Lilith HTBF

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Lilith HTBF
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Tyleron
Posts: 163
By Carbuncle.Tyleron 2020-04-09 10:38:10
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I have a so so geared monk on alt (119 sphari, not AG, some ok TP pieces etc), I have been bringing him Thf and main on War, but win rate is only 80% on E because sometimes she just spams TP moves. Wonder if a so so geared mnk would be more consistent (can bring main on TH). Thoughts?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-04-09 10:46:01
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All you're risking is 10 merits points. Can't hurt to try.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-09 11:54:05
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non AG Spharai is a horrible weapon and you probably wouldn't make much of a dent in her. You can buy a random 119 h2h off AH or get a UNM version off a monster for better results. Obviously, players like Taint and others have a really, really strong MNK and it makes this fight laughable. But there's conditions to that, and I wouldn't expect anything near the same results on E, just because the goal is to just dump her before she gets TP to be annoying. If you don't have the weapon(s) or gear to make this strategy effective, you'll probably get mopped as well. You would be better off starting with VE on MNK and working your way up, but to be honest, the Gyve method is completely fine and probably a bit safer on THF if you can push out some decent numbers.
By 2020-04-11 10:49:22
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-04-11 11:24:11
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
non AG Spharai is a horrible weapon and you probably wouldn't make much of a dent in her. You can buy a random 119 h2h off AH or get a UNM version off a monster for better results. Obviously, players like Taint and others have a really, really strong MNK and it makes this fight laughable. But there's conditions to that, and I wouldn't expect anything near the same results on E, just because the goal is to just dump her before she gets TP to be annoying. If you don't have the weapon(s) or gear to make this strategy effective, you'll probably get mopped as well. You would be better off starting with VE on MNK and working your way up, but to be honest, the Gyve method is completely fine and probably a bit safer on THF if you can push out some decent numbers.

I had no issues trying my 119 Spharai against her after everyone's testimonies. My only issue, for whatever reason, was every time the Gyves popped, I would lag so back I'd crash. This only happened on MNK, but damage wasn't the issue.
By Afania 2020-04-18 23:21:56
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Carbuncle.Tyleron said: »
I have a so so geared monk on alt (119 sphari, not AG, some ok TP pieces etc), I have been bringing him Thf and main on War, but win rate is only 80% on E because sometimes she just spams TP moves. Wonder if a so so geared mnk would be more consistent (can bring main on TH). Thoughts?

Double tank trust is key for consistent runs IMO. Have you tried different trust combo?

Been spamming E with COR ranged attack using EV+amchuchu as tanks. In past 10 runs or so I've yet to fail one single run with this tank setup. If I use different trust combo sometimes trusts die after a while, more so if I go with silly ygnas as healer because of his dumb AI.

Actual fight time usually takes about 1 min, with ranged damage I never need to worry about dreakspikes nor charm(since ranged buys you reaction time to turn). I never need to reposition my trusts for fetters with this setup too. Just keep shooting on the spot until it's dead. It's brain-dead easy this way.

YouTube Video Placeholder

I only used runiest roll on trusts if I use ygnas as healer, since ygnas has dumb AI and bad prioritization it's pretty risky. But then I switched to Yoran unity and I no longer need defensive roll on trusts.
Posts: 69
By Taeketsu 2020-04-19 00:01:15
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If anyone is soloing this on BLU (on E), it is extremely easy if you just run Geist Wall to dispel Dread Spikes and turn on any WS moves just in case. Fight takes less time than the Gyve method..just keep TPing and turn away from charm if needed and use Geist Wall to dispel.

Also make sure to buy Panacea to remove any magic evasion down effects. I also use Koru Moru as a trust as he uses Erase frequently
By Draylo 2020-04-19 01:56:40
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Don't really even need to do that if you use Ajido, as he will dispel it fast.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Lawson
Posts: 84
By Shiva.Anoq 2020-04-22 08:57:21
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Nearing the 200 runs marks and still haven't had any armor drop.

All runs VE tanking on THF with Yoran, Selhteus, Joachim, Cherukki, and Koru. Hitting TH12 on here every run.

Idk what else to do here and it's starting to get frustrating. I got the weapons and earring to drop within the first week, but I haven't seen anything since. My luck with HTBs has always been crap, just wanted to vent I guess.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2020-04-22 09:01:51
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VE drop rates suck. I’ve done 300-400 and am sitting at 3/5 on armor. keep at it is all I would say. Or work on winning E, but I haven’t dedicated myself to that yet, and only know what I’ve read on here
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-22 09:06:20
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Afania said: »
Carbuncle.Tyleron said: »
I have a so so geared monk on alt (119 sphari, not AG, some ok TP pieces etc), I have been bringing him Thf and main on War, but win rate is only 80% on E because sometimes she just spams TP moves. Wonder if a so so geared mnk would be more consistent (can bring main on TH). Thoughts?

Double tank trust is key for consistent runs IMO. Have you tried different trust combo?

Been spamming E with COR ranged attack using EV+amchuchu as tanks. In past 10 runs or so I've yet to fail one single run with this tank setup. If I use different trust combo sometimes trusts die after a while, more so if I go with silly ygnas as healer because of his dumb AI.

