Lilith HTBF
By Hammrtime 2020-02-27 08:14:26
I have seen SCH solo on E doing fire SC/MB while tank/whm trusts hold her.
By Drayco 2020-02-27 08:22:31
I've been doing VE as Thf/war + Brd with Aparuru, Brygid, Amchuchu, and Arcecia II. March/Min/Min. Fight takes about 2mins.
Slap TH on her and switch to targeting a Gyve as soon as it spawns, then TP on that thing and WS on Lilith. Make sure your WS doesn't SC. Evisceration > Evisceration does nothing, so I spam that.
Curious about E tho. I've tried a few times, but she murders my trusts almost immediately. I tried using Dark Carol to keep trusts alive, but didn't help. I'd like to try E for a better drop rate. Getting very tired of doing this fight.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 85
By Bismarck.Batton 2020-02-27 08:23:07
On E, I always Firestorm2, Fusion > Pyrohelix2 & Fire4/5 and whittle her down w/ Fire2 in between skillchains. I just fill up the party with WHMs and a tank. I keep my back turned the entire fight and if the tank dies, its magic damage so you're harder to kill compared to a trust tank. Works 95% of the time; I've died a handful of times due to getting fully debuffed and an Impact hitting me pretty hard.
By Taint 2020-02-27 09:02:29
I've been doing VE as Thf/war + Brd with Aparuru, Brygid, Amchuchu, and Arcecia II. March/Min/Min. Fight takes about 2mins.
Slap TH on her and switch to targeting a Gyve as soon as it spawns, then TP on that thing and WS on Lilith. Make sure your WS doesn't SC. Evisceration > Evisceration does nothing, so I spam that.
Curious about E tho. I've tried a few times, but she murders my trusts almost immediately. I tried using Dark Carol to keep trusts alive, but didn't help. I'd like to try E for a better drop rate. Getting very tired of doing this fight.
You should just tank her on THF, use a hybrid set. She mows down trust tanks in my experience.
Also keep the trust out of the Gyves on the edges of the field. You can just run past her, voke and pull her to the other side of the arena before engaging. This will put your trust safely in the middle.
By Drayco 2020-02-27 09:07:47
I bet that's my issue then. It's usually Aparuru that drops first and I bet she's on the outside of the main ring. I typically do fight pretty close to the edge.
Thanks for the tips.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2020-02-27 09:23:02
I've been doing VE as Thf/war + Brd with Aparuru, Brygid, Amchuchu, and Arcecia II. March/Min/Min. Fight takes about 2mins.
Slap TH on her and switch to targeting a Gyve as soon as it spawns, then TP on that thing and WS on Lilith. Make sure your WS doesn't SC. Evisceration > Evisceration does nothing, so I spam that.
Curious about E tho. I've tried a few times, but she murders my trusts almost immediately. I tried using Dark Carol to keep trusts alive, but didn't help. I'd like to try E for a better drop rate. Getting very tired of doing this fight.
You should just tank her on THF, use a hybrid set. She mows down trust tanks in my experience.
Also keep the trust out of the Gyves on the edges of the field. You can just past her, voke and pull her to the other side of the arena before engaging. This will put your trust safely in the middle.
I think this was my issue last time on THF. I didn't run in and let the trusts get out of gyve range. What is the order of trusts you summon on THF (since that affects their ranges)?
By gargurty 2020-02-27 09:49:03
I spam here thf/war, trusts ygnas, sylvi, qultada, ferrous and king of hearts. No issues with that. Att here and switch to gyve and then spam evis on her. Occasionaly provo her back to you. Also no issue when trusts are in the popped gyve
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2020-02-27 09:59:01
On E, I always Firestorm2, Fusion > Pyrohelix2 & Fire4/5 and whittle her down w/ Fire2 in between skillchains. I just fill up the party with WHMs and a tank. I keep my back turned the entire fight and if the tank dies, its magic damage so you're harder to kill compared to a trust tank. Works 95% of the time; I've died a handful of times due to getting fully debuffed and an Impact hitting me pretty hard.
Thanks Batt.
By Drayco 2020-02-28 14:00:10
So, taking Taint's advice, I made sure to fight in the middle of the field. Sure enough trusts stay alive no problems. However, I have yet to beat E because I keep getting charmed. Any advice?
Server: Pandemonium
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Posts: 368
By Pandemonium.Zeto 2020-02-28 14:04:55
It's a gaze attack. If you stop staring at her boobies for 1 second, you won't get charmed.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2020-02-28 14:19:05
I spam here thf/war, trusts ygnas, sylvi, qultada, ferrous and king of hearts. No issues with that. Att here and switch to gyve and then spam evis on her. Occasionaly provo her back to you. Also no issue when trusts are in the popped gyve
Are popped gyves any different from the border gyves? I never noticed if there was a difference.
