Warrior: DW/Fencer/Polearm/H2H/Ranged.

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Warrior: DW/Fencer/Polearm/H2H/Ranged.
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Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-07 20:26:35
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Aricomfy said: »
Spaitin said: »
Fencer works really well for that fight with naegling.

Yep, that's exactly what I use. Sanguine Blade is an absolutely life saving WS to have access to for that fight on warrior.
That is funny. We do the same thing.

Now that I think about it, I am completing a lot of the helms with them using 1-3 TP moves tops (Teles, Albumen, Schah, Vini). When I do the MNK SB method, they TP several times more than that. It is pretty common to have a mob casting for half the fight in a zerg.

That is what I was referring to when I said "massive DPS does the same thing". Massive DPS might decrease the overall TP moves per fight more than a SB build will. Even with mnk. RDM kinda has a cheat code though.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-07 20:32:47
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I'm actually curious if in any way Alexander's fight can be abused by warrior much like it can be abused by Monks with their Subtle Blow and high magic evasion. Does warrior currently have a BiS Magic Evasion Hybrid set? Would be curious to see if it would make Alexander any less of a pain, but I can't imagine Warrior having access to comparable numbers in Magic Evasion as a Monk does.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-07 20:34:08
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Yes it does,

ItemSet 375369

Not sure if it completely BIS. But it is very good. The MEVA is actually a little more than mnks normal MEVA sets iirc. You don't get the DT, or STP, But war naturally will TP better than mnk. I wish it was better, but it is pretty damn good. Staunch Tathlum+1 is a good swap so you can keep your WS ammo. idk.

Yeah, I am going to double down, if your DPS is high enough, then Zerging is deff safer than SB builds. But, that is just my opinion. SB builds just take advantage of the damage dealt to mob to TP moves mob uses ratio. High DPS zergs do the same thing.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-07 20:40:40
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Spaitin said: »
Yes it does,

ItemSet 375369

Not sure if it completely BIS. But it is very good.

Yeah, I am going to double down, if your DPS is high enough, then Zerging is deff safer than SB builds. But, that is just my opinion.

Dayum. That does look slick. I just came to a funny realization and quite possibly the best Subtle Blow build ever made. Use Reikiko and Vim Torque +1, bring a SCH with capped Regen V set and Adloquium, engage Alexander and just turn around and wait for TP to fill. How's that for Subtle Blow?
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-07 20:42:12
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Aricomfy said: »
Spaitin said: »
Yes it does,

ItemSet 375369

Not sure if it completely BIS. But it is very good.

Yeah, I am going to double down, if your DPS is high enough, then Zerging is deff safer than SB builds. But, that is just my opinion.

Dayum. That does look slick. I just came to a funny realization and quite possibly the best Subtle Blow build ever made. Use Reikiko and Vim Torque +1, bring a SCH with capped Regen V set and Adloquium, engage Alexander and just turn around and wait for TP to fill. How's that for Subtle Blow?
Good, but dnc is better at it. like WAYYYY better at it. Turn around. Steps > Reverse Flourish > WS. Again, wrong thread, but dnc is overlooked.

You don't need SB for alex. My fastest clears are without it.

Asura.Saevel said: »
For the topic, this is why Subtle Blow on Warrior isn't such a big deal. Works if soloing with your own army of mules, not so useful when our other DD and / or our COR and BRD buddies join in the fun
I really like the SB builds for solo DPS with multi step SC. Go like sam/alli and 4 step things to death. But for fights like that, I can usually bring 2 cors since I NEVER use a tank on war.

i.e. zerde I used go sam/fighter/mnk/alli and just 4 step him.

I found that Runist roll was better for that fight than mnks though.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-07 20:47:34
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DNC is insanely OP, especially now that it has Malignance. I wonder why there isn't a just as active thread for Dancer as there are for Warrior, it really is a shame.

But that Antitail +1 man, I actually really dig it now with the augments it has. Very awesome having another pulling option as well other than Provoke and maybe Tomahawk.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-07 20:50:26
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I really like it for resolution builds.