Actual fight time usually takes about 1 min, with ranged damage I never need to worry about dreakspikes nor charm(since ranged buys you reaction time to turn). I never need to reposition my trusts for fetters with this setup too. Just keep shooting on the spot until it's dead. It's brain-dead easy this way.

YouTube Video Placeholder

I only used runiest roll on trusts if I use ygnas as healer, since ygnas has dumb AI and bad prioritization it's pretty risky. But then I switched to Yoran unity and I no longer need defensive roll on trusts.
That's nice to know. I might try E on COR myself.

Thanks for this, by the way.
Posts: 3653
By Taint 2020-04-22 09:20:16
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Siren.Mosin said: »
VE drop rates suck. I’ve done 300-400 and am sitting at 3/5 on armor. keep at it is all I would say. Or work on winning E, but I haven’t dedicated myself to that yet, and only know what I’ve read on here

E with TH9 isn't that much better lol.

I'd pay 200mil for legs at this point just to do something else in game.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Lawson
Posts: 84
By Shiva.Anoq 2020-04-22 09:22:46
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Yeah that's the plan, just frustrating lol. I would try Afania's COR strategy, but I'm still working on getting Fom. I went and tried my Last Stands on Apex mobs yesterday, but with Molyb my best gun to use for the WS they weren't hitting very high (about 10-12k). I can wreck her on my SAM on E, but still lose some due to Trust idiocy or catching a charm. I'll just keep plugging away on THF with my fingers crossed.
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2020-04-22 09:44:00
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numerous tries on ve and im still only needing pants :/ Th does nothing at this point when ye need 1 piece onry. Had multiple th12 procs before she died.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-04-22 09:46:42
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You can use beastmaster for this on Easy. Alluring Honey, since all of the incoming damage is dark-based. You don't need a Dispel but tank trust is preferred in case you get two of the throat stab moves back-to-back. Honey CAN tank it otherwise.
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2020-04-22 10:01:54
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The funny thing about Lilith is that the more Malignance gear you have, the easiest it is to solo E on many jobs that use that set.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-04-22 10:37:44
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gargurty said: »
numerous tries on ve and im still only needing pants :/ Th does nothing at this point when ye need 1 piece onry. Had multiple th12 procs before she died.

i mean it still helps regardless. Her equips load into a 0-1 drop slot on VE/E and TH Directly impacts those.

My friend and i had very large success with farming this using three Characters - a Tank, a SCH, and a THF on E. every now and then we go with others, but generally we just helix her down. a good 10k helix maintained full time drops her in about 3-4 minutes. you can certinaly TP Burn her in under 60 seconds tho on E if your looking to do that - just be warned theres no warning for her spikes, and without good MEVA your dd are gettin *** floored instantly on them.

I think in 300 runs total weve seen

1. Five bodiees
2. Six feet
3. nine heads
4. Three hands
5. Three legs - our first legs were about 230ish runs in, then they dropped back to back for three runs lmao.
6. Two daybreaks - our first daybreak was 250ish runs in. our second 270ish runs in
7. More Malignance Swords earrings and poles than i can count.

About half of our runs were just our trio, the other half were runs we took random friends in on to pick up the extra drops that we didnt need.

one VERY nice thing we found out: Fenrir can block impact debuffs, making cleansing the MDEF Down debuff a cinch.

PLD/SCH + SCH worked very well as a solo healer Tank too. SCH Puts up Regen V, and the PLD just self heals, and self erases whenever the MDEF Debuffs come up. Use ferrous coffin + apoopoo for erase support mostly.

TL/DR: For most efficent farming - get friends and TP Burn the ***out of her with a THF in the group. a good TP Burn setup on E can clear about Twenty runs an hour if everyones on their A Game. Farming her on VD isnt worth it due to how much work it takes to drop the wardens for the extra drop slots. kills take forever, and most of the time they just load weapons.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 742
By Cerberus.Hideka 2020-04-22 10:40:02
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Also Pew pew ranger/cor's make FANTASTIC DPS on her since they can shoot and not worry about the spikes instantly dropping them. Multihitters like BLU/DNC/NIN are Spike bait lol. a good rdm, or RUN can just ignore her spikes for the most part as her magic accuracy is actually *** terrible under Addle II.
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2020-04-22 11:59:03
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Cerberus.Hideka said: »
Also Pew pew ranger/cor's make FANTASTIC DPS on her since they can shoot and not worry about the spikes instantly dropping them. Multihitters like BLU/DNC/NIN are Spike bait lol. a good rdm, or RUN can just ignore her spikes for the most part as her magic accuracy is actually *** terrible under Addle II.