By Taint 2020-02-28 15:15:19
You also TP facing away and turn to WS if you are having charm issues. As stated it’s a gaze attack.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-02-28 15:18:35
Also if you use windower then get react and just set her move to turn you automatically, same with spikes, helps those ez avoidable wipes when your tired after run #500+
By AsAller 2020-03-02 13:07:46
anyone found a way to solo her on E using MNK and trusts? I know I have the dps, but my trusts can't dispel thorns for the life of me....using amchu, koru, KoH, kupipi, sylvie
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-03-02 13:15:44
Neither Koru nor KoH uses dispel. Use Ajido. Or sub RDM yourself and do it, her dark magic evasion is incredibly low.
By AsAller 2020-03-02 13:17:01
/face palm
I wonder how reliable Ajido's dispel is, might be a good idea to just sub it myself.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2020-03-02 13:19:30
anyone found a way to solo her on E using MNK and trusts? I know I have the dps, but my trusts can't dispel thorns for the life of me....using amchu, koru, KoH, kupipi, sylvie
You can try using different trusts that can dispel. According to BG, the list you have, only koru casts dispel. You can try Qultada using Dark Shot, Arciela I or II, Ajido-Marujido
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 475
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2020-03-02 13:23:18
Yes, Ajido-Marujido prioritizes Dispel, making him a great choice here.
Also use the Gyve strategy to minimize risk (she can still use it before using a TP move that will summon one).
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-03-02 13:28:10
Koru nor KoH uses dispel. Use Ajido. Or sub RDM yourself and
Koru will use dispel, but it's way down on his priority list, so he won't use it for quite some time, and sometimes its hard to get him to use it repeatedly.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-03-02 13:38:19
Never knew this. In all of my time using trusts, have never seen him use it once. Your explanation makes sense, since he'll cycle through every possible action before ever getting to Dispel (if there is even anything to dispel). Thanks.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2020-03-02 14:02:50
Koru got me killed quite a bit when I first started soloing Ayapec, so I've always been quietly aware that he can (Dispel on Ayapec forces it to do Bubble Shower x3). When I tried to use him on Lilith though, sometimes I had to turn around for quite some time before he would cast it after Dark Thorns.
I ended up just going thf/rdm because it was more reliable for me to dispel than to wait on him. I didn't know about the others that can do it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Quetzalcoatl.Nigosh 2020-03-02 14:09:49
Don't bother witch higher difficult,the drop rate only slightly increases,i only did VE on THF/DNC with AAEV,Kupipi,Koru-Moru,Joachim,Selh'teus. Took me around 150 runs to get all drops. I had a feeling the drop rate gets higher if u bring an alt char who doesn't have any drops.When i started to bring my mule for the last runs it looked like the drop rate went up a little,just a Theory tho...GL
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Asura.Hamburgerz 2020-03-02 14:23:41
Well it wont drop something you already have. So if you bring in an alt or another person that doesn't have an item it may seem like the drop rate is higher.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2020-03-02 15:59:34
Well it wont drop something you already have. So if you bring in an alt or another person that doesn't have an item it may seem like the drop rate is higher. This particular thing has been a royal pain in my *** lately...
I 5-box VD with TH4. All my alts have all weapons and earring, the COR has 3/5 Malignance, I’m only missing the boots...
The last 20-30 ish runs have been nothing... So either SE “Corrected” the drop rates to ***or the fight keeps “ATTEMPTING” to drop ***I already have across all characters and it’s infuriating.
Even will bring random people with me for free as long as they don’t lot the boots... Insta-Weapon
By trinironnie 2020-03-06 08:20:16
Did her last night on thf, I guess she was in a good mood cause I got back to back head pieces. This was on E.
By Draylo 2020-03-29 11:49:06
Use ajido for the Dispels, this has been discussed like 50 times each page lol.
By Taint 2020-03-29 11:50:00
I forced myself through WoTG so I could farm this. It is harder than I expected from comments and videos. Well, dreadspikes is the only real problem but also trust tanks get raped and healers run out of mp fast.
Trying to think of a best way to 2box it with least chance of being killed and while containing a main THF.
Do you have a good MNK?
My set up is MNK/WAR,THF/DRK,RDM,sylvia,ulmia,ygnas
RDM just does shell V and haste 2 on my MNK, dia3 and helps heal. (Can dispel too but i don’t need it anymore, except on the rare occasion)
THF uses SA as soon as they enter.
I pre buff MNK (impetus,zerk,aggressor,focus,footwork) engage, voke, chi blast.
Tab to RDM dia3
Tab to THF hit with SA, then absorb TP, if th9 procs turn if not SA again it should be up.
Once th9 is on Zerg on MNK. It’s a 30 second fight from voke and about 2min total in zone.
By Taint 2020-03-29 11:58:35
I have an R0 MNK with BiS rest of gear. How fast does Ajido do dispel? What if I am capped attack speed in 40%+ Triple Attack?
I also don't have Ygnas or Monberaux. I am thinking of switching one char to Sylvie but then my best healer would be Cherukki.
Koru and Ajido work fine.(bring both IMO) MNK is best due to low tp feed and penance.
Id do th4 mnk on E over THF main on VE. I leveled THF on my alt just for this fight. 0/500est on Legs...
What's the deal on this battlefield?