DNC struggles with HP pool and defensive stats. Malignance really helped. But, war has more defense with berserk up than dnc does. I think people get frustrated with how squishy it is in "DPS" mode. WHich is a shame, it is a fun job. One of my favorites.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-07 21:01:20
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Spaitin said: »
I really like it for resolution builds.
Haven't seen Resolution discussed in a while. With Montante +1's new augments and the Tatenashi set seeing a facelift, wouldn't these new(ish) Triple Attack pieces be incredible for it now?
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-07 21:05:37
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ItemSet 376908

This is what I use. Argosy has a lot of strength in hand and body slots. But the tatenashi are plenty good to use.
Seething bomblet, antitail, aurg all seem to be about the same.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-07 21:11:30
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Spaitin said: »
ItemSet 376908

This is what I use. Argosy has a lot of strength in hand and body slots. But the tatenashi are plenty good to use.
Seething bomblet, antitail, aurg all seem to be about the same.
Wow, just double checked Tatenashi and didn't realize how little STR it actually had. Missed opportunity there, but it should still be great for TP building? Or is Double Attack still the way to go? I'm only curious about triple attack for resolution because my RUN completely shreds with Resolution and it makes me jealous.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-07 21:16:38
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For pure WS damage, war should be a good chunk ahead of rune. Higher average and higher frequency. Unless that rune is in a party with the war and then it is much closer.

War gets a better TP set and WS set than rune for Reso. Rune does get a way better weapon though.
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2020-12-07 21:23:03
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Spaitin said: »

For pure WS damage, war should be a good chunk ahead of rune. Higher average and higher frequency. Unless that rune is in a party with the war and then it is much closer.

It has been a while since I used Resolution on WAR. Might need to whip it out again and get a fresh look at it with the new equipment. Great sets in that post, appreciate the link.
By 2020-12-07 23:57:12
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By Asura.Saevel 2020-12-08 07:32:41
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Aricomfy said: »
DNC is insanely OP, especially now that it has Malignance. I wonder why there isn't a just as active thread for Dancer as there are for Warrior, it really is a shame.

DNC is super technical to play, lots of buttons and modes that do cool stuff but require forethought and planning to really exploit. All that technicality tends to push most players to seek easier solutions though.

Spaitin said: »
I really like the SB builds for solo DPS with multi step SC. Go like sam/alli and 4 step things to death. But for fights like that, I can usually bring 2 cors since I NEVER use a tank on war.

Yeah when solo SCing NM's it's really noticeable if another person starts feeding it TP and causing random TP moves to fire off early. I wish more WHM's would use Auspice, that's a free +25 SB right there.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-09 18:52:36
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Alright, so playing around with straight zerg vs SB builds.

Did a few Neak, not a great target to use though imo, but idk what else to use.
With warx2 geo cor bard whm W/O MS we had 3 kills with neak using 2 TP moves and 2 with neak using 3

With MS I had 2 kills with neak using 1 TP move. I would have to do that fight more, but I think you can do it sometimes without him using any TP moves with MS.

With a solo MNK DPS and geo corx2 bard whm support. I had neak use 3 TP moves in all 3 fights. I think he just gets too much TP from spells. Or maybe just unlucky on results. This is with mnk overbuffed. Sam/Fighter/Rogue/Allies. Maybe would be better to remove fighter's roll, but that is a pretty big DPS boost for mnk.

Neaks Spells can cause some issues in testing the total TP gained. Need something that only does DPS spells I think.

Did a few yakshi before I remembered he takes extra slashing and reduced blunt. So no useable results on that. Anyone got any other ideas for testing? A different target or method?

I think Saevel hit the nail on the head, The mob has a max speed in which it can spam TP moves, You can have a better "DmgDealt:TP Used" ratio just exploiting that.

I want to exclude a few of the obvious fights, Kin, Onchyphora etc.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-10 10:00:09
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Did 3 more Neak. This time had the bard and cor DPS as well. On all 3 Neak did 1 TP move. No MS.

Did a MS zerg on schah with 2war cor and bard meleeing. Schah did 1 TP move before dieing. Might try albumen later. I think he is the same way.

Need to do schah with MNK, But I don't think MNK solo DPS is enough to kill him before adds. Even with sam/fighter/allie/rogue, but, I have never tried it on mnk before.

IDK on this testing though. I want a target that only does DPS spells. Or doesnt use DPS spells at all. I also want something can survive a full power zerg for around a minute. Doesn't leave many good options.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-13 18:36:08
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Update again.

Schah is kinda rough on mnk. Not a good testing mob. Just gonna call it. War is faster/safer/easier for schah.

Now on to albumen

War fight time was around 30 seconds. Did 3 kills on war, all 3 fights albumen used 2 TP moves. Dead before second set of adds popped.

Gonna work on doing it with mnk next. My suspicion is actually that the malignace gear is more significant than the SB.

Albumen/Schah are both probably bad fights for testing this.

Maybe vinipata? idk
Posts: 254
By Mrgrim 2020-12-13 19:44:37
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Spaitin said: »
Update again.

Schah is kinda rough on mnk. Not a good testing mob. Just gonna call it. War is faster/safer/easier for schah.

Now on to albumen

War fight time was around 30 seconds. Did 3 kills on war, all 3 fights albumen used 2 TP moves. Dead before second set of adds popped.

Gonna work on doing it with mnk next. My suspicion is actually that the malignace gear is more significant than the SB.

Albumen/Schah are both probably bad fights for testing this.

Maybe vinipata? idk

5 of the 7 HELMs possess regain (not sure about teles) hence SB becomes useless, only Onychophora and Erinys don't have regain (except during Reaving wind aura). I usually kill Schah with MNK on my merc runs, not straight zerging it tho, warrior is better fit for that! Malignance gear keeps u from contracting Albumen's AIDS for the most part, so yes its good fighting albu on MEVA gear.

Mnk can handle Yakshi easily with 1 smn mewing it to keep it from doing a TP move, its how I Kill it w/o relying on SPs n stuff XD

For vinipata, MNK obliterates it, takes me like 1min 6man to solo DD Vini with BOGtrition bubble with Empy h2h, also I best stop bringing mnk to war subforum!
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-13 20:16:28
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Mrgrim said: »
For vinipata, MNK obliterates it, takes me like 1min 6man to solo DD Vini with BOGtrition bubble with Empy h2h, also I best stop bringing mnk to war subforum!

I always love hearing comparisons. I was mostly comparing zerg to SB builds. War is generally best zerg and mnk is generally best SB. Kinda getting undewhelmed by SB. It hasn't been effective at decreasing TP moves in my tests so far.

I found war obliterates vini as well, which is why i didn't want to test on it. I do a h2h build and spam 99k raging fists. Takes like 25 seconds. I am finding that SB is not nearly as useful as some people think. I do yakshi as a straight zerg or a multistep SC. Just stack everyone together and mangle it.

Onychophora and Lilith are probably the best fights I can think of for SB builds. I do not think SB adds any safety in most content.

For 2-3 man set ups It is really good though. Helps keep the trust from getting overwhelmed.
Posts: 3653
By Taint 2020-12-13 20:25:35
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Do these mobs without MS and report back. You are literally super buffing. Kill speed to avoid TP moves is a close neighbor of SB to limit TP moves.

Nobody is going to think SB builds have a place in super buffed zergs.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-13 20:29:50
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Taint said: »
Do these mobs without MS and report back.
Taint said: »
Kill speed to avoid TP moves is a close neighbor of SB to limit TP moves.
100% agree. That has somewhat been my point the entire time.

On neak i found with or without MS straight zerging limited TP gain more than SB build. But that was already covered in previous posts. I assume you are referring to Helms without MS. Problem with that is, I usually will have access to MS when doing helms. But I agree and am planning on testing that more extensively.

Taint said: »
Nobody is going to think SB builds have a place in super buffed zergs.
Of course not. That was never something to be examined. I am comparing SB to Zergs to see if SB actually is safer/easier. So far, my answer it is a giant no with or without MS. But my testing is limited.

On Schah, with or without MS i found straight zerging to be far better than SB build, Mrgrimm explains why. SB is mostly useless for Schah, and probably albumen. You can kill schah without MS before adds. Havent gotten around to doing it on albumen yet. I am busy these days and can't spend all day testing. Have to grab a couple runs whenever I get the chance. Might be a week or two before I am positive. I think 2 mnks spamming tornado kick with godhands next to cor/brd meleeing will outperform SB builds.
Since SB is mostly useless on those targets, I need to figure out a good target to test it on.

Another thing to consider is I have the mnk buffed quite a bit more than the war. 2 cors instead of 1. So the SB build is actually at an advantage.

Albumen is yet to be determined. But I still want a better fight. Is it better to have a regain target that nullifies most of the benefit SB offers? Most "hard" fight are that way. Or is it better to fight something without regain. If so, what target?
By 2020-12-15 16:18:19
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By Asura.Kusare 2020-12-15 18:51:23
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mainly store tp for acro hands, and yeah they're still bis when augmented
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Caius 2020-12-15 19:31:59
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For what application and in what manner do people usually use Drepanum and Spiral Hell? I made mine a little bit back but didnt play with it long. Just seemed Spiral Hell is only decent during higher TP/warcry etc. So are you holding to certain amounts of TP or just WS as much as possible?
By 2020-12-15 20:09:15
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By Asura.Sirris 2020-12-15 20:11:43
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I made Drepanum too a while back since I ended up with too many pulse weapons, have never used it. I'm also curious as to what it's useful for.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-12-15 21:25:49
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Tatenashi are better than acro now.
Spiral>impulse makes dark both ways.
It is good on most content, best when you want to deal darkness dmg.

Spiral hell is super strong during warcry and decent without it.

I've used it to zerg teles a lot
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Caius 2020-12-15 23:18:23
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Are the Dual Wield sets on the front page still pretty much where its at? with all the unity gear and such now have the sets changed much?
By 2020-12-16 13:25:43
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