It doesnt really matter how many hits you do, but how much damage you do with them.
Posts: 261
By gistofanything 2020-04-22 14:18:14
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Going into VD, I'm not sure how I can effectively heal Impact > Subjugating Slash. It just seems to kind of wreck my PLD. I've already got 2 people spamming absorb-TP - is there nothing else I can do? lol
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2020-04-22 14:24:02
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gistofanything said: »
Going into VD, I'm not sure how I can effectively heal Impact > Subjugating Slash. It just seems to kind of wreck my PLD. I've already got 2 people spamming absorb-TP - is there nothing else I can do? lol

Mnk melee with Chi Blast and Shijin Spiral and no other melee? I heard it really reduce a lot of TP spam.
Posts: 261
By gistofanything 2020-04-22 14:33:06
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Leviathan.Andret said: »
Mnk melee with Chi Blast and Shijin Spiral and no other melee? I heard it really reduce a lot of TP spam.


Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-04-22 14:42:39
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If you just have everyone /DRK and let the SAM solo it, you should be fine. If your SAM isn't wearing any Subtle Blow, then it may be a good idea to have them turn if no Absorb-TPs go off within 2 WSs. Remember Auspice.
I do VD with MNK/DRK, BRD/DRK and WHM/DRK and never see a TP move. I don't Penance first phase, either.
Posts: 261
By gistofanything 2020-04-22 14:43:55
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
If you just have everyone /DRK and let the SAM solo it, you should be fine. If your SAM isn't wearing any Subtle Blow, then it may be a good idea to have them turn if no Absorb-TPs go off within 2 WSs. Remember Auspice.
I do VD with MNK/DRK, BRD/DRK and WHM/DRK and never see a TP move. I don't Penance first phase, either.

So we want to try and control her TP such that she spawns an add, but only one add at a time. Is 3 absorb-tp better for that rather than just 2?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2020-04-22 14:54:44
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If your tank is taking damage (I know RUN doesn't, but not sure about PLD) and thus feeding her extra TP, then I guess more than 2 should help. I've never bothered trying to kill adds, though.
Posts: 9205
By SimonSes 2020-04-22 15:03:35
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
If your tank is taking damage (I know RUN doesn't, but not sure about PLD) and thus feeding her extra TP, then I guess more than 2 should help. I've never bothered trying to kill adds, though.

Even if PLD takes some low amount of damage with Phalanx up, you can just block it with stoneskin from Afflatus Solace cures.
Posts: 261
By gistofanything 2020-04-22 16:29:12
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SimonSes said: »
Even if PLD takes some low amount of damage with Phalanx up, you can just block it with stoneskin from Afflatus Solace cures.

PLD does take 0 damage with cureskin + phalanx - the only trouble I'm having is reacting to subjugating slash while an add is also targeting the tank...

The DD are way too squishy to tank an add themselves, but the tank is also taking a lot of damage from both... Is this a matter of me as the whm just not doing my job? :sweat:
By Afania 2020-04-22 16:36:37
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gistofanything said: »
Going into VD, I'm not sure how I can effectively heal Impact > Subjugating Slash. It just seems to kind of wreck my PLD. I've already got 2 people spamming absorb-TP - is there nothing else I can do? lol

If you Sacrosanctity or cure V as soon as she starts casting, then SS should absorb most of the DMG from impact as long as tank also has a good MDT set. Then they should have enough HP to take a hit from Subjugating Slash.

gistofanything said: »
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
If you just have everyone /DRK and let the SAM solo it, you should be fine. If your SAM isn't wearing any Subtle Blow, then it may be a good idea to have them turn if no Absorb-TPs go off within 2 WSs. Remember Auspice.
I do VD with MNK/DRK, BRD/DRK and WHM/DRK and never see a TP move. I don't Penance first phase, either.

So we want to try and control her TP such that she spawns an add, but only one add at a time. Is 3 absorb-tp better for that rather than just 2?

If you are killing adds, don't absorb TP until gyve pop lol. However DO start absorb TP spam as soon as gyve pops because you really wouldn't want 2-3 adds+gyve on the battle field.

For tanks Drk is also a better SJ than war for adds run IMO. Of course you'd want more people /drk. Pld can get hate via stuns from /Drk.
By Afania 2020-04-22 22:35:49
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Shiva.Anoq said: »
Yeah that's the plan, just frustrating lol. I would try Afania's COR strategy, but I'm still working on getting Fom. I went and tried my Last Stands on Apex mobs yesterday, but with Molyb my best gun to use for the WS they weren't hitting very high (about 10-12k). I can wreck her on my SAM on E, but still lose some due to Trust idiocy or catching a charm. I'll just keep plugging away on THF with my fingers crossed.

If you wanna do it COR way and be extra safe, Id recommend a subtle blow TP set. I've been counting Lilith tp moves before she dies, with subtle blow set she would use 4-5 TP moves per run and in full STP TP set she whould use 7~ TP moves per run. I don't have a /Drk mule spamming absorb TP.

I don't have large enough sample size to be 100% sure but I feel the average kill time with a SB set will be lower due to less annoying hate reset -> amnesia ***going on.

COR can cap 50 SB and get extra 25 SB II while having all of the triple shot gear on:

ItemSet 372379
Rostam path B, replace one of your earring with DI earring if you have it, since it also has enmity- which does matter in this fight.
Posts: 367
By gargurty 2020-04-24 06:18:59
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finaly done with her. Got my pants on ve in a duo with someone who still needed em too. was thf mnk.
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