hours. I posted a lot then too, Ive been around since almost day 1.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2019-11-26 15:14:30
You said it earlier like it was some great experience taking 45m to get to a camp and hitting crabs for hours. I posted a lot then too, Ive been around since almost day 1.
i said that insta travel and leveling so fast feels like it removes you further from the actual game. learning the paths that were safe, and sneaking/invising through areas as a team to get to a camp was what brought people together and forged the community that was so great.
again i don't know what you're trying to win, but to me current xi is just a worst version of other games. i hope you enjoy it. i still think 75 cap xi was a much better game.
By Jetackuu 2019-11-26 15:25:27
i still think 75 cap xi was a much better game. You can think it all you want, it objectively wasn't.
This may not be the best place for this post, and it may even be a topic that is no longer allowed to be discussed on ffxiah. Therefore, apologies in advance on both counts.
However, if it is ok to discuss- I wanted to know of any private servers that people might recommend. I would prefer 75 cap content, but just looking at something to help get my son's feet wet in FFXI without the hassle of paying for a month for my old two accounts.
I just missed the login campaign where my son expressed interest in some sort of role playing. We were going to use "classes" in Dark Souls but the concept of duoing in FFXI seemed like it would work better.
I have used (extremely briefly) Era in the past, but it seemingly fell off the map with its forum completely bare and I can't seem to find working links to dl the updates nor get my character logged in any more.
Any direction would be wonderful, and if it's something not allowed on here or without fruit, I guess worst case I'll breakdown and re-dl the clients on mine and my wife's laptops and burn a month login just to show my son around and see if he takes to